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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal


  2 FXDECON Overview
3 FXDECON General Use
6 FXDECON Requirements and Restrictions
7 FXDECON Parameter Description Table
8 FXDECON Parameter Table
9 FXDECON General Execution Parameters - Required
12 FXDECON METHOD - Optional
13 FXDECON Examples

Paradigm™ 18 | 1 | Reference Guide

FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Overview
FXDECON enhances signals. The program uses a fast Fourier transform to transform a specified
number of traces into the f-x frequency domain. Each frequency in a user-specified range of
frequencies is then analyzed independently for signal, using a deconvolution-type algorithm.

Paradigm™ 18 | 2 | Reference Guide

FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON General Use

The algorithm used is specified with the METHOD parameter and can either be a conventional
FX prediction filter or a FX projection filter. A projection filter is defined as a self convolved
prediction error filter.
The signal is assumed to be similar from one trace to the next, that is, spatially predictable.
FXDECON uses traces on both sides of the center trace in the range of data to design a spatial
filter that enhances the predictable energy. Note that a unique filter is constructed for each
frequency and that the filters are complex, with real and imaginary coefficients.
The length of a time gate, the length of an x-gate, and the filter length are specified by the user
with the following parameters:

TLEN This parameter specifies the length of the time gate based on the number of
milliseconds requested.
XLEN This parameter specifies the length of the x-gate based on the number of
traces requested. In general, the longer the gate, the more effective the filter
NFPTS This parameter specifies the filter length based on the number of points
requested. The filter length has less effect on the final appearance of the
data than that of XLEN.
NFPTS influences the amount of smear. A larger value of NFPTS results in
more pronounced smearing. The smearing caused by NFPTS is similar to
smearing caused by the length of a simple time/frequency filter. When
filtering a spike, the time length determines the length of the tail of the
filtered spike. Similarly, in f-x filtering, NFPTS determines the length of the
spatial “tail.”

Depending on the length of the data and the gates specified by the user, FXDECON generates
multiple x-gates and time gates. As shown in figure 1, both types of gate overlap the next gate
of the same type by 50%. In the figure, the original gates have solid borders, and the offset
gates have dashed borders.
After the filters are applied, an inverse Fourier transform is used to transform the traces back
into the time domain. The data is then interpolated linearly between gate centers.

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

Figure 1 Multiple x-gates (Left) and Time Gates (Right)


1/2 XLEN2



center trace

FXDECON passes all frequencies, but only the frequencies between FLOW and FHIGH are
enhanced. Note that use of the FLOW and FHIGH parameters may significantly reduce CPU
time. Frequencies outside the user-specified range are not processed, although they are
retained. At some point before or after processing, the user should consider eliminating these
ADDBACK is an optional parameter that allows the user to add back a percentage of the
original traces to offset the synthetic appearance caused by multichannel processes.

FXDECON processing consists of the following steps:
Steps 1 A window of traces specified by the user with parameter XLEN and TLEN are Fourier
transformed and evaluated over user-specified frequency range FLOW to FHIGH. Note that
the result of the Fourier transform is complex samples, with one real and one imaginary
component for each frequency. The number of output samples is half as many, to its higher
power of 2, as the number of time samples in the time gate. For example, assume that a
gate contains 100 samples. Half this number is 51 (rounded up to the nearest odd number),
which falls between 25 and 26. Taking 26 (the higher power of 2), the number of output
samples is 64 (2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 2 ´ 2).
2 The complex series are multiplexed in the x domain, resulting in the f-x series. The number
of f-x series is equal to the number of complex samples output after the Fourier
transformation of a single trace in the time gate.
3 Each f-x series is autocorrelated.
4 For each series, a prediction filter is designed that attenuates the random part of the
complex autocorrelation and enhances the predictable part. The filter is complex and is
formed using a complex Wiener inversion technique.

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

5 The prediction filter is applied to the original f-x series.

6 The original f-x series and the filtered f-x series are scaled and summed to perform the add
back operation.
7 The f-x samples are then demultiplexed back into the frequency domain.
8 An inverse Fourier transform is applied to transform the complex frequency samples back
to x-t domain traces.
9 The time gate increases in time by --------------- and the entire procedure is repeated.
10 The filtered data windows are linearly merged between gate centers.
11 The x-gate increases by --------------- and the entire procedure is repeated.
12 The filtered data is linearly merged between centers of the x-gates.
13 If more than one iteration is requested with parameter NITER, the entire sequence of steps
is repeated.

Canales, L.L, 1984, Randon Noise Reduction, Expanded Abstracts, 54th SEG, Atlanta.
Soubaras, R., 1994, Signal-preserving random noise attenuation by the f-x projection, Expanded
Abstracts, 64th SEG.

Paradigm™ 18 | 5 | Reference Guide

FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Requirements and Restrictions

The number of samples per input trace cannot exceed 16384.
FXDECON can be run on either prestack or poststack data.
The signal should be spatially predictable. Nonlinear events, such as the hyperbolic curve of
diffracted energy, may be attenuated.
Fault boundaries may be smeared. This effect may be reduced by processing shorter x-gates
(fewer traces).

Filtered traces are passed on for further processing.

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Parameter Description Table

Req General Execution Parameters

XLEN Width of window for FFT (# traces)
TLEN Time length of window for FFT (ms)
NFPTS Filter length (# spatial points)
NITER Number of predictive operation iterations
FLOW Low frequency to transform
FHIGH High frequency to transform

Opt ADDBACK Time-Variant Trace Addback

Rep TIME Time (ms)
PERCENT Percentage

Opt METHOD Type of FX Filter to Apply


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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Parameter Table

1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64


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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON General Execution Parameters - Required

1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64


*CALL Execution directive.

Columns: 1-8

FXDECON Program name.

Columns: 9-16

XLEN Specifies, in number of traces, the length of the x-gate.

Columns: 17-24
Type of value: Integer
Lower limit: 13
Upper limit: Maximum number of traces in an ensemble minus one for prestack data or
none for poststack data
Default value: 81

TLEN Specifies, in milliseconds, the length of the time gate.

Columns: 25-32
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: 41 samples
Upper limit: Trace length
Default value: Trace length

NFPTS Specifies, in number of points, the length of the filter. This is the two-sided filter length, and
it must be an odd number. If the user specifies an even number, FXDECON increases NFPTS
by 1 to make it odd.

Columns: 33-40
Type of value: Integer
Lower limit: 3
Upper limit: XLEN

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

Default value: XLEN

7 or 4
whichever smaller

NITER Specifies the number of iterations of the process.

Columns: 41-48
Type of value: Integer
Lower limit: 1
Upper limit: 3
Default value: 1

FLOW Specifies, in hertz, the lowest frequency to process. FLOW may be used to significantly
reduce run time.

Columns: 49-56
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: 0.0
Upper limit: 0.5 x Nyquist
Default value: 0.0

FHIGH Specifies, in hertz, the highest frequency to process. FHIGH may be used to significantly
reduce run time.

Columns: 57-64
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: FLOW
Upper limit: Nyquist
Default value: Nyquist

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement


1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64


ADDBACK parameters can be supplied to specify an add back percentage of the original data
as a function of time. Note: the add back is constant over each analysis gate, but it can be
changed from one gate to the next. The exact add back percentage for a particular gate is the
user-specified value interpolated to the center of the gate.
ADDBACK Operation Name.
Columns: 1-8

Parameters Required with ADDBACK

TIME Specifies, in milliseconds, the time at which to apply the add back percentage specified with
the PERCENT parameter.

Columns: 1-8
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: 0.0
Upper limit: Trace length
Default value: 0.0

PERCENT Specifies the percentage of the original trace to add back to the result after each iteration of
the process.

Columns: 9-16
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: 0.0
Upper limit: 99.0
Default value: 0.0

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement


1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64


METHOD parameter may be used to specify a particular style of filter to use. The choices are a
conventional FX prediction error filter or an FX projection filter.
METHOD Operation Name.
Columns: 1-8

TYPE Specifies the type of filter.

Valid values:
PREDICT To apply FX prediction error filter, supply PREDICT, or let the parameter
PROJECT To apply FX projection filter, supply PROJECT.

Columns: 9-16
Type of value: Character*8 - Enumerated list
Default value: PREDICT

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Examples

FXDECON Example One

1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64

*CALL FXDECON 51 600 5 1 12 80

In this example, a Fourier transform is performed for gates of 600 ms on each set of 51 input
traces. They are evaluated over the frequency range 12 Hz to 80 Hz. The resulting complex
frequency traces are multiplexed in the x-domain to form f-x traces consisting of 51 (XLEN)
complex samples each. If the input traces are sampled at 4 ms, gates of 151 time samples are
transformed to 128 complex frequency samples (half the higher power of 2). An
autocorrelation of each complex f-x trace is performed, and a 5-point spatial filter operator is
computed, which attempts to reduce the random part and increase the predictable part of the
series. The resulting complex filter operator is subsequently applied to the original f-x trace.
The filtered f-x samples are multiplexed in the frequency domain, and an inverse Fourier
transform subsequently transforms them back to the x-t domain. The time advances by 76
samples and the entire process is repeated. Finally, the individual overlapping gates of 51
traces are linearly merged to produce the output data.

FXDECON Example Two

1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64

*CALL FXDECON 100 1200 11 2 10 96

In this example, a Fourier transform is performed for each of 101 input traces. (Note that 1 has
been added to the original trace entry of 100 to make it an odd number, as required.) The
frequency range is 10 Hz to 96 Hz. The f-x trace is formed by multiplexing the complex values
associated with each frequency within the range specified in the x-domain. The f-x trace
comprises 101 complex samples. An autocorrelation is performed and an 11-point prediction
filter operator is computed, using the Wiener-Levinson inversion technique for complex
numbers. The resulting complex filter operator is subsequently applied to the original f-x trace.
The filtered f-x traces are multiplexed in the frequency domain and transformed back to the x-t
domain. The x-gate advances by XLEN
2 , and the entire process is repeated.
Because two iterations are requested, the sequence is repeated. Specifying two iterations is
comparable to running FXDECON twice. For datasets containing a high percentage of random
noise, more than one iteration may be advantageous.

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FXDECON: Linear Frequency-Domain Signal Enhancement

FXDECON Example Three

1-8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64

*CALL FXDECON 61 4000 13 1 12 75
1000 30 2000 40 3000 50 4000 60

In this example, a Fourier transform is performed for a gate of 4000 ms. Because the data length
is 4000 ms, the filter is forced to not be time-variant. Each filter is designed over a set of 61
traces. The data is evaluated over the frequency range 12 Hz to 75 Hz. If the input traces are
sampled at 4 ms, gates of 1000 time samples are transformed to 512 complex frequency
samples (half the higher power of 2). An autocorrelation of each complex f-x trace is performed,
and a 13-point spatial filter operator is computed, which attempts to reduce the random part
and increase the predictable part of the series. The resulting complex filter operator is
subsequently applied to the original f-x trace.
The ADDBACK option is then used to add back a percentage of the original data as a function of
time. In this example, 30% is added at 1.0s, 40% is added at 2.0s, 50% is added 3.0s, and 60% is
added at 4.0s. The percentages are interpolated between gate centers.
The filtered f-x samples are multiplexed in the frequency domain, and an inverse Fourier
transform subsequently transforms them back to the x-t domain. The XLEN advances by 31
traces, and the entire process is repeated. Finally, the individual overlapping gates of 61 traces
are linearly interpolated to produce the output data.

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