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STATIC: Static Application or Removal

  2 STATIC Overview
3 STATIC General Use
5 STATIC Requirements and Restrictions
6 STATIC Parameter Description Table
7 STATIC Parameter Table
8 STATIC General Execution Parameters - Required
10 STATIC MULTI - Optional
12 STATIC Examples

Paradigm™ 18 | 1 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Overview
The STATIC program applies static corrections to seismic traces. It may also be used to remove
static corrections. Statics applied by STATIC are computed by static analysis and generation
modules and subsequently written into the trace headers by the HEADPUT program.

Paradigm™ 18 | 2 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC General Use

STATIC reads the static values from the trace headers and applies them to the traces. The
program that computes the statics and the HEADPUT program must both precede STATIC in
the processing sequence.
The static value to be applied to the trace is identified by the name under which it is stored in
the trace header. The user supplies this name as the value for parameter SOURCE. The name
must be the name supplied by the user to HEADPUT (parameter HDRNAM) when it was run to
write the statics into the headers.
The user has the option of applying or removing just one static correction or more than one. If
just one, SOURCE and MODE may be supplied with *CALL STATIC. If more than one static
adjustment is desired, the user must supply the MULTI parameters. Following MULTI, SOURCE
and MODE may be repeated as many times as necessary.
The application of the static shifts may be done either in time domain with n-point shift filters
or by application of the exact phase shifts in the frequency domain corresponding to the
desired static shifts.
When the time domain is chosen the user can specify the filters to use with the parameter
IDENT. The STATIC module allows the user to use interpolation filters which were predefined
and stored by the DEFINEH module. The DEFAULT ident always uses the standard Paradigm 4-
point interpolation filters.

STATIC Application
When a static correction is applied, STATIC documents it in the trace header. Applied statics are
recorded in the header as follows:

User-Supplied SOURCE Name Static Summed Into Header Entry Named

sht_xxxx sht_shft
rec_xxxx rec_shft
cdp_xxxx cdp_shft
All others oth_shft

For example, applied statics from all header entries named sht_xxxx (where xxxx is any string of
up to four alphanumeric characters) are summed into a header entry created by STATIC named
sht_shft. STATIC also writes a header entry named tot_shft, which is a sum of all statics applied
to the trace. Original header entries written by HEADPUT containing the statics are maintained.

Paradigm™ 18 | 3 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Removal
STATIC may be used to remove static corrections. If removal is requested, STATIC reads the
header entry identified with SOURCE and removes that amount of static correction from each
trace. The particular header entry into which the applied static was summed is reduced by the
appropriate amount; tot_shft is also reduced. If the entire static correction is removed, the
header entries created by STATIC remain but the values are set at zero.
Note If the name of a static sum header entry created by STATIC is
supplied as anything other than sht_shft, rec_shft, cdp_shft, oth_shft
or tot_shft, then the program automatically removes the previously
applied correction no matter what is supplied for MODE.

Paradigm™ 18 | 4 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Requirements and Restrictions

STATIC must be preceded at some point in the processing sequence by the programs that
compute the statics to be applied and by the HEADPUT program.
Statics to be applied by STATIC must be in millisecond units.

Traces, after static application or removal, are passed on for further processing.

Paradigm™ 18 | 5 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Parameter Description Table

Req General Execution Parameters

SOURCE Header entry containing statics values
MODE Apply or remove statics? (APPLY/REMOVE)
BULK Specify bulk shift (ms)
DOMAIN Domain for application (TIME/FREQ)
IDENT Name of database sample interpolation filter

Opt MULTI Application or Removal of Multiple Static Header Values

Rep SOURCE Header entry containing statics values
MODE Apply or remove statics? (APPLY/REMOVE)

Paradigm™ 18 | 6 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Parameter Table

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Paradigm™ 18 | 7 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC General Execution Parameters - Required

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*CALL Execution directive.

Columns: 1-8

STATIC Program name.

Columns: 9-16

SOURCE Specifies the name of the header entry containing the static value to be applied or removed.

Columns: 17-24
Type of value: Character*8 - Trace Header Name
Default value: No header used - not used if MULTI SOURCE is supplied

MODE Specifies application or removal of the static corrections.

Note: If the name of a header entry written by STATIC (i.e., xxx-SHFT) is supplied as SOURCE,
the statics are removed, no matter what is supplied for MODE.

Valid values:
APPLY For application of the statics, supply APPLY, or let the parameter default.
REMOVE For removal of the statics, supply REMOVE.

Columns: 25-32
Type of value: Character*8 - Enumerated list
Default value: APPLY

BULK Specifies a bulk shift, in milliseconds. The bulk shift will be added to the static value applied
to each trace. The BULK option can be used to prevent data from being shifted past time
zero and lost. To plot the data use the TBIAS parameter on the TRANGE option in SECPLOT.

Columns: 33-40
Type of value: Floating point
Lower limit: None
Upper limit: None
Default value: 0.0

Paradigm™ 18 | 8 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

DOMAIN Determines the domain for application of the statics. Supply TIME to apply DEFAULT or user-
defined filters in the time domain. These user-defined filters are created and stored in the
seismic database by the DEFINEH module and identified by the IDENT parameter. The
DEFAULT ident always uses the standard Paradigm 4-point interpolation filters. Supply FREQ
for frequency domain static shift application. This corresponds to the application of the
exact shift.

Valid values:
TIME For time domain for application of the statics, supply TIME, or let the
parameter default.
FREQ For frequency domain application of the statics, supply FREQ.

Columns: 41-48
Type of value: Character*8 - Enumerated list
Default value: TIME

IDENT Specifies the database identifier of the sample interpolation coefficients. STATIC uses user-
defined filters to interpolate amplitudes between input samples. These user-defined filters
are created and stored in the seismic database by the DEFINEH module. The DEFAULT ident
always uses the standard Paradigm 4-point interpolation filters.

Columns: 49-56
Type of value: Character*8 - Trace Header Name
Default value: DEFAULT

Paradigm™ 18 | 9 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal


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MULTI parameters are used to request the application or removal of more than one static
correction in a single call to the program. MULTI must be followed by at least one set of
SOURCE, MODE parameters.
See also “STATIC Example Three” on page 11.
MULTI Operation Name.
Columns: 1-8

Parameters Required with MULTI

SOURCE and MODE may be repeated as many times as desired. They must be supplied at least
once if MULTI is supplied.
SOURCE Specifies the name of the header entry containing the static value to be applied or removed.

Columns: 1-8
Type of value: Character*8 - Trace Header Name
Default value: None if MULTI is supplied

MODE Specifies application or removal of the static corrections.

Note: If the name of a header entry written by STATIC (i.e., xxx-SHFT) is supplied as SOURCE,
the statics are removed, no matter what is supplied for MODE.

Valid values:
APPLY For application of the statics, supply APPLY, or let the parameter default.
REMOVE For removal of the statics, supply REMOVE.

Columns: 9-16
Type of value: Character*8 - Enumerated list
Default value: APPLY

Paradigm™ 18 | 10 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Examples

STATIC Example One

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The HEADPUT program writes shot statics from the database into the trace headers under the
name sht_dat. STATIC is then called to apply the statics. The amount of the static correction is
written by STATIC into a header entry named sht_shft and also summed into the entry named
The DOMAIN parameter is defaulted. The static shifts are applied in the time domain and since
no IDENT was specified the Paradigm standard 4-point filters are used.

STATIC Example Two

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With this input, shot static corrections in the amount recorded in header entry sht_shft are
removed from the traces. The header entry sht_shft is set at 0 and tot_shft is reduced by the
amount of sht_shft.

STATIC Example Three

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shift APPLY
rec_dat APPLY
cdp_shft REMOVE

In one call to STATIC, statics stored in header entries shift and rec_dat are applied. The shift
correction is written by STATIC into a header entry named oth_shft. The rec_dat correction is
written into rec_shft. Both are summed into tot_shft.
The amount of static correction recorded in header entry cdp_shft is removed from the traces.
cdp_shft is set at 0 in the trace headers; tot_shft is reduced by cdp_shft.

Paradigm™ 18 | 11 | Reference Guide

STATIC: Static Application or Removal

STATIC Example Four

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This example is the same as “STATIC Example One” on page 11 except the static applications
are done in the frequency domain which results in exact shifts to be applied to the data.

STATIC Example Five

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In this example, predefined 8-point high resolution filters are used instead of 4-point Paradigm
standard filters. The DEFINEH module calculates and stores the filter coefficients in the
database where they are identified as OPT8.

STATIC Example Six

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This example uses the STATIC module to apply a constant bulk shift of 100 milliseconds to the
data. The BULK parameter may be used together with a static application of any header entry.
The STATIC module also allows the application of a bulk shift alone as this example

Paradigm™ 18 | 12 | Reference Guide

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