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PARTITIVE- cu ce numaram ce nu se poate numara

Cele mai uzuale partitive

BAR of chocolate/soap/metal ITEM of news

BLADE of grass JAR of honey
BLOCK of marble/ice LOAF of bread
BOOK of stamps LUMP of coal/sugar
CLOUD of dust PAT of butter
DROP of rain CLAP of thunder
FLASH of light/lightning piece of CHALK/gossip
GRAIN of corn/rice/dirt PILE of earth
HEAP of coal/rubbish PINCH of salt
PUFF of smoke/wind SIP of tea
SCRAP of paper BARREL of beer


PACKET of JUG of- carafă

MUG of- cană 0,25 TIN of-conservă

CAN of - doză GLASS of
TUBE of A bit of/a piece of advice
A grain of truth A fit of anger
A piece of research A shred of evidence
A spot of trouble A spell of work
A wink of sleep
A loaf/slice of bread (two loaves of bread) A cube/ block of ice
A piece/slice of toast A pound of beef/pork/mutton
A chunk/roast/piece of meat A rasher of bacon
A packet/ pound of butter A jar of jam
A slice of cheese but cheeses (different sorts of cheese) A bar of chocolate
A bit/ bowl/grain of rice (orez) A lump/pound of sugar
A pinch of salt A whiff of garlic
An ear of corn A pound of flour
A packet of biscuits

A bottle/glass/pint (halba)/crate (lada) of beer A bottle/glass/splash of water/liquid

A bucket of water A drop of blood
A sip (sorbitura)/cup/pot/kettle (ceainic) of tea/coffee
A mouthful/handful/spoonful/ bucketful of water/ liquid
A glass of wine/ champagne but wines/champagnes (different sorts of wine/champagne)


A beam of light A spell of weather !!! What a nice weather we have!

What a spell of nice weather we have!
A clap/bolt/roll of thunder A flash of lightning
A gust of wind A column/ribbon (panglica)/puff/wisp of smoke
A breath of fresh air A drop of rain
A tuft/blade of grass A piece/strip/acre of land
A stretch of road A piece/stick of chalk
A pile of rubbish (gunoi) A block of concrete (beton)
A scrap/sheet/piece/pad of paper A piece of luggage/baggage
An article of clothing A tube of toothpaste
A(n) piece/set/article of furniture A piece of equipment
A grain of sand A stack of hay (o capita de fan)
A ball of string (un ghem de ata) A lump/piece of coal (o bucata de carbune)
A bar of soap A set of cutlery (set de tacamuri)
A speck of dust An ounce of gold/silver
A head/strand/lock of hair A piece of jewellery

A(n) piece/item of news A piece/word/bit of advice
A piece/stroke/spell of work A burst/peal/roar of laughter
An attack of nerves A hint of trouble
An attack of fever A course of treatment
An item of business An ounce of energy
A(n) piece/item of information A word of abuse (o injuratura)
A piece of evidence A stroke/piece of luck
A state of emergency A piece/spot of music
A wink of sleep A feat of indurance
A feat of passion A term of imprisonment

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