Diversity Relfection

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Diversity Reflection

As the speaker said “We are not divided by our differences. Rather we are separated by
distance”, it is true that we can’t be limited by difference. The world is colorful and
wonderful for diversity and different culture. Just like the author’s example “Human
history from the earth being flat to it being roundhand from the idea that foul odors cause
disease to the idea that germs do” and “from seeing difference to seeing distance”, which
is also the part that left me a deepest impression. This sentence I resonated the most.
For the speaker made a game, he asked us to use four lines to string together nine dots
arranged in a 3x3 pattern. Of course, it looks impossible. Due to people’s fixed thinking
pattern, most of them didn’t realize that we can continue to draw lines beyond 3x3
pattern. That’s sounds easy but crazy! You may defeat him that there is no clear rule tell
us that we can draw lines beyond 3x3 pattern. However, in fact, there is no explicit rule
that you cannot draw lines beyond 3x3. We saw lines and a box that didn’t exist, which
happened in our daily life every day. These fixed thinking pattern limited us and even our
children. However, I don’t think this video forge a change in me. I sincerely think the
speaker has a creative mind and new understanding about the world. And actually, I also
heard some topics as similar as it. We must need creative thinking and have different
perspective to see the world, but it doesn’t mean we must accept all of them. The
speaker revealed some facts, but he didn’t give some useful solutions, which is
meaningless. It is difficult to break some fixed thinking, and we can remind ourselves
jump out from them. Because not of all fixed thinking is useless. As a result, I don’t think
the video gave me something others worthy to learn. There are some similarities and
differences. As the speaker of video said, people always draw many lines in daily life,
even though they don’t realize it, which is as same as me. However, the speaker advised
us to break these lines and boxes bravely. Sometimes, it is very difficult us to find that we
are drawing lines and boxes to limit ourselves. Besides, the speaker also made an
example of children, who described children haven’t limited by these intangible lines and
boxes. And connecting is the most important thing that we do, parents started to teach
some social rules for children, to sort human beings. The speaker tried to criticized this
action owing to its bad influence of drawing space between people and people, but
sometimes they are necessary, such as telling children not to swim alone, whose
propose is to protect children. The speaker gave a very good lecture, while unfortunately
he didn't impress me. Misunderstanding of human relations is undoubtedly transparent
and smooth, but I think his world view is an idealized world view, and there are indeed
invisible lines between people. We need to break them down, but the speaker didn't offer
any truly useful solutions, so that's my disagreement with his speech. But I agree with all
of his ideas about human relations. The speaker said the distinguishment in race,
gender, generation, religion and ethnicity are these difference and space, which truly a
creative and wonderful opinion. His appealing closes the distance and creates more
space changed me!

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