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Task - Harvard Referencing

All of your secondary research material should be Harvard Referenced. This means,
given the information you supply, a third party can access exactly what you accessed, or
know when and how you found it.
There is a definitive way the referencing is laid out, and it includes the author or
provider of the material, and, if online, when you accessed it.
Look at the multiple examples of Harvard Referencing for various material to get a good
idea as to how you write it.
There should also be a good reason as to why you have referenced this material. Your
work should be influenced, informed, and/or guided by the research you have found.
You work should have a justification for this.
Task (for those with computer access):
Include a section at the bottom of each page which includes or makes reference to
secondary research material your EP wix site.
- Harvard reference every Youtube video you have included, and website or other
secondary material you have used.
- Ensure there s at least 4 websites/youtube videos used as research on your site. Harvard
reference them all.

In a section on your research page, justify, in a few lines, every thing you have
referenced, mentioning how it influenced your EP.

Task (for those with limited computer access):
Use your phone notes or compose a detailed email (and send to me) to correctly format
4 Harvard referenced youtube videos/websites/book etc that you could in theory use to
influence an EP.
Justify each reference in a few lines. Explain in detail why you have chosen it.
This is the correct way of referencing this video:
BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020)

This is a breakdown as to why:
1. BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020) You
will see the owner of the channel is BONZKultur (whoever that is is classed as the
'author' so it goes first).

2. BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020) We can
also see it was uploaded in 2011, so we put the year in brackets next to the author.
BONZKultur (2011)

3. BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020) The
video has a name or title, and to differentiate this we Put In Italics And Capitalise The
First Letter In Each Word.

4. BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020) We then
say, Available at (meaning where we found it on the web, i.e. its web address) and copy
and paste the link next to it.

5. BONZKultur (2011) Street Dancing In Paris. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed 21st April 2020) We
bracket (Accessed on a specific date). This is the time you accessed it during the
research process. It might get updated or removed in the time since you accessed it so
its important to specify this. You can put a month, usually the start of the project, most
of yours would say: (accessed February 2020)

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