Reaction Paper To Save A Life

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NSTP – To Save A Life

1. What was the most significant learning from the movie? Why?

The most significant learning in the movie is to value life or having a self-value. Life
is a gift. We humans, should not end it by our own hands. We should value life because it is
worth living. God gave us this and if we have a difficulty or problems such as in our mental
and psychological health, we should have a support system that will help us to live a
meaningful life. When we value something, we appreciate its qualities, we invest our time,
effort, and energy. We focus on the beauty and physical appearance more than the flaws and
above all, taking care of it making sure that it is in good condition. Same with the human’s
perspective, individuals who appreciates life, takes good care of their physical and mental
health, will look beautiful and worth appreciating. Embrace life. Enjoy the little things in
life. Live life to its fullest. Share joy with others as joy is multiplied when shared.

2. What did you feel during and after watching the movie? Explain.

As I was watching the movie, I feel sorry for Robert, the guy who committed suicide. He
valued his friendship with Jake, risking even his own life just to save his best friend but he
received loneliness in return. When they entered freshman, Jake got distant with him and
forgetting everything including their memories and bond. It was sad because the person you
thought that will have you at your back is nowhere to be found. It was like your existence
does not matter to him because he is consumed by popularity and forget you when you have
nothing else. He sees your sufferings and pain but still chooses to ignore. When Robert died,
that’s the time where Jake started to regret and I can see that he is working hard to make
things right and would not let anyone to commit suicide again like what happened to his
childhood bestfriend. After watching the movie, I feel blessed because I have been given a
gift that will be treasured for a lifetime. I realize that the life of an individual matters no
matter how good or bad they are. It should be valued. If we know a person who feels
depressed or having a suicidal thought, we should help them cope up with their problems
and listen to what they say so that they will not feel alone and instead, they will feel that they
have someone to lean on.

Angelie Mae D. Flora

NSTP – To Save A Life

3. Identify 5 social issues presented in the movie and explain or give your opinion on
these social issues. Elaborate.

a. Suicide – this is when the protagonist’s childhood best friend Robert committed
suicide. We all know that taking our own life is a sin. May it be through mental
illness, being bullied, or feeling unworthy. I believe that depression is hard to treat
especially when you do not have someone to listen to your problems and you feel like
you are alone in this world. People find it hard to open up to others and tend to keep
it on themselves. Depressed individuals who thought that ending their life is the
solution to their sufferings but the thing that they must do is to open-up to someone
that can understand their dilemmas and would not judge their experiences.
b. Teenage Pregnancy – this is when Jake’s girlfriend got pregnant and have decided
to abort the baby because she is still young and scared to be judged. Teens should
have a guidance and counseling with sex education. Most parents wanted what is
best for their child but because of poverty and other social issues they cannot give
their children the right guidance so they need the help. Moreover, that gap can be
filled through guidance and counseling sessions in schools. The other thing is the
youths need good role models, but looking around our society today where sex is like
a normal thing. A lot of teenagers are getting pregnant, rebellion is visible
everywhere, doing malicious things is acceptable, we do not have a proper way to
inform how relevant this issue and how it affects the society as a whole.
c. Teenage Rebellion – there was this part in the movie where they are like in a support
group about God but still not doing the right things and youths who party illegally.
Teens are somewhere between being an adult and a kid. They might like things that
are “cool” for their generation, but might be disapproved of by the parents. The
youths are prone into making impulsive decisions especially if it is influenced by
peers that can expose the discretionary thought process, which may eventually make
them violate rules, and ignore risks.
d. Bullying – there is a part in the movie where they are having a party and invited a
boy but informed him that it was a costume party and when the boy arrived in the
place, he was being made fun because of his costume. They bullied him because he is

Angelie Mae D. Flora

NSTP – To Save A Life

different from them. The people treat him less and do not care if they will hurt him.
All they want is to fulfill their happiness even they are already hurting others. Bullied
people might lead to take their own lives in the wake that they cannot take it
anymore. We are becoming increasingly aware of the seriousness of depression,
anxiety and stress in young people. More and more students are reporting feelings of
inadequacy and loneliness, and bullying is a recurring theme. Whether bullying is a
cause or simply an additional obstacle, its impact on the youth’s well-being is
e. Family Problem – Jake’s parents are not in good terms. A family does not only
survives but thrives on affection and emotional support. It is hard for the child to
grow while having a broken family. It’s depressing for the kid to see his parents
fighting. He/she carries on and tries to not be affected but deep inside it is an open
wound that will never heal. Parents getting divorce is not a problem but how the
relationship of the parents and the child are shown. If the parents decided to separate
ways, they should continue giving their kids a safe, fun-loving relationship because it
is hard that you are already in a broken family and a feeling like having no parent at

4. Identify 5 values and principle depicted in the movie. How are these values
important in your day to day life.
a. Integrity – doing something that is right is important to my daily life because this
might leave a good impact in the society. It will lead me to gain the trust of people
around me because as to being honest and believing to do the right thing, I will be
living a happy and committed life than those of other individuals who are consumed
by jealousy and rage.
b. Faith – learning to trust God’s process in my life is the thing that keeps me
motivated. No matter if it’s positive or negative, I know that He would not give it to
me if I can’t handle it. When he gave me trials and pain, I know that He is only
molding me as a better person and a better version of myself.
c. Acceptance – acceptance is the key to a better life. I learned that acceptance is
important to support myself through a learning process because it means to

Angelie Mae D. Flora

NSTP – To Save A Life

open up  and making room for the difficult thoughts and feelings that are guaranteed
to show  up whether I choose to stay or whether I choose to leave.

d. Fulfillment: creating a fulfilling life by giving attention to the good things, not the
bad things is a positive feeling I can feel. Celebrating the good stuff, not whining
about the bad stuff; by working on things that I love, not doing the things that I hate,
will give me a happy and stress-free life.

e. Positivity: it is important for me to have a positive view with the events in my life.
Because learning to embrace the storms in my life, I will grow naturally as having a
negative mind will not give me a positive life.

Angelie Mae D. Flora


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