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Name : Muhammad Mauladani

Class : XII TAV A

Number : 18

Sea Fishing

When I was in junior high, I was invited to spend vacation time fishing in the
sea by my friend named Ricky. We prepare everything needed on Sunday
morning to be exact at 7:00 a.m. from fishing equipment, money and food so
we don't starve while at sea. After that we leave at around 9:00 in the morning
using Ricky's car. The journey that we take is about 1 hour to get to the
destination, then after we arrive we are looking for a food stall for breakfast.
After breakfast we proceed with a trip to the sea. Arriving at the sea we
immediately prepare the fishing gear and after we are ready we immediately
throw the fishing hook that has been fed. While waiting for the fish to
approach the bait we chat about where we will continue our education after
graduating from junior high school. Shortly we chat, our bait is eaten by fish,
then we immediately pull it so the fish do not come off, we pull it while
laughing with joy at the sea. Not felt it turned out that it was already noon, so
we ended this fishing activity by bringing a few fish to be cooked at night. We
take care of our equipment then take a break at a shop and we eat the lunch
we bring from home. After that we proceed to the car, then we also go home at
that time.

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