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Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350

XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP) (TFoCE 2015)

Assessment of the track geometry quality from the aspect of safe

and reliable operation of the railway track
Libor Ižvolta, Michal Šmalob*
Department of Railway Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1, SK–010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic


The quality of railway track geometry is the significant parameter for track manager for planning repair works and track mainte-
nance. Monitoring of the experimental sections around the portals of tunnel construction Turecky vrch carried out by DRETM is
focused on long-term monitoring of track alignment design and geometry of the railway track (absolute and relative) with the
standard structure of railway superstructure, slab track and transitional areas between these structures. Outputs presented in this
paper follows the paper Evaluation of Track Design and Track Geometry of the Track with Unconventional Structure of Railway
Superstructure (of authors J. Šestáková and M. Mečár) and presents partial results of the quality assessment of track sections
after realizing six measurement cycles.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil
Peer-review under(24RSP)
responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP)

Keywords: Railway track; Conventional railway superstructure; Slab track; Track alignment design and track geometry; Diagnostics.

1. Introduction

An essential precondition for the competitiveness of rail transport is the reliable operation of the railway lines,
considering the technological understanding, it means a safe and stable movement of vehicles along the track – rail.
The development and validation of a number of technical solutions of ST which DRETM realizes in the longer term
can ensure the quality of the track geometry parameters, reduce maintenance costs, extend the service life
of structure and increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of railway lines. The issue of modernization

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+421-41-513 58 49; fax: +421-41-513 55 10.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP)
Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350 345

of the railway infrastructure, which is still very current, is an ideal opportunity to further application of progressive
systems and elements of the structure of railway lines, among which the structure of ST undoubtedly belongs to.


b numerical constant determined on the basis of the SDV statistics of relevant parameter and speed zone
DRETM Department of Railway Engineering and Track Management
HBL hydraulically bound layers
i marking measuring point
m numerical constant determined on the basis of the SDV statistics of relevant parameter and speed zone
MSO measurements before putting section into operation
n number of points measured after 0.25 m
PK track superelevation [mm]
PO operational measurement
QM quality mark
QN quality number
RK track gauge [mm]
RP velocity zone
SDV standard tolerance of variable
SDVRK standard tolerance of variable of track gauge
SDVSR, SL standard tolerance of variable of direction of the track
SDVPK standard tolerance of variable of track superelevation
SDVVR, VL standard tolerance of variable of longitudinal track height
SL directional position of left rail [mm]
SR directional position of right rail [mm]
SRSS standard structure of railway superstructure
ST slab track
TA transition area
TCL track concrete layer
UIC International Union of Railways
VL longitudinal vertical position of left rail [mm]
VR longitudinal vertical position of right rail [mm]
xi dynamic component of the relevant quantity of track geometry
ZK track twist [mm.m-1]
ZR change of gauge [mm.m-1]
ZSR Railways of Slovak Republic

2. Experimental sections description

In connection with the modernization of the trans-European corridor V: Venezia – Trieste / Koper – Ljubljana –
Budapest – Chop – Lvov; with a branch Va, passing through the territory of the Slovak Republic in the section of
Bratislava – Zilina – Kosice – Cierna nad Tisou – Chop was, under the construction of ZSR, Modernization of
railway track Nové Mesto nad Vahom – Puchov, in track section Nove Mesto nad Vahom – Trencianske Bohus-
lavice, has been approved the structure of ST type RHEDA 2000 ® in the tunnel Turecky vrch and around its portals.
Modernisation of track section started in September 2009 and ended in May 2013, while the operation started in
October 2012. The tunnel Turecky vrch is the first tunnel in Slovakia, which is designed and implemented according
to the technical specifications for interoperability for conventional lines, it is convenient to the latest trends in tunnel
and railway construction and should become a model for all future tunnels, which will be designed and built
in Slovakia in terms of the modernization of railway lines. Double-track tunnel Turecky vrch is designed to structure
gauge UIC C with the track-centre distance 4.20 m. The length of the tunnel is 1 775 m, while the tunnel tube of the
346 Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350

section excavated has the length of 1 738.50 m and thereon pierced sections of the south portal length of 25.00 m
and northern portal length of 10 m. There is a single cross-section of double-track tunnel with a radius of tunnel tube
of 6.10 m throughout the entire length of the tunnel, including portal sections; there are only two chambers in the
middle of the tunnel for tensioning mechanism spring for the overhead lines with advanced cross-section. Double-
track in the tunnel is designed for the speed of 200 km.h -1 with the reverse curves of the radii 2 000 m.
The structure of the ST was designed, due to the reduction in the stope area and also due to the durability
and fixation of the track geometry and its minimum maintenance in the operation. The structure of the ST of the
RHEDA 2000® system applied passes through the different types of subgrade. It starts before the south portal
and passes through entire tunnel. Then, the structure of the ST continues on the bridges and earthworks behind the
north portal. The structure of the ST itself also includes transition areas, which ensure a smooth transition (smooth
change of stiffness) from the rigid structure of the ST to the flexible standard structure of superstructure. The total
length of the ST structure is 2 280.145 m (it begins in new km 102.459 825 and ends in new km 104.740 000), while
its particular parts: transition area - 45.175 m, tunnel 1 775.000 m, bridges - 34.770 m and earthwork - 425.200 m.
It is clear from the previous text that the structure of the ST of RHEDA 2000 ® system applied is not structurally
same on the modernised track section, due to differences in the stiffness of the subgrade (tunnel bottom, bridge
and substructure of earthwork), but is modified, which is reflected in the thickness of the concrete structure and also
its reinforcements. The structure of the ST is divided into 3 basic structural types in the track section [1]:
x in the tunnel: monolithic reinforced concrete slab of variable thickness – concrete C 35/45 with two-block
sleepers B355.3 W60M concreted, lying on the concrete bottom of the tunnel tube,
x on the earthwork: monolithic reinforced concrete slab of constant thickness 240 mm – concrete class C 35/45
with two-block sleepers B355.3 W60M concreted (marked as TCL), lying on a monolithic slab of plain concrete
C 12/15 of constant thickness of 300 mm (marked as HBL). Track superelevation in curves is made up of sloping
plain of sub-ballast surface,
x on the bridges: monolithic reinforced concrete slab of variable thickness – concrete class C 35/45 with two-block
sleepers concreted, lying on the separation layer Styrodur + foil on the structure of the bridge.
The critical point of the ST structure is its transition to the standard structure of railway superstructure. In terms
of dynamic effects, this is a place with the change of stiffness and hence this place was given special attention [2].
There was designed and implemented concrete bed of the length of 20.00 m, which was lined with anti-vibration
rubber mats of thickness 25 mm stuck on its bottom and sides and then filled with railway ballast material with track
skeleton stored identical as in the adjacent track section with the standard structure of railway superstructure.

3. Diagnostics of the experimental sections

Diagnostics of relative of track alignment design and track geometry of the track section was implemented six
times so far – immediately before putting line tracks into operation and every six months in spring and autumn.
The experimental track sections are marked as [3]:
x section 1.1 (track No. 1, south portal of the tunnel Turecky vrch) and 2.1 (track No. 2, south portal; both sectors
of length 175 m; km 102.360 000 – km 102.535 000):
x km 102.360 000 – km 102.460 500 construction with ballast bed,
x km 102.460 500 – km 102.480 500 construction with ballast bed in the concrete trough,
x km 102.480 500 – km 102.535 000 slab track.
x section 1.2 (track No. 1, north portal of the tunnel Turecky vrch) and 2.2 (track No. 2, north portal); both sectors
of length 640 m; km 104.200 000 – km 104.840 000):
x km 104.200 000 – km 104.720 500 slab track,
x km 104.720 500 – km 102.480 500 construction with ballast bed in the concrete trough,
x km 104.740 500 – km 104.840 000 construction with ballast bed.
Diagnostics of structure layout and track geometry of the track section [3]:
x measurement before putting sections into operation (MSO) 10.07. – 11.7.2012 and 02.10. – 3.10.2012,
x the first operational measurement (PO1) 09.04. – 10.04.2013, 21.04 – 22.04.2013,
x the second operational measurement (PO2) 08.10. – 09.10.2013, 21.10. – 22.10.2013,
Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350 347

x the third operational measurement (PO3) 25.5.2014 and 28.5.2014,

x the fourth operational measurement (PO4) 29.10.2014,
x the fifth operational measurement (PO5) 25.3.2015 and 17.4.2015.
Comprehensive diagnostics of track alignment design and track geometry is carried out by continuously
measuring trolley KRABTM–Light (fig. 1). The measurement is referred to as continuous, but in fact, the data is
recorded with the measuring step of 250 mm [4], [5]:
x gauge tolerance RK (after calculating is also recorded change of gauge ZR),
x alignment of right rail string SR (after calculating is also recorded alignment of left rail string SL),
x rail top level of right rail string VR (after calculating is also recorded rail top level of left rail string VL),
x cant PK,
x quasi-twist on a short base (calculating to a quasi-twist on a base of 1.8 m long – ZK 1.8, on a base of 6.0 m long
– ZK 6.0 and on a base of 12.0 m long – ZK 12.0),
x track distance.
Each section No. 1.1 and No. 2.1 is represented by 701 samples, each section No. 1.2 and No. 2.2 is represented
by 2 561 samples for a comprehensive diagnostics.

Fig. 1. Continuously measuring trolley KRABTM–Light (on the left) and computer Nomad (on the right).

The overall superevaluation of test sections (so called "section evaluation") is, in accordance to [2], given by the
quality number of the section evaluated (QN), and quality mark (QM) of SP parameters (SL), RK, PK and VR (VL).
The evaluation of section by the number of quality, calculated according to the equation:

2 2 2 2
CK = 0,57.SDV RK + 1,6.SDV SR, SL + 1,6.SDV PK + 1,6.SDVVR ,VL

where SDV =
n -1
䌥x 2
i (mm),
i =1
expresses irregular course of track geometry parameter in the section evaluated.
The evaluation of section according to quality marks shall be carried out according to the equation:

QM b

The results of quality section evaluation of track according to quality marks are indicative and additional
considering the Railways of the Slovak Republic and are not binding for the evaluation of RK state. Measures,
which are set for individual intervals of quality marks, are recommendatory (Table 1).
348 Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350

Table 1: The scale of quality marks (QM) according to quality section evaluation [6].
Interval of quality Color of the quality mark
Verbal assessment section according to the quality mark
marks in printed output
0 < QM ≤ 2 state of track geometry is satisfactory in section evaluated no color marking
it is recommended to design the repair of track geometry in the section
2 < QM ≤ 3 green color
evaluated into maintenance work plan
it is recommended to perform the repair of track geometry in the section
3 < QM < 4 violet color
evaluated to the nearest control
it is recommended to perform immediate measures in the section
4 ≤ QM ≤ 6 red color
evaluated to ensure the safety of operation

4. Quality of track sections

Development of track alignment design and track geometry of monitored sections is shown in tables 2 – 5.
Evaluation of tolerances of track alignment design and track geometry in velocity zone RP 4 according to [6], [7]
are calculated separately for sections with the standard structure of railway superstructure (SSRS), for transition
areas (TA) and sections with the slab track structure (ST).

Table 2. Quality in section No. 1 in track No. 1.



Quality mark

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors













102.360 000 2.07 2.67 2.25 1.88 3.12 1.90


10 0 0 0 0 0

102.460 500 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.74 1.70 1.73

1.19 1.88 1.89 1.96 2.36 1.31


0 0 2 4 4 0

102.480 500 1.88 2.00 2.03 2.03 2.05 1.97


0 0 1 0 0 0

102.535 000 2.50 3.21 3.37 3.49 3.50 2.73

Table 3. Quality in section No. 2 in track No. 1.


Quality mark

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors













104.200 000 2.38 2.37 2.36 2.40 2.40 2.37


0 1.09 0 1.12 0 1.14 0 1.23 0 1.22 0

104.720 000 1.53 1.51 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.51

Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350 349

0 0 0 0 0 0

104.740 000 1.68 1.76 1.80 1.86 1.82 1.86

1 0 0 0 0 0
104.840 000 QMVK 2.06 2.13 2.19 2.34 2.35 2.59

Table 4. Quality in section No. 1 in track No. 2.



Quality mark

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors













102.360 000 2.26 2.80 2.76 2.78 3.05 2.56


13 0 0 0 0 0

102.460 500 1.78 1.78 1.75 1.54 1.77 1.76 1.75


1 1.03 0 1.46 0 0 1.67 0 1.86 0 1.59


102.480 500 1.70 1.56 1.60 1.63 1.72 1.79


0 0 0 0 0 0

102.535 000 1.97 2.49 2.71 2.91 2.94 2.92

Table 5. Quality in section No. 2 in track No. 2.



Quality mark

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors

Local errors













104.200 000 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.49 2.50 2.47


9 0 0 0 0 0

1.31 1.20 1.21 1.23 1.24 1.26


104.720 000 1.72 1.60 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58


0 0 0 0 0 0

104.740 000 1.90 1.63 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.66

350 Libor Ižvolta and Michal Šmalo / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 344 – 350

7 0 0 0 0 0

104.840 000 2.39 2.24 2.29 2.34 2.36 2.43

5. Conclusion

The results of continuous diagnostics of relative track geometry do not show local errors of parameters during
operation in any of the diagnosed sections.
On the basis of experimental measurements made so far, it is possible to expect that further development of the
monitoring of track alignment design and track geometry in experimental section of the modernized track in the area
of tunnel Turecky vrch confirms the relevance of the applications of ST to the tracks, which are standard, not only
on the tracks for higher or high speeds, where is the real benefit and an essential precondition for the long-term safe,
reliable, and in terms of the cost of maintaining, economically advantageous structure of track.


There are partial results of the grant VEGA 1/0597/14 „Analysis of methods used to measure the unconventional
railway track construction from the point of view of accuracy and reliability" in the paper.


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Infrastructure of the Slovak Republic, in: Civil and Environmental Engineering. Volume 10, Issue 2, EDIS, University of Žilina (2014).
ISSN 1336-5835, pp. 78-93.
[2] ZSR SR 103-8 (S) General Requirements for the Design, Construction, Repair, Maintenance and Acceptance of Construction, Repair
and Maintenance Works on the Slab Track Construction, GR ZSR, 2012.
[3] J. Šestáková, Quality of Slab Track Construction – Track Alignment Design and Track Geometry, in: Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Vol. 11, Issue 1. EDIS, University of Žilina (2015). ISSN 1336-5835.
[4] L. Ižvolt, J. Šestáková, M. Šmalo, Z. Gocálová, Monitoring of the Track Geometry Quality around the Portals of New Tunnel Construction
Turecky vrch – Preliminary Results, in: Communications: Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, Volume 16, Issue 4, EDIS,
University of Žilina, 2014. ISSN 1335-4205, pp. 9-20.
[5] STN 73 6360 Track Alignment Design and Track Geometry of Normal-gauge Tracks, SÚTN Bratislava, 1999 and Amendment 1, SÚTN
Bratislava, 2002.
[6] ŽSR SR 103-7 (S) Measurement and Evaluation of Track Geometry by Measuring Trolley KRAB (in Slovak), GR ZSR, 2008.
[7] L. Ižvolt et al., Monitoring of Sections of Non-conventional Constructions of the Railway Superstructure and the Transition Areas - 5th
and 6th Stage. ZSR Modernization of Railway Track Nove Mesto nad Vahom - Puchov, km 100.500 to 159.100, part 24-32-01 Nove Mesto -
Trencianske Bohuslavice (in Slovak), Zilina: KZSTH: SvF: University of Zilina, 03/2014.

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