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Q1: What is the purpose of ARef pin Arduino?

Q2: Write the syntax of the instruction to used Aref pin in external mode analogReference(EXTERNAL)

Q3: What is the value of Aref pin when we write analogReference(INTERNAL). 1.1V

Q4: Name the configurations in which Seven segment display is used. CA and CC

Q5: To turn on and turn off led in common Anode configuration what we apply on arduino pin. 0 , 1

Q6: To turn on and turn off led in common cathode configuration what we apply on arduino pin. 1,0

Q7: When we use seven segment display in abcdefg then 0x7E what does it represents? 0

Q8: When we use seven segment display in gfedcba then 0x3F what does it represents? 0

Q9: What is the voltage given by the TMP36 if the analog read function is providing 512 and operating voltage is
3.3 Volt. 1.65

Q10: What should be the voltage given by the TMP36 if the reading provided by the analog pin is 512 and
operating voltage is 5 Volt. 2.5

Q11: If the temp provided by the temperature sensor is 40 C , what is the value in Fahrenheit? 104

Q12: If the temp provided by the temperature sensor is 98.6 F , what is the value in Celsius? 37

Q13: LDR works on the principle of ? Photoresistor

Q14: Ohm’s law is applicable on ? Conductors

Q15 : What is the frequency and time period of DC signal ? 0Hz and Infinite

Q16 : What is the frequency and time period of AC signal ? 50Hz and 20ms

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