CNPAHS - Letter of Complaint

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November 6, 2020


President, Negros Oriental State University


Dear Dr. Limson:

We the student government of College of Nursing, Pharmacy, and Allied Health Sciences (CNPAHS), with our
sworn responsibilities, to ensure that the rights of the students will be adhered to, had opened to the student body
of CNPAHS to receive their complaints and represent them in the proper platform.

The pandemic has affected each one of us in a lot of different ways. We, the officers of CNPAHS SG are fully
aware that it is not only the students who are in distress but also their faculty and the university’s administrators.
Through this letter, we only mean to share the thoughts of the students towards online classes and how some
lessons are being given. This letter aims to help the university staff in devising better regulations for the “new
normal” that would benefit both the students and instructors.

We have created a survey through google forms to hear the opinions of our student body, and to know how they
are coping with the classes. The survey form was opened for a week, and below are the plaints common among
the participants:

a. Announcement of assignments, quizzes, and class schedules.

Some students had shared their sentiments towards the manner of announcing the schedules of assignments,
quizzes, and class schedules. Some instructors would release new schedules or changes for their classes the next
day late at night. Such poor practice has led to some students missing deadlines, online classes, and exams. Few
students had reported, that because of the late announcements, they had to stay in their “sentro” for a signal until
or pass curfew, ending up being reprimanded by their local officials.

b. Allotment of ample time to complete requirements

The students do understand the importance of having assignments, quizzes, and doing readings. These are a few
of the best ways to learn what they have to know. There are occasions that the amount of time allotted is not
proportional to the quantity of work given.

c. Recording of attendance

Attendances are part of the grading system. Since we do not have face-to-face classes, some instructors would
record attendance through the participation of a student in their online meetings. The students would like to ask
if it’s possible to stop such practice and have a different alternative for their attendance. Online meetings would
need a lot of data, and a good signal. Such demand has led students to spend a lot on mobile data and travel
somewhere with good signal. Students have said that they wouldn’t mind doing such things, but some classes are
scheduled early in the morning (e.g. 7:00 A.M.), and some very later in the day. There were also instances that
students would end up having multiple online meetings in a day, and those meetings are scheduled with great
time intervals making them having to stay in their “sentro” for a whole day, or going back and forth to
somewhere with good signal. Common suggestions from the survey were to have recorded lectures instead, so
the students can access them at the most convenient time.

d. Arts Subjects

Students are worried because until now, they haven't had any contact with their instructors. The students would
also want to get their thoughts across on the kind of requirements being asked from them — for instance, some
are asked to make lengthy videos, ending up requiring students for certain gadgets that they don’t have (e.g.
e. Rest Day

The students understand that since the school year has started late, everybody has to catch up with the
requirements needed. Deadlines must be met, but nobody should forget to take a rest. Students are hoping that
they would be given a rest day, because with the amount of work that they have to finish they don’t have time
anymore to unwind and participate in their religious affairs. The majority would like to recommend if the
administration would be kind enough to allocate a rest day for everybody.

We the student government of CNPAHS would like to take this opportunity to thank you and our faculty for
your efforts in giving quality education despite the circumstances. We are grateful for considering this letter of
complaint. We are hoping that this case be opened and resolved. May we find justice. God shall help us.

Humbly serving the students,


College Governor, College of Nursing, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences

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