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Candidates Name Candidates number:

Geovina Dick 0900450126
Adriana Brandt 0900450053
Rebecca Junor 0900450266
Centre number: 090045
Name of teacher: Ms.Faye Caleb

Territory: Guyana

Examination Year: 2020

Table of contents

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………Page 3
Introduction…………………………………………….…………………. Page 4
Aims of the Project…....…………………………………………………. Page 5
Literature Review………………………………………………………….Page 6
Methodology…………………………………………………………….... Page 9
Presentation of Data…………………………………………………….... Page10
Analysis and Interpretation of Data……………………………………… Page14
Recommendation………………………………………………………… Page20
Bibliography ………………………………………………………………Page21

The researchers would like to Give thanks to our Heavenly Father for granting us the wisdom
and knowledge upon completing our Management of business (SA) School-Based Assessment.
Also to our Profound and Enthusiastic Teacher Ms. Faye Caleb for guiding students throughout

the entire project, had it not been for her, the students would have fall-short in the accurate way
of getting the assigned task done.
Not forgetting the researchers Dedicated Parents for supporting them in every step of the way not
only Financially but advising them about choosing the best area of study thus resulting in
Excellent academic performance. Not forgetting the Staff and Management of “Emerge BPO”
for taking the time off of their busy schedule to assist students with the background information.
A special Thank You goes out to the above-mentioned supporters, the researchers are pleased
and very Thankful.

Thesis Statement: This School Based Assessment is based on the title ‘An investigation on
how the business uses communication in the performance of its operations and to
determine which form of communication is used to better measure productivity at Emerge
BPO’.This research aims to examine how communication influences the performance of its

operation at Emerge BPO, to determine the forms of communication used by employees and to
identify which form of communication is used to better measure productivity at Emerge BPO.
Justification: The researchers chose the Topic ‘Communication in Business’ because the data
gathered will be beneficial to help students to understand the basic business principles Which are
taken from Module 2 of the Syllabus. These are some benefits of researching the topic, Clarity
which is the number one rule that a business must follow, Objectivity whereby the firm must
have a purpose and Consistency, whereby the members of the organization must get tasks at
hand done in an orderly fashion in the same way over time thus the above Business Principles
will help to broaden the knowledge of the concept of communication In the firm.
Background: Communication plays a fundamental role in all facets of the business. It is
therefore very important that both internal communication within your organization as well as
the communication skills of your employees are effective. Effective communication can help to
foster a good working relationship between you and your staff, which can in turn improve morale
and efficiency.
Emerge BPO is a nearshore leader in customer management, back office, and transaction
processing services. Emerge BPO provides unique solutions to meet our customer's most
challenging business needs. Our nearshore contact center and BPO solutions deliver exceptional
quality at unmatched values, resulting in superior quality. Our combination of unique capabilities
and strategic management sets us apart in the world of outsourcing. Emerge BPO provides
customer management solutions that generate new revenues, reduce, churn, and improve
customer loyalty. We manage all phases of the customer life cycle and capture relevant data that
allows our clients to make key business decisions. In each customer interaction, we evaluate our
customers’ needs, determine the best solution to meet those needs, and provide valuable
feedback to build on existing processes. These unique capabilities result in numerous benefits to
our clients, including reduced attrition, improved loyalty, enhanced brand image, rapid program
implementation, and reduced program training.

Aims and Objectives

Topic: Business Communication

Title: To investigate how the business uses communication in the performance of its operations
and determine which form of communication is used to better measure productivity at Emerge
1. To determine what restricts effective communication at Emerge BPO .
2. To assess the forms of communication prevalent in the business organizations.
3. To evaluate which channels of communication is used and how it benefits Emerge BPO.

Literature Review

Emerge BPO was founded by Adrian Collins and his wife Carole Fletcher. Their vision was to
create a world-class contact center in the heart of their native Guyana performing a variety of
outsourced services to clients and their customers in North America. After working in the BPO
industry for nearly ten years stateside, Collins decided to combine his operational expertise with
his knowledge of quality process delivery and, in 2008, established Emerge BPO in the capital
city of Georgetown.

Emerge BPO has partnered with world-class brands since it opened its doors in 2008. They
provide services to high profile clients in the retail, media, travel, and hospitality industries as
well as the healthcare and financial services industries. The executive team brings over 130 years
of combined call center and BPO experience, specific to the industries they attract and use the
collective experience to assemble teams of employees who align with their values and needs of
our clients and the programs they entrust to us.

Since Emerge BPO opened its doors over ten years ago, it has gained significant growth, both in
terms of client base and number of employees, making it a nearshore leader in customer
management, back office, and transaction processing. This growth is a direct result of the
company’s strong value proposition. Emerge BPO is an outsourcing provider for customer
service and back-office support based in Georgetown, Guyana. Emerge offers many careers such
as Systems Security Engineer, Bilingual Support Professional, Support Professional, Reporting
Analyst, Account Trainer, HR Generalist.

EMERGE BPO (2019), Retrieved 11 March,2020 ,from

According to Murphy, Hildebrandt, Thomas: Communication can be defined as the process of

transmitting and receiving verbal and non-verbal messages, In which it is considered effective
when it achieves the desired response or reaction from the receiver. There are four basic types of
Communication namely Verbal, Non-verbal, Visual, and Written. Verbal Communication refers
to any exchange that uses words to communicate information”, According to (Stanley Goff
2019). These words are used in expressing yourself and are one of the most common types of
communication which is very important since it's efficient. They are often used during
presentations, video conferencing, phone calls, meetings, and face-to-face conversations.
Non-verbal Communication also called manual language can be defined as the process of
sending and receiving information without the use of words. Non-Verbal Communication can be
in the form of body language and facial expression, gestures, and postures that can reveal
underlying emotions, and are culture-specific. According to (Wallace V. Schmidt et al.,
Communication Globally: Intercultural Communication and International Business. Sage, 2007).

However, people can also mistakenly express nonverbal communication that contradicts their
verbal communication and can cause mixed messages which can certainly lead to confusion on
the part of the receivers, and in most cases, individuals would tend to look for more information
to ensure that the message is credible. If they are unable to resolve discrepancies, they would
more likely react negatively and withdraw from interactions. (Owen Hargie, Skilled
Interpersonal Interactions: Research, Theory and Practice, 5th edition. (London: Routledge,
2011). For example, According to “British Broadcasting Corporation Report” the crossing of
legs and arms while standing shows a sign of defense and would ,therefore, simply mean that the
individual would want to be left alone.

In the words of Jerome Pitterson ,” Visual Communication is in a form that can be read or seen”.
It helps to simplify both oral and written communication whereby people would tend to
remember more complex information. However, it can be difficult to understand if it’s not
accompanied by the other method of communication.
Written Communication is suited for the use of letters, memos, reports, and notices. It is one of
the most important and effective modes of communication in business since it enables long-term
record keeping, which can be used to clarify, explain and confirm oral communication and It can
also be suitable for messages that are complex and detailed. Nevertheless, it can be time-
consuming and does not offer an opportunity for immediate feedback.

1 Goff,S (2019).Retrieved March 15 2020,from

2 Consador, K(2017).Retrieved March 16,2020,from

Effective Communication in a workplace is very imperative in creating an efficient work

environment, however, it is not always straightforward and barriers would tend to easily get in
the way which can interrupt the smooth flow of communication. According to 3 (Landry Morren,
2018), Being able to have effective Communication in an organization from the highest to lowest
levels,would, therefore create a productive and efficient environment that would allow
employees to better understand each other. Hence this would increase the office’s morale and
On the other hand, there can be many barriers that can subsequently distort or prevent the smooth
flow of Communication.According to (Gini Beqiri, 2018), these are the main barriers that affect
the workplace, namely Language Differences, Cultural Differences, Lack of Clarity,
Inconsistency, Lack of Attention, Physical barriers to Non-Verbal Communication, Differences
in perception and viewpoint.
To have Effective Communication in an organization, there should be a two-way process of
listening and speaking among Employers and Employees in which information conveyed is clear
and consistent. According to (Chuck Leddy, 2015), there are eight ways to do so by Eliminating
Assumptions, For example, if they were bad experiences in the past, you should always look

forward to a good and always believe there’s a possibility of change by never assuming that
history would repeat itself. Having consistent Group meetings whether weekly or monthly to
discuss and solve problems that are being encountered. Ensuring there’s enough listening, asking
questions, expressing emotion while still maintaining respect. Three last ways are Paying
attention to the non-verbal message by ensuring that you have the right tone of voice,
Recognising and reinforcing positive behaviours, and Being Patient .

3. Morren,L (2018).Communication affects the flow of work in an organization,Retrieved 19 March,20202,from
4.Beqiri,G (2018).Barriers to Effective Communication,Retrieved 20 March,2020,from
5. Leddy,C(2015).Effective Communication, Retrieved 22 March 2020,


The methodology is the systematic theoretical analysis of the method applied to a field of
study.To gather the necessary information needed to complete this project the researchers used
two methods to collect such information namely the primary and secondary research methods.
The primary research was done by the use of questionnaires. A questionnaire is a structured
form, either written or printed, consisting of a formalized set of questions designed to collect
information on some subject from one or more respondents. In other words, a data collection
technique where the respondents are asked to give answers to the series of questions written or
verbal about a pertinent topic is called a questionnaire.
Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not
require as much effort from the questionnaire as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have
standardized answers that make it simple to compile data.
A total of 25 questionnaires were issued to respondents using a random sampling approach each
questionnaire consisted of a maximum of 15 questions that will provide accurate and suitable
information that is valid and reliable for completion of this project.

The secondary research method is where the researcher gathers information about business
communication from emerge bpo website, textbooks, internet, employer owner of the company,
newspapers, research papers, and magazines. This method provided the researcher with data that
helped in the development of the project.
The researcher distributed questionnaires to random employees at the company named above
aged 18-45 intending to investigate how the business uses communication in the performance of
its operation and to determine which form of communication is used to better measure
productivity at the company (emerge BPo).
The researcher received all 25 of the questionnaires from employees in the company and the
information received was used to further develop this project.

Presentation of Data

The following is representative of the data collected as feedback from the administered research
tool- the questionnaire.(See Appendix)












Analysis of Data
A total of 25 questionnaires were distributed to employees of Emerge BPO. The participants
were advised to choose the option/s that is most applicable to the question. This analysis will
relate the responses given by the participants and these will be supported by theoretical

Fig.1 depicts the responses of Question 4, What are the Types of Communication Prevalent at
Emerge BPO? .Out of the 25 questionnaires (100%) chose the response all of the above. This
means that all of the types of communication in business are necessary for effective
communication to occur. In aid of having customer satisfaction at Emerge BPO.

Fig.2 displays the responses to question 5 which states, What are the criteria that employees at
Emerge should meet? 7 of the respondents (28%)chose Training programs, 6 of the respondents
(24%) Layout professional standards, 3 of the respondents (12%) chose Have knowledge about
the company mission and 9 of the respondents (36%) chose All of the above. The mass amount
(36%) of the respondents chose the response "All of the above", while the out-numbered(12%)
chose the response "Have knowledge about the company's mission".

As seen in fig 3, of the respondents, 11 of the respondents (44%) chose keeps us fully informed,
13 of the respondents (52%) chose Keeps us adequately informed, 1 of the respondents (4%)
chose gives only a limited amount of information and (0%) chose doesn't tell us much at all
about what is going on.As shown in the Graph above, Most of the respondents selected "Keeps
us fully informed "(60%) since it best describes communication at the Company Emerge BPO.
The least amount (0%) chose "Doesn't tell us much at all about what is going on".

According to Fig.4, 10 of the respondents (40%) chose Group meetings, (40%) Company Email,
3 of the respondents (12%) chose the supervisor and 2 of the respondents (8%) chose Voicemail
Announcements. However, there were 0 responses to both the Grapevine and the Company
Intranet. Most of the respondents chose both Group meetings and the company's email as being
the two most relevant sources for the daily operations of communication at Emerge BPO. Whilst
the response of the supervisor which is of (12%) reveals that there is a fluctuation in the
response mechanism.

Fig.5 which reveals the question of "Which three scenarios best describes effective
communication in Emerge BPO? Listening to the customer’s opinions only (0), Assign to both
customers and employees opinion (28%), Ability with customer opinion over facts (0),
Conducting regular surveys of your employees and customer (28%), Monitor employees
engagement level (28%), Assign similar meaning to messages and listen carefully (16%). This
can be further analyzed as (28%) of the respondents choosing "Assigning to both customers and
employees' opinion" and "Assign similar meaning to messages and listen carefully ". Shows a
significant similarity that the responses chose.

According to Fig.6 which reveals the responses of the question "What are the Common barriers
that restrict effective communication at Emerge BPO?".7 of the respondents (28%) chose
Inconsistency, 5 of the respondents (20%) chose Lack of clarity, 4 of the respondents (16%)
chose Differences in perception and viewpoint, 3 0f the respondents (12%) chose Not enough
listening, 2 of the respondents (8%) both chose Lack of confidence and Dishonesty respectively
while 1 of the respondent (4%) chose Language Differences and (4%) chose Non-Verbal Cues.
However, the maximum respondents (28%) chose Inconsistency, followed by lack of clarity
(20%) which is of a slight decrease, Differences in perception and viewpoint (16%), Not enough
listening (12%) this shows a slight decrease in the responses, Lack of confident (8%) Dishonesty
(8%), (4%), Language of Differences (4%) and Non-verbal cues (4%). This interesting result
shows the Trend of both Lack of confidence and Dishonesty are Equivalent in amount
meanwhile Language differences and NonVerbal cues had the similarities of having (4%) as the
feedback of respondents.

Fig.7 Reveals that out of the 25 questionnaires that were distributed at Emerge BPO, the
Findings were as follows for the Research Question. How would you rate your manager's
communication skills? 9 0f the respondents (36%) chose Excellent ,10 of the respondents (40%)
chose Very Good, 6 of the respondents (24%) chose Good and 0 respondents chose Fair and
Poor. From the findings, it is proven that the superiority of the responses (40%) chose Very
good and the least (0%) chose Fair and Poor .

Interpretation of Data
Throughout this Investigation, the researchers managed to attain knowledge of Emerge
BPO.Which is located in the heart of the capital city of Georgetown Guyana. Emerge BPO is a
nearshore leader in customer management, back office , and transaction processing services. In
the Mixed Economy of Guyana, emerge seeks to create employment, it is the source of report
requests or complaints to a business .

It can be clearly recognized that all four Communications are Prevalent at Emerge BPO.Since
all of the respondents chose the option "All of the above".In an organization all the types of
communication namely Verbal, Non-verbal, Written and Oral Communication should be
exercised because it is necessary for the day to day operations of the company . These Types of
communication play an integral role in Emerge BPO. Besides as a Telecommunication Entity
customers need to be informed about the company's policy and for them to have empathy for a
customer situation and or bad experiences ,so with the impact of the Types of Communication.It
will lead to a successful outcome at Emerge thus bringing in more Surplus .More So the
researchers have acknowledged that all forms of communication are necessary to measure
productivity at Emerge BPO.

Retrieved from Fig.2, Training programs at Emerge BPO teaches employees the system and how
to properly manage a customer and to meet their services.Even if a customer disregards the staff
they must always be patient and polite to the customer trying not to engage in a dispute but rather
to refer the call to his/her supervisor.Keeping in mind that customers are always right and they
come first.Knowing the mission drives leaders to prioritize what matters to customers and
Laying out professional standards means that the employees should be serious when it comes to
their work at Emerge BPO they should exercise good leadership styles and should set as an
example .Having knowledge about the company's mission drives leaders to prioritize what
matters to the customers and for employees to better the company and it's services and direct the
business towards longevity and success. Staff at Emerge BPO would feel personally committed
to the firm's purpose ,values and goals ,Thus the company's mission would be of the best
interest and they would go above and beyond to achieve it.

According to Fig.3, For the option Keeps us fully informed means that the communication would
be entirely distributed. All the affairs of the company or concerns of staff of the member board
will be discussed generally. Also the Channels of communication will be practiced . This would
create good communication relationships among colleagues. On the other hand, the response
keeps us adequately informed simply means the Agents keep others satisfactorily informed
about all affairs whether it be customer's calling concerning a refund of an item,customers
demanding a service which is not the policy of the company. However, this can affect the
productivity of an Organization because if employees aren’t being fully informed they wouldn’t
have much engagement and motivation towards their work. Finally giving a limited amount of
information will only mean that there will be a lack of necessary information being transferred
and this would hinder the Customer performance and the overall success of the business.

Obtained from Fig.4, This Data can be further interpreted as followed, Company emails are
whereby messages are being received through electronic means by one computer user to one or
more recipients via a network. The supervisor is the person who directs and oversees the work of
the employees, the voicemail announcement allows customers to be alert of the current
situation,for example if the customer's call cannot be taken immediately. The two most common
methods of receiving information on the daily operations of the business are Company emails
and Group meetings.

Obtained from Fig.5, Paying attention to both customers and employees is equally necessary
because without customers Emerge BPO has no business, and without employees, the
ministrations wouldn't be carried out. According to (Landry Morren, 2018), Being able to have
effective Communication in an organization from the highest to lowest levels would ,therefore,
create a productive and efficient environment that would allow employees to better understand
their customers and each other. Hence this would increase the office’s morale and unity.
Conducting regular surveys of employees means that they would check to see based on statistics
that the assigned task is being carried out and customers are getting what the company's policy is
offering, In Monitoring employees engagement level, would be the company's way of having a
double line connection or so to have a systematic review on how customers are being treated by
employees, Also applying similar meaning to messages and listening carefully are all
communication skills that customer service representatives at Emerge should be engaged in as to
have a better service.

Obtained from Fig.6, It can be identified that most respondents indicated that there’s
Inconsistency in communication at Emerge BPO. This means that employers aren't being
consistent when it comes to conveying information about the day-to-day operations of the
business, also employees aren’t giving feedback. This can mean that there aren't regular Group
meetings that would keep employees updated about the company. Lack of clarity means that
information delivered in the organization lacks the quality of being comprehensible and
unambiguous, Differences in perception and the viewpoint can be a scenario whereby both the
employee and employer Interpret information differently and have a different stance of how the
operations should be regarded which can be due to past experiences, culture and present feelings.
Not enough listening is whereby the Employees fails to listen enough to what the customers are
saying and chooses to express him/herself more rather than to interact professionally and assist a
customer with the issue , this can go both ways because the employers can have lack listening
too,and as such may not understand what was being said directly .ResultingDishonesty at the

workplace stems from a bad background status and it proves that staffs are not trustworthy,
Language differences are a major barrier to communication,if the employee and customer speak
different languages it would hinder the level of communication. Lastly, Non-Verbal cues are
whereby the Staff does not have a direct verbal translation. They are body movements, the
nuance of the voice, facial expressions, choice, and movement of objects.

Fig.7 Being an excellent manager at Emerge means that your skills and attitude are great and
him/her have what it takes to put steps forward in fulfilling the business, A very good manager is
great too, they would have to demonstrate professionalism to employees and leave a statement
wherever they may go to lead, A Good Manager is fine also but him/her doesn't have all that it
takes comparing to an excellence manager, A fair manager leads to the barely making it side,
they do what's necessary for Monitoring staff and other services. On the other hand, a poor
manager is mediocre, he hardly performs at the company and this leads to a downfall in
communication and thus hindering the productivity of the company.


'For this reason' Business communication is the exchanging of Data in order for a firm's
goals,objectives ,aims and activities to be accomplished within the company.For the performance
of the Types of communication namely verbal,non-verbal,oral and written communication.These
are significant since they are necessary for the smooth flow of the Daily operations.Quality
customer service allows the company to be recognized. This is the excellence of both personal
and procedural dimensions,characterised by the employees.

The researchers have grasp that Business communication is used to better measure the
productivity at Emerge BPO.This is so because it is vital for healthier comprehensive energy
and for the transfer of information to be carried out.Moreover Effective communication is
prevalent at the company .Both customers and employees are being looked into,similar meaning
to messages are being assigned, listened carefully also employees engagement levels are being
measured. Also for the barriers to effective communication at Emerge BPO are language
differences whereby the customers and employees speaks the different language ,lack of
clarity,means that the data being transferred lacks incompatible quality of being
comprehensible.Differences in perceptions and viewpoint is whereby both employees and and
employers interprets differently.Lack of listening occurs where both parties fails to listen to
ensure that they fully understand based on how operations are regarded. Lastly Non-verbal cues
are where employees only communicate in the form of body gestures ,face expressions ,they do
not have actual conversations among others.Dishonesty is the act of theft , furthermore the
employee (s) are not honest enough in admitting that they took something or went against the
company's policy.The Findings however proved that all the types of communication plays a vital
role .In all businesses so being ,they must be Prevalent for communication to function

The researchers recommend the following :

● Emerge BPO should always keep employees fully informed on the changes, progress, and
future plans. This could be through consistent Group meetings whether weekly or
monthly to allow employees to be involved in this discussion so that they would be able
to deal with customers effectively.
● Emerge BPO should have communication training programs so that employees can be
able to master key communication skills to help minimize workplace conflicts, missed
deadlines, and misunderstandings either internal or with clients.
● Emerge BPO Managers should convey information with clarity and conciseness to better
avoid confusion and misinformation in the workplace which would create a healthier
● Managers can implement anonymous suggestion forums by having a suggestion box
where employees can share concerns, whether it’s a trivial topic or major concern. Since
people aren't always comfortable being vocal they would more likely do so if they can
take an anonymous approach.

Book: Pitterson, J.(November 12,2013).Management of Business for Cape
Examinations.Macmillan Publishers Limited,2016


1.Beqiri ,G (September 5,2018).Barriers to Effective Communication,Retrieved 20


2.Consador,K(September 26,2017).Retrieved March 16,2020,from

3Emerge Bpo(2019) ,Retrieved 11 March,2020 ,from


4.Goff,S (May10,2019).RetrievedMarch 15 2020,from

5.Leddy,C (July 29,2015).Effective Communication, Retrieved 22 March 2020,


6.Morren,L(December 28,2018).How Communication affects the flow of work in an

organization,Retrieved 19 March,2020,from

St.Joseph High School
Woodford Avenue
Georgetown ,Guyana.
12th December ,2019.
The Chief Executive Officer
92 Middle Street

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are writing this letter requesting permission for a Questionnaire to be answered by one of
your Staff at your firm.In order to complete our Management of Business School Based
Assessment (S.B.A),so that we can obtain Excellent grades at our Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (C.A.P.E).We will be sitting our exam in June 2020,which requires us
to complete a (S.B.A ) on the Topic "Business Communication".All of the Information received
at Emerge BPO will be kept confidential .
Thank you for your time
Yours Sincerely
Group 1.

1. How old are you?





2.How long have you worked with Guyana Emerge BPO ?

□1-3 years
□4-6 years
□7-10 years
□Over 10 years
3.What is your job title?
□ HR Generalist
b. If other please state
4.What are the types of communication prevalent at Emerge ?
□Verbal □Non-Verbal □Written □Visual □All of the above
5.What are the criterias that all employees should meet at Emerge BPO?
□Training Programs □Layout professional Standards □All of the Above
□ Have knowledge about the Company Mission and Vision
6. Has the development of the internet and social media caused a change in the way Emerge
communicate (style )? □ Yes □ No
7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the communication at Emerge BPO?
□ Very satisfied □ Satisfied □ Neutral □ Dissatisfied □Very Dissatisfied
8.Which best describes your impression of communication within Emerge BPO

□Keeps us fully informed
□ Keeps us adequately informed
□ Gives us only a limited amount of information
□ Doesn’t tell us much at all about what’s going on
9.How well do you feel you know the company?
□ I know the company very well.
□ I know a fair amount about the company.
□ I know just a little about the company.
□ I know almost nothing about the company
□ Knowing about the company is not important to me.
10.Compared with a year ago, how would you rate your knowledge of the company,it’s
strategies and its ongoing accomplishments?
□ Much more knowledgeable
□ Somewhat more knowledgeable
□Same level of knowledge
□ Somewhat less knowledgeable
□ Much less knowledgeable
11. For which information items you believe it’s very important that you receive communication
□ The companies strategies for the future
□ Human resources process
□ The company’s capabilities
□ Technology Developments
□ Key customer business issues
□ Benefits
□ Compensation and bonus programs
□ Community involvement

What other topics you feel are important to know more about and would like the company to
include in future communications?
12. Is there a way we can measure or assess effective communication?
□ Yes □ No
13. Which three scenarios best describe Effective Communication in Emerge BPO ?
□ Listening to the customers opinions only
□Assign to both customers and Employees opinion
□Assign similar meaning to messages and listen carefully
□Abiding with Customer opinion over Facts
□ Conducting regular surveys of your employees and customers .
□ Monitor employee engagement levels.
14. From which of the following sources do you receive most of your information about what is
going on in the company?Tick off your top Two information sources only.
□ The grapevine
□ My supervisor
□ Group meetings at our work location
□ Company email
□ Company intranet
□ Voicemail announcements
15.What are the most common barriers that restrict effective communication at Emerge BPO.
□ Lack of Clarity □ Dishonesty
□ Inconsistency □ Differences in perception and viewpoint
□ Non Verbal Cues □ Lack of Confidence
□ Language Differences □ Not enough listening
16.How would you rate your manager’s communication skills?
□ Excellent □ Fair □ Very good □ Poor □ Good


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