Rheological Properties of Clarified Pear Juice

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Journal of Food Engineering10 (1989) 51-63

Research Note

Rheological Properties of Clarified Pear Juice



The rheological behaviour of clartfied and depectinized pear juice is

reported. Pear juices free of pectin and puIp behave as Newtonian liquids.
The effect of temperature and concentration on the viscosityof thesejuices
is examined. Juices of different concentration were obtained by diluting
71”Brix juice. The effect of temperature was studied on ten different tem-
peratures between 5 and 60°C. Finally, an expression for the combined
#ect of temperature and concentration on the viscosityis given.


A Constant in eqn (4) (“Brix’)

B Constant in eqn (4) (“Brix-*)
c Concentration in soluble solids (“Brix)
E, Activation energy of the flow (kcal grnoll )
K Consistency coefficient (Pa s”)
K0 Constant in eqn (3) (Pa s)
K, Constant in eqn (4) (Pa s)
K* Constant in eqn (5) (Pa s)
K, Constantineqn(5)(0Brix-1)
K4 Constant in eqn (5) (“Brix-*)
n Flow behaviour index (dimensionless)
Correlation coefficient
L Gas constant (kcal gmol- l K- ‘)
T Temperature (“C or K)
r Shear rate (s-l)
rl Viscosity (Pa s)
7. Shear stress (Pa)
Journul of Food Engineering 0260-8774/89/$03.50 - 0 1989 Elsevier Science
Publishers Ltd, England. Printed in Great Britain
58 A. Zban et al.


Juices are the most important liquid derivatives of fruits in the food
industry. They can be classified according to their pulp content into two
groups: purees and juices, and can be obtained by crushing or by squeez-
ing (Costell & Dur&n, 1982~).
Most of the previously published information relates to purees and
juices obtained by crushing, which are characterized by high suspended-
solids contents (Foda & McCollum, 1970; Costell & Duran, 19823;
Costell et al, 1982).
The rheological behaviour of pear juices is reported here. Pear juices
are mainly marketed in frozen and concentrated form and, to obtain
them, any suspended solid particles normally present in juices obtained
by squeezing must be completely removed by filtering and clarifying.
Generally, the rheological behaviour of a clarified juice can be
described by a power law relationship (Ibarz & Pagan, 1987):
r=K(j)” (1)
where t is the shear stress, i is the shear rate, K is the consistency coeffi-
cient and n is the flow behaviour index.
When the clarified juice is depectinized, its behaviour is Newtonian
(Ibarz et al., 1987):
r=qj (2)
where q is the coefficient of dynamic viscosity.


Preparation of the samples

The samples were prepared from a commercial juice manufactured from

the most prevalent pear varieties grown in the Lleida region of Spain
(Jules Guyot, William, Blanca de Aranjuez, Conference, Coscia, etc).
A commercial juice of 71”Brix was obtained by squeezing, and the
pectin was removed by enzymic treatment. The resulting juice was clari-
fied by sedimentation and filtration, and was finally concentrated by
Samples with lower soluble-solids contents were obtained by diluting
the 7 1“Brix juice with distilled water.
The soluble-solids content of each juice was determined by means of
an Abbe-Zeiss refractometer at 20°C the concentration being expressed
in “Brix.
Rheological properties of clatafiedpear juice concentrates 59

Rheological measurements

The rheological measurements were carried out using a Rotovisco RV

12 (Haake) viscometer, with a M 500-type attachment which can
measure a maximum torque of 4.90 N cm, an NV-type pair of coaxial
cylinders and a thermostatic bath to control the working temperature
within the range 560°C (Ibarz et d, 1987).
Rotor speeds were variable in the range l-5 12 rpm, which enabled
rheograms (shear stress, t, vs shear rate, i) to be constructed.
Readings were taken at increasing rotor speeds until the maximum
speed was reached, after which it was gradually reduced.
In some cases, it was not possible to measure the shear stress at low
rotational speeds, whereas in others difficulty occurred at high speeds
when the readings were off the scale of the instrument.
Values for the coefficient of viscosity were obtained from the experi-
mental values for the corresponding shear stress and shear rate accord-
ing to eqn (2).


The experimental results were fitted to eqn (2) by the least-squares

method and the coefficient of viscosity of the different samples obtained.
These results are given in Table 1; all correlation coefficients were
greater than O-995. The degree of fit and the estimates of the viscosity

Relationship between Viscosity and Soluble-Solids Content of Pear Juice at Different

4o”Brix 45”Brix 5o”Brix 55”Brix 6O”Brix 6S’Brix 71“Brix

5 11 k 0.6 17kO.4 29 z!z0.3 52 f 0.5 112kO.7 335 f 3.0 1816 a 14.0

10 9 f 0.6 13*0.4 22 zk0.5 36 + 0.5 79 f 0.6 198 f 5.0 1014+9*0
15 7 f 0.4 11 f 0.4 171kO.6 27 k 0.6 59 -e 0.4 135 + 1.0 601 f 3.0
20 6 f 0.5 9 sf:0.4 14 f 0.5 21 zko.3 42 k 0.4 104 f 1.0 386 + 2.0
25 5fO-2 7kO.6 llzko.2 17&O-6 33+06 70 f o-5 254 -f-2.0
30 4.2 f O-2 6fO.4 9f0.5 14Iko.7 25fO.3 52+0-4 176 + 1.0
35 3.8+0-4 5 f 0.6 8 f O-5 11 zk0.2 20 + 0.4 40 + 0.3 123 kO.5
4.5 3 * 0.3 4f0.2 6 f 0.6 8 + 0.3 13f0.3 25 k 0.5 67 + 1.0
55 2.3 f 0.2 3.2 + 0.3 4.5 & 0.4 6 f 0.2 9 k 0.5 17fO-1 43 f 0.5
60 2 f 0.2 3 * 0.2 4 f 0.2 5.5 * 0.5 8-5 + 1.0 14f0.2 35f@5
60 A.Zbarz

are significant at the 95% probability level. It can be seen from the table
that the higher the temperature the lower the viscosity, and the higher the
soluble-solids content the higher the viscosity.

The effect of temperature

The change in viscosity with temeprature can be described by an

Arrhenius-type equation (Saravacos, 1970; Rao et al., 1984):


where K, is a constant, E, is the activation energy of flow in kcal (g

mol)- ‘, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in K.
The log of the viscosity coefficient at a particular concentration is
plotted against l/T to obtain the values of the constants K0 and E,. In
Fig. 1, the resulting straight line is shown for each concentration. Activa-
tion energies of flow are obtained from the slope of each straight line and
increase with the soluble-solids content.

The effect of concentration

Two types of equation describing the change in viscosity coefficient with

the soluble-solids content can be found in the literature (Vitali & Rao,


2, :





3 3.2


Fig. 1. Effect of temperature on the juice viscosity. l,40; A, 45;n,50;0,55;A, 60;

Rheologicalproperties of clarified pear juice concentrates 61

1982; l3ao ec al., 1984; Ibarz et al., 1987). In one of these, the change in
viscosity coefficient with concentration follows a power law relationship,
and in the other, it is exponential.
In the present work, an exponential-type equation is used:
7 = K,exp(AC+ BC2) (4)
where K,, A and B are constants, and C is the concentration in degrees
Brix. This equation gives the best fit at all the temperatures studied.
To evaluate the constants, the viscosity measurements at a particular
temperature and different concentrations are fitted to the linear form of
eqn (4) by the least-squares method.
The results of these correlations are given in Table 2. The fittings and
the estimates of the constants are significant at the probability level of
The values of the constants decrease as the temperature increases.

Effect of Concentration on the Viscosity of Pear Juice at Different Temperatures

Exponential model: 7 = K,exp(AC+ BC2)

K, A B rz
Pa 3) (“Brix- ‘) (“Brix- ‘)

5 1.242 - 0.272 0.0039 0.998

10 0.871 - 0.259 0.0037 0.997
15 0.269 -0.217 0.0032 @997
20 0.196 - 0.207 0*0030 0.998
25 0.091 -0.181 0.0027 0.998
30 0.057 - 0.165 0.002 5 0.998
35 0.047 -0.159 0.0024 0.997
45 0.025 -0-135 0.002 1 0.997
55 0.015 - 0.122 0.0019 0.995
60 0.005 - 0.085 0.0016 0.994

The combined effect of temperature and concentration

A single equation describing the combined effect of temperature and

concentration on the juice viscosity would be useful.
The viscosity results shown in Table 1 were fitted to the equation
62 A. Ibarz et al.

Combined Effect of Temperature and Concentration on the Viscosity of Pear Juice

Exponentialmodel: II= K,exp(E,,/RT+ K,C+ KJC’jO

K, 1.009 x 10-7 Pa s
K, - 0.180 “Brix ’
K‘l 0.002 7 “B,.k - ?
4 8.21 kcal (g mol)- ’
r? 0.969

“Units: viscosity in Pa s; temperature in degrees Kelvin.

by multiple linear regression. The values of the constants obtained from

this process are shown in Table 3. The fitting and the estimates of the
constants are significant at a 95% probability level.
It should be emphasized that the constants of eqn (5) are applicable
only over the ranges of temperatures and concentrations studied.
The value of the activation energy of flow obtained from this fit is the
arithmetic mean of the activation energies for the different concentration
samples. The values of the constants K, and K, are the arithmetic means
of the constants A and B, respectively, and are given in Table 2.


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Rheological properties of clari@edpear juice concentrates 63

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A. Ibarz, J. Pagh
Departament de Tecnologia dilliments i Quimica Agricola,
Escola Tknica Superior d’Enginyers Agrdnoms de Lleida,
UniversitatPolitknica de Catalunya,
Avgda. Aicalde Rovira Rowe, 1772.5(X%-Lleida,Spain
J. GutiCrrez & M. Vicente
Departament d’Enginye& Quimica,
Facultat de Quimica,
Universitatde Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain

(Received 7 October 1988; revised version received 23 March 1989; accepted 29

March 1989)

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