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Group6 ID GE 1000 W20

Jia Li 1162710
Weike Yang 1162980
Wuxiao Shen 1163256
Cunbo Yu 1162998

The plan about cooperating with WKU community

1. Activity background
WKU community means a lot to each of us. It attaches great importance to every WKUers’s
daily life. However, WKU community is facing some challenges. In order to satisfy a variety of
needs for WKU community, our group will take the following methods to solve certain
2. The meaning of the activities
We aim to build a great study atmosphere and beautiful environment. Also, if possible, the
group wants to help every WKUers to establish a consciousness that WKU community is our
common home.
3. The aim of the activities
a. To improve the status about wasted public resources.
b. To arise a awareness of garbage classification
c. To provide a better residence life
4. To do list
#Cooperating with the youth volunteer organization is a wonderful idea to solve the
phenomenon of disordered placement and ineffective supervision of package at the school
gate. Volunteers can be arranged to administer all these packages. We can arrange packages
control patrol at a fixed time. The patrol group adopted a shift system and was mainly
responsible for monitoring the problem of misplaced parcels. Also, making room to packages is
necessary. I believe that if we start this project, many students will try to participant us.
# Some videos and posters about public moral can be shown in public areas. The uncivilized
behaviors can bring inconvenience to residents , such as whispering and talking in the quiet
study room, playing games in the study room and other. Also, in the multi-functional activity
room of the public space on the floor, people often do not clean the desktop after eating,
which makes the desktop very dirty and difficult to clean. Not until everyone participates in the
actions will they become responsible.
# It is undeniable that the distance between the trash bins in the WKU community is very
reasonable, but there are only two trash bins in the trash bin, namely recyclable trash bins and
non-recyclable trash bins, instead of systematic classification. The lectures about classified
garbage can also be launched. Classifying the garbage according to the garbage standard when
collecting garbage is necessary. It makes effort on improving people’s awareness of garbage
classification, and what matters most is that turn recognition into practice.

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