Mid Test Psikolinguistk, Dwi Ando Saputra .

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Name : dwi ando saputra

NPM: 1821110050

Class: English 5A

Mid test

1. because it helps solve complex human problems in language learning, because apart from
language problems, it is also related to language activities.

2. The human species has been a topic of debate by experts for several centuries. so from what I
read this language has not solved the problem.

what makes human language the best and most efficient is because human language is very
detailed and also the human species in this world are very numerous and easy to understand from
one another.

3. Both hemispheres of the human brain can play a role in producing language. so, depending on
when the language skills were learned. So far, we know that the left brain acts as the hemisphere
of the brain that regulates logical thinking skills, such as analysis or language use. Conversely,
the right brain plays a role in regulating a person's creativity, for example the ability to create and
imagine. However, both hemispheres actually contribute to language processing. When a person
learns various languages as a child, Broca and Wernicke's area in the left hemisphere helps in
processing and producing words. Meanwhile, if someone is learning a new language, the
creativity brain will play a role because the right brain likes to create things that have never been
done before.

4. because the children still have a language, for example, the mother tongue.

from here we know that mother's language plays an important role in the future and makes a
benchmark for children's speech.

5. language in outline

is inborn, for example in the theory of universal grammar (governance

universal language) from Chomsky, or the outward extreme theory of a philosopher

America Jerry Fodor. This kind of definition is often applied by people who

studying language within the framework of cognitive science and in neurolinguistics.

6. Agree, because language is strongly influenced by the mother's genes, so our initial language
that we often hear is our mother tongue, so that over time we humans can learn and think,
namely having a second language or we often hear foreign languages.
well, so this language will be significantly better if the first language is good.

7. According to the theory of cognitivism, the most important thing that must be achieved is
cognitive development, then knowledge can come out in the form of language skills. From birth
to 18 months, language is considered non-existent. Children only understand the world through
their senses.

8. morphology.





9. language acquisition is concerned with the first language, while language learning is
concerned with the second language.

10. Estimates of the number of languages in the world vary between 6,000–7,000 languages.
However, the exact estimate hinges on any arbitrary change that may occur between languages
and dialects.

well, from here every language has a different grammar, that language has a different system.

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