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Rob’s Storytelling Script

How to begin:
Hey, what’s an ugly-sounding name for a guy?
Quick, I gotta text it to my friend…

After she responds:

Alright. Get this.

My friend gave his number to the creepiest girl

the other night!

We were out at our dive bar, enjoying the magic of

two-for-one domestic drafts. It was ‘80s night so
everyone was rocking to Journey…no one’s
stopped believing.
So all the elements of a good night are in place. But
when I go to order another round, this chick
makes a beeline for my friend .

If I had to describe this girl, picture

Tony the Tiger as an overweight woman.

Okay, so she’s got this fizzy-perm hair thing going on

and this huge “They’reeeeeeeee great” grin on her
face. So Tony is like muscling her way through the
crowd, just clawing through people to get to my
friend. He makes unfortunate eye contact with her
and…it’s on!

So, I’m just standing there, watching

this impending tragedy unfold.

Like if this were me, I’d use my patented ‘bathroom

bail’ but before my friend even has time to get out of
her way, Tony the Tiger has one hand on his back,
telling him – not asking – TELLING him they’re
gonna dance.


He pries her hand off like a dead starfish, sort of

like this…one finger at a time.

So funny. My friend said it seemed like this chick

had eight arms because whenever he pealed one hand
off his back – or, at this point, off his ass…she was
very forward – it felt like two more hands took
its place!

Anyway, she ended up buying us a round of drinks so my

friend felt bad and gave her his number. Now she
won’t stop texting him.

But she doesn’t his name. So we’re trying to
figure out the worst sounding name so he can flake
her off.

What do you think??



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