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People Become Evil

1-4The number of people on earth continued (pt. continue = to (cause to)

go on without interruption, as in some course or action )
to increase (Inf. = to (cause to) become greater ). When these people had
(pt. have = to possess; own; hold for use; contain) daughters (hijas), the sons
(hijos) of God saw (pt. see = to view (something) with the eyes) how beautiful
they were. So they chose (pt. choose = to select from a number of possibilities;
pick by preference) the women they wanted (pt-r want = to feel a need for (or to);
wish or desire; feel inclined) . They married (pt.-r marry = to take (someone) as a
husband or wife) them, and the women had their children.
Then the LORD said (pt. say = to express (something) in words; declare),
“People are (inf. Be [plural] = to exist or live) only human. I will not let (pr.
= to allow or permit) my Spirit be troubled (pt. trouble = to disturb the calm and
contentment of; worry; distress) by them forever. I will let them live (inf. = to be
alive; to have life) only 120 years.”
1.During (inf. = throughout the duration of) this time and also (tambien) later,
the Nephilim (nombre propio) people 2.lived (pt. live = to be alive; to have
life) in the land (tierra [plana]). They have 3.been (pp. be = to exist or live)
famous as powerful (poderoso) soldiers (soldados) since (desde
entonces) ancient (antigüedad) times.
5The LORD 4.saw (pt. see = to view (something) with the eyes) that the people
on the earth 5.were (pt. be [plural]= to exist or live) very evil. He saw that
they 6.thought (pt. think = to have a conscious mind that can reason, remember,
and make decisions) only about evil things (cosas) all (todas) the
time. 6The LORD 7.was pt. be [singular]= to exist or live) sorry that he had
8.made (pt. make = to bring into existence by combining material; produce) people
on the earth. It made him (posesivo de el [a el] very sad in his
heart. 7So the LORD said, “I will 9.destroy (inf. = to ruin (a thing) by
demolishing; injure beyond repair) all the people I 10.created (pt. create = to
cause to come into being): on the earth. I will destroy every person and
every animal and everything that 11.crawls (inf. = to move with the head or
face downward and the body close to the ground, or on the hands and knees. ) on the
earth. And I will destroy all the birds in the air, because I am sorry that I
have made them (posesivo de ellos [a ellos]).”
8But Noah (nombre Propio) pleased the LORD.

Noah and the Great Flood
9This is the history of Noah’s family. He was a good man all his life, and he always
followed God. 10Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11-12When God looked at the earth, he saw that people had ruined it. Violence was
everywhere, and it had ruined their life on earth.
13So God said to Noah, “Everyone has filled the earth with anger and violence. So I will
destroy all living things. I will remove them from the earth. 14Use cypress wood and
build a boat for yourself. Make rooms in the boat and cover it with tar inside and out.
15“This is the size I want you to make the boat: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30
cubits high. 16Make a window for the boat about 1 cubit below the roof. Put a door in the
side of the boat. Make three floors in the boat: a top deck, a middle deck, and a lower
17“Understand what I am telling you. I will bring a great flood of water on the earth. I will
destroy all living things that live under heaven. Everything on the earth will die. 18I will
make a special agreement with you. You, your wife, your sons, and their wives will all go
into the boat. 19Also, you will take two of every living thing on the earth with you into the
boat. Take a male and female of every kind of animal so that they might survive with
you. 20Two of every kind of bird, animal, and creeping thing will come to you so that you
might keep them alive. 21Also bring every kind of food into the boat, for you and for the
22Noah did everything God commanded him.

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