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Mathematical Ability Test

[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

Test Code MAA5
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No. of Questions 20
Maximum Marks 20
Competitive score 16
Time allowed 18 minutes
Answers with explanations have been provided for self-evaluation.
Do send us your score after completing the test.

1. Thapsi can do a work in 5 days, while Mansi can do the same in 7 days. Both
together completed a piece of work and got paid Rs 1200. Find out Mansi’s share.
a. Rs 700
b. Rs 600
c. Rs 500
d. Rs 750

2. Ajay and Vijay can do a piece of work in 36 days. Vijay and Jay can do the same
work in 60 days while Ajay and Jay can do it in 45 days. In how many days, all
the three together can complete the work?
a. 40 days
b. 30 days
c. 25 days
d. 20 days

3. If 5 boys or 9 girls can do an assignment in 38 days, how long will it take for 3
boys and 6 girls to do the same assignment?
a. 15 days
b. 20 days
c. 30 days
d. 28 days

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

4. 8 men and 12 children can do a work in 18 days. A man is twice as efficient as a

child in completing the work. In how many days, 12 men can do double the work?
a. 22 days
b. 28 days Page | 2
c. 33 days
d. 42 days

5. Ram is thrice more efficient than Shyam and hence can complete a work 30 days
ahead of Shyam. If they are put in a project together, how long will it take for
a. 12 ¾ days
b. 12 ¼ days
c. 11 ¼ days
d. 11 ½ days

6. A,B,C would like to do a piece of work together. The following is their work
efficiency: A can do half of the work in 10 days, B can do 3/5th of the same work
in 18 days and C will take 16 days to do 2/3rd of the same work. Find out out how
long will it take for the three of them to complete the work.
a. 8 days
b. 10 days
c. 12 days
d. 9 days

7. 3 students Ram, Krish and Chand can individually complete a programme in

6,8,10 days respectively. They start working together, but Krish had to leave 1
day before completion and Chand left ½ day before completion. Ram alone
worked until the programme was completed. Find out the number of days taken
for the completion of the programme.
a. 5 days
b. 3 days
c. 6 days
d. 7 days

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

8. The wages of 10 workers is Rs 2400 for 6 days. What would be the wages for 4
workers for one day?
a. 60
b. 80
c. 140 Page | 3
d. 160

9. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 20 days, and 26 men and 48 boys
can do the same work in 4 days, find out the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to
do the same work.
a. 8 days
b. 7 days
c. 6 days
d. 9 days

10. Ajit and Vijay are co workers and Ajit takes 50% more time in completing a work
than Vijay. If together they take 27 days to complete a task, how much time shall
Vijay take to finish the task?
a. 45 days
b. 40 days
c. 35 days
d. 48 days

11. Anshuman and Karanshu together can complete a work in 3 days. They start
together, but after 2 days of work, Karanshu had to leave. If the work is
completed after 3 more days, find out how long it would it take for karanshu to do
the work alone.
a. 3.5 days
b. 4.5 days
c. 5 days
d. 5.5 days

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

12. A task can be fulfilled by certain number of employees in 30 days. If eight more
employees could join the team, the task can be completed in 20 days. How many
employees were originally there?
a. 20
b. 24 Page | 4
c. 16
d. 18

13. Three workers x, y, z together charge Rs 621 to complete a work. Z was

instructed to do 4/23 part of the work and the rest was to be completed by x and y
together. If so, how much wage to be paid to z.

a. Rs.128
b. Rs98
c. Rs108
d. Rs118

14. A project comprises of 2 team members A and B who are paid Rs 1440 totally.
While A takes 12 days to complete it alone, B takes 16 days to do so. Due to
paucity of time, A and B sought the expertise of C and all three together complete
the project in 4 days. How much remuneration should A and B pay to C?
a. Rs 650
b. Rs 700
c. Rs 750
d. Rs 600

15. A takes half as long as to do a piece of work as B takes, and C does the same
work in the same time as A and B together take. If A, B, C together would take 12
days to complete the work, find out that how long would C take to finish the work
a. 26 days
b. 24 days
c. 34 days
d. 36 days

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

16. 35 people can do a piece of work in 60 days. How many people can do 3 times the
same volume of work in 35 days?

a. 150
b. 180 Page | 5
c. 200
d. 210

17. A,B,C can do a piece of work in 15 days, 6 days and 10 days respectively. If they
work together, how many days will it take to complete a work which is 5 times
a. 15 days
b. 18 days
c. 20 days
d. 22 days

18. Twenty women can complete a job in 16 days while 16 men can finish the same
in 15 days. Find out the ratio of capacity of a man and a woman.
a. 3:4
b. 4:5
c. 4:3
d. 3:5

19. A tap can fill a tank fully in 4 hours. After filling half the tank, the employee
opens three more similar taps in order to fill the tank quickly. What is the total
time taken to fill the tank fully?
a. 2 ½ hrs
b. 3 ½ hrs
c. 3 hrs
d. 4 ½ hrs

20. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 hours and 16 hours respectively, while
pipe C can empty the tank in 8 hours. If all the 3 pipes are opened simultaneously,
how long will it take for the tank to be full?
a. 48 hours
b. 42 hours
d. 50 hours

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

1 c Ratio of work in 1 day = 1/5 : 1/7 = 7 : 5 SIMPLEPage | 6
Mansi’s share = 5/12 X 1200 = Rs 500. option ‘c’
2 b Ajay + Vijay in 1 day = 1/36. Vijay + Jay in 1 day = 1/60
Ajay + Jay in 1 day = 1/45. Hence 2(Ajay + Vijay + Jay) = MODERATE
1/36 + 1/60 + 1/45 = 1/15. Hence, in one day all three can
do 1/30 of the work, hence it will take 30 days for them to
complete, option ‘b’

3 c 5B = 9G , hence 1 B = 9/5 G. 3B + 6G = 27/5G + 6G =

Given: 9G can do the work in 38 days. Hence, 57/5 G can
do in: 30 days, option ‘c’
4 d 8 men + 12 children = 8 men + 6 men = 14 men ( given
:1man = 2 children) DIFFICULT
Given that 14 men can do the work in 18 days
12 men can do the same in = 14 X 18/12 days. For them to
do double the work =
14 X 18 X 2/12 = 42 days, option ‘d’
5 c If Ram can do a work in x days, Shyam will take 3x days to
do the same. Hence 2x = 30, x = 15 days and Shyam will MODERATE
take 45 days. Both together in 1 day = 1/15 + 1/45 = 4/45.
Hence it will take 11 ¼ days to complete the project
together, option ‘c’
6 a Time taken by A to complete the work = 20 days. Time
taken by B = 18 X 5/3 = 30 days. And C = 24 days. A + B MODERATE
+ C in 1 day = 1/20 + 1/30 + 1/24 = 1/8 of the work, hence
together they would take 8 days, option ‘a’

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

7 b Let the work take x days to finish. Ram’s x day work = x/6. DIFFICULT
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Krish’s x-1 day work = (x-1)/8. Chand’s (x-1/2) day work =
2x-1/20. The total work =1. Hence solving the following:
x/6 + (x-1)/8 + 2x-1/20 =1 gives, x = 3 days, option ‘b’.
8 d workers days wages MODERATE
10 ↑ 6 ↑ 1200
4 1 x

x = (4 X 1 X 2400) / 10 X 6 = Rs 160, option ‘d’

9 a Given: (6M+8B) X 20 = (26M+48B) X 4 => 1M = 2B. DIFFICULT

Hence, 15 men + 20 boys = 50B
6M + 8B = 20B
boys days
20 ↓ 20
50 x => x = 20 X 20/50 = 8 days, option

10 a Let Vijay take x days to complete the task. Then Ajay SIMPLE
takes x + x/2 = 3x/2 days for the same. Given: 1/x + 2/3x =
1/27. Solving, x = 45 days, option ‘a’

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

11 b Work done by Anshuman and Karanshu in 2 days = 2/3. MODERATE
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Remaining work = 1/3 which was done by Anshuman in 3
days => Anshuman can do the complete work in 9 days.
Hence Karanshu in 1 day = 1/3 – 1/9 = 2/9 days => takes
4.5 days to complete alone, option ‘b’

12 c Let us assume that originally there were ‘x’ employees. MODERATE

Days Employees
30 ↓ x
20 x +8
Therefore, x + 8 = 30/20 X x => 16, option ‘c’

13 c work done by z = 4/23 MODERATE

Work done by x and y = 19/23
Hence (x+y) : z = 19/23 : 4/23 = 19:4
So, the wage for z = 4/23 X 621 = Rs 108, option ‘c’

14 d A’s 4days work = 4/12 B’s 4 day work = 4/16. DIFFICULT

C’s 4 days work = 1 - ( 4/12 + 4/16) = 5/12.
Ratio of A:B:C = 1/3 : ¼ : 5/12 = 4 : 3 : 5
C’s wages = 5/12 X 1440 = Rs 600, option ‘d’

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

15 b If A takes x days to complete the work, then B would take DIFFICULT
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2x days.
A + B in 1 day = 1/x + 1/2x = 3/2x which is equal to C’s 1
day work.
Hence, A + B + C in 1 day = 3/2x + 3/2x = 3/x which is
equal to 12 days, hence x = 36.
Therefore, C can complete the work alone in 2 X 36/3 = 24
days, option ‘b’

16 b No of days work people MODERATE

60 ↓ 1 ↑ 35
35 3 x

Therefore x = 60/35 X 3/1 X 35 = 180, option ‘b’

17 a (A + B + C)’s 1 day work = 1/15 + 1/6 + 1/10 = 1/3. Hence SIMPLE

together they would finish in 3 days. Therefore, to complete
a work which is 5 times bigger, it would take them 15 days,

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Time & Work] – MAA5

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

18 c 20 women can do in 1day = 1/16 MODERATE
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1 women can do in 1 day = 1/16 X 1/20 = 1/320
16 men can do in 1 day = 1/15
1 man can do in1 day = 1/240
Hence ratio of man : women = 1/240 : 1/320 = 4 : 3, option

19 a Half of the tank is filled in = 2 hours by 1 tap MODERATE

The remaining half is filled by 4 similar taps in 2/4 hrs = ½
an hour. Hence the total time take = 2 ½ hrs, option ‘a’

20 a soln: A + B – C in 1 hour = 1/12 + 1/16 – 1/8 = 1/48. Hence SIMPLE

if all the three pipes are opened simultaneously, it will take
48 hrs to fill the tank. Option ‘a’

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