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Gabion walls

23.1 Introduction
Computations involved in gabion walls are no different from regular gravity earth-
retaining walls. Earth pressure forces are computed as usual along with stability of the
wall with respect to rotation and sliding.
Gabion baskets are manufactured in different sizes. Typical basket is approximate-
ly 3 ft. in size. Smaller baskets are easier to handle. At the same time smaller baskets
would have more seams to be connected. Not all gabion baskets are perfect cubes.
Some baskets are made with elongated shapes (Plate 23.1).
Gabion baskets are connected to build a wall (Plate 23.2).

Design Example 23.1

An embankment of 15 ft. high has to be contained. 5 ft. Gabion baskets are placed as shown in
Figure 23.1 as proposed. Find the factor of safety of the gabion wall.
Soil density (g) = 120 pcf,
soil friction angle () = 30°.
Friction angle between gabion baskets and soil (d) = 20°.
Assume all groundwater is drained.
Step 1: Find the lateral earth pressure coefficient

K a = tan2 (45 − ϕ /2) = tan2 (45 − 30/2)

= 0.333
Step 2: Compute horizontal force due to earth pressure
Horizontal force (H) = Pressure due to soil
BC = K a × γ × h = 0.333 × 15 × 120 = 600 psf

Area (ABC ) = 12 × 15 × BC = 1
2 × 15 × 600
= 4,500 lbs

Total horizontal force (H) = 4,500 lbs

Step 3: Compute the weight of the gabion wall
Assume the density of stones to be 160 pcf. There are 6 gabion baskets.
W = Weight of gabion baskets = 6 × (5 × 5) × 160 = 24,000 lbs
There is soil sitting on gabion baskets.
Weight of soil = 3 × (5 × 5) × 120 = 9000 lbs
Total weight of the gabion wall = 24,000 + 9,000 = 33,000 lbs

Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb

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Plate 23.1  Gabion baskets.

Plate 23.2  Gabion wall completed.

Gabion walls 255

Figure 23.1  Gabion wall and forces.

Figure 23.2  Forces acting on a gabion wall.

Step 4: Resistance against sliding (Figure 23.2)

Resistance against sliding = Weight of the gabion wall × tan (d)

R = 33,000 × tan(20° )
= 12,011lbs

Factor of safety against sliding = resistance against sliding/horizontal force

= 12,011/4,500
= 2.67
Step 5: Overturning moment
Resultant force acts 1/3 of the length of the triangle.
Obtain moments around point “D”.
Overturning moment = H × 1/3 × 15
= 4,500 × 5
= 22,500 lbs ft.
256 Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb

Figure 23.3  Weight due to gabion baskets.

Step 6: Resisting moment

There are six rock blocks and three soil blocks.
There are three blocks in the far left and one block at far right. There are two blocks in the middle
(Figure 23.3).
Resisting moment due to gabion baskets

Resisting moment due to three blocks in the left (ABC ) = 3 × (5 × 5) × 160 × 2.5
= 30,000 lbs ft.

Resisting moment due to two blocks (DE ) = 2 × (5 × 5) × 160 × 7.5

= 60,000 lbs ft.

Resisting moment due to one block (F ) = 1× (5 × 5) × 160 × 12.5

= 50,000 lbs ft.

Resisting moment due to soil sitting on top of gabion baskets

= 1× (5 × 5) × 120 × 7.5 + 2 × (5 × 5) × 120 × 12.5
= 22,500 + 75,000
Resisting moment = 97,500 lbs ft.
Step 7:
Factor of safety against overturning = resisting moment/overturning moment
= 97,500/22,500
= 4.33

23.2  Log retaining walls

Timber logs are arranged to build log walls. These type of retaining walls are rare to-
day but can be used in wetland mitigation and for temporary structures (Figures 23.4
and 23.5).
Gabion walls 257

Figure 23.4  Log retaining wall (side view).

Figure 23.5  Log retaining wall (Frontal view).

Log walls can be constructed cheaply and still widely used in areas where timber
is common.

23.2.1  Construction procedure of log walls

Figures 23.6 and 23.7 show placement of timber logs and placement of backfill be-
tween logs and compact soil, respectively.
• Place the next layer of logs and backfill.
• Continue the process.

Figure 23.6  Placement of timber logs.

Figure 23.7  Placement of backfill between logs and compact soil.

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