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Symbol: Even though noble families of Cormyr have their own device for heraldry and crest, those who also
assume specific rank of the purple dragons fly the national symbol of Cormyr, a Rampant Purple dragon on a white field.

Background, Goals, and Dreams: The knights of the Purple Dragon are the core military might of Cormyr. Their
background dates to as far back as when the nation was created. Their goals is to maintain order and law within the
boundaries of the Forest Kingdom and to fight threats, both from outside as within, to the death if need be. Dreams of
the Purple Dragons are to elevate the Forest Kingdom to its highest potential and continue to further its endeavors.

Members: Many members of the Purple Dragons are crusaders, fighters, knights, paladins, and rangers; many of
these eventually take levels in the Purple Dragon Knight prestige class (see Compete Warrior or Player’s Guide to
Faerûn). Mortality is moderate among the membership of this combative affiliation, especially along the boarders in the
North and patrolling the roads near Sembia, and as such the Purple Dragons are always looking to induct new members
of strong national patriotism.
Members of the Purple Dragons must be physically fit (no one with Strength or Constitution scores below 10) and
have heritage from Cormyr or a significant knowledge of the land and laws of Cormyr. Members may be required to
relocate to any area within Cormyr’s boarders based on need of
troops and disputes. Any member who breaks rank, does not live
up to the standards of the military order, or directly disobeys
command or Nobility may be subjected to court marshal and up to
being stripped of any all rank, titles, and lands. Desertion is cause
for immediate execution.
The leader of the Purple Dragons is none other than the Steel
Regent, Alusair Obarskyr (female Chondathan Ftr 7/ Rgr 1/ Prp 2).
She hates court life and gossip, preferring sort and to-the point
discussions and dialogue.

Type: Government (standing army)

Scale: 12 (multiregional/kingdom)
Affiliation Score Criteria: The Purple Dragons function as a
fully functional military organization and standing army of the
nation of Cormyr. Those who are of the nation of Cormyr or who
have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge [Local – Cormyr] or Knowledge
(nobility & royalty) can earn affiliation. In additional to their
national heritage or strong knowledge of the region, one must be
non-evil and either be Lawful or Neutral in alignment.

Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier

Character level +1/2 PC’s level
Base attack bonus +5 or higher +1
Crusader, Fighter, Knight, or Paladin +2
Marshal, Ranger, or Scout +1
Has the Leadership feat +2
Proficient with medium or heavy armor +1
Multiple Use
Purple Dragon Knight prestige class +1 per level
Worked on behalf of Cormyr, protecting a village or civilians +4
Defeated a strong foe of the Forest Kingdom (any creature with a CR 10 or above) +8
Is an outlaw -2
Chaotic alignment -8
Retreats in battle -2
Commits a crime within the nation if Cormyr -10

Titles, Benefits, and Duties: To gain a new rank and its associated benefit, a member of the Purple Dragons must
be recognized and vouched for by a higher authority of rank to an Ornrion, Battlemaster, Warden, or to the Steel Regent
herself. The appointment to a higher rank is a quick ceremony held by the one who vouches for the member.

Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duities
0 3 or less No affiliation
1 4&5 Sword: The nation of Cormyr recognize you as a soldier in the military. You have
no authority of your own beyond the power to make arrests and challenge intruders
while on duty. With experience as a mercenary, you’re granted the title of Telsword.
2 6 – 10 Firstsword: Commands a small group of swords (less than a dozen), can make reports,
give testimony, and detain uncharted adventurers. +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy
or Intimidate checks involving citizens and people of Cormyr.
3 11 – 15 Swordcaptain: Lowest rank of officer, serves as head of companies of soldiers. You can
request a masterwork weapon of your choice or a divine potion of up to 3 rd level1/week.
4 16 – 20 Lionar: Commands over one hundred soldiers, request from the Crown supplies for
troops. You can request up to a three score of weapons (60), up to 3 masterwork
weapons, a score of chainmail suits, up to 2 suits of masterwork light or medium armor,
and up to 1000 arrows; in addition to food and supplies to support 100 soldiers for one
5 21 – 25 Ornrions: Commands full brigades of troops, has powers to grant/strip rank or expel
entirely – Purple Dragon officers against their fellows. Nobles with this title are called
Constals. Gain +4 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy or Intimidate checks involving
citizens and people of Cormyr.
6 26 – 29 Battlemasters: General officer, handle mobile troops in the field. Stationary officers,
protecting garrisons and fortifications are called Overswords. Gain a +1 against enemies
of Cormyr, or pose a threat to the Cormyr nation.
7 30 or higher Warden: Wardship is given only by the Crown to different regions of the nation. Once
per day, can cast Command, Greater as a spell-like ability (Caster Level equals character

Executive Powers: Inquisition, Law, War

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