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Cybelle Trad Date: November 16, 2020

Fouad Abou Haidar

Management Principles

MGT 201

Case Study 5

Quest 1:

Nau’s business approach of doing business are categorized into: Design, sale, and Finical
Management Team Bees

 Design: Nau developed fabrics that are more sustainable. Those fabrics increase the
products’ duration, because that the fabrics are more sustainable. This design is
ecofriendly. To be sure that the products obeys the value of NAU, a code of conduct was
put. The process is supervised by a nonprofit auditing.
 Sales: Customers can buy their products from the Web. Nau sells by using Web-front.
The online stores are much smaller than the standard stores, when using this approach.
Nau goes from beyond making profits to protecting and improving societies, Nau donates
5% income to the charitable organizations
 Financial: Nau goes beyond making profits to protecting and improving societies. Nau
cares about the finical performance of the company.
Being ethical and responsible

 Ethical: is doing things for right principles and values.

 Responsible: there are 2 views: the socioeconomic view and the classical view.

1_ the classical view maximizes profits by operating the business in the best interests and
views of the stock owners.
2_socioeconomic view goes beyond profits making in order to improve and protect the
society, because corporations are dependent organizations responsible for shareholders.
Quest 2:

The population would rather choose the cheaper product in hard economic times. Nau has a
limited view of situations. The company saves money by the inventory strategy they have, they
do not need a large storage site, thanks to the “Web-front” concept. Studies show a good
relationship between the economic performance and social involvement. In hard economic times
NAU has a limited appeal for customers, but Nau will have stay power in the long-run.

The drawbacks:

 Lack of skills
 No accountability
 Unable to maximize their profits
 Extra costs are involved

Quest 3:

Connect the dots is actually a game where the player is required to connect the numbers, which
appear on a sheet. When the numbers are connected the dots will show an image. Business is
made up of a group of dots that appear so disparate. Instances, cues, actions, suggestions,
choices, and decisions does not appear connected. There are results to each choice we make,
when our dots are connected, they give us a true and bigger picture. This is the meaning of
“connecting the dots” in life and business.

Quest 4:

Different Organizations worldwide are responsible for destroying the environment: Air, water,
and soil. Governments has to make rules that diminishes and forbids organizations from doing
so, organizations should have social responsibility. Newly creations and ideas can occur to
produce cheap and ecofriendly products.

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