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Owing to diverse diet plans from dissimilar sources, often you get caught up in the midst

of finding reliable diet plans to lose weight fast.

One point that should not be forgotten is the fact that everyone has different genes,
different structures, different bodies and a different metabolism.

So much so that some people who give the same weight loss diet lose one kilo a week
while others can not lose any weight or someone else can even give 2 kilos.

the following are diet guideline that will assist you to elect not just a free weight loss
program, but that which satisfies you.


The fitness plan that you choose has to educate you about calories and how it influences
your weight.

If you decide to stick to a specific amount of calories every day, perhaps 500 per day,
surely within a certain time frame you will lose weight.

A calorie conscious program will educate and gives you tips on how to master only the
essential calories you require.

Studies indicate that the food you elect is easier to rely on that what is suggested to
Additionally, note that, the type of plan you select will help you eat healthy and thus
stick to the plan for a while.

Go Natural
Well, if it is a totally new Acai Berry Extreme product and have not heard of it, one might be
wondering how this fruit will help lose weight.

Acai berry grows on the acai palms of South American in the Brazilian rainforests.

Brazilian acai berry is served as food, beverages and medicines by the native Amazonian for

Terrific! Acai has a berry flavor with a subtle chocolate after taste.

Acai tastes so good, you would never guess it is also great for you.

there are, in fact, many local legends about acai’s incredible healing and sustaining powers.

It remains a popular “health and energy” food in that country today.

Fortunately for North Americans and Europeans, in the last few years acai berry products have
made their way to foreign shores.

Now just about anyone can (and should) try this incredibly healthy food for themselves.

While Acai may be small in size, it packs a nutritional punch unlike any other food in the world.
While we get more into the specific benefits of Acai, here are a few highlights to wet your

- Dr. Perricone, in his bestseller - “The Perricone Promise” picks Acai fruit as the #1 Super Food
in the world.

- In 2005, Oprah name Acai the #1 Super Food, saying “This little berry is one of the most
nutritious and powerful foods in the world.”.

- “Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, açaí is thought to be one of the most nutritional fruits of
the Amazon basin.” New York Times, 8/4/2004

- Acai has 10 Times the antioxidant power of red grapes and twice that of blueberries
While other sites make claims about Acai curing every disease known to man, we would never
make those claims.

What is clear is that Acai has tremendous health properties and may be one of the best possible
foods you can eat to stay healthy.

Losing weight with acai berry is very easy because it has quite a lot of health beneficial
substances that could help one to increase the body metabolism and also helps in getting rid of
the excess fat and it also tastes great.

Acai Berry Extreme is an excellent food supplement,

Thus, the preparation promotes excellent the revocation of fat in your body.

Acai Berries are a valuable source of many minerals, which contain a large dose of amino acids,
proteins and antioxidants.

They also have a high fiber content which speeds up your metabolism and digestion .

The unique formula of the Acai Berries supports the loss of weight, reduces by the decline of
glucose in the blood the feeling of ravenous hunger and causes you not only to lose weight but
also to improve your health.

The regular use of Acai Berry Extreme strengthens the energy, and stimulates the metabolism in
an ideal way, which leads to faster fat burning.

allowing you to lose weight without getting tired.

To give you an idea of just how powerful this fruit really is, consider the nutritional profile of
acai berry pulp:

- 10-30 times the anthocyanins (strong antioxidants) of red wine - an almost perfect essential
amino acid complex (the “building blocks” of protein)

- 60% Oleic acid, an omega-9 monounsaturated essential fatty acid

- 12% Linoleic acid, an omega-6 polyunsaturated essential fatty acid

- a full array of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements

- large amounts of plant sterols (phytochemicals with numerous health benefits)

- significant amounts of natural dietary fiber

- natural calcium! As you can see, there aren’t many things that the acai berry doesn’t have! But
the good news doesn’t end ther
Acai has a vibrant taste that most people find very, very pleasing.

Though difficult to describe, some people compare the flavor of acai to tart, chocolate-covered
cherries or blueberry ice cream with a hint of chocolate.

Not bad for something so healthy!

An in-vitro study done by University of Florida in year 2006 showed that acai berry contains
antioxidants that destroyed experimental human’s cancer cells.

Another research done by Texas AgriLife Research scientists in year 2008 showed that the acai
berry is able to be absorbed by human body in the form of acai juice and acai pulp as well.

This is the first research done that involved people.

This finding is important as products made from this fruit are heavily marketed over the world
market as health improving dietary supplements as it is believed to have various antioxidants.

The method that acai berry works is by initiating a series of minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals
and fibers that work together to help one eliminate the fat.

The antioxidants and Omega 3’s of acai berry are very useful for increasing the body
metabolism, detoxifying the body, and also helps in improving digestion.

The vitamins in acai berry are of great help in keeping one healthy whilst reducing on other food

Many people who have tried acai berry say that it tastes like a mix of chocolate and raspberry.

One of the most important things to attain weight loss with acai berry is to make use of it is a
substitute for sugary and sweet drinks and foods .

Choose programs that give you the freedom to eat anything you want from anywhere, as long as
you adhere to essential components.

Programs that tend to change your eating habits completely affect your lifestyle and thus make
it difficult committing to a specific diet plans to lose weight endeavors.

Nevertheless, nutritional eating habits coupled with exercise are effective for long lasting well

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