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In the article entitled “Asian Woman in Films: No Joy, No Luck”, authored by Jessica

Hagedorn, she complains how films depicts Asian women, the stereotypical portrayals of Asian

women in films.

She referred to the stereotyping of Asian women as tragic victim of abuse, the bad

character in the film, submissive, and girl with sexual desires. One of her examples is the movie

called “Year of Dragon”, she said that in this period of time, Asian woman began to have

character in film but most of these characters are victims of physical, emotional, and mental

abuse. I noticed that most of there is a stereotyping and oversimplifying regarding the depiction

of Asian people in films. Most of the films I saw depicts Asians as nerdy, they know martial arts,

and store owner. Although I have an Asian blood, I don’t find these depictions as offensive, not

because they are true but it is nor degrading. But I think I saw the movies that Hagedorn

mentioned, it might also offend and annoy me.

Perhaps film makers are now addressing the problem of stereotyping and starting to

change their depictions not only to Asian women, but also, to all of the Asians in film.

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