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December 14, 2020

Honorable Member of the Senate

United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator:

I am writing today with the hope that you will help our organization, the International Organization for
the Family (IOF), with an urgent matter that has recently arisen involving our being targeted for
discrimination by Stripe, our donation processor and the largest private fintech company in the world,
because of our beliefs and our conservative values.

First, however, I would like to express the thanks of IOF and our members for the dedication you’ve
shown to exposing big tech tyranny and viewpoint discrimination against conservative organizations.

Owing to this example, we hope that we can depend on you to try to help us find justice in the present
situation. Briefly, what happened is as follows:

On Friday, December 11th, 2020, at 6:59 AM, Stripe sent an email to me with the subject "Important
Notice About Your Stripe Account" (Enclosure 1, “Notice”). The Notice stated that Stripe would no
longer be accepting payments for our website after December 13, a mere two days hence and a
Sunday. Though formulated personally, opening with the words, “I’m writing to let you know…,” the
Notice was signed simply “Stripe” and came from their general support email address
( The Notice specified that we were in violation of the Stripe Services
Agreement, section A.7.b ("Restricted Businesses and Activities") which was linked in a footnote
(Enclosure 2, “Agreement”). However, despite repeated requests from both myself and IOF’s
Executive Director, no further clarification or detail was offered as to what specifically we were
supposed to have done that was regarded as “restricted activity” (Enclosure 3, “Correspondence”).
Throughout our Correspondence with Stripe, we asked for more clarity as to how we were in violation
of the Agreement, but were simply told by Stripe that “[our] business presents a higher level of risk
than we're able to work with.” Yet, Stripe proceeded to request more information about our “business
model” in that very Correspondence, indicating that they had not looked deeply enough at our case
to realize that we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit.


It is our belief that we were targeted by Stripe in this action simply because of our mission to support
and promote traditional family values around the world, views held by countless millions of people
globally, however politically incorrect or fringe such beliefs may be in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street.
Since Stripe has not identified the precise reasons for our termination, we can only speculate that
this ideological motive is behind it. As with other prominent social conservative organizations, like
Family Research Council and The Alliance Defending Freedom, our organization has been smeared
by the thoroughly discredited and politically-motivated Southern Poverty Law Center. However, as
an organization with Christian values central to our mission, we thoroughly disavow all manner of
hatred and unjust discrimination and utterly reject the SPLC’s spurious classification.

The harm that Stripe’s arbitrary determination has is substantive, as our organization depends
particularly upon recurring monthly donations from several hundred supporters, totaling several
thousands of dollars each month, as the backbone of our operating budget. Stripe stores all our
donors’ credit card data in its own system to which we do not have access, and so there is no
straightforward way for us to simply transfer these donors to another processing service: we
therefore stand to lose thousands of dollars as a result of this punitive and unjust action on Stripe’s

Our organization is in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service, which has certified us with
501(c)(3) status, and we have ECOSOC consultative status at the United Nations. We have held
World Congress of Families gatherings around the world in the past several years at the direct
invitation of world leaders and governors, including the administration of Prime Minister Viktor Orban
in Hungary, of President Igor Dodon of Moldova, and of former Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini
of Italy. We have received support from President George W. Bush and Apostle Dallin Oaks of the
LDS Church; and Governor Gary Herbert of Utah addressed our gathering in Salt Lake City in 2015.
If Stripe is able to engage in this sort of viewpoint discrimination against an organization as reputable
as ours, where will it stop? What group is safe from being excluded from critical financial
infrastructure services simply for holding beliefs that are regarded as inimical to liberal elites?

I ask you sincerely to lend your voice to condemning this travesty and to do whatever is within your
power to investigate whether this is something Stripe intends to do routinely on the basis of partisan
political determinations made arbitrarily within their own Byzantine halls of power.

Thank you for your kind consideration of this matter.


Brian S. Brown
President of IOF
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 1: "Notice" — Page 1 of 1

Brian Brown <

"Important Notice About Your Stripe Account"

Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 6:59 AM
Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown >

Hi Brian,,

I'm writing to let you know that we are no longer able to accept payments for after 2020-12-13. After a recent review of your website and
account information, we've found that your business presents a higher level of
risk than we're able to work with. Specifically, your business is in violation of
our Stripe Services Agreement, section A.7.b ("Restricted Businesses and
Activities") [0].

Additionally, we request that you remove any references to Stripe on your site,
including any code, such as API keys and any plugins [1]. We can provide you
with two days to switch to a new provider. After that, you won’t be able to
accept additional charges on your account, but we will continue making
transfers to your bank account until you receive all of your funds [2].

If you believe we have made an error in this determination, or have since

removed violating content, please let us know.






Stripe, 510 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 1 of 6

7. Service Requirements, Limitations and Restrictions

a. Compliance with Applicable Laws: You must use the Services in a lawful manner, and must obey all
laws, rules, and regulations (“Laws”) applicable to your use of the Services and to Transactions. As
applicable, this may include compliance with domestic and international Laws related to the use or
provision of financial services, notification and consumer protection, unfair competition, privacy, and
false advertising, and any other Laws relevant to Transactions.

b. Restricted Businesses and Activities: You may not use the Services to enable any person (including
you) to benefit from any activities Stripe has identified as a restricted business or activity (collectively,
“Restricted Businesses”). Restricted Businesses include use of the Services in or for the benefit of a
country, organization, entity, or person embargoed or blocked by any government, including those on
sanctions lists identified by the United States Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC).

Please review the list of Restricted Businesses thoroughly before registering for and opening a Stripe
Account. If you are uncertain whether a category of business or activity is restricted or have questions
about how these restrictions apply to you, please contact us. We may add to or update the Restricted
Business List at any time.

c. Other Restricted Activities: You may not use the Services to facilitate illegal Transactions or to
permit others to use the Services for personal, family or household purposes. In addition, you may not
allow, and may not allow others to: (i) access or attempt to access non-public Stripe systems,
programs, data, or services; (ii) copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, resell, or distribute
in any way, any data, content, or any part of the Services, Documentation, or our website except as
expressly permitted by applicable Laws; (iii) act as service bureau or pass-through agent for the
Services with no added value to Customers; (iv) transfer any rights granted to you under this
Agreement; (v) work around any of the technical limitations of the Services or enable functionality that
is disabled or prohibited; (vi) reverse engineer or attempt to reverse engineer the Services except as
expressly permitted by Laws; (vii) perform or attempt to perform any actions that would interfere with
the normal operation of the Services or affect use of the Services by our other users; or (ix) impose an
unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Service.
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 2 of 6

Restricted Businesses
Last updated: October 26, 2020

The following categories of businesses and business practices are restricted from using the Stripe
Service ("Restricted Businesses"). Restricted Business categories may be imposed through Network
Rules or the requirements of our Financial Services Providers. In certain cases, businesses listed below
may be eligible for processing with explicit prior approval from Stripe. Note, however, that businesses
that offer illegal products or services are never eligible to use the Stripe Services. The types of
businesses listed in the right column are representative, but not exhaustive. If you are uncertain as to
whether your business is a Restricted Business, or have questions about how these requirements apply
to you, please contact us.

By registering with us, you are confirming that you will not use the Service to accept payments in
connection with the following businesses, business activities, or business practices, unless you have
received prior written approval from Stripe. It is prohibited to use the Service for any dealings,
engagement, or sale of goods/services linked directly or indirectly with jurisdictions Stripe has
deemed high risk, such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Crimea Region, and Syria.

Financial and professional services

Investment Securities brokers; mortgage consulting or

& credit debt reduction services; credit counseling or
services repair; investment services; real estate
opportunities; lending instruments

Money Financial institutions, money transmitters and

and legal money services businesses, check cashing,
services wire transfers, money orders; currency
exchanges or dealers; bill-pay services;
crowdfunding; insurance; bail bonds;
collections agencies; law firms collecting funds
for any purpose other than to pay fees owed
to the firm for services provided by the firm
(e.g., firms cannot use Stripe to hold client
funds, collection or settlement amounts,
disputed funds, etc.)

Virtual Virtual currency that can be monetized, resold,

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 3 of 6
currency or converted to physical or digital products
or stored and services or otherwise exit the virtual world
value (e.g., Bitcoin); cryptocurrency mining
equipment; initial coin offerings; digital
wallets, sale of stored value or credits
maintained, accepted and issued by anyone
other than the seller

IP Infringement, regulated or illegal products and services

Intellectual Sales, distribution, or access to counterfeit

property or music, movies, software, or other licensed
proprietary materials without the appropriate
rights authorization from the rights holder; any
infringement product or service that directly infringes or
facilitates infringement upon the trademark,
patent, copyright, trade secrets, or
proprietary or privacy rights of any third
party; use of Stripe intellectual property
without prior written consent from Stripe;
use of the Stripe name or logo including use
of Stripe trade or service marks inconsistent
with the Stripe Marks Usage Agreement, or
in a manner that otherwise harms Stripe or
the Stripe brand; any action that implies an
untrue endorsement by or affiliation with

Counterfeit Counterfeit goods; unauthorized sale or

or resale of brand name or designer products
unauthorized or services; sale of goods or services that are
goods illegally imported or exported

Gambling Lotteries; bidding fee auctions; sports

forecasting or odds making for a monetary
or material prize; fantasy sports leagues with
cash prizes; internet gaming; contests;
sweepstakes; games of chance including
legal or illegal forms of gambling, internet
gambling, sweepstakes and contests with a
buy-in or cash prize; charity sweepstakes
and raffles for the explicit purpose of
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 4 of 6
Regulated or Cannabis dispensaries and related
illegal businesses; sale of tobacco, e-cigarettes,
products or and e-liquid; online pharmacies;
services prescription-only products including card-
not-present pharmaceuticals; peptides and
research chemicals; fake references or ID-
providing services; age restricted goods or
services; weapons and munitions;
gunpowder and other explosives; fireworks
and related goods; toxic, flammable, and
radioactive materials; products and services
with varying legal status on a state-by-state
basis; goods or services, the sale of which is
illegal under applicable law in the
jurisdictions to which your business is
targeted or directed

Adult Pornography and other obscene materials

content and (including literature, imagery and other
services media) depicting nudity or explicitly sexual
acts; sites offering any sexually-related
services such as prostitution, escorts, pay-
per view, adult live chat features; sexually
oriented items (e.g., adult toys); adult video
stores and sexually oriented massage
parlors; gentleman's clubs, topless bars, and
strip clubs; sexually oriented dating services

Unfair, predatory, or deceptive practices

Get rich Investment opportunities or other services

quick that promise high rewards

Mug shot Platforms that facilitate the publication and

publication removal of content (such as mug shots), where
or pay-to- the primary purpose of posting such content
remove is to cause or raise concerns of reputational
sites harm

No-value- Sale or resale of a service without added

added benefit to the buyer; resale of government
services offerings without authorization or added
value; sites that we determine in our sole
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 5 of 6
discretion to be unfair, deceptive, or predatory
towards consumers

Products or services that are otherwise restricted by our financial partners

Aggregation Engaging in any form of licensed or

unlicensed aggregation of funds owed to
third parties, factoring, or other activities
intended to obfuscate the origin of
funds; payment facilitation

Drug Any equipment designed for making or

paraphernalia using drugs, such as bongs, vaporizers,
and hookahs

High risk Bankruptcy lawyers; remote technical

businesses support; psychic services; essay mills;
chain letters; door-to-door sales; medical
benefit packages; telemedicine and
telehealth services; travel reservation
services and clubs; airlines; cruises;
timeshares; circumvention, jamming and
interference devices; prepaid phone
cards, phone services; telemarketing,
offering substantial rebates or special
incentives as an inducement to purchase
products or services; telecommunications
manipulation equipment; forwarding
brokers; negative response marketing;
subscriptions over one year; extended
warranties; government grants; embassy,
foreign consultate, or other foreign
governments; charities without proper
registration; credit card and identity theft
protection; the use of credit to pay for
lending services; any businesses that we
believe poses elevated financial risk, legal
liability, or violates card network or bank
policies; any business or organization
that a. engages in, encourages, promotes
or celebrates unlawful violence or
physical harm to persons or property, or
b. engages in, encourages, promotes or
celebrates unlawful violence toward any
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 2: "Agreement" — Page 6 of 6
group based on race, religion, disability,
gender, sexual orientation, national
origin, or any other immutable

Multi-level Pyramid schemes and multi-level

marketing marketing

Pseudo Nutraceuticals, pseudo-pharmaceuticals

pharmaceuticals and other products that make health
claims that have not been approved or
verified by the applicable local and/or
national regulatory body

Social media Sale of Twitter followers, Facebook likes,

activity YouTube views, and other forms of social
media activity and online traffic

Substances Sale of a legal substance that provides

designed to the same effect as an illegal drug (e.g.,
mimic illegal salvia, kratom)

Video game or Sale of in-game currency or game items,

virtual world unless the merchant is the operator of
credits the virtual world

Use of Stripe in Use of Stripe principally as a virtual

a manner terminal (e.g., submitting card
inconsistent transactions by manually inputting card
with its information); processing where there is
intended use or no bona fide good or service sold, or
as expressly donation accepted; card testing; evasion
prohibited in of card network chargeback monitoring
the Stripe programs; cross-border acquiring;
Services sharing cardholder information with
Agreement another merchant for payment cross-sell
product or service

If you have any questions about supported businesses, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 1 of 13

Brian Brown >

"Important Notice About Your Stripe Account"

17 messages

Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 6:59 AM

Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown < >

Hi Brian,,

I'm writing to let you know that we are no longer able to accept payments for after 2020-12-13. After a recent review of your website and
account information, we've found that your business presents a higher level of
risk than we're able to work with. Specifically, your business is in violation of
our Stripe Services Agreement, section A.7.b ("Restricted Businesses and
Activities") [0].

Additionally, we request that you remove any references to Stripe on your site,
including any code, such as API keys and any plugins [1]. We can provide you
with two days to switch to a new provider. After that, you won’t be able to
accept additional charges on your account, but we will continue making
transfers to your bank account until you receive all of your funds [2].

If you believe we have made an error in this determination, or have since

removed violating content, please let us know.






Stripe, 510 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 2 of 13


Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 9:53 AM

To: Stripe Support <>

We are not engaging in any content in violation of section A.7.b. This is an error. I need to speak to someone ASAP.


Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Wash 3
m. +1


[Quoted text hidden]


Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 10:16 AM

To: "Joseph L. Grabowski" >

Brian S. Brown
President, National Organization for Marriage
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
tf.: (888)-894-3604

[Quoted text hidden]


Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:10 PM

Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown < >
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 3 of 13

Hello there, 

I hope this email finds you well. I understand you are reaching out to us regarding your account rejection. I
will assist you on this matter today. 

It looks like we could use some clarification on your business model in order to do a secondary review of
your business and account. Could you please provide me with a laymen's summary of how your business
operates? Assume you're explaining your business to someone with no experience in your field, so we can
make sure we have a clear understanding. 

We look forward to hearing back from you.

Have a lovely day, I'll be waiting for any updates on your end. 


[Quoted text hidden]

Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:23 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

Dear Sam,

The International Organization for the Family registered US-based charity under 501 (c) 3 based in both Rockford, Illinois and
Washington, DC. We have United Nations ECOSOC consultative status. We put on the annual World Congress of Families and
have had letters of support from President Bush and many other dignitaries. We do not engage in any unlawful activity and
condemn all violence. We do not operate in any countries listed under prohibited countries. But we are active all around the world.
We have news sites in multiple countries. We also have partners all around the world.

We are happy to provide more information.


Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washi 3
m. +1 (


[Quoted text hidden]

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 4 of 13
Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:28 PM
Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown >

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch with us, we really appreciate you taking the time to bring this to our attention. I
understand how such a notification about your account can be startling and I’ll do my best to shed some
light on this concern.

Although we appreciate your business and for choosing us as your payment’s processor, based on our local
regulatory and commercial partnerships requirements, we won’t be able to continue working with you at this
time. We understand that this isn’t the most convenient way and I wish I could come with better news, but
our hands are tied and there’s no leeway here. 

Stripe is required by law to complete what's called a KYC (Know Your Customer) survey for every business
that signs up with us, regardless of how many transactions they've processed. This involves completing in
depth reviews of every single business, including what you're selling, how you intend to sell it, your own
description of your products and services, your website, and other details. We use all of this information to
determine how risky a business is. 

I'm afraid we can't offer much in the way of specifics regarding our review process for the sake of security,
but please rest assured that we did a thorough review of your business and tried our hardest to continue
working with you.

We hope to be able to extend our services to businesses like yours in the future. While we work to push the
boundaries of the industry, I hope you're able to find a processor that can work with you, and help you scale
your business to its full potential. With this in mind, if you have any questions or concerns for us, please
don't hesitate to send those along.

We wish the best for your business in your future endeavors.

My warmest regards,

[Quoted text hidden]

Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:41 PM

Brian S. Brown
President, National Organization for Marriage
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
tf.: (888)-894-3604
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 5 of 13

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Stripe Support <>
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]


Brian Brown < > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 12:43 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

We have monthly donors that rely on this. We complied with every aspect of the user agreement. It is completely unacceptable
that you would kick us off of this when we have used Stripe for years and complied with all rules. Please move this to a manager.
We have been a part of hearings in Congress on the targeting of conservative groups, now it looks like big tech is targeting us.

We need immediate access on how to transfer all of our monthly donors to a new processor. Immediate.

This is totally unacceptable.

Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1


[Quoted text hidden]


Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 1:27 PM

Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown < >

Hello there, 

Thank you so much for bringing your concerns into our attention. 

We understand how frustrating this notice can be, unfortunately, as mentioned before for one of our agents,
due to our KYC (Know Your Customer) Policy, we won't be able to keep making business with this particular
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 6 of 13
We have evaluated your account and determined the business presents a higher level of risk than we are
willing to support. Furthermore, as you may already know from your review of the Stripe Services Agreement,
Stripe may close your account at any time, for any reason, by providing you notice. 

 For more information, please visit

I'm sorry, but our hands are tied here. 

If you need an alternative payment processor, we recommend considering PaymentCloud, who are able to
work with many businesses we're not able to support:

I'd like to apologize on behalf of Stripe for the inconveniences this decision might have caused on your
business, however, if there's anything else you might need, please let us know, we'll be happy to assist you. 

Have a lovely day. 

Karen, Team Leader

On Dec 11, 5:28 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch with us, we really appreciate you taking the time to bring this to our
attention. I understand how such a notification about your account can be startling and I’ll do my
best to shed some light on this concern.

Although we appreciate your business and for choosing us as your payment’s processor, based on
our local regulatory and commercial partnerships requirements, we won’t be able to continue
working with you at this time. We understand that this isn’t the most convenient way and I wish I
could come with better news, but our hands are tied and there’s no leeway here. 

Stripe is required by law to complete what's called a KYC (Know Your Customer) survey for every
business that signs up with us, regardless of how many transactions they've processed. This involves
completing in depth reviews of every single business, including what you're selling, how you intend
to sell it, your own description of your products and services, your website, and other details. We
use all of this information to determine how risky a business is. 

I'm afraid we can't offer much in the way of specifics regarding our review process for the sake of
security, but please rest assured that we did a thorough review of your business and tried our
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 7 of 13
hardest to continue working with you.

We hope to be able to extend our services to businesses like yours in the future. While we work to
push the boundaries of the industry, I hope you're able to find a processor that can work with you,
and help you scale your business to its full potential. With this in mind, if you have any questions or
concerns for us, please don't hesitate to send those along.

We wish the best for your business in your future endeavors.

My warmest regards,

On Dec 11, 5:10 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hello there, 

I hope this email finds you well. I understand you are reaching out to us regarding your
account rejection. I will assist you on this matter today. 

It looks like we could use some clarification on your business model in order to do a
secondary review of your business and account. Could you please provide me with a
laymen's summary of how your business operates? Assume you're explaining your business
to someone with no experience in your field, so we can make sure we have a clear

We look forward to hearing back from you.

Have a lovely day, I'll be waiting for any updates on your end. 



Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 1:40 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

This is absurd. We immediately need access to our monthly donors.

Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 8 of 13

[Quoted text hidden]

Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 2:41 PM

Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown >

Hello there, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

If you're inquiring about your remaining funds after your account rejection, they will be rolling as scheduled
in your Dashboard. I can see you have upcoming payouts on December 14th and 15th. 

On the other hand, we're really sorry but we are unable to keep your account working at this moment. We
hope to expand our business in the future. 

Have a lovely day, and remember we are one email away!

Karen, Team Leader 

On Dec 11, 6:27 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hello there, 

Thank you so much for bringing your concerns into our attention. 

We understand how frustrating this notice can be, unfortunately, as mentioned before for one of our
agents, due to our KYC (Know Your Customer) Policy, we won't be able to keep making business with
this particular account.  

We have evaluated your account and determined the business presents a higher level of risk than we
are willing to support. Furthermore, as you may already know from your review of the Stripe Services
Agreement, Stripe may close your account at any time, for any reason, by providing you notice. 

 For more information, please visit

I'm sorry, but our hands are tied here. 

If you need an alternative payment processor, we recommend considering PaymentCloud, who are
able to work with many businesses we're not able to support: 
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 9 of 13

I'd like to apologize on behalf of Stripe for the inconveniences this decision might have caused on
your business, however, if there's anything else you might need, please let us know, we'll be happy
to assist you. 

Have a lovely day. 

Karen, Team Leader

On Dec 11, 5:28 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch with us, we really appreciate you taking the time to bring this to
our attention. I understand how such a notification about your account can be startling and
I’ll do my best to shed some light on this concern.

Although we appreciate your business and for choosing us as your payment’s processor,
based on our local regulatory and commercial partnerships requirements, we won’t be able
to continue working with you at this time. We understand that this isn’t the most convenient
way and I wish I could come with better news, but our hands are tied and there’s no leeway

Stripe is required by law to complete what's called a KYC (Know Your Customer) survey for
every business that signs up with us, regardless of how many transactions they've
processed. This involves completing in depth reviews of every single business, including
what you're selling, how you intend to sell it, your own description of your products and
services, your website, and other details. We use all of this information to determine how
risky a business is. 

I'm afraid we can't offer much in the way of specifics regarding our review process for the
sake of security, but please rest assured that we did a thorough review of your business and
tried our hardest to continue working with you.

We hope to be able to extend our services to businesses like yours in the future. While we
work to push the boundaries of the industry, I hope you're able to find a processor that can
work with you, and help you scale your business to its full potential. With this in mind, if
you have any questions or concerns for us, please don't hesitate to send those along.

We wish the best for your business in your future endeavors.

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 10 of 13
My warmest regards,


Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 2:53 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

Dear Karen,

No, I am speaking about our subscriptions. You gave us two days to change a processor with no warning or notice. We want all of
our subscriptions shifted to PayPal Prop Manager. You wrote to us on a Friday morning saying we had to to shift. You have two
days to make sure that our monthly subscriptions continue to be processed.

You will be receiving a more formal legal letter from us. We have broken no aspect of the user agreement, however you are
breaking the agreement by freezing a good account with no notice and giving us two days to get our subscription information
into a new service. I suggest you move this up the chain. We are contacting our representatives in Congress about this.That is
not a threat, that is a reality. As I stated earlier, we have already had experience with the targeting of conservatives by powerful
tech organizations. We will assert all relevant legal rights in this matter.


Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1

[Quoted text hidden]

Stripe Support <> Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 3:13 PM

Reply-To: Stripe Support <>
To: Brian Brown < >

Hello there, 

Thanks for your prompt response. 

I understand how frustrating this situation can be, if you'd like, we can see if there's a possibility to extend
your transition out period for a while longer. 

On the other hand, as mentioned before, you can see our Termination Policies in the following link: 

Please remember you signed for those policies when you accepted our Services Agreement: 
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 11 of 13 

Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. 

Karen, Team Lead

On Dec 11, 7:41 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hello there, 

I hope this email finds you well. 

If you're inquiring about your remaining funds after your account rejection, they will be rolling as
scheduled in your Dashboard. I can see you have upcoming payouts on December 14th and 15th. 

On the other hand, we're really sorry but we are unable to keep your account working at this
moment. We hope to expand our business in the future. 

Have a lovely day, and remember we are one email away!

Karen, Team Leader 

On Dec 11, 6:27 PM, Stripe Support wrote:

Hello there, 

Thank you so much for bringing your concerns into our attention. 

We understand how frustrating this notice can be, unfortunately, as mentioned before for
one of our agents, due to our KYC (Know Your Customer) Policy, we won't be able to keep
making business with this particular account.  

We have evaluated your account and determined the business presents a higher level of risk
than we are willing to support. Furthermore, as you may already know from your review of
the Stripe Services Agreement, Stripe may close your account at any time, for any reason, by
providing you notice. 

 For more information, please visit

I'm sorry, but our hands are tied here. 

Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 12 of 13
If you need an alternative payment processor, we recommend considering PaymentCloud,
who are able to work with many businesses we're not able to support:

I'd like to apologize on behalf of Stripe for the inconveniences this decision might have
caused on your business, however, if there's anything else you might need, please let us
know, we'll be happy to assist you. 

Have a lovely day. 

Karen, Team Leader


Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 3:25 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

Dear Karen,

You can send that termination agreement until the cows come home. It does not change anything.

You have an obligation to prove that we have somehow broken the user agreement. You have not.

We have done nothing wrong, and now you are interfering with our ability to conduct our non-profit operations.

There is absolutely no way that it is ethical or legal for you to give us two days to move our subscriptions. Any attempt to suspend
our subscriptions on Sunday will be treated as breach of contract. You must give us a reasonable amount of time to move these
to a new service, which we are prepared to do, though it is completely unjust and wrong.


Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1

[Quoted text hidden]

Brian Brown > Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 3:30 PM

To: Stripe Support <>

The prior email serves as formal notice that we wish to transfer our monthly subscriptions.
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 3: "Correspondence" — Page 13 of 13
Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1

[Quoted text hidden]

Brian Brown < Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 6:39 AM

To: Stripe Support <>

Again, we need to initiate the process to receive our subscription data to transfer to Paypal Pro Payments. We need to receive
our data. We are going to need more time than two days to transition the subscriptions.


Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1

[Quoted text hidden]

Brian Brown < > Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 8:25 AM

To: Stripe Support <>

You have now stopped our monthly subscriptions after two days' notice that you were removing our account. This is completely

We have the right to have all of our monthly subscriptions transferred to our new service. Please get the encrypted account
information ASAP.

We have broken no aspect of the terms of service.

Brian Brown
Brian S. Brown
President, International Organization for the Family
17 D Street, SE, #1
Washington, DC 20003
m. +1
Brian Brown Letter to Senators — Enclosure 4: Letter of Support from President Bush

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