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考试 – kǎoshì – test / exam 散步 – sànbù – to take a walk

拿到 – nádào – to be succeed in
自⼰ – zìjǐ – oneself, by oneself
obtaining, to gain, to receive

得 – děi – must / have to 情侣 – qínglǚ – lovers, couple

成绩 – chéngjī – grade(at school) /

约会 – yuēhuì – date
academic record

其实 – qíshí– as a matter of fact /

温柔 – wēnróu – gentle and soft
actually / in fact

聪明 – cōngmíng – intelligent 外表 – wàibiǎo – appearance

计划 – jìhuà – plan ⼀切 – yíqiè – everything

约 – yuē – to make an appointment 矮 – ǎi – short

没事 – méishì– not busy / not be

共同 – gò ngtó ng – common

终于 – zhōngyú – finally 身材 – shēncái – figure

确定 – quèdìng – to make sure / to

完美 – wánměi – perfect

不好意思 – bùhǎoyìsi – I'm sorry/forgive

适合 – shìhé – suit / fit
me/excuse me/I beg your pardon

聊 – liáo – to chat 下周 – xiàzhōu – next week


如何 – rú hé – how is it?

小考 – xiǎokǎo – quiz

及格 – jígé – to pass

呃 – è – uh

内在(美) – nèizài(měi) – inner (beauty)

感觉 – gǎnjué – feeling

追(⼥朋友) – zhuī(nǚpéngyǒu) – to chase after, to pursue

孤单 – gūdān – lonely

⽓氛 – qìfēn – atmosphere

爱情 – àiqíng – romance, romantic love

恋爱 – liànài – love, romantic attachment

玫瑰 – méiguī – rose

浪漫 – làngmàn – romantic

分⼿ – fēnshǒu – to break up

变⼼ – biànxīn – unfaithful

失恋 – shīliàn – break up with somebody

个性 – gèxìng – personality

花花公⼦ – huāhuā gōngzǐ – playboy

白马王⼦ – báimǎ wángzǐ – Mr. charming

梦中情⼈ – mèngzhōng qíngrén – dream man / dream woman



It means “actually” “in fact” or even “to be honest”.

Wǒ qíshíbù gǎn kàn kǒngbùpiàn, kěshì
wǒ nǚpéngyǒu jiào wǒ gēn tā yìqǐ kàn.
I actually don’t dare to watch horror movies,
but my girlfriend asks me to watch with her.

Qíshítā duìyùndò ng méi yǒu xìngqù , tā shì
wèile nánpéngyǒu cái qù yùndò ng de.
In fact, he is not very interested in sports.
He went to exercise because of his boyfriend.

A: 你很喜欢喝酒啊?喝了这么多。
B: 其实我⼀点也不喜欢喝。
A: Nǐ hěn xǐhuān hējiǔ a? hēle zhème duō.
B: Qíshíwǒ yìdiǎn yě bú xǐhuān hē.
A: You love drinking? You have drunk so much.
B: To be honest, I don’t like drinking at all .


To confirm your speculation, you may use

this 是不是 to ask for confirmation.

Tā shìbú shìbǐ nǐ ǎi?
Is he shorter than you?

Nǐ de fāyīn shìbú shìjìnbù le?
Has your pronunciation improved?

Nǐ shìbú shìyǐjīng zuò wán jiànkāngjiǎnchá le?
Have you already finished the physical examination?


The 比 pattern indicates a comparison between two things.

And, ⼀点/得多 follows a adjective, indicating small
degree/higher degree.

Wǒ bǐ wǒ gēge cōngmíng de duō.
I am much smarter than my older brother.

Tā bǐ yǐqián shò u yìdiǎn.
He is a bit skinnier than before.

Tā de chéngjī bǐ nǐ de gāo de duōma?
Is his grade much higher than yours?

像...的 + noun

This pattern specifies the details of modification to a noun,

i.e. like…, such as…

Xiàng nǐ shēncái zhème wánměi de rén,
zhēnde bù duō.
There really aren't many people
with a body as perfect as yours.

Xiàng pǎobù zhème wúliáo de yùndò ng,
wǒ yìdiǎn yě bù xiǎng zuò .
For sports like jogging that are so boring,
I don't want to do them at all.

Xiàng tā gēge nàyàng wēnróu de rén,
yídìng hěn duō rén xǐhuān ba?
Regarding people as gentle as his brother,
there must be lots of people that like him.

Pipe and Lily are on campus.

Pipe 嘿,Lily,妳上次的考试考得如何?
Hēi, Lily, nǐ shàngcìde kǎoshì kǎo de rú hé?
Hey, Lily. How did you do on the last test?

Lily 还不错,我拿到A。你呢?
Hái bú cuò , wǒ ná dàoA. Nǐ ne?
Not bad. I got an A. And you?

Pipe C,我得好好学习了。妳上课很认真,总是拿到好成绩。妳可以教我吗?
C, wǒ děi hǎo hǎo xuéxíle. Nǐ shàngkè hěn rènzhēn, zǒngshì nádào hǎo
chéngjī. Nǐ kěyǐ jiāo wǒ ma?
C. I need to start studying harder. You work very hard in class, and you
always get good grades. Can you teach me?

Lily 没问题。其实你很聪明,只要多练习,就⼀定可以考得很好。
Méi wèntí. Qíshínǐ hěn cōngmíng, zhǐ yào duō liànxí, jiù yídìng kěyǐ kǎo
de hěn hǎo.
No problem. You’re actually very smart. All you need to do is practice
more and you’ll surely be able to do very well on tests.

Pipe 谢谢你!这个周末,你有计划吗?
Xièxie nǐ! Zhè ge zhōumò, nǐ yǒu jìhuà ma?
Thank you! Do you have any plans this weekend?

Lily 我周六早上都会去游泳,游完泳以后就没事了,我们约这个周末吧。
Wǒ zhōuliù zǎoshàng dōu huìqù yóuyǒng, yó u wán yǒng yǐhòu jiù méi
shìle, wǒmen yuē zhè ge zhōumò ba.
On Saturday mornings I always go swimming, but after I finish swimming
I don’t have anything to do. Let’s meet up this weekend, alright?

Pipe 太好了!我终于约到Lily了。
(imagining) Tài hǎo le! Wǒ zhōngyú yuēdào Lily le.
This is perfect! I’ve finally got Lily to go on a date.

Lily 我们可以约这个周六下午,我再给你打电话。
Wǒmen kěyǐ yuē zhè ge zhōuliù xiàwǔ, wǒ zài gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.
We can meet this Saturday afternoon. I’ll call you later.

Pipe and Lily are at a restaurant.

Lily 这是⼀家很好的餐厅,不过我不确定是不是适合我们学习。
Zhè shìyìjiā hěn hǎo de cāntīng, bú guò wǒ bú quèdìng shìbú shìshìhé
wǒmen xuéxí.
This is a really good restaurant. But, I don’t know if it’s the right place for
us to study or not.

Pipe 我想我们可以先吃晚餐,聊⼀聊多认识认识,然后再去散步。
Wǒ xiǎng wǒmen kěyǐ xiān chī wǎncān, liáo yìliáo duō rènshìrènshì,
ránhò u zài qù sànbù .
I thought it’d be ok if we first ate dinner and chatted a bit so we can get
to know each other better. And, then we can go on a walk.

Lily 呃…好…
È… Hǎo...
Uh… ok…

Pipe 我⼀直很想试试这家店,可是我不想⾃⼰⼀个⼈来,这⾥总是有很多情侣,如
Wǒ yìzhíhěn xiǎng shìshìzhè jiā diàn, kěshì wǒ bù xiǎng zìjǐ yíge rén lái,
zhèlǐ zǒngshì yǒu hěn duō qíngl ǚ , rúguǒ wǒ zìjǐ yíge rén lái, huìyǒudiǎn
qíguài. Nǐ xǐhuān hé shénmeyàng de rén yuēhuì?
I’ve always wanted to try this restaurant, but I didn’t want to come by
myself. There’s always a lot of couples here, so if I were to come by
myself it’d be kind of strange. What kind of person do you like dating?

Lily 我…

Pipe 我喜欢温柔⼜聪明的⼥⽣,外表不是⼀切,但是我喜欢⽐我矮的⼥⽣,还要有
Wǒ xǐhuān wēnróu yò u cōngmíng de n ǚ shēng, wàibiǎo bú shìyíqiè,
dànshìwǒ xǐhuān bǐ wǒ ǎi de n ǚ shēng, hái yào yǒu gò ngtó ng de xìngqù ,
nǐ de xìngqù shìshénme?
I like women who are caring and smart. Physical appearance isn’t
everything, but I do like women who are shorter than me. And she also
needs to have similar interests. What are your interests?

Lily 我通常…
Wǒ tōngcháng…
I normally…

Pipe 我喜欢打篮球也常游泳,因为这些对身体很好。你的身材很好,应该也对运动
Wǒ xǐhuān dǎ lánqiú yě cháng yóuyǒng, yīnwèi zhèxiē duìshēntǐ hěn hǎo.
Nǐ de shēncái hěn hǎo, yīnggāi yě duìyù ndò ng yǒu xìngqù . Rúguǒ wǒ
néng zhǎodào xiàng nǐ zhèyàng wánměi de n ǚ shēng, jiù tài hǎo le.
I like playing basketball and I swim a lot, because they’re good for my
body. Your figure is very good, so you’re probably interested in exercise,
too. If I could find a girl like you that’s this perfect, it’d be too good to be

Lily (看⼿机)是我男朋友,不好意思,我得⾛了!下周⻅。
Shìwǒ nánpéngyǒu, bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ děi zǒu le! Xiàzhōu jiàn.
(looking at her phone) It’s my boyfriend. I’m sorry, but I need to get
going now! See you next week.

Pipe 呃?等⼀等…
È? Děng yìděng...
Huh? Wait a moment…

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