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The author of the story has not only considered the romantic side of it but
also taken into account the values that we can learn from it. In the story,
Alfredo, an engaged bachelor, had experienced a forbidden love with Julia
Salas. There unexpected romantic feelings for each other bloom without
them knowing it. Later in the story, Alfredo and Julia did not end up to be
together because they’re both aware that their feelings were not acceptable
in eyes of the society.

I think, Alfredo did the right decision and took into consideration the moral
of their family. Alfredo’s family are well-known lawyers in their town. Having
this kind of profession, the kind society that surrounds you will
automatically think a standard that is high. Their expectations in you are
expected to be on top because we know that lawyers know what is right
from what is wrong. It is truly embarrassing if the lawyer who knows the law
of human is the first one who will break it.

The action that Julia made was also applauding because as a woman, she
did not insist her feelings towards Alfredo but she chose to bravely walk
away, do what is right, and give up her love for him. She also considered
what might be the thoughts of the society if she and Alfredo will be
together. In result, she did not ‘totally’ ruin the reputation of woman.

On the other hand, Esperanza was a woman shaped by the standard of the
society. Knowing what is right from what is wrong, what is acceptable and
what is not, and what is pleasing in the eyes of many. In the very first place,
we cannot blame the character of Esperanza but the thing that I learned
from her is doing what is right will bless you in the future. Esperanza and
Alfredo though they’re not truly convince that they’re deeply in love with
each other still experienced a happy ending.
Let me also consider the time reflected in the story. It was Lenten, a
season of self-examination, reflection and repentance. As we all know that
during this time, Christians especially Catholics observe what is meant by
the bible. This is a time to make ourselves better, choose to give up
something and focus in building a stronger relationship with God. Maybe,
the author tries to give emphasis on this because our actions are
sometimes influenced by what we only feel and not taking into
consideration the things that pleases God. We must reflect in ourselves
and think our decision as many times as possible. Our life here on Earth is
not all about doing things that pleases people but doing things that pleases

“Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the
wrong thing.” Sometimes in our life, it is better to make the right decision
and lose the one you love. Remember, feelings come, feelings go and
feelings can be deceiving. Maybe, we are just blinded with the feelings and
emotions that are temporary. Let us always bear in our mind that whenever
we follow our heart, we must always take our brain with us. We must not
rely completely on something that’s fleeting, that can change at any

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