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Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms)

Dichotomous key: (present specimens)

I. Free-living; without suckers Class Turbellaria

a. Mouth at middle of body
i. Aquatic; not very elongate Dugesia
II. Parasitic; with suckers; unsegmented Class Trematoda
a. Hermaphroditic
i. Anterior end not produced into cone Clonorchis
ii. Anterior end produced into cone Fasciola
b. Dioecious; elongate; slender Schistosoma
III. Parasitic; with suckers or bothria; segmented
a. Scolex with sucker
i. Genital pore on one side of proglottids Taenia
ii. Genital pore on both sides of proglottids Diphylidium
b. Scolex with bothria Diphyllobothrium

*bothria- muscular grooves that provide attachment by pinching host tissue between them

Phylum Platyhelminthes

 Bilaterally symmetrical
 Flattened dorso-ventrally
 Definite head
 Acoelomates
 No anus

Class Turbellaria (Dugesia, Stenostomum, Bipalium, Leptoplana)

 Ciliated body surface

 Free-living
 Ventrally-located mouth; digestive tract present
Dugesia (Planaria)
 found under stones and decaying
leaves in sluggish streams
 Gliding movement due to cilia
 Dark color due to pigment granules

Class Trematoda (Clonorchis, Fasciola)

 Parasitic with suckers

 Unsegmented

Clonorchis sinensis

 Chinese liver fluke

 hermaphroditic
 Parasitic

Vitelline glands- secrete yolk

Reproductive System:

1 pair testes deferent duct CIRRUS

Seminal vesicles

Laurer’s canal


Mehli’s gland Uterus genital pore

Fasciola hepatica (Sheep liver fluke)

 Hermaphroditic
 Parasitic
 Liver of cows, carabaos and other grazing mammals
 Leaf-like body
 Conical anterior portion
 Extensive tapering posterior portion
 Has two suckers

Schistosoma japonicum (bloodfluke)

 Slender, elongated
 With two suckers, oral and ventral
 Dioecious
 Male has two longitudinal flaps which forms a
 Canal called gonoporic canal
 very slender female

Schistosoma; cercariae
Class Cestoda (Tapeworms) – Taenia, Diphylidium, Diphyllobothrium

 with suckers or bothria

 body is long and segmented
 no mouth and digestive tract

3 body regions:

 Scolex
 Neck
 Strobila with proglottids

Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)

 Scolex with rostellum (with hooks)

 Genital pore on one side
 Shape of uterus is branching

Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm)

 No rostellum
 Genital pore on one side
Diphylidium caninum (dog’s tapeworm)

 Two genital pores

 Ovaries are separate
 Fertilized eggs in rounded pockets of the uterus
 Rostellum is present
 segmented

Diphyllobothrium (Dibothriocephalus or fish tapeworms)

 Larva lives in a freshwater fish

 Scolex has two bothria for attachment
 Proglottid has uterine pore for passage of embryo
 Genital pore is ventral in position



Phylum Nematoda (roundworms)- Ascaris, Turbatrix, Necator, Rhabditis, Enterobius

 Pseudocoelomates
 Elongate, cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical and unsegmented
 Surface has no cilia, covered with elastic, nonliving cuticle
 Sexes are separate (dioecious)

Ascaris lumbricoides

 Parasitic in intestine of some mammals

 Male is smaller than the female
 Posterior is curved, pineal setae is sticking out of the anus
 Mouth has 3 lips

Necator ( hookworm)

 Large round mouth for cutting the mucosa

Of the intestine
 Male has expanded genital bursa

Ancylostoma (hookworm)

 Differs from Necator by the armature

Of the mouth and shape of bursa
Enterobius vermicularis (human pinworm)
 Large intestine of man
 Lays eggs around the man’s anus, causing tickling sensation
 Has a pharyngeal bulb

Trichuris trichiura (human whipworm)

Upper part

Phylum Acanthocephalia (Spiny-headed roundworms)

 Parasitic in the intestine of vertebrates

 Unsegmented
 Bilaterally symmetrical, cylindrical

acanthor larva- enters the host

Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (small intestine of pig)

Phylum Rotifera (Wheel Animal-cules)- Philodina

 Smallest metazoans
 Freshwater
 Bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented
 Sexes separate

Corona- for food gathering and locomotion; ciliated


Phylum Annelida

 Metamerism
 Eucoelomates Ventral
 Closed circulatory system
 Segmented even inside dorsal

Class Polychaeta (marine worms)- Nereis, Phyllodoce, Terebella, Serpula

 Setae carried in parapodia

 Sexes separate

Nereis (sandworm)
Class Oligochaeta (earthworms)

 Setae not in parapodia

 Without appendages
 Hermaphroditic


Lumbricus terrestris

Class Hirudinia

Hirudo medicinalis

 Ventral side with suckers

Phylum Sipuncula (peanut worms)

 Burrowing
Phylum Annelida dichotomous key

I. Setae carried in parapodia Class Polychaeta

A. Body not divisible into distinct regions; generally
1. Free living, few live in tubes
a. Dorsal surface without plate-like covering
1. Prostonium with 2 small tentacles Nereis
II. Setae not carried in parapodia Class Oligochaeta
a. Large worm; terrestrial Pheretima
III. Setae absent; with suckers Class Hirudinea

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