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Sc Planning Onion
Development, Unit Testing, Unit Acceptance Testing, Documentation Regression ,Performance Test
. .
Pre S0 0
S0 Sprint Elevation/Product Release
High level planning for entire High level planning for the Detailed planning for iterations Pushing (increment of)
program/project Release product to market place
Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Look ahead Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective
Vision & Misson for the Release goals and objectives Sprint goals and objectives Daily updates from team Look ahead to: Demo functionality to Learn from completed Regression Test
project members (what you worked - health of current sprint/are Stakeholders iteration and correct the
Identify/settle on sprint User Stories for the sprint on) we on target? 'course' Performance Test
Identify Roles and Personas length (based on bPO priorities) - next iteration User acceptance/walk
Daily plan (what you plan to - next MMF/Priority through of different identify areas for Product increment pushed
Identify Epics, MMFs, User Stories for highest Review impediments list work on) business scenario as part of improvement/ write to market place/move into
Features, and Release points priority features, MMFs (just Identify any dependencies, the demo improvement stories Production
enough so the team will be Review Velocity and load Impediment reporting start engaging Enterprise
Identify dependencies and busy for 3-sprints) appropriate amount of support groups Solicit and capture their (finalize) documentation
risks Stories on sprint backlog Story swarming required? feedback on the
Consensus estimates (SPs) Identify stories you need to functionality Identify next priority MMFs
Prioritize PB, assign BV by Team Tasks writing for each user front load

story on Sprint Backlog adjust priorities, plan (based Getting ready for next
Identify tools & training Enabling/Technical stories on realities, stakeholder Release planning
requirements Consider Refactoring and feedback)
Identify potential stories for write appropriate update RoI charts and other
Procure environments, first sprint refactoring stories management reports
hardware, software
Define DONEness request additional funding
Identify and convey High for next Release
level data requirements

Identify potential team

continuous Release planning and pushing MMFs to create product increments to push it to market place

bPO, tPO, Agile Coach, PO, Agile Coach, Team, PO, Agile Coach, Team, PO, Agile Coach, Team, PO , Agile Coach, Scrum Stakeholders, Management PO , Agile Coach, Scrum PO , Agile Coach, Scrum
Project Sponsors, Scrum Master, SMEs Scrum Master Scrum Master Master, Support group Master, Team Master, Team, Stakeholders
Stakeholders, Scrum Master representation (if needed), PO , Agile Coach, Scrum

SMEs (if needed) Master, Team

Support groups such as
Enterprise database group

pVM pVM (revised) Sprint backlog User story progress Potential stories for next Demo of working updated PB Product
iteration functionality of the product increment/completed MMFs
(start creating) PB Highlevel release plan (updated) PB (updated) impediments list Improvement stories
(updated) impediments list updated PB (incremental) funding for
Highlevel Architecture PB with MMFs, Features, (updated) impediments list Tasks progress next Release
Wireframes & and User Stories Feature Burnup, Velocity, (updated) Feature Burnup
Tasks for each User Story on Story burnup and Features at risk chart updated Management
whiteboarding sessions Feature burnup chart SB reports

(showing inital priorities) Task burndown Release burnup, forecast on Velocity of team
Training and workshops (updated) Team calendar when the project would be
(updated) impediment list done (updated) impediments list
co-located team
team area Definition of DONE (updated) Release burnup
(any known) impediments Sprint Calendar
and risk in Impediment List Scope, schedule forecast
Resource calendar

During Sprint: Test cases, Unit Testing, Unit Acceptance Testing, Documentation, before Sprint-end: Integration testing
Code daily into Source Control system, Automated Build, pull out the code if build fails

Requirements gathering for next priority Feature

(C) 2011, Arete Solutions llc.

All rights reserved

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