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Biofertilizer question paper

Q1. Which are the species of Azotobacter that occur commonly in India?
Q2. Which is the suitable medium for Azotobacter?
Q3. What is the systematic position of Azospirillum?
Q4. Which is the most common species of Azolla in India?
Q5. Which species of BGA is symbiont of Azolla?
Q6. Can we consider Mycorrhiza as a biofertilizer or not?
Q7. Name at least two phosphate solubilizing bacteria
Q8. Name the viruses which is used as bioinsectiside.
Q9. Systematic position of Bacillus thuringiensis
Q10. Define Harting net
Q11. Explain why spraying large amounts of pesticides becomes ineffective over time?
Q12. Expand IPM in full form.

Short answer type

Q1. Justify the use of Rhizobium sp for crop enhancement.

Q2. Give a detailed account of mass cultivation of Rhizobium and its use as

Q3. Give a short note on arbuscules and vesicles.

Q4. Differentiate between bioinsectiside and biopestiside.
Q5. Write the advantages of biopesticides over chemical pesticides.
Q6. Discuss the role of heterocyst in nitrogen fixation.
Q7. Give a concise account of cyanobacteria biofertilizers and their mass production.
Q8. Explain the mass multiplication and field application of Azolla.
Q9. Discuss the importance of phosphate solubilizing microorganism used as
Q10. Discuss the field application of ectomycorrhiza and VAM.
Q11. Give the process of virus’s cultivation and their field application as a
Q12. Discuss the field application of Bacillus thurigiensis as bioinsecticide.

Long answer type question

Q1. What are biofertilizers? Describe different types of microbial biofertilizers used in
modern agriculture industry.
Q2. Why biofertilizers are preferred over chemical fertilizers. Give a brief account of
advantages and limitations of biofertilizers.
Q3. What are mycorrhizae and why they are considered advantageous to plants? Describe the
classificatory categories of mycorrhizae in detail with the help of suitable diagrams.
Q4. Give a detailed account on the isolation and field application of Bacillus thuringiensis.
Q5. What are phosphate solubilizing microorganisms? Briefly discuss the process of isolation
and characterization.
Q6. Explain the mass multiplication and field application of Azolla.

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