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Assignment 1 UNIT 7— DATA & PROBABILITY Tie ‘Mean, Median, Mode & Range ‘Complete ™ uz Displaying Data: Histograms & Bar Graphs SeattorPlots Line Graphs Circle Graphs Infographics 1 Worksheet ‘auiz2 73 Experimentel Probability Worksheet quiza Fractce Test Practice Test /Unit Review Assignment Chapter Test ‘Show me your stuff Self Assessment complete the self Self Assessment (On the following chart, indicate how confident you feel about each statement. a 1-1 need more help 2-1 need more practice 3-1 could teach it ! Discuss this with your teacher before you wilte the test ‘Statement Aes ‘After completing this chapter, ‘+ [can interpret and analyze and create a variety of graphs (bar, histogram, tine, circle, pictographs, infographs, scatter plots) * can create a variety of graphs (bar, histogram, line, circle, pictographs, infographs, scatter plots) from a set of data {| * can calculate the measures of central tendencies for a given sat of data (mean, median and mode} * can identify outers and analyze how they may affect measures of ‘central tendency * can identify relationships (correlations) between two variables in a set of data + [can calculate theoretical probability of an event * [can conduct an experiment (or create a simulation) to determine the probability of an event happening + understand the difference between theoretical and experimental probability Vocabulary: mean data ‘scaler plots ‘utters Irtographs postive eareations Fegative correlations thooretcal prebatiiy ‘WMA 10 ‘Z1-Mean, Median, Mode & Range Notes Statistics is a field of mathematics that deals with the collecting and summarizing of data. There are four measures of central tendency that we will be working with: ‘Mean (sometimes called average). To calculate the mzan we add up all the values and then divide by the number of values we have. ‘Median js the center or middle value. To ind the mecian we order all the numbers, and then pick the middle number. fthere are two numbers in the middle we take the mean of those two numbers.) ‘Mode is the most frequent value. To find the mode we look for the value that occurs ‘most often, Range Is the difference between the highest and lowest values. Subtract the lowest value from the highest value) ‘Example 1: Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range ofthe following set of numbers: 32, 33,34, 33, 23, 26,34, 3,3 ‘Example 2: Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range 42,103,113 , 50, 05,352,217 , 240 , 49 , 189 ‘Sample Final Exam Question: ‘The tuition costs for ton universities are given ina table: Universiy| UBC | UVIC | TRU |Waioo] mecil| UFV [UNBC| SFU | Weta | Ud) Costs (6) | 7568 | 8650 | 9225 | seo | e720 | sea | 7820 | 8432 | 8990 | 8260 Find the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range ofthe ution prices: ‘Assignment: Worksheet 7A Find the Mean: Find the Mode: Find the Median: Find the Range: Worksheet 7 Assignment hot Happened To The Owl Who Swallowed A Werkch? ‘Work out each question on the Jeft aud draw s stsight line connecting the question to the correct, snswer. ach line will cross a umber and a letter. The number tells you where to put te letter in. the row of boxes a the bottom ofthe page. 315,12,16,8,419 ae 1233.1, . ® ® aos 53,45,62,70,50.65,46 © © a7 157,133,142 . mat 85, 92, 67,81, 90,76, 94,51 ® ® © © eu spice « O © © eu 12,33,17,25,27,30 ® an 157 133,82 . ® QO = 85, 92, 67,81, 90, 76,94,51 @ @ ® © © 795 3,15,12,16,8,4,20 ©® Oo m26 46,70,62,70,58, 70.46 ®_ as 85, 92,67,05,92.76,92, 51 ® @® @ @ ass 3,18,12,16.84,20 ® ® ai 12,33,17,2527,30 ® © 53,45,62,70,50.65,46 ® oO 8 erie 7 ® a1 85,92, 67,81,90,76,94,51 ao me 2[3 14 {ST 6( 7] 8/9 [wn [afm [ie l # Ask fer Quiz | wma0 22.= Displaying Data Notes Histograms & Bar Graphs: ‘We use Bar Graphs when the data isin categories. There are spaces between the bars. ‘Weuse Histograms when the data is continuous. There are no spaces between the bars. soo $100 § Usa mda UK Nz Jase met Bar Graph Histogram Example 1: Fora recent scleace project, you collected data regarding the distribution of fish and ‘aquatic life ina nearby pond. Your data consists ofthe number of living creatures found in each 1 meter depth increment in the pond. Decide whether to use a histogram or @ bar graph. Draw the axes and decide on scale. Label the axes and drav your graph. Dex ~ Number of Deo [SSB Rane | cheatufe ‘Wimaies | Example 2: The modal counts from the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia are found below. © Austria—17 © Germany 19 ‘© Switzerland 11 + Belas—6 = Netiertands = 24 © Untied States ~ 28 © Canaia—25 © Norway ~26 © France 15 © Rossia-33 Decide whether to use a histogram or a bar graph. Draw the axes and decide on scale. Label the axes and draw your graph. Scatter Plots: ‘Weuse Scatter Plots to find relationships (correlations) between two variables. ‘Example 3: Classify the scater plots as having a positive, negative, or no correlation: Line Graphs: p Weuse Line Graphs when the data ‘occurs over time. (time is always placed ‘on the horizontal avs, the other variable is placed on the vertical axis) Example 5: Make a line graph for the set of data below. Label both the horizontal ard vertical axis. Give the graph atitle. mom [1[2[3]4|5]6|7)8| 9 [10/14] 12 ‘Aver temnrtseq| 2 | 5 | 7 [15 | 18 | 22 | 24] 28 | 21 [15 [10] 4 Circle Graph: A circle graph provides a good visual representation ofa set of data because the sizeof the slices varies visibly compared to the whole. So you can more readily see proportional amounts, and itis less likely that ‘you can misrepresent the data and mislead ‘observers unless important data is omitted, Example 6: Raymond works inthe tourism industry. His information shows him that five ‘of the most popular countries fer Canadians to visit are Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Cuba, and the Domincan Republic. The following graph indicates the percentage of visits to each of these countries. ‘Top Five Tourist Destinations of Consdions nid gon 5% [pe [Branca tite 19% 23% a) Which country is most popular with Canadian tourists? 'b) What percentage of people visiting these countries visited Cuba? ©) 1f200 people were surveyed, how many of these people visit the Dominican. Republic? 4) This graph indicates the percentage of visits to the various countries Listatleast two things you cannot determine from the graph. Infographics: ‘An infographic is a graphic {information is displayed is intended to present information| quickly and clearly. Example 7: a) Ifthe surface area of Canadais roughly 19,985,000 km? how much of Canada is taken up by forests? 1) How many car aerdente happen each year that involvea moose? Assignment: Woiksheet 7B: RS SEZ (Not all ofthe infographicis shown) ‘WMA 10 Workshect 7B Assignment 4. James works atthe flight services station located at Yellowlafe airport. He uses weather data ‘often in his job as alight service specialist. Below is a graph displaying monthly precipitation amounts for Yellowimlfe. ‘ ‘Monthy Precipitation Levels in Yellowkuite, January-December, 2006 Precipitation {rm 8 5 ) What information does this graph show you? 1b) What was the preciptacion level in uly? +) How much precipitation fll in total in 20062 ‘© Whattype of graph is this? 1 2,June works at a call centre, Her job is to provide information to callers about her ‘company’s products. June must ask each caller which province he or she is from, and where he of she found the company’s contact information. Consider June's data table below, which includes her caller data for the menth of May. ‘CALL CENTREDATA Source | Internct [Taformationon | Televislon | Print Doctor | Other Product Packaging _| Commercial _| Advertisement. Number of memeeret [or | ase v | ao ma | 2 Draw a bar chart for this information. Label your axes and includea title. '3.Ms. Runson posted a graph on her notice board. Marks on Math Quiz Number of Students Student’s Score out of Ten a) What does the graph tell you? 'W) How many students wrote perfect paper? ©) What was the most common score? ) How many students got 0 on the quiz? ©) How many students wroteMs. Runson's quis? 4, The histogram below shows the distribution by ten-year age groupings of Canada's population in 2006, rounded to the nearest thousand, Use the histogram to answer the following. Canadian Population Distribution by ‘Age Groupings (2006) DWH ee eee eres A population? What is the approximate size of this groap? b) Approximately how many Canadians are between 10 and 207 Number of Peope fn millions} fl Approximately how many Canadians are between 30 and 50? 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ‘we ‘Age Range Approximately how many Canadians are in their 90's? ©) Approximately how many children under 10 were there in 20067 1) Sometimes when discussing the population of a country, the first category is “under 15” and the last category is “65 and over", Even though the ranges ofthese two age ‘categories are not the same as the others, why might they be used? 'S.Addle s a student at college and is completing a research project for one of her courses, ‘She is interviewing people across Canada to determine the average number of hours of| ‘television they watch per week Addle recorded her survey results below. 62 moyen Time | Osh|] [=] |= ]2¢]=7| || «la ]@]o]«[5]«]o] |e | [outcome | l ‘9, Whats the Theoretical Probability of gettinga heads? 110. What do you notice when you compare your experimental probabilities and the theoretical probability? AWM10— Unit 7— Quiz Name: @® Hck oscores inhislast 15 rounds ofgolare 72,80, 75,64, 78,72,75, 68,81, 74,79,70,77, 83, and 72. Ifhe scores an 80 on each ofthe next three rounds, which measure of central tendency would increase more, the mean or median? Justify your answer. (show your calculations) ‘The total number of medals won by Canada In the Winter Olympics is shown in the table below. Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range ofthe data, Nuniber of Year [Sumber 0 i | is | 1998 | 1s. 2002 | 17 | 2006 | 26 2010 | 26 2034 | 25 1 — Unit uz 2 ‘Nam ‘Neechi can be translated as “friends” in both the Cree and Ojibwa languages. Neechi Foods Co-op Ltd. provides healthy food to the people living in Winnipeg, MB. Trina works at Neechi Foods Co-Op and has been keeping track of sales data for the last year. Below is the data for the jam sales by brand based on the number of jars sold ‘Product Popularity: Jam by Brand Brand. Percentage of Sales | a) The circle below is divided into 5% Green Orchards 5 increments. Use the information in Bigiiver Products | 30 the table to createa circle graph. TaBelle Jams 0 {ocd legend so that renders Wild Prodaas 3 10w which colour or pattern |WildProducs [25 represents which brand of jam. Sunrise Farms 225 Medrthu’s 75 Green Orchards Big River Produc: abet’ same Wild Produets Sunrise Farms Mesrthurs 'b) Which brand isthe least popular? ) What are some(lvantages of displaying data ina circle graph? Rochelle ts an environmental monitor working out of Chilliwack, BC, who gathers water ‘samples from different rivers. The samples are tested for the presence of various pollutants. The graph below represents the percentage of rivers that contain a certain level of nitrogen, a nutrient often associated with agricultural fertilizer and animal waste. ‘The nitrogen is measured in miligrams per litre (mg/L) Rivers by Nitrogen Level {measured in mg/L) 14% [211.2415 ng (2m 0841.0 mg/l [Blo r-n8 mo 32% (jo0-05 mga. 27% ‘What else would you need to know to determine the ‘the 11-12 mg/Lrange? uber of rivers that fallin ‘A.You need to know the maximum level of nitrogen found B. You need to know the total number of rivers tested C.You need to know the minimum level of nitrogen found D.1tis not possible to determine AWM10~ Unit 7 Quiz3 Namet 2) On a four-sided dice (with the numbers 1 2,3 and 4) whats the theoretical probability ofrolling 37 §) Based on your answer from part, fyou rolled the die 100 times, how many 3's would Yyou expect to rol? @ saa re an 8sided die (with the numbers 1 ~8) 20 times. Below are hs results. What ‘was his Experiment Probability of rolling a 47 (trae [4 [2 [a[*[s[e|7[els 10 |11 | 12/13 [14745 [36 [17 [18/19 [20 sanenzes: Ss Flslal4laly 4l4lefelslale e[slalsfa

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