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Additive Manufacturing Technologies: An Introduction to 3D

Printing Methods

Zerzeri Wassim & Aram Hmid

Professor: Bassem Gassara


1- Introduction……………………………………………………...…………..3
2- 3D Model Files……………………………………………..……………….4
3- Slicing Software………………………………………………..……………5
3.1- IdeaMaker………………………………………………...……..6
3.1.1- The configuration wizard…………………..………...7
3.1.2- Adding and repairing your model…………...……….8
3.1.3- Transforming your model……………………..……..9
3.1.4- Setting up the print settings…………………..……..11
3.1.5- Slicing and printing………………………..………..12
4- 3D printing Techniques…………………………………….………………13
4.1- Stereolithography………………………………………………14
4.2- Selective Laser Sintering and Melting…………………………16
4.3- Inkjet Printing………………………………………………….18
4.4- Fused Deposition Modelling…………………………….…..…20
5- Example of a Slider Crank mechanism……………………………….……..24
5.1- CAD/SOLIDWORKS……………………………………….….24
5.2- Slicing with Ideamaker………………………………………….25
6- The 3D Revolution…………………………………………………………..29

1- Introduction
Additive Manufacturing refers to the production of parts by building up successive layers of a
formless material in a vastly automated process based on digital 3D models. Rather than being
one single technology, Additive Manufacturing is in fact a diverse technology field. In the
public debate and the media headlines it is frequently referred to as 3D printing, a
development that the media is all too keen to describe as a “revolution”. However, the home
3D printers currently available on the market actually have very little in common with
industrial Additive Manufacturing systems.

The basic ideas underlying Additive Manufacturing were patented in the 20th century – the
patent applications for the first technologies were filed from the 1970s on, although at that
point in time it was not yet possible to put them into practice. By the 1990s, advances in laser
technology and ICT resulted in the first successful attempts at Rapid Prototyping, in which
parts with limited functionality were produced as visualization aids e.g. for product designers
and surgeons. The big advantage of these prototypes is that they can be produced very quickly
from a 3D data set. This reduction in lead time is possible because Rapid Prototyping
eliminates the need for time-consuming process steps such as making molds or assembling
individual components. Nevertheless, in the early days, the manufacture of end products was
still not economically viable, principally due to their unsatisfactory mechanical properties.
However, the products’ strength and durability were gradually improved, until Rapid Tooling
– the manufacture of molds and tools – eventually became feasible. After the turn of the
millennium, it became possible to make finished products increasingly cost-effectively,
particularly small parts, small batches and one-off items e.g. for the jewelry or medical and
dental technology industries. This process was now referred to as Rapid or Direct
Manufacturing. It opened up completely new design engineering possibilities such as the
manufacture of geometrically complex parts from high-strength materials for use in
lightweight construction. In 2010, the industry’s leading companies agreed to replace the
various application-specific, ambiguous and misleading terms prefaced by “rapid” with the
new umbrella term “Additive Manufacturing”. This is illustrated in Figure 1-1.

2- production of parts by building
up suc-
3- cessive layers of a formless
material in a
4- vastly automated process based
on digital
5- 3D models. Rather than being
one single
6- technology, Additive
Manufacturing is
public debate and the media
headlines it
7- is frequently referred to as 3D
printing, a
8- development that the media is
all too keen
9- to describe as a “revolution”.
10- the home 3D printers currently
11- on the market actually have
very little in
12- common with industrial
Additive Man-
13- ufacturing systems. One
example of just
14- how unrealistic the public’s
15- can sometimes be was provided
by an
16- episode of German hidden
camera show
17- “Verstehen Sie Spaß”,
broadcast on 26
18- September 2015, in which
19- members of the public were
tricked into
20- believing that people had been
cloned us-
21- ing 3D printers. Since this
statement con-
22- centrates on the technologies’
23- applications, it will hereafter be
24- to as “Additive

Additive Manufacturing technologies differ from conventional technologies in several

respects. They have huge potentials if their specific characteristics are taken into account at
every stage of product development and these are exploited systematically. As Additive
Manufacturing technologies mature, their use increasingly broadens. The industry has been
achieving annual growth rates in the region of 30 percent for some years now. There is good
reason to believe that the technology field Additive Manufacturing will become established as
a widespread manufacturing technology field existing alongside conventional production
technologies in many different areas. However, there are currently no convincing signs to
suggest that Additive Manufacturing will cause a revolution in industrial production any time
soon – there is still a long way to go be-fore it is possible to start talking in these terms.

2- 3D Model Files

The 3D printing process starts with the generation of a virtual 3D model of the desired object
(Figure 1.2), which can be generated using any one of a number of free or commercial
computer-aided design (CAD) programs, or via scanning data, or from mathematical
equations. Currently, CAD programs are the predominant means to generate 3D models, and
free libraries of designs and popular models can now be found readily throughout the internet.
Designs can be easily extended, developed and customized by the user, without a great deal of
technical expertise. CAD programs range in complexity, from those for the social or
recreational user, to those designed for professionals. 3D models generated with CAD
programs hold information about the shape and size of an object, however, these models
cannot be interpreted directly by a 3D printer. Currently, the most commonly used and de
facto method for preparing CAD models for 3D printing is by converting them to a standard
tessellation language (STL) file. The STL file is created by tessellating a 3D model with small
triangles (facets) (Figure 1.2) and recording the vertices and components of the unit normal
vector of the triangles in ASCII or binary formats. STL files store information about the
object's geometry, however, they lack any information on the object's color. Hence, STL files
can only be used for monochromatic printing. Multi-color printing requires virtual reality
modelling language (VRML) files, which store both structure and color information.

Fig. 1.2: Computer-aided design and tessellation (with triangles) of a human face

3- Slicing Software

Each 3D printer is accompanied by slicing software that slices the 3D models obtained from
STL or VRML files into 2D layers. The layer thickness is defined by the step size (z-
resolution) of the printer. The information about each layer is coded in a G-code file, which

directs the various components of the 3D printer (print heads, lasers, build platforms, and
extruders) to move in defined and synchronized paths. Thus, 3D printers build a three-
dimensional object by printing it in a layer-by-layer fashion.

There's a wide collection of slicer applications, some of them are free and open-source. Some
of the most used ones are:

Name License Relations


SuperSlicer GNU AGPL Fork of PrusaSlicer

PrusaSlicer GNU AGPL Fork of Slic3r


Eiger Proprietary

Simplify3D Proprietary

FlashPrint Proprietary

KISSlicer Proprietary

ideaMaker Proprietary

REALvision Proprietary

Voxelizer Proprietary

NanoDLP Proprietary

Kiri:Moto MIT

3.1- IdeaMaker

IdeaMaker slicing software was developed by the 3D printer manufacturer Raise3D. It was
developed specifically for Raise3D 3D printers and is completely free. The slicer focuses on
offering a user-friendly service: in as little as 4 clicks you can prepare your .STL, .OBJ and .
3MF files to be printed. On the other hand, if you want some more advanced features, the
software provides limitless customization. IdeaMaker is now compatible with
most FDM printers on the market and can also be used as a 3D printer management platform.
For example, you can keep track of multiple printing profiles and seamlessly switch between
different print settings, and also manage the ongoing print job remotely.

3.1.1- The configuration wizard

On your first launch, the configuration wizard will pop up. But if it doesn’t, simply go to the
“Printer” tab and select it manually.

 Select your printer type from the drop-down menu.

 In the next screen, choose the number of extruders. This is one of the brilliant features
of IdeaMaker — the smooth control of dual extruder printers. Next, check whether you’ll be
using a heated bed or not.

 If you have two extruders, you’ll be asked to select the sort of the filament that you
use most often (type and diameter).

And that’s it! Your printer is set up

3.1.2- Adding and repairing your model

To add your model, click on the plus icon in the middle. Choose your file and it will be loaded
onto the screen. Use the “Pan”, “Move” and “Rotate” tools to look around. You can also use
the shortcuts.

One thing you might notice is an orange warning sign. This means your models are “Invalid”
and that they need to be repaired. If you unselect them, they will be colored red. Repairing is a
very smooth and efficient process in IdeaMaker. Here is how to do it:

1. Select the model.

2. Click “Repair” on the toolbar!

Note that repairing may take some time depending on the model.

3.1.3- Transforming your model

With IdeaMaker, it’s also possible to transform your model. The tools are basic but often
enough to get the job done.

You can move, rotate and scale your model using the tools in the toolbar. Here’s how to
transform your object:

1. Select your model, and then choose the tool you want.

2. 3D axes will appear on your model — lines for “Move” and “Scale” or circles for
“Rotate”. Click and drag the lines to transform your model.

3. Alternatively, you can insert manual values for the transformations in the window that
pops open on the left.

4. If you want to print the model as big as your printer allows, you can use the “Max Fit”
tool. This scales the model to precisely fit your printer.

The “Free Cut” tool allows you to partition the model into multiple pieces. This is handy
when you want to print something in parts, for example if your print bed is too small. Here’s
how to perform a free cut:

1. Select your model, and then choose the “Free Cut” tool.

2. A cyan square and 3D axes will appear. The square displays the virtual blade that will
cut the model. You can rotate the blade using the colored circles and move it with the
colored arrows. You can also manually insert values in the “Cutting Plane” window on the
left, similar to transforming.

3. Once you have the blade where you want it, click “Start Cut”. IdeaMaker will now
start cutting your model in the specified plane.

Keep in mind that, once you “cut” the model, you’ll need to repair the resulting ones to get rid
of the non-manifold edges.

The support tool allows you to add supports to your model, either automatically or manually.
You can also activate auto-supports in the print settings. Here’s how to add supports :

1. Select your model, and then click the “Support” tool.

2. The “Support Structure” window will pop up on the left. The support structure is made
of pillars which hold the model, you can change their size to your liking. Smaller pillars
are easier to peel off your print.

3. Click “Create Auto Supports”. IdeaMaker will generate your supports, which by
default will be yellow in the preview. 

The auto-supports function works decently well and usually covers all the required parts. If it
doesn’t, or if you want to have supports only in specific places, you can manually add them.
Once you have your model selected, add manual supports in the following way:

1. In the “Support Structure” window, click “Add” from the “Manual Supports” section.
A green pillar will appear.

2. Move your mouse to get the pillar in position, and then left-click to place it. 

3. You can edit each pillar separately by selecting it and then clicking on “Edit”.

4. You can remove a pillar if you’ve put it in the wrong place. Alternatively, if you’ve
made a mess of the supports, you can click “Clear Supports”. This will remove all supports,
including the auto supports.

3.1.4- Setting up the print settings

Now that the model is ready, the settings need to be configured:

1. Click the play button and the template window will pop up. Select your printer and
filament type. There are three preset templates for Raise3D printers — High Quality,
Standard and Fast — which differ in layer height, speed, and other settings of the sort. The
presets are decent settings to print with, but you also have the option to customize them.

2. If you want to create your own template, or if your printer falls in the “Others”
category, click on “Create”.

3. Next click on “Advanced”.

The settings are abundant and you can adjust almost anything you can think of in IdeaMaker’s
settings tab. From “Coasting Distance” to “Infill Acceleration”, there are settings present in
IdeaMaker that usually aren’t present in other 3D Slicers. In case you’re lost in all the options,
here’s where to find some typical settings:

 The layer height and print speed settings are located in the “Layer” tab.

 The retraction settings and the extrusion width can be found in the “Extrusion” tab.

 The infill pattern, speed, and density can be set in the “Infill” tab.

 If you want to set up a raft, a skirt, or a brim, you can do so in the

“Platform Additions” tab.

Once you’re done adjusting the settings, click “Okay” and then “Save and Close”.

3.1.5- Slicing and printing

After setting up the print settings, it’s time to finally slice it into g-code:

1. Click on the play icon labeled “Start Slicing” or use Ctrl+P. It might take some time to
slice the model.

2. Once the slicing is finished, you’ll see a window indicating the estimated price, print
duration, etc.

3. If you’ve connected your printer, you can print directly from IdeaMaker by clicking
“Export”. However, if you don’t have your printer connected, it will export the g-code file.

4. Selecting “Upload” will upload the g-code to the printer wirelessly. This is the case for
Raise3D printers.

5. If you want to preview your g-code, click on “Preview”. The preview screen itself will
take some time to load.

6. The preview screen displays a sketch of the printer’s movements. Play around with the
“Layers” scroller to see your print progression in different stages of the process. You can
change the color guide in the bottom right. The “Extruder Color” will show two colors for
each extruder, optimal for dual extruder printers. The “Structure” will change the color
guides to show the different structures in your print, such as “Support”, “Infill”, “Raft”, etc.
Lastly, the “Speed” option will color the print preview based on the nozzle speed. Dark blue
being the slowest and red being the fastest.

4- 3D Printing Techniques

In the three decades since the origin of 3D printing, the following 3D printing techniques have
been developed: stereolithography (SL), inkjet printing, fused deposition modelling (FDM),
selective laser sintering (SLS), selective laser melting (SLM), direct-ink writing, two-photon
polymerization (2PP), laminated object manufacturing (LOM), solid ground curing (SGC), and
ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM). For the sake of brevity here we will focus more attention
upon the most popular 3D printing technologies, and these are FDM, SL, inkjet printing, SLS,
and SLM. Discussion and demonstration of the use and impact of these 3D printing technologies
on the advancement and application of the chemical sciences in all its various disciplines and
sub-disciplines and as such they are described and introduced in greater detail below. Of the
other techniques mentioned, the direct-ink writing technique has seen more application in the
biological sciences, and the advanced 2PP systems are primarily used in micro- and
nanofabrication. LOM is a pseudo-additive manufacturing technique requiring an etching
process and assembly of individual layers, and techniques such as BPM and SGC are now rarely
used and will not be discussed further.

4.1- Stereolithography

The SL technique is based on the spatially controlled photopolymerization of liquid resins
using a laser. There are two major forms: direct laser writing and mask-based laser writing.
Exact classification is based on the method used for laser exposure and the orientation of the
laser to the resin reservoir.

In direct laser writing, the laser directly rasterizes on the surface of a resin reservoir (Fig.
1.3(a)). The resin exposed to the laser is polymerized to form the solid components of the
layer, and the unexposed resin acts as a support material for the consecutive layers.
Completion of each layer is followed by the lowering of the build platform by a specified step
size to replenish the top layer with fresh resin. The process is repeated for all the consecutive
layers to build a 3D object. The common name for direct laser writing is SLA printing
(from stereolithographic apparatus), although it is also known as free surface printing.

Fig.1.3: Schematic of the stereolithography printer: (a) direct laser writing printer, and (b)
mask-based laser writing printer.

For mask-based laser writing, a digital light projection (DLP) and a digital projection mirror
casts an image on the surface of the resin reservoir (Fig.1.3(b)). The resin exposed to the
pixels of light is polymerized to form the solid components of the layer, and the resin exposed
to the dark pixels remains unpolymerized. In mask-based laser writing printers, the
completion of each layer is followed by the raising of the build platform (as opposed to the
lowering in the direct laser writing). The raising of the platform replenishes the bottom of the
resin reservoir with fresh resin for consecutive layers. The common name for mask-based
laser writing is DLP printing, although it is also known as constrained surface printing or ‘bat’
configuration printing. In both direct and mask-based laser writing printers, the printed

objects are detached from the build platform, and any non-polymerized resin remaining in the
object is recognized to be removed using a suitable solvent.
The z-resolution of both types of SL printers is dependent on the step size of the build
platform, which can be less than 10 µm. The resolution of direct laser writing in the x- and y-
direction is limited by the laser spot size, which is typically between 80 µm to 250 µm. In
mask-based laser writing, the x- and y-resolution is dependent on the pixel size, which can be
much smaller than the laser spot size. Direct laser writing suffers from longer print times
because the laser rasterizing process is much slower than the image casting process. The
resolution of both types of SL-printed objects is also dependent on the resin chemistry and the
characteristics of the light source. The thickness of the cured resin layer (CD) can be
determined by the equation: CD = DPln(E/EC), where, DP is the light penetration depth, E is the
intensity of the light source, and EC is the critical energy of the resin.
The different configurations of the build platforms for direct laser (ground) and mask-based
laser writing (bat) is reflected within the performance and capabilities of each printer type.
Direct laser writing exerts a lower mechanical force on the print object by resting it on a
ground platform. The gravitational pull on the heavy objects attached to the ‘bat’
configuration platforms of the mask-based laser writing type printers can cause them to fall
during printing. Further, the height of the printed object in direct laser writing is limited by
the height of the resin reservoir, because of the downward movement of the build platform.
However, mask-based printers can print much longer objects than their reservoir heights. The
use of high viscosity resins in the mask-based technique is often challenging, because these
resins can fail to flow as uniform thin layers between the build platform and the resin
Mask-based laser writing is often preferred over direct laser writing, as it offers higher print
speeds and greater resolution (by which we mean smaller feature production capability).
Conventional mask-based printers cure the entire layer of resin between the build platform
and the reservoir floor, which creates a challenge when separating the printed object from the
floor. This challenge is overcome with the relatively recent advent of continuous liquid
interface production (CLIP) technology, which uses an oxygen permeable membrane below
the resin to form a ‘dead zone’ at the reservoir floor. The presence of oxygen at the window
and reservoir interface prevents photopolymerization and allows easy separation of the cured
layers from the reservoir floor. CLIP printers have up to 100 times the print speeds of other
3D printers.

The high resolution of SL printing in general ensures accuracy and a smooth surface finish
on the printed objects. SL printing also does not require additional support material, because
the uncured resin acts as a support material for each subsequent layer. However, most SL
print resins are acrylic and epoxide monomers, which become brittle and can shrink after
polymerization. Multi-material SL printers are now being developed which presents an
exciting new capability, however their practical use is presently limited as they require either
repeated swapping or repeated cleaning of the resin reservoirs, which is time consuming and
costly compared to alternative multi-material printers. Finally, SL-printed objects often
require a post-curing step to ensure complete polymerization of the resin.

± 0.5% (lower limit: ± 0.10 mm) – desktop

Dimensional tolerance
± 0.15% (lower limit: ± 0.01 mm) - industrial
Shrinkage/warping Likely for unsupported spans.
Support requirements Essential to achieve an accurate part.

4.2- Selective Laser Sintering and Melting

SLS and SLM printers are based on the process of the selective fusion of powder particles by
laser sintering and melting, respectively (Fig.1.4). The printing process starts by exposing a
layer of powder particles to a high-energy laser raster. The laser increases the local bed
temperature to either slightly below the melting point (for sintering) or above the melting
point (for melting) of the powder particles. The sintered or melted powder particles fuse
together to form the solid components of the layer, and the unfused particles act as a support
material for the following layers. The completion of each layer is followed by the lowering of
the build platform and the raising of the delivery platform by a specified step size, which
defines the layer thickness. This allows the next layer of powder particles to be rolled down to
repeat the same process for the consecutive layers. The printed object is obtained from the
powder bed, and it is post-processed to remove the unbound particles by dusting off with
compressed air, blasting with sand particles or glass beads, or by taping and sonication.

Fig.1.4: Schematic of the selective laser sintering/melting pointer

SLS is typically used with polymers because they do not have a particularly sharp melting
point, whereas SLM is applied to metals as they have a much more defined melting point.
SLS-printed objects are typically more porous than those printed by SLM. The resolution of
both SLS and SLM printers is dependent both on particle and laser spot size.
As mentioned above, SLS and SLM printers can print with a variety of materials, such as
polymers, metals, ceramics, and glass. The cost of SLS and SLM printers and print materials
is the highest of all 3D printers and print materials, and so is rarely seen outside of industrial
or research environments. Individual layers in SLS and SLM-printed objects are thermally
fused together, rendering the objects high purity (based upon the starting materials) and of
high mechanical strength. However, on the negative side, the high thermal stress endured
during the fusion process can result in the deformation and shrinkage of the printed objects,
particularly for larger objects of greater thermal mass. In addition, SLS and SLM printing
processes are relatively slow, and the printed objects can require tedious post-processing steps
to remove unbound powder particles from inaccessible internal zones.

Dimensional tolerance ± 0.3% (lower limit: ± 0.3 mm)

Shrinkage/warping Shrinkage usually occurs in the 2 - 3% range however most SLS print
providers allow for this in the design.
Support requirements Not required.

1.3.3- Inkjet printing

3D inkjet printers are based on principles similar to the most commonly used 2D inkjet
printers. They both modulate the spatial jetting of inks from their respective print heads.
However, for 3D printing, a liquid binder, a photopolymer, or a thermomaterial is supplied in
a layer-by-layer fashion. Based on the type of inks used, 3D inkjet printers are classified as
binder jetting, photopolymer jetting, or thermomaterial jetting printers.
Binder jetting printers are powder-based systems; and hence their operation is similar to the
SLS/M printers (Fig.1.5(a)). The print process begins by rolling a fine layer of powder from
the powder bed onto the build platform. The powder layer is then selectively exposed to a
binder liquid as per the desired layer geometry. The binder liquid binds the required powder
particles together to form the solid components of the layer. The unbound powder particles act
as a support material for the following layers. The completion of each layer is followed by the
lowering of the build platform and the raising of the delivery platform by a specified step size
(layer thickness). This allows the next layer of powder particles to be rolled down to repeat
the same process for the following layers. Like the SLS/M printers, the printed object is
obtained from the powder bed, and the unbound powder particles are removed.

Fig.1.5: Schematic of the inkjet printer: (a) binder jetting printer, and (b) photopolymer
jetting printer.
Binder jetting printers offer an advantage in that they can print with a variety of materials
(as listed in Table 1.1), using different binders for different materials. The resolution of binder
jetting printers is primarily dependent on the size of the powder particles (usually a few
hundred micrometers). The typical resolution of a binder jetting printer is 50–100 µm in the x-
and y-direction and 200 µm in the z-direction. The material properties of the binder dominate
the physical and chemical properties of the printed objects. It is not unusual that binder jetting

printed objects contain incompletely bound powder particles, which results in loss of material
homogeneity, can cause bulk defects, reduce mechanical strength, and reduced optical clarity.
Objects produced using this approach also require extensive post-processing steps, such as
thermal curing, infiltration with hardeners/sealants, and/or coating.

Photopolymer jetting printers jet liquid build and support resins from individual print heads,
which are then immediately exposed to UV light for photopolymerization to generate the solid
and hollow sections, respectively, of the individual layers (Fig.1.5(b)). The build resin is
polymerized into a solid material, and the support resin into a gel-like material. The
completion of each layer is followed by the lowering of the build platform to repeat the same
process for the following layers. The printed object is detached from the platform, and the
support material is removed by washing with a suitable solvent. The photopolymer jetting
technique is commonly known as PolyJet printing.
The typical resolution of a PolyJet printer is 40 µm in the x- and y-direction and 16 µm in
the z-direction, giving higher resolution than binder jetting printers. The PolyJet print speed is
also much higher. PolyJet printers can easily employ multiple print heads for multi-material
and multi-color 3D printing. The use of dense support structures in PolyJet printers allows the
successful fabrication of highly complex architectures. PolyJet-printed objects are
mechanically more robust and optically more transparent compared to the binder jetting
printed objects. However, PolyJet print materials are mostly limited to polyacrylate
composites. Moreover, the print materials cannot be easily customized, as use of any
uncertified print material generally voids the printer warranty and poses a risk of blocking the
print heads. PolyJet-printed objects usually require long and tedious post-processing steps to
remove the dense support material, particularly when used to print objects of complex
geometries and small internal channels and voids.
Thermomaterial jetting printers jet a molten wax-like material, which solidifies on the build
platform to produce each layer. These printers use the same material to generate both the
build and support structures. The use of identical support and build materials makes the
support removal process difficult and results in a poor surface finish. Moreover,
thermomaterial jetting printed objects are mechanically weak, because of the use of soft wax-
like print materials. These limitations have restricted the use of thermomaterial jetting printers
in the chemical sciences.

Dimensional tolerance ± 0.1% (lower limit: ± 0.05 mm)

Shrinkage/warping Not an issue for material jetting.
Support requirements Essential to achieve an accurate part.

4.4- Fused Deposition Modelling

The FDM technique was introduced in 1992, and has now become the most widely used 3D
printing technique. It is based on the extrusion and layer-by-layer deposition of thermoplastics
(Fig.1.6). Thermoplastic filaments are fed through rollers in the print heads followed by
thermal extrusion through fine nozzles and deposition from the print heads onto the build
platform. Each layer is composed of build and support components. Multiple extruders can be
used to deposit one or more materials for each build and support component. The completion
of each layer is followed by the lowering of the build platform to repeat the same process for
all the consecutive layers to build a three-dimensional object. The printed object is
mechanically detached from the platform, and any support structure is either broken off,
dissolved, or washed off with a suitable solvent.

Fig.1.6: Schematic of the fused deposition modelling printer.

FDM printers and print materials are usually the cheapest 3D printing option available, and as
such have become the printer of choice for the social user. A wide variety of FDM filaments
are now produced, and the filament material and its properties can be easily customized.
Recently, there has been a marked increase in the availability of functional print materials for
FDM printers, which has impacted upon the types of applications for this type of printer.

For printed objects, the wall thickness and infill density can be independently controlled to
modulate the appearance and mechanical properties of the object. The ability to use multiple
extruders allows multi-material and multi-color 3D printing. FDM-printed objects usually do
not require rigorous post-processing steps, because the support structures, if any, can be easily
broken off. FDM printers are based on a simple filament extrusion set-up, which allows
system miniaturization; with miniaturized FDM pens already available in the market.
However, there are currently a few limitations to FDM printing. The x- and y-resolution of
FDM printers is dependent on the extrusion diameter, which is usually between 200 and 800
µm. This low-resolution results in staircase and chordal surface defects, and high surface
roughness. The low-resolution and the absence of dense support materials mean that complex
structures cannot be fabricated.

FDM-printed objects usually have material heterogeneities, bulk defects, and low-pressure
resistant seals because of poor bonding between adjacent layers, and they also have low
optical transparency because of the high surface roughness and heterogeneities in the layers.
Table 1.1 summarizes the key characteristics and the commercially available materials for
the SL, inkjet printing, SLS/M, and FDM 3D printing techniques.

± 0.5% (lower limit: ± 0.5 mm) – desktop

Dimensional tolerance
± 0.15% (lower limit: ± 0.2 mm) - industrial

Thermoplastics that require a higher print temperature are more at risk.

Shrinkage/warping Adding a radius on the bottom edge in contact with the build plate or a
brim is recommended. Shrinkage usually occurs in
the 0.2 - 1% range depending on material.

Support requirements Essential to achieve an accurate part. Required for overhangs greater
than 45o degrees.

Table 1.1 Properties of the stereolithography, inkjet printing, selective laser sintering, selective laser melting, and fused deposition modelling
3D printing techniques
Selective laser sintering
Stereolithography (SL) Inkjet printing and melting (SLS/M) Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
Synonyms Digital light projection PolyJet Direct metal laser Fused filament fabrication (FFF),
(DLP), stereolithographic printing/modelling, sintering (DMLS), laser thermoplastic extrusion, fused layer
apparatus (SLA) multiJet curing modelling/manufacturing (FLM)
printing/modelling (MJM),
drop on demand (DOD),
thermo jetting, binder
Principle Photopolymerization of a Spatially controlled jetting Laser selectively sinters Thermal extrusion of thermoplastics,
liquid resin by direct laser of a binder, a or melts the powder which deposits and solidifies forming
writing or mask-based laser photopolymer, or a particles, which fuses each individual layer.
writing to form each thermomaterial, which them together to form
individual layer. bonds powder particles each individual layer.
photopolymerizes, or
solidifies, respectively, to
form each individual layer.
Types (1) Direct laser writing (1) Binder jetting (2) (1) Laser sintering (2)
(free surface printing) (2) Photopolymer jetting (3) Laser melting
Mask-based laser writing Thermomaterial jetting
(constrained surface
Commercially Polyacrylate composites Binder jetting: Ceramic, SLS: Nylon, polyamide, Polylactic acid (PLA), polycarbonate,
available and acrylonitrile-butadiene- silica sand, stainless steel polyether ether ketone polystyrene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-
materials styrene (ABS) alloys, nickel alloys, iron (PEEK), polyetherimide styrene (ABS), nylon,
alloys, chromium alloys, (PEI), polycarbonate, polyphenylsulfone (PPSF),
cobalt alloys, zircon, soda polystyrene, polyetherimide (PEI), polyamide,
lime glass, and tungsten. acrylonitrile-butadiene-kevlar, acrylonitrile styrene acrylate,
styrene (ABS), polyether ether ketone (PEEK),
polyester, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA),
polypropylene, silica polyoxymethylene, polypropylene,
sand, thermoplastic poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA),
polyurethane (TPU), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET),
polyamide and nylon thermoplastic elastomers,
composites. polyurethanes, wax, and PLA
composites (with carbon fibers,
Photopolymer jetting: SLM: Aluminum,
Polyacrylate composites cobalt–chromium alloys, metals, magnetic irons, etc.)
and acrylonitrile- copper alloys, gold,
butadiene-styrene (ABS) stainless steel, nickel
alloys, silver, and
Thermomaterial jetting:
titanium alloys.
Wax and poly(methyl
methacrylate) (PMMA).
Advantages Direct laser writing: Binder jetting: Offers a Availability of a wide Offers multi-material and multi-color
Exerts a low mechanical wide variety of print range of polymeric and printing capabilities, low-cost printers
force on the building parts materials. metallic print materials, and materials, availability of a wide
high purity and variety of print materials, minimal
Mask-based laser writing: Photopolymer jetting:
mechanical strength of post-processing requirements, and the
Enables high throughput Enables high throughput
the printed objects, and availability of miniaturized hand-held
printing and the print printing, offer multi-
additional support printing pens.
height is independent of the material and multi-color
material is not required.
reservoir height. printing capabilities, and
allow fabrication of
complex structures.
Common: Offers high- Thermomaterial jetting:
resolution printing, the Easy operation.
process is free from solid
support materials, and
printed parts can have high
optical transparency.
Limitations Direct laser writing: Binder jetting: Offers a The high cost of printers Printed objects suffer from material
Requires long print times low-resolution print and materials, shrinkage heterogeneities, bulk defects, low
and the print height is capability, physical and and deformation of the optical transparency, and staircase
dependent on the reservoir chemical properties of the printed objects, and a and chordal surface defects. It limits
height. printed parts are dictated low throughput printing. the fabrication of complex structures.
by the binder, and printed
parts suffer from material
heterogeneities and bulk

Selective laser sintering
Stereolithography (SL) Inkjet printing and melting (SLS/M) Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
Mask-based laser writing: Photopolymer jetting:
Exerts a high mechanical Suffers from limited
force on the building parts, availability of print
limits the flow of high materials, limited material
viscosity resins, and the customization
cured layer often sticks to opportunities, and printed
the reservoir's bottom objects often require
surface. tedious post-processing
Common: Suffers from the Thermomaterial jetting:
limited availability of print Printed objects are
materials, multi-material mechanically weak and
printing capabilities are have poor surface finish.
limited, and printed objects
often require a post-
photocuring step.

5- Example of a Slider Crank mechanism
First, we start by designing the parts of our assembly mechanism, one-by-one, on the CAD

Fig.: Slider Crank mechanism parts in .SLDPRT files

Once we’re done with the design of the individual parts, we move on to assembling the parts
together to end up with the finished Slider Crank mechanism:

Fig.: Slider Crank mechanism in SOLIDWORKS

5.2- 3D Slicing with Ideamaker

Now before we open Ideamaker we’ll need to convert our 3D models into .STL files first,
which can be done by saving them from SOLIDWORKS as .stl files:

Fig.: Slider Crank mechanism parts in .STL files

Next, we open Ideamaker and import all the files onto our platform:

Fig.: Imported parts of the Slider Crank mechanism on our printing platform in Ideamaker

For shrinkage compensation we will upscale our parts by a factor that falls between 1.003 and
1.008 (ABS shrinkage usually occurs in the 0.3%-0.8% range). For this particular mechanism
we will choose the factor 1.004. Since holes tend to shrink more than a shaft would, we will
upscale the latter with a smaller factor which we choose to be 1.0037.

Fig.: upscaling of a part with a hole by 0.4%

Fig.: upscaling a part with a shaft by 0.37%

Next, we add supports to the parts:

Fig.: Adding supports to the parts

Finally, we slice them into g-code:

Fig.: Once the slicing is finished, you’ll see a window indicating the estimated price, print
duration, etc.

Fig.: The preview screen

6- The 3D Revolution

As mentioned above, 3D printing was introduced in the early 1980s. Since then it has seen
enormous growth and impact, the like of which is seen with relatively few new technologies.
The technology itself is of course very much at its core a development based upon materials
science. Photocurable polymers, thermoplastics, and metallic micro-particles, are all from the
chemistry and materials laboratories of the past (and present), with new functional ‘printable’
materials emerging from chemistry laboratories today to continue this developing capability.
However, this revolutionary technology only really began to impact upon the chemical
sciences relatively recently, perhaps just within the past decade. To demonstrate this, we can
review the scientific literature (although this is not the only measure we could
use). Fig.1.7 classifies the reports highlighted in this book according to their year of
publication, and clearly shows an exponential increase in the use of 3D printing in the
chemical sciences since 2011. The 3D printing market observed a steep growth from 2012
($288 million) to 2013 ($2.5 billion). The projected value for the 3D printing market in 2022
is $33.6 billion with a compound annual growth rate of 27.3% from 2017 to 2022. In the 2013
State of the Union address, President Barack Obama highlighted the importance of 3D
printing by stating, “3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost

Fig1.7:  Classification of the reports as per their year of publication (2011 to 2017) and the
printing technique that was used. Dark grey – FDM, grey – SL, light grey – inkjet printing,
and white – SLS/M.

In just three decades since its introduction, 3D printing has been extensively used in various
fields such as biotechnology and life sciences, engineering, robotics, arts, and food
sciences. The use of 3D printing is now rapidly expanding to all areas of research and

The popularity of 3D printing can be attributed to its many advantages over conventional
fabrication techniques. Conventional lithographic techniques require expensive
facilities, whereas the low cost of 3D printers and the minimum wastage of the print materials
make 3D printing a highly cost-effective technique. Conventional techniques require
extensive user training programs, whereas most 3D printers are straightforward to operate and
require minimal user training. Conventional fabrication techniques are limited to two-
dimensions, with the fabrication of three-dimensionally complex objects by conventional
techniques often impractical. 3D printing techniques allow easy and rapid development of
three-dimensionally complex objects in a single-bodied configuration. Hence, 3D printing is
the preferred method for fabricating three-dimensionally complex designs. Moreover, 3D
printing allows rapid design customization and offers a ‘fail fast and often’ approach, which is
an invaluable asset for research and development. 3D printers offer unique capabilities for on-
site and remote production. The low-cost and desktop size of most of printers allow their
installation at local sites. The autonomous behavior of 3D printers also makes them ideal
candidates for operation in remote settings – NASA is even developing printers for use in
space. 3D print files that can be customized or directly used for printing can be easily shared
through online sharing platforms.

1. W. K. Swainson 1977 .
2. H. Kodama Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1981, 52 , 1770 —1773 .
3. C. W. Hull 1986 .
4. S. S. Crump 1992 .
5. C. R. Deckard , J. J. Beaman and J. F. Darrah , 1992 .


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