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Properties of Ionic & Covalent

Compounds & Metallic

Study the slides and Pages 195- 197 & 199
Properties of Ionic Compounds

1. Are in the solid state: crystals

since ions of opposite charges attract each other with strong forces.

2. Have high melting & boiling points:

a lot of energy is needed to break the strong bonds and separate the cations from anions

3. Solid ionic compounds are poor conductors

Conducting electric current requires mobile charges( electrons or ions)
Ions can not move freely in solid ionic compounds

4. All are soluble in water

Cations and anions separate when placed in water
4. All are soluble in water
Cations and anions separate when placed in water

5. All are brittle

applied forces will break the arrangement of ions in
the crystal.
Properties of Covalent Compounds

1. can exist as solids, liquid or gases:

such as sugar(C,H,O), water(H O) and(CO )
2 2
2. Have lower melting & boiling points:
Little energy is needed to separate the bonds between
weakly attracted molecules. eg sugar

3. Some are soluble in water, others are not.

Oil is insoluble in water, sugar is soluble.

4. Solid, liquid and aqueous molecular compounds are

poor conductors since molecules are neutral
and can not allow electric current to pass.
Properties of Metallic Elements

1)Are good conductors since

Free moving electrons( sea of e-) allows
electric current to pass

2) solids
The electrostatic force of attraction between
Cations and pool of e- is strong

3) high melting and boiling points

4) Malleable (can be pounded into sheets) and ductile( can be made into rods)
Answer questions page 200 # 13, 14,15

Check the answers written upside down on the same page.

Answer questions page 201 # 1 till 10 ( Answers will be discussed in class)

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