BSS Igc I Notes Final

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Name of the Student:______________

Batch No: ________________

Exam Date: ___________

Project Completion Date: ___________





Sr. No CONTENT Page No.







10 MOCK TEST 75-77
11 78- 80

12 Acronyms 81-82

Style of this NOTE:

This note is prepared keeping in mind the requirement of passing NEBOSH IGC examination in

one sitting. Each element (total five elements are there in IGC 1) is starting with the introduction which

gives basic idea about concept is to be made clear in that particular Element/Chapter.

Secondly we have adopted question answer pattern (with allotted marks). The note is made in

simple English and wherever necessary meaning of difficult word is mentioned into bracket.

One question is written in different forms so that students can get idea of how NEBOSH ask

tricky question. This is explained under “meaning of this question” heading. Students sometimes

possess knowledge but fail to understand question so they write some other thing which is not asked by

the examiner and consequently lose marks.

Two blank pages are provided after end of each chapter. This is meant for writing important

points that student learns in the class room training. You should not write lengthy description but short

notes or lines only.

(UK English is followed throughout the notes)

Mantra for passing NEBOSH IGC Examination:

1. Try to understand the spirit of the lesson.

2. Repeat lesson at home in free time daily for at least half an hour seriously.

3. Clear your doubt from instructor without hesitation.

4. Better remember lessons by writing practice.

5. Refer course material for additional information.

6. Solve mock test in writing without fail at least twice.

7. Finally work hard, avoid whatsApp, Chats and other time consuming affairs so that you can

concentrate on studies.

Best of Luck

Introduction to health& safety at workplace:

People get hurt, injured, fall sick and accidently die daily everywhere in the world. It is human

tendency to be safe, healthy and comfortable, free from fear of harm or loss. Be it at home, on road, in

amusement park or at workplace, safety is always in mind therefore people make rules, and people

follow them only to keep self, family and society free from injuries, sickness and loss to properties.

So far as work place health and safety is concerned, not only the employer but also the

government make safety policy, rules and regulations so that everybody live healthy and free from

injuries while carrying out day to day duties at work place. This is the very reason why companies

appoint safety officers, fire officers, safety supervisors, safety managers. They purchase safety

equipment, train employees in safe use of plant and machineries, appoint medical officer to keep

workers healthy. A lot many safe working methods are evolved just to fulfill the need of health and

safety of everybody concerned with workplace.

In modern times field of health and safety has become art and fruitful professions to large

number of population everywhere in the global village. Training centres, institutions have emerged,

world class safety standards are formulated, safety consultants are hired and young people opt for this

field as career.


A safety advisor in an organisation is an important person who saves lives of workers. He is one
who keeps eye on the dangerous activities going on at work place and suggests the control measures
to be implemented to prevent accidents and injuries well before hand.
Safety advisors don’t wake up after the accident but keep alert before accidents could happen.
He is an advisor to the management on health and safety issues. Organisations consult him on
Occupational safety and health issues therefore he has good knowledge of OSH (Occupational safety
and Health). He keeps himself prepared for the future issues and continuously improves the OSH
He does Risk assessment of the entire activities and suggests cost effective control measures to
be implemented at work place. He involves management, workers and everybody in achieving OSH
targets. He does so by motivating employees, training, communicating and getting support from all
members of the organisation.
When accidents or injuries occur, he does thorough investigation to find out root cause of the
accident and gives solution so that reoccurrence can be eliminated.
The major challenge of a safety advisor is to face opposition by employees who try to ignore
safety norms and take short cuts which is the main cause of the accidents. A safety advisor must face
this challenge with courage, knowledge and patient and motivate all to follow safety norms.
The skills required for a safety advisor is to have complete knowledge of hazard , risks and
factors that cause accidents. He must be experienced and possess sufficient qualification. He must be
able to learn by mistakes done by people in other organisation.
He must maintain safety documents like safety manual, work permits, risk assessments,
performance reports, legal documents and like. He must audit the safety management system regularly
to find out good and bad of the system and suggest the management right thing for continuous
improvement of the OSH performance.
He must possess good health and be active in performing his duties. He must be unbiased,
sympathetic and patient and must not oftenly get angry on every mistake of employees. He should
rather improve safety culture and get people agree with the common agenda of OSH. But at the same
time he must not tolerate serious mistakes that could put people’s life in danger.
All in all a safety advisors enjoys his job very much because it is not only exiting but also gives
him opportunity to serve the society as a whole.

Introduction to this chapter:
Here you will learn the basic knowledge of health and safety at workplace. Many times non
safety students do not get the idea about the nature of job in health and safety field, therefore it is
essential to first get the fundamental knowledge of health and safety at workplace. This chapter consists
of mainly:

1- Fundamental definitions.
2- Reasons of why at work place health and safety issues to be implemented.
3- What are the hurdles in implementing health and safety measures at workplace?
4- Benefits of having good health and safety system at workplace.
5- Various cost of accidents.
6- What are the duties of employer (owner of the company).
7- Basic concept of law and legal requirements in health and safety.
8- Frame work of health and safety regulation.
9- What are the sources of information an organisation need to know with regard to health and
safety at workplace.
10- Safety management system as per international standards.

Q.1- Define the terms: health, safety, hazard, RISK, accident, welfare, near miss, dangerous
occurrence (and so on) (2 marks each)

(Such questions need generally acceptable statement to define a particular terminology)

HEALTH: The protection of the bodies & minds of people from illness caused by hazardous materials
processes or procedures used in the workplace

SAFETY: The protection of people from physical injury

(Freedom/protection from harm or loss)

HAZARD: anything with the potential to cause harm or loss

(Potential to cause harm or loss).

RISK: In the context of HSE, risk is defined as a measure of the probability for an incident to happen
and of the potential severity of the consequences. [BS OHSAS 18001:2007]

(Likelihood and severity of event of harm or loss)

ACCIDENT: unplanned, unforeseen unwanted event that results in harm or loss

(Unwanted Event of harm or loss).


OCCUPATINAL ACCIDENT: Accident arising as result of or during work resulting in occupational loss.
(Occupation means person’s job/employment for earning)
Occupational Injury:
OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE: Illness or physical and mental disorders that are caused by workplace
activities & or exposures.

NEAR MISS/INCIDENT: Unplanned, unforeseen unwanted event that under slightly different conditions
could have resulted in loss.

(Unwanted event with potential to cause harm or loss)

DANGEROUS OCCURRENCE: something happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but
which clearly could have done. (High potential near miss)

WELFARE: The provision of facilities to maintain the health & well being of individuals at work
(Examples of welfare facilities may include: washing & sanitation arrangements)

Environment: The surrounding/premises in which we work that includes, Air, Land,. Water, flora and
fauna. (All living beings and trees and vegetation etc.)

Law: law is “Rule of human conduct imposed up on and enforced among the members of a given
Benchmarking: it is comparing an organization's KPI (s) with similar organizations or with other
business units in order to improve health and safety performance of own organisation.

Commuting Accident: Accident occurring to an employee when travelling between the work place and
residence. (commute means regularly travelling)

Commuting Injury: Injury occurring to an employee when travelling between the work place and

Q.2- Outline reasons for good health and safety practice at workplace. (8)
Outline why should an employer maintain good health and safety standard at workplace?

A.2- There is three main reasons for practicing good health and safety as moral, financial and legal
(Students, please note that outline type question is divided in three paragraphs making it easy for
examiner to check and understand your answer)

MORAL means protecting people from injury & ill health because it is natural human
nature and feeling and responsibility that one doesn’t want to see a fellow human being in pain and
trouble. A person feels himself responsible to take care of other and also expects that other take care of
him or her. Society as whole tries to maintain safety and security at the place they live and work. So it
becomes social and moral responsibility to maintain health and safety at workplace.
ECONOMIC means cost effective achievement of health and safety objective. It is
because when an accident takes place and person is injured there involves expenses to the employer.

These are various costs such as medical treatment, repairs to damages to plant and equipment,
insurance premium, training of replacement employee and so on. The cost of running a business will be
very high if there are regular accidents taking place in an organisation. This is economical reason that
why good standard of health and safety is maintained at workplace.
LEGAL reason means compliance (obeying law) & avoidance of law suites. This is the
third most important reason to maintain good standard. The law of the land imposes prime responsibility
on employers that they take care of workers health and safety. The government has power to impose
the law on employer and those not complying the health and safety law (rules & regulations) are
answerable to the authority who can impose fines, prohibition and shutting down the business at all.

Q.3- Identify the benefits to employers if they maintain good health and safety standards at workplace.

(Please note that Identify type of question doesn’t need detailed information as in case of outline type
of question. Here you need to put bullet point, lines or phrase as shown. For marking available write
main points first then points that are less important)

A.3- Benefits of Good Health and Safety Practice at workplace:

 Reduced accidents
 Reduced ill health
 Reduced damage to equipment
 Increased levels of compliance
 Improved production
 Improved staff morale
 Improved company reputation
 Reduced staff complaints
 Reduced staff turnover
 Reduced insurance premiums
 Reduced fines and compensation claims

Q.4- Outline barriers (hurdles/ opposition) to practice good health and safety standard at work place.

(Please note that outline type question is divided in three paragraphs making it easy for examiner to
check and understand your answer and give maximum marks)

A.4- Even if employer tries to maintain good health and safety standard at workplace these are three
main barriers in the path of implementing the plan:
Conflicting Demand, Complexity and Bahavioural issues as described hereunder:

Conflicting Demand:
In an organisation various group work together to form a whole team. Each group is working
towards its set goal and gives priority to group demand. Therefore the interest of each group is different
but all working together to achieve main target of the organisation. May be health and safety issues to
one group is not more demanding task so this group will tend to ignore health and safety demand hence
become barrier even though there is no intention to do so.


Orgnisation mostly is found to be complex, not simple. Working of Complex organisation makes
it difficult to concentrate on each and every task. Reporting system, follow up system, communicating
system are also complex. Duties of each individual and each group are so complicated that health and
safety issues may not be understood and may not get support from team of employees. This way
complexity becomes barrier.

Bahavioural issues:
Way of responding to a given situation (that is behaviour) is different in every person and group.
This is because behaviour is outcome of knowledge, experience, training, culture, upbringing, family
background, social atmosphere and many other factors. Every employee doesn’t come from the same
influence therefore we find different behaviour in people at workplace. One person can behave
differently on health and safety demands. A common health and safety goals receive different behaviour
which is the main barrier at workplace.

Q.5- Identify cost of accident incurred to employer. (Both direct and indirect) (8)
Identify direct accident cost incurred to employer.
Identify indirect accident cost incurred to employer.
(Question on accident cost may be any of these examples.)

Direct Cost: (insured cost)
• Medical cost to injured person
• Compensation costs (insured costs)
• Building damage
• Tool and equipment damage
• Product and material damage
Indirect cost: (uninsured cost)
• Production delays and interruptions
• Legal expenses due to case filed by injured or authority
• Expenditure of emergency supplies and equipment
• Wages paid for time lost
• Investigation time
• Cost of hiring and/or training replacements
• Overtime
• Extra supervisory time
• Loss of business and goodwill

Q.6- Identify duties of employer. (4)

Outline duties of employer (6/8)
(Please note difference between identify and outline type of answer)
Identify type (only bullet point/phrase/lines or list is written)
• Provide Safe place of work (such as access & egress, pathways, walls, roofs, doors and
windows etc.)
• Safe working environment (free from heat, dust, poor illumination, excessive noise etc.)
• Provide safe and sound tool, tackles, plant and machineries.
• Provide sufficient training and instruction to workers before they take charge.
• Provide suitable supervision and monitoring on staff while they are performing duties.

• Provide welfare facilities. (such as drinking water, sanitation, rest room, eating place etc.)

Outline type (this type of answer is in short easy form – paragraph wise)

It is the legal and social duty of an employer to provide and maintain safe and secure
condition of working in organisation. Employer should see to it that the premises where people are
employed to work, must be safe. Bothe access and egress to and from work place should be sufficient.
People movement should be safe means free from hazards.
The working atmosphere should be workable, free from excessive noise, excessive heat,
dust, poor lighting, be spacious and free from physical hazards and risk. The tools and equipment and
plant and machinery provided should be of sound nature, free from defect and should not pose hazards
to the users.
It is the duty of employer to provide sufficient training to workers before they take charge
of the plant and the system so that workers carry out duties as required by safety norms. Also there
should be regular monitoring and supervision on staff so that all carry out the job safely and without the
risk to self and the plant and machineries. Supervision ensures that no unsafe act is allowed to do
thereby preventing accidents and incidents.

Q.7- (a) Define law (2)

A.7-(a) law is “rule of human conduct imposed up on and enforced among the members of a given

(b) Differentiate between criminal and civil law. (4)

CIVIL LAW: Concerns disputes between individuals or individuals and companies;
CRIMINAL LAW: about punishing those organizations or individuals who deliberately break the OHS
laws and regulations.

Q.8- Identify powers of inspectors. (6)

A.8- The inspector has the right to take any of the following actions:
The power of Enforcement Officers may be considered under the headings of:
• Informal
• Formal
Verbal and Written Advice
• Issuing legal mandates to comply
• Issuing legal mandates to stop dangerous activities
• Prosecution with the intent of punishing the company or individual
• Issuing a caution (warning)

Q.9- Outline THREE standard conditions that are usually required to be met to prove a case of
negligence against an employer. (6)

A.9- The three standard conditions for an employee to prove a case of alleged negligence against an
employer are as follows:

• firstly, that a duty of care was owed by the employer (I.e. that the employee was acting in the
course of his/her employment;
• secondly, that the employer acted in breach of that duty by not doing everything that was
reasonable to prevent foreseeable harm;
• & thirdly, that the breach led directly to the loss, damage or injury.

Q.10- Outline the typical actions that might be brought against an employer who has breached Criminal
Law in relation to health and safety (6)
A.10- Improvement Notice:
• Identifies breaches of the law
• Requires the breach to be remedied within a set time
• Allows an appeal within 21 days
• Suspended during appeal.

Prohibition Notice:
• Specifies a risk of serious personal injury
• Identifies breaches of the law
• Stops the activity from taking place
• The notice remains in force during appeal
 Immediate: stops the work activity immediately until the specified risk id reduced.
 Deferred: stops the work activity within a specified time limit.

Q.11-Identify external sources of information an employer can refer for health and safety issues

(Any type of organisation is faced with some or the other kind of specific health and safety issues.
Organsiations are in need to solve those OSH problems so they need proper information with regard to
problem and solution. This information is must in the very beginning and is available at various places.
This is specific question asked in different patterns therefore students must grasp this answer because
it will help them understand how to write answer to many questions relevant to specific questions)

• The International Labor Organization ILO is affiliated to the UN
• Occupational Safety & Health Administration OSHA in the US
• International Standards Organization ISO publishes international standards
• BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 "Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series" BSI
• HSG 65, 2003: "Successful Health & Safety Management Systems
• Consultants
• Research papers
• Publications
• Trade unions

Q.12- Identify internal sources of information an employer can refer for health and safety issues.
Internal Sources of Information on OHS:
• Policies & Internal Standards
• OHS meeting minutes & recommendations

• Audits/inspections' reports
• Risk Registers & Risk Assessments
• Incidents' records & accidents investigation reports

Q.13- Q. Identify the main components of a health and safety management system (4)

Safety Management Systems

Policy: Health and Safety aims and objectives of the organisation, and management commitment
Organisation: Clear roles and lines of responsibility, competence, commitment and control, co-
operation and communication
Planning and Implementation: Identify hazards, assess risks and decide how risks can be eliminated
or controlled. Sets standards against which performance can be measured
Measuring Performance: A means of determining the extent to which health and safety policy and
objectives are being implemented and should be both reactive and proactive
Reviewing: Analysing data gathered through monitoring to see whether performance is adequate
Audit: Systematic critical examination of each stage of an organisation’s management systems and
OUTLINE the main components of a health and safety management system (8)

1] Policy:
• A clear OHS policy demonstrates top management commitment & responsibility to the protection
of people's health and safety.
• The typical policy consists of a "Statement of intent", "Organization" and "OHS Arrangements",
along with clear aims, objectives & targets.
• More details of OHS Policy are to be found in Element 2.

2] Organizing:
• Clear Roles & responsibilities.
• OHS communication, competence, Commitment & promoting positive OHS culture.
• Details to be found in Element 3.

3] Planning & Implementing:

• Set OHS objectives & develop standards & work instructions.
• Implement safe system of work; PTW, LOTO. JSA
• Carry out sufficient & suitable Risk Assessments & implement adequate controls.
• Develop Business continuity, crisis management and emergency response plans.
• Develop arrangements to comply with national legislations & international standards.
4] Evaluation (Measuring Performance):
• Active (Proactive) monitoring; meeting annual objectives, legal compliance, planned preventive
inspections and audits... etc.
• Reactive monitoring: monitors failures to management controls; accidents investigations,
incidents' statistics, lawsuits… etc.

Systematic critical examination of each stage of an organisation’s management
systems and procedures.

6] Management Review:
• Management system to be reviewed periodically (or under changing circumstances; legislations)
to insure its existence, adequacy & effectiveness to deliver objectives.
• Corrective actions & recommendations from Audits (internal/external) to be followed up seriously
& implemented to achieve continual improvement.
• All management reviews and/or changes to be communicated (as soon as possible),
documented, kept retrievable.

Q. 14- Identify purpose of Health & Safety Law. (4)

1. to set standard for human behaviour.
2. to regulate human conduct in society
3. to prosecute (punish) law breaker in one or the other way like imposing fine, prohibit from performing
certain act, closure of business or imprisonment
4. to maintain order in the society

Q.15- Identify main cause of accidents with regard to unsafe act and unsafe condition, giving examples
Unsafe Act:
An action that deviates from safe standard, such as
 Rash driving
 Not wearing the PPE
 Working in an unsafe manner
 Horseplay (practical jokes) at work place
 Using wrong tool
 Using wrong method
 Making hurry
Unsafe Condition:
Circumstances that have inherited danger such as:
 Opening on a floor
 Stair case without handrail
 Dusty atmosphere
 Poor housekeeping
 Defective machineries
 Darkness
 Height
 Confined space
 Nearness to live electrical equipment

1. Assignment Questions

Q 1. Outline why an organisation may have poor standards of health and safety performance. (8)

Q.2. An organization has been found to have inadequate standards of workplace health and safety.
Identify the costs that the organization may incur as a result. (8)

Q.3 An organization has had an increase in the number of manual handling accidents and associated
ill–health. Identify sources of information that may be available to help reduce the risks to the workers.

Q.4 Outline what the organisation may need to consider when setting health and safety objectives. (8)

Q.5 Outline how Law helps to improve standard of health and safety at workplace. (6)

Q.6 Outline reasons of an accident at workplace. (6)

Q.7 Outline Health and safety management system. (8)

Q. 8 Identify how cost of accidents can be decreased at workplace. (8)


Things to Remember

Things to Remember


Introduction to this chapter:

Safety Management System always works in well defined manner because there is clear line of
action, responsible manpower and arrangements for each and every task. The initial target of the SMS
(safety management system) is defined in the very beginning because if you start without knowing
which direction you are going then it will be problematic in the middle of the journey or you will not reach
the destination at all.
Meaning of policy is wise course of action and the first important element of SMS is policy to be
designed, organized, planned and implemented at workplace.

Content of the lesson

1- Purpose of health and safety policy

2- Content of policy
3- Criteria for reviewing the policy
4- Meaning of objective and target
5- Communicating the policy
6- Smart goal
7- Bench marking

Q-1 Identify the purpose of health and safety policy (4)

• To set clear direction
• To set its principles of action
• To demonstrates the commitment of an organisation
• To comply with legal requirement

Q-2 outline the content of health and safety policy (6)

A-2 There are three components of the policy: statement of intent, organisation and arrangement.

Statement of Intent is a written document containing the aims (not measurable) & objectives
(measurable) of the organization. This should be written in clear and simple language to be
easily understood (translated to any countries local language is preferable).
It should be signed & dated by the most senior person in the organization; to demonstrate
management commitment to OHS & give authority to the policy.

This section of the policy is for clear definition of Roles & Responsibilities of all employees
involved in OHS; to avoid role conflict. A healthy organization should have a clear Organizational
Chart illustrating the structure for OHS, with lines of responsibility

This section is about detailing specific systems & procedures through which the organization is
going to implement the policy statement.
• Emergency procedures.
• Procedures for Risk Assessments & adequate control plans to specific hazards.

• Safe systems of work

• Permit To Work (PTW)
• Lock out and Tag Out (LOTO) etc.

Q-3 Identify the criteria when policy is reviewed (4)

(This answer is important because you will find in further lessons that risk assessment and many other
components of health and safety system change)

Policy is reviewed on following occasions such as:
• Periodically; after enough period of time has elapsed. (for example yearly)
• In case of major organizational changes.
• In case of changes of legislation &/or regulations.
• As a part of recommendations plan following an audit.
• In case of major change in equipment, technologies, organizational activities.
• As accident investigation suggests

Q-4 Identify ways to communicate the policy at workplace (4)

Policy can be communicated by following methods:
 Displaying it on notice boards
 Introducing it on induction and training session
 Considering it at team briefings and tool box talks
 Using newsletters
 Inserts in wage slips
 Posters
 Build into safe systems and codes of practice
 Managers to discuss with workforce

Q-5 define Objectives and Targets (2)

• Objectives are General goals
• Targets are Specific performance requirements

Q-6 Outline SMART Goal (6)

A-6 Targets should follow SMART Goal Setting
 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 Realistic
 Timescale
Goals in health and safety management system should be so specific that it doesn’t leave room for
confusion for example reducing accident by 50% is specific goal. This can be measured in some way or
the other so it is measureable. It must be such that it can be achieved by practical means. Zero first aid
case in construction industry is not achievable.
Realistic means practically possible, unreal goals such as no slip trip fall at construction site is
not realistic because the working condition is so, that the real situation is extremely hazardous so far as

movement of people is concerned. In the end the goal should be achievable in given time frame. Delay
in achieving goal is as bad as increasing risk of accident.

Q-7 Define benchmarking (2)

Benchmarking is very useful tool; it compares an organization's KPI (s) externally with similar
organizations or internally with other business units. Hence, organizations know where they stand and
learn more about their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the market. Objective of bench
marking is one of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of any successful organization. KPI(s) are
priority objectives set by the organization, they can include: ill health data, accident rates, sickness
absence reduction, reporting of near misses.

Q.8- Identify benefits of benchmarking (4)

1. it save time and energy to set performance standard by applying methods that have already in
practice by successful organisation.
2. it sets standard for comparison of health and safety Performance.
3. it allows an organisation to se priority on Health and Safety issues.
4. it builds up safety standard of organisation that has benchmarked.

Assignment Questions

Q. 1 Identify key areas that should be addressed in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health and safety
policy. (8)

b. Identify health and safety targets that an organization could set. (6)
Q. 2. Outline why it is important for an organisation to set health and safety targets. (4)

Q. 3 Give TWO examples of health and safety performance information that can be used for
benchmarking. (2)

Q. 4 Give the meaning of the term ‘benchmarking’. (2)

Q. 5 How benchmarking helps organisation to improve health and safety performance (4)

Q.6 Outline what will be the disadvantages of not having suitable health and safety policy (6)

Things to Remember

Things to Remember



Introduction to lesson:
The second element of SMS is organising that means assigning roles and responsibility of person in
each level with regard to health and safety issues. This lesson talks about roles of people and reporting
need and procedure in an organisation. It also gives information on health and safety culture at
workplace. Human perception, error, behaviour are the other topics addressed within this lesson.
Content of the lesson
1- Roles and responsibility of various people
2- Health and safety culture
3- Human factor
4- Behaviour at workplace
5- Emergency procedure
6- First aid to injured

Q-1 Identify responsibilities of Contractors. (4)

(Outline what an employer must see in a contractor before finalizing that contractor)
Employers are responsible for protecting people –including contractors & subcontractors- from harm
caused by work activities.
Responsibilities of contractor are
• Should have a well established & implemented OHS management system.
• Should have a history & experience in the field.
• Should demonstrate management commitment to OHS.
• Should prove competency of their personnel.
• Should maintain health and safety data.

Q- 2 Identify the Roles of Safety Advisor/ Safety Officer. (4)

• Must be competent; well trained, qualified, experienced with a positive attitude.
• Must be able to advise management& employees with authority & independence; on creating &
maintaining OHS MS, promoting OHS culture, OHS planning & performance reviews & Audits.
• Contribute actively in developing & maintaining procedures
• Perform hazard identification, risk assessment
• Able to report, investigate accident, analyzing accidents & incidents.

Q-3 Identify the Duties of Employers: (4)

Outline the Duties of Employers (8)
A-3 duties of employers are as follows (identify type answer)
• Provide Safe plant a& systems of work
• Provide Safe place of work, access & egress
• Provide sufficient training and supervision
• Provide A written OHS policy with organizational & other arrangements
• Consultation with employees and safety representatives
• Provide Safe working environment with Welfare facilities
• Undertake suitable & sufficient Risk Assessments & implement adequate control measures

Duties of employer: (Outline type answer)


It is the prime duty of an employer to take care of own plant and machineries besides people
working at workplace. This include not only plant and machineries and equipment but also people
working in the organisation be it employee, visitor, contractor and even people living outside the
premises. They must provided safe entry to and exit from organisation so that nobody gets injured or
sick due to activities performed at workplace.
In order to safely operate the system employee must provide sufficient training to operators and
keep strict vigil on activities so that un safe activities are stopped by supervisor and unsafe condition is
removed. To meet the basic human need of employees such as wash rooms, drinking water, rest room,
eating place are the responsibility of an employer, there has to be clear cut health and safety policy,
sufficient risk assessment to work activities, emergency plan, control measures so that accidents and
illness are controlled.

Q-4 Identify the Duties of Employees: (4)

• Show reasonable care towards themselves & others affected by their activities.
• Use any equipment or substance in accordance with any training or instruction given by the
• Cooperate with employers assisting them to fulfill their legal duties.
• Not to break OHS regulations deliberately.
• Report to the employer any serious or imminent danger.
• Report any shortcomings in the employer's
• protective OHS arrangements

Q-5 Outline the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, C155 (6)
A-5 The ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, C155 states that:
‘Co-operation between management and workers and/or their representatives within the
undertaking shall be an essential element of organizational and other measures taken’.
• Employers should, where appropriate, enable in accordance with national practice the
appointment of workers’ health and safety representatives and establish health and safety
• Wherever possible the Safety Representatives should have suitable experience of the work

Q-6 Identify functions of safety committee at workplace (4)

Outline function of safety representative at work place (4)

A-6 Functions of Safety Representative:

• Represent employees in OHS consultation with employer.
• Investigating Incidents.
• Carry out risk Assessments & plan Adequate controls.
• Look into employees' issues & complaints relating to OHS.
• Attend safety Committee &/or Loss Prevention Team meetings.
• Assist in Audits & scheduled inspection; follow up on corrective actions.
• Plan & supervise OHS awards programs.
• Raise the workforce awareness of OHS issues & help promote a positive OHS Culture.


(a) Define Culture (2)

(b) Identify the indicators of safety culture (4)

A-7 (a)
Definition – HSE define safety culture as:
The product of individual and group values, attitudes, competencies and patterns of behaviour that
determine the commitment to, and proficiency of an organisation’s Health and Safety performance.

A- 7 (b) Culture Indicators

• Attitude
• Morale
• Accidents
• Absenteeism/Sickness rates
• Staff turnover
• Compliance with rules
• Complaints about working conditions

Q-8 Identify the elements of safety culture (4)

Elements of a Safety Culture
• Control
• Co-operation
• Communication
• Competence

Q-9 Outline elements of safety culture (8)

Positive safety culture at workplace is ensured if hazards and risks are suitably controlled. This control
is achieved through having suitable health and safety policy, adequate planning and sufficient method
of monitoring and auditing the health and safety management system.

As health and safety goals are collective responsibility, there has to be mutual cooperation between
each member of the organisation. This is achieved by health and Safety meetings, Team briefings,
Problem solving meetings, involving people in health and safety activities through safety committee,
consultation, suggestions etc.

Management should involve all in making aware of health and safety goal. There has to be suitable
information system among employees, both way communications. Proper documentation of risk
assessment, job safety analysis, accident and incident reports, complaints etc. policy, control methods
and other health and safety information should be given to employees.


Competence of staff plays most important role. To have positive safety culture at workplace competent
staff meaning, qualified, experienced, trained and ability to perform given task. Proper supervision on
health and safety issues, training of employees and monitoring and supervision has to be in place.

Q-10 (a) Identify the indicators of positive OSH culture. (4)

(b) Identify the indicators of negative OSH culture. (4)

A-10 (a) indicators of positive OSH culture are

• Leadership & Commitment to Health & Safety at all organizational levels.

• High standards of OHS are achievable as a part of a long term strategy.
• Risk Assessments & Adequate controls.
• A proper OHS Policy.
• Relevant OHS training program, communication & consultation

A- 10 (b) indicators of negative OSH culture

• Lack of employee motivation
• Unrealistic working procedures
• Lack of management commitment
• Lack of info, training & consultation
• Job insecurity

Q-11 Identify three factors that affect behaviours of people at work (3)
A-11 behaviours of people at work is affected by following factors:
1. THE ORGANIZATION; management, culture, leadership, communication… etc
2. THE JOB; ergonomics, environment, schedule… etc
3. THE INDIVIDUAL; physical, psychological… etc

Q-12 Outline factors that affect behaviours of people at work. (8)

A-12 human factors affecting human behaviour at workplace are job, organisational and individual

Job factor involves the Criticality jobs of job. Ergonomically designed workplace and job that will give
ease of or difficulty in job. Job instruction given, condition of equipment, tools and tackles, plant and
machineries also decide behaviour of people. Similarly working atmosphere, temperature, ventilation,
illumination are other important factors. The pattern of working shift, work load, breaks, change of duties
and task play important role in changing behaviour.

Organisational factors
Include Planning of health and safety control measures, Policies and procedures Type of organization,
level of commitment and leadership from management, level of supervision consultation and worker
involvement, communication system within the organisation, resources made available by organisation
to achieve health and safety targets, system of training, over all health and safety culture of the

Individual factors
An individual who is key person in achieving the health and safety goals are main factor. Behavior of an
individual differs due to many factors such as age of person, Physique and health condition
Gender of person, personal attitude, level of competence, motivation, perception, training and

Q-13 define: (10)

• Attitude
• Aptitude
• Perception
• Motivation
• Consultation

Attitude: Tendency to behave in a particular way in certain situation.
Aptitude: Natural predisposition towards a specific ability.
Motivation: the driving force behind the way a person acts.
Perception: the way that people interpret information from the surrounding environment.
Consultation: it is two way communications between the employees and the employer with
respect to health and safety issues at work place.

Q- 14 (a) Identify factors on which perception can be affected. (4)

(b) Identify factors to improve perception (4)
• Sensory input (i.e. seeing, hearing touching, smelling and tasting)
• PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
• The nature of the hazard (i.e. obvious or hidden, immediate or delayed effects)
• Previous experience
• Familiarity with the situation
• Feeling of being in control
• Level of training
• Peer group influences
• Confidence in others and judgements
• Personal characteristics such as age, attitude and sensory impairment.
• Improving Employee’s Perception 
• Increasing awareness of hazards e.g. safety campaigns or posters
• Involving employees in risk assessment process;
• Increasing knowledge e.g. training
• Identifying reasons for misperceptions in order to show how improvements might be achieved
and how currently held views might be challenged;
• Addressing environmental factors e.g. lighting and noise that might cause distraction or
otherwise hinder the perceptual processes.

Q-12 Identify Factors affecting perception of risks/hazards. (4)

A-12 Factors affecting perception of risks/hazards:
• The nature of the hazard
• Previous experience
• Familiarity with the situation
• Memory; affected by experience & training.
• The level & nature of training
• Peer group influences
• Confidence in others’ abilities & judgments
• Age, attitude and sensory impairment

Q-13 Identify The reasons a person may fail to comply with a safety procedure although they are
competent are complex but may include: (4)
The reasons a person may fail to comply with a safety procedure although they are competent are
complex but may include:
• Lack of motivation
• Unrealistic working procedures
• Lack of management commitment
• Over familiarisation with the task
• Repetitive work leading to boredom
• Peer group pressure
• Wilful disregard of laid down procedures/supervision
• Fatigue and stress
• Lack of information, consultation
• Job insecurity

Q-14 Identify how worker can be motivated. (4)

A-14 workers can be motivated by
• Incentives
• Recognition
• Job satisfaction
• Personal achievement
• Team spirit
• Realistic goals
• Committed management
• Safe environment
• Threat of discipline

Q-15- Outline practical measures managers can adopt to motivate workers at workplace. (6)

A- 15 practical measures a manger can adopt to motivate workers at workplace include mainly setting
good examples of self. Communicating among employees and asking for suggestion is another way.
Involving employee in risk assessment, job safety analysis, accident investigation, inspecting and
monitoring Is most encouraging thing. Involving people in safety committee, attending safety committee
meetings personally is most helpful. Making presence at safety inspection safety audits, safety survey
and tour are other positive sign of motivating people. Delegating safety inspection, audit and monitoring
task, encouraging health and safety related suggestions and consulting on issues of adequacy of
control measure would motivate employees to great level.

aQ-15 Identify factors that affect attitude. (4)

A-15 factors affecting attitude are
 Culture
 Experience
 Peer groups
 Management commitment
 Home influence

Q-16 Outline various human failure. (6)


A-16 HUMAN FAILURE: errors done by a person intentionally or unintentionally at work place.
Errors (unintentional deviation from an accepted standard) Slips & Lapse; memory problems, lack of
attention or concentration.
Mistakes: Rule based; incorrect application of rules. Knowledge based.
Violations (deliberate deviation from the standard); routine, situational & exceptional.

Q-17 Identify factors to reduce human error. (4)

A-17 To reduce the human failure following factors are to be considered:
• Carefully assess & control workplace stressors; noise, poor light, climate etc.
• Reduce any organizational stressors.
• Ensure staff competency.
• Ensure supervision & giving clear information & work instructions/procedures.
• Clear roles & responsibilities.

Q-18 Identify Factors affecting Cultural Change. (4)

A-18 Factors affecting Cultural Change are:
• Senior Management commitment to OHS.
• Promoting & positively enforcing Safe Human Behavior.
• Motivation, Training & competence.
• Promotion of risk perception & communication.
• Effective internal standards & procedures.
• Value OHS as much as Production.
• Positive observation/intervention.
• Providing adequate resources to OHS.
• No blame culture while reinforcing Accountability concept at all organizational levels.

Q-20 Identify types of training. (4)

• Induction Training
• Job specific Training
• Refresher Training
• Management Training
• Supervisory Training

Q-21 Identify reasons for induction training. (6)

A-21 Is important for a number of reasons:
• Establishes safety culture
• Shows management commitment
• Identified responsibilities
• Identifies hazard and precautions
• Employee is aware of hazards
• Imparts knowledge
• Employee recognises/reports hazards
• Sets scene for future performance

Q-22 Identify contents of An Induction Training Programme. (4)

A-22 An Induction Training Programme should contain the following

• Management commitment to safety

• Company safety policy
• Consultative procedures
• Role of safety representatives
• Emergency procedures
• First aid arrangements
• Welfare and amenity provisions
• Specific hazards
• Health surveillance procedures
• How to report accidents
• Company drink and drugs policy

Q-23 Define Job Specific Training. (2)

This training is given to new employees after induction and when starting to work on new equipment.
Training on the specific hazards of the equipment must be incorporated. This training must also be
given when employees move to other jobs or new equipment is introduced in to the workplace.

Q-24 Outline contents of Permit to Work Procedure (6)

A-24 Permit To Work Procedure
It’s a part of safe system of work. Permit to work is a formal, documented safety procedure, forming a
safe system of work, which ensures that all necessary actions are taken before, during and after
particularly high risk work.
Main sections to a permit-to-work are:-
Issue: an authorised manager issues work permit. This contains nature, location of work
the names of each of the workers authorized to carry out the work, the date and time that work can
start, the period of time the permit is valid for, the control measures that must be in place before, during
and after the work, any restrictions and any other permits that may be relevant
Receipt: In this section handover process to allow work to start is formalized. The workers sign the
permit to formally confirm that they understand all the hazards, risk and precautions and that they will
comply with all necessary control measures. Names should appear clearly in capitals with signature,
date and time.

Clearance/Return to work: In this section workers sign the permit to confirm that they have left the
workplace in a safe condition, that work is complete and that normal operations may resume

Cancellation: The authorizing manager signs this section to accept the hand –back of the workplace
from the workers. This also has the effect of cancelling the permit so that no further work can take place
under this authority.

Extension: This section is included in some permit systems in case there is any overrun of the work.

It allows the authorizing manager to grant extension to the timescale of the permit.

Q-25 Give meaning of Young Persons Training. (2)

A-25 Young Persons Training

A young person is defined as: A person of either sex who has reached school leaving age but has not
yet reached the age of 18. Because of their youth and inexperience all young people will require closer
supervision than adult workers. However, young persons may be at risk.

Q-26 Outline why young person is vulnerable at workplace. (6)

Young persons at workplace are more vulnerable to risk because of some reasons such as they
are keen to learn and over enthusiastic therefore may not perceive hazards and risk so may get injured.
They don’t have previous experience for comparison between safe and unsafe and how to react in case
of accident or emergency so may become victim.
Due to over enthusiasm they are more likely to take risks and in doing so may be inured.
As they pen to influence and peer group pressure some unsafe practice followed by peer group may
encourage them to behave in un safe manner leading to accident. As their body is not fully developed
so they can not perform heavy

Q-27 identify benefits of training to employee. (worker) (4)

A-27 Benefits of Training to Employee
• Less suffering
• Quality of life
• Job satisfaction
• Reach standard
• Flexibility of staff
• Improve Safety attitude

Q-28 Identify benefits of Training to Employer. (4)

A-28 Benefits of Training to Employer
• Less accidents
• Less absenteeism
• Less claims & premiums
• Less legal
• Improved morale
• Less product damage
• Greater productivity
• Improved efficiency

Q-29 Identify factors to be considered when developing training programme. (4)

A-29 When developing health and safety training programmes the factors to consider should include:
• What employees need to know and what they do know
• Employees’ responsibilities
• Activities carried out
• Risks associated with activities
• Actions required by employees
• Employees’ existing knowledge/experience
• Types of training already received
• Different requirements for various staff
• Numbers involved
• Resources needed
• Competence of trainers

• Communicating to employees and getting their commitment

Q-30 Identify how to assess training effectiveness. (4)

A-30 To Assess training effectiveness Post Evaluation is done by:
• The trainers
• The delegates
• Their supervisors
• Accident rates
• Sickness absences
• Compliance and procedures
• Concerns raised by employees
• Results of attitude surveys
• Quality of suggestions made

Q-31 Identify need for keeping training records (4)

A-31 Employer keeps training records because it is required for reason such as:
• Proof of employees’ competence
• Identify when refresher training needed
• Review effectiveness of training
• Assess progress against targets
• Provide evidence in investigations
• Provide evidence in legal actions

Q-32 Give meaning of competent person (4)

A-32 Competent Persons

A generally accepted definition of a competent person is: A person shall be regarded as competent
when one has:
• sufficient training
• experience or knowledge
• other qualities to enable him to carry out the measures required of him
• knowledge of his own limitations

Q-33 Identify factors to consider competence of a person. (4)

A-33 When considering whether a person is competent the following factors may be considered:
• Evidence of qualifications
• Level of training
• Membership of professional organisation
• Undertaking written or practical assessments
• References or recommendations

Q-34 Identify Precautions for young workers: (4)

A-34 Precautions for young workers should include:
• Provision of suitable work equipment
• Organisation of work processes
• Health and safety training
• Mentoring
• Supervision

• Limiting hours of work

Q-34 Outline Precautions for visitor at work place: (4)

A- 34

Visitors at workplace are prone to accident and incident. They may include, vendors, consultant,
government agents, social workers, students etc. they are at more risk because they are unaware of the
hazards and risks prevailing in the premises. Similarly the layout of the organisation, entry and exit or
emergency exit is not known to them. Therefore it is duty of manager to take care of them against
hazards and risks at workplace.

There has to be policy for the visitor at workplace known by all the employees. All should be
aware of policy as well as procedure with regard to visitor in the premises. He/she must be given safety
induction training at the gate; entry should be documented and should be given identity card. The
person whom he/she is going to meet must be aware that visitor has arrived at the gate and make
arrangement for an escort. Movement restriction of visitor is another important control. When visit is
over he/she should be escorted to the exit , identity card is taken back and exit is documented.

Q-35 Identify modes/methods/type of safety communication. (4)

A-35 Modes of health and safety communication at work place are:
• Standards / codes of practice
• Work instruction & Standard Operating Procedures
• Posters & notices & OHS Library.
• Emails & faxes & Video conferences/online meetings.
• Induction & other training
• Videos, Interactive Presentations & OHS Games.

Q-36 Identify factors to be considered in effective communication. (4)

Outline how a manger at work place should improve communication.

Comfortable atmosphere considering temperature, noise, illumination, seating arrangement

Competent presenter
Sufficient material like audio, visual, write ups, presentation
Simple understandable language of communication

Q-37 Outlines factors leading to ineffective communication. (6)

OR Outline barriers to effective communication.

A-37 Factors leading to ineffective communication are as follows:
 The meeting place might be overcrowded, too cold, too hot, ill ventilated, poor lighting,
too big… etc.
 The presenter might be talking very fast, having problems pronouncing specific letters, is
not reflecting on his audience, speaking in a monotonous manner, very low voice… etc.
 The material presented might be irrelevant, full of technical terminology, too long,
complex, boring, no visual aids, no means of interaction.
 The language of communication might be a critical barrier.
 PPE might interfere with understanding so as sensory impairment, lack of experience or
lack of motivation of the receiver

Q-38 Give with example meaning of emergency at workplace. (4)

A-38 Emergency is such accident that has effect on almost all in an organisation such as
Fire and explosion
Leakage of toxic gas
Bomb hoax
Terrorist attack

Q-39 Identify purpose of emergency preparedness at workplace. (4)

A-39 Purpose of emergency preparedness at workplace is to
Safely handle the emergency situation
Minimise the extent of damage to plant and machinery
Control injuries to employees
Show management commitment
Comply with legal requirement

Q-40 Give meaning and purpose of first aid to injured at workplace. (4)
A-40 Meaning of First aid to injured is to provide possible treatment to the affected person before arrival
Authorised medical service like doctor or nurse or ambulance
Purpose of first aid to injured is to
• Preserve life
• Avoid complication
• Promote recovery
• Fulfill legal requirement
• Show management commitment

Q.41- Identify reasons why employer shall communicate hazard to employees. (4)
Identify purpose of health and safety communication.
 To make employees aware of the hazards and risk present at work place.
 To educate staff about control measures to be adopted to to reduce the risk of accidents at work
 To motivate employees for health and safety performance.
 To increase competence level of the staff
 To demonstrate management commitment towards health and safety.
 To increase confidence level of the staff.
 To generate feeling of security and care among the employees
 O keep open channel of interaction between the employees and the management.

Q. 42-Outline advantages and disadvantages for the use of posters for communication. (4)

Advantages of posters:
 Cheap to make and display

 Eye catchy, variety of themes can be put

 Employees can be involved to take part in making posters
 Easy o arrange
Disadvantages of posters:
 Subject to abuse
 Can become soiled/ spoilt
 Can be ignored if not changed regularly
 Limited access

Q 43. Outline purpose of safety committee/representative at work place. (6)

A. 43.
Safety committee comprising of employees and management representatives is basic organsiation that
improves health and safety performance at work place.
It becomes bridge between the employees and the management in solving health and safety
It increases employee’s participation / involvement in achieving health and safety objectives of
the organisation.
It takes part in risk assessment, inspection, safety audits etc. motivates employees, and listen to
workers complaints.
It puts employees concern to management for improved working condition. Management gives
importance to he issues raised by safety committee members and take appropriate actions immediately.

Q. 44. Identify roles of Managing Director/CEO of an organisation in relation to Health and Safety at
work place. (4)
A. 44
As Managing Director of an organisation is the top most manager following are his responsibilities with
respect to Health and Safety at work place:

 To draft suitable and sufficient health and safety policy for the organisation.
 To allocate sufficient resources such as funds, tools and tackles and suitable number of Health
and safety staff such as safety managers, safety advisors, safety engineers, safety inspectors
and safety consultants.
 To monitor overall performance of the OSH Management system.
 To lead the OSH Team and give suggestions to safety manager/advisor
 To help promote health and safety culture at work place

3.Assignment Questions

Q. 1 Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organization might be improved. (8)

Q. 2 Outline ways in which employees ‘perceptions of hazards in the workplace might be improved. (6)

Q. 3 Outline the factors that may indicate a need for health surveillance of employees in a workplace.

Q. 4 Outline why it is important to use a variety of methods to communicate health and safety
information in the workplace. (4)

Q. 5 Outline reasons why visitors to a workplace might be at greater risk of injury than workers. (4)

Q.6 Identify the precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of injury to visitors to a workplace. (4)
Q.7 Outline why visitors to a workplace should be informed of its emergency procedure.(4)

Q. 8 Contractors are carrying out a major building project for an organization. Outline how this
organization could reduce the risks to contractors carrying out the project. (8)

Q. 9 Outline how induction training programs provided for new workers to reduce the number of
accidents in the workplace. (6)

Q. 10 Two organizations share the same work site. Outline how the organisations could work together
to help ensure the workplace is safe and healthy. (8)

Q. 11 (a) Outline the difference between consulting and informing workers in health and
safety issues. (2)

(b) Outline the health and safety issues on which employers should consult their workers. (6)

Q. 12 identify why a verbal instruction may not be clearly understood by a worker. (8)

Q. 13 Identify reasons why workers may fail to comply with safety procedures at work. (8)

Things to Remember

Things to Remember


This lesson talks about practical measures that an organisation takes up in order to solve health
and safety issues at workplace. Hazards and risks involved in the operation and working of organisation
are keenly studied, each and every aspect of that can cause harm and loss is thoroughly identified.
Detailed (assessment) calculation is made as to the nature and extent of harm and loss so that they can
be effectively controlled.

Content of the lesson:

1- Hazard identification
2- Risk assessment
3- Principle of prevention
4- Control hierarchy
5- Engineering, administrative and behavioural control
6- Safe system of work (SSOW)
7- Meaning of suitable and sufficient
8- Permit to work (PTW)
9- Specific risk and control when working in confine space.
10- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11- Risk to lone worker, night shift worker, expectant mother
12- Safety signs

Q-1 Give meaning and example of hazard and risk (4)

A-1 A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm
For a hazard to cause harm, a hazardous event must happen.
Trip, slip and fall on the floor due to slippery floor
Here slippery floor is hazard
Risk is the combination of the likelihood of a hazardous event occurring, and the consequence of the
Likelihood of slip trip and fall and the severity of the injury caused due to that event. (fracture in the

Q-2 Give meaning of risk assessment (2)

A risk assessment is a careful examination of anything in your work environment that that could cause
injury or ill health or damage to plant and machinery.
Calculating the Chance of accident and the severity of that accident
Q-3 outline meaning of Qualitative and Quantitative risk assessment
A-3 Qualitative and Quantitative
 Risk can be qualitatively described using words such as “ high”, “medium”, “low”.
 We can replace the words such as
Low = 1, Medium=2 and High =3
Thus the low risk will be 1 x 1 = 1
and High risk will be 3 x3=9
 Risk rating can be done by using 3X3 RISK MATRIX

Q-4 Give meaning of As Low As is Reasonably Practicable. (4)

A-4 As Low As is Reasonably Practicable
“As low as is reasonably practicable” means that a risk is brought down to an acceptable level.
Risk Assessment
• “reasonable practicability”
– balance of cost against risk of harm
– Cost is time, effort and money

Q-5 Identify members of risk assessment team (4)

A-5 Composition of Risk Assessment Team (Factors to consider when selecting people to carry out RA

 Line managers responsible for the area

 Health and safety specialists
 Technical specialists
 Worker safety representatives
 Workers familiar with the tasks and areas

Q-6 give meaning of Suitable and sufficient (4)

A-6 meaning of Suitable and sufficient
A risk assessment should be suitable and sufficient. In particular it should:
 It should contain the name and competence of the assessor
 Identify the significant hazards and risks arising out of or connected with the work
 Identify all those persons who could be at risk
 Evaluate the effectiveness of current controls
 Identify other protective measures required to control the risk to an accepted level

Q-7 Outline key stages of Risk assessment (4)

A-7 Key Stages of Risk Assessment
1) Identify the hazards
2) Identify the people who might be harmed and how
3) Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions
4) Record the significant findings and implement them
5) Review and update as necessary

(The above answer can be developed into outline type answer pattern using same points
mentioned above)

Q. 7- Identify steps in finding the hazards and control measure in an activity at workplace. (6)
(SREDIM)- making of safe system of work
# Select the task
# Record the steps or stages of task
# Evaluate the risk associated with each step
# Develop the safe working method
# Implement the safe working method
# Monitor to ensure it is effective

Q. 8 Identify sources to collect details of hazards in activity at workplace (8)

A. 8 Sources of finding hazards area as under.
 Legislation

 Manufacturer’s information (MSDS)

 Incident data
 Data from previous risk assessments
 Worker Complaints
 Workers and supervisors

Q-9 Identify factors to improve risk assessment. (4)

A-9 Risk can be improved by
• Make sure it’s suitable and sufficient
• Better data helps make better judgements
• Involve the people it’s likely to affect
• Conditions may vary from site to site
• Consider “on the spot” assessments

Q-10 Identify when risk assessment is reviewed. (4)

A-10 Review of Risk Assessment
• Introduction of new plant and machinery
• Change in work procedure
• Change in materials
• New information on hazardous substances
• New legislation
• Change in work force (introduction of new trainees increase risk of accident)
• Consultant advised
Q-11 outline control measure to protect visitors at work place (4)
A-11 visitors at work place can be protected by
• Provide site induction training
• Provision to identify visitors, e.g. visitor badge
• Provide supervision
• Restriction of access to certain areas with potential hazards
• Provision of PPEs
Q-12 outline hazards, risks and control measure to protect pregnant woman at work place (8)
A-12 outline control measure to protect visitors at work place
Risk assessment required as they may have potential risks like;
• Certain hazardous chemicals, e.g. lead
• Certain biological agents, e.g. rubella virus
• Manual handling activities, e.g. lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, etc.
• Extremes of temperature
• Ionizing radiation
• Night shift work
• Stress
• Violence
• Smoking (whether active or passive)
• Prohibition of certain chemicals that are toxic
• Change the type of work or the way that it is done
• Restrict the hours work
• Shift the pregnant from work place

Q-13 Outline control measure to protect Disabled Workers at work place. (4)
A-13 control measure to protect Disabled Workers at work place
• Do risk assessment
• Eliminate their need to come to work place to do his duty, instead allow him to work from home
• If above is not possible assign him/her light job considering physical limitation
• Provide easy access to sanitary convenience and drinking water facility.
• Modify the job for the ease of the disabled worker
• Provision of escort in case of emergency
• Special care and supervision and communication

Q-14 Identify control measure to protect Night Shift Workers at work place. (4)
A-14 The factors to be considered when assessing risk;
• Change in hours worked
• Disruption of normal routines and general wellbeing
• Causes of fatigue and human error
• Level of supervision required
• Specialist advice
• Risk of violence
• Emergency arrangements/first aid facilities
• Environmental factors (temperature, lighting, etc.)

Q-15 Identify hazards, risks and control measure to protect Lone Workers away from main work place.
Hazards and risks to lone worker:
• They may be more at risk of violence; particularly if the worker is exposed to violent people
(prison staff or mental health nurses)
• They may be more at risk if they are injured or fall ill certain types of work involve a high risk
personal injury or ill health (confined space entry)
• In these situation more precautionary measures to be adopted to protect workers
Control measures
 No lone working for certain high risk activities (like confined space)
 Arrangements for remote supervision
 Provision of buddy system
 Ensure good communication methods
 Issue of alarm system
 Proper training
Q-16 Identify hazards, risks and control factors to be considered for Young Persons at work place.
What are the control measures? (8)
A-16 They are more at risk, because
 Over enthusiastic
 Poor perception of work
 Lack of experience
 Lack of knowledge
 Take more risk
 Peer group pressure
 Less developed communication skill
Young Persons – Control measures

 Carry out RA specifically with young persons in mind

 Prohibition of dangerous job
 Restrict work pattern and hours
 Train and supervise to greater degree
 Provide mentors to monitor and supervise
 Provide specific health surveillance

Q-17 Identify Precautions to consider before sending an employee abroad. (4)

A-17 Control measure to protect Disabled Workers at work place
 Vaccination
 Health of the employee
 Suitable travel arrangements
 Pre-trip medical examination
 Medical insurance
 Suitable financial arrangements
 Accommodation and travel arrangements
 Emergency plans in place

Q.18- An organization is introducing a new work activity that requires a safe system of work.
Outline why employees are involved in developing safe system of work. (8)

(Important Points are: Knowledge, ownership, management commitment, team work and cooperation)


It is important to involve workers in the development of a safe system of work because of their
knowledge of the particular working environment involved and what will work in practice. Additionally,
their involvement will establish their ownership of the system and will encourage them to use and
follow it once it has been finalized and introduced. Finally their involvement will show management's
commitment to health and safety and help to raise its profile within the organization. Once a safe
system of work is developed, it is important that a clear method of communicating its procedures to the
workforce is used and this would be better achieved in writing rather than orally. Finally team work
culture is achieved because health and safety performance depends on team not an individual

A.19 Identify meaning of work permit giving suitable example. (4)

Work permit is written document containing hazards and their control measures to be carried out
before actual work begins.
General activities do not require work permit but critical activities like hot work, working at height,
working in confined space, chemical handling, electrical work etc. need work permit. It is
because such critical activities involve high risk of accident and incident. Even after applying
every control measures there is remaining “residual risk” which require additional control and
strict supervision and preparation of emergency procedure.

Q.20 Identify why it is important for safe systems of work to have written procedures. (6)

A.20 Necessity of written safe system of work:

The procedures may contain complex information that will need to be consulted on more than one
occasion to ensure the correct sequence of operations is followed. Additionally, different people will
need to be aware of the procedures and it is preferable to have them written down rather than pass
them on by word of mouth, a method that may not always guarantee consistency in their presentation. A
written document will also be needed for audit purposes and could be used as evidence in defending an
enforcement action or a civil claim. Finally, the use of written procedures may well be a requirement of
the organization’s quality assurance procedures.

Q.21-Outline the factors that should be considered when assessing the health and safety competence
of contractors. (8 }

The factors when assessing the health and safety competence of contractors include: the contractor's
previous experience with the type of work to be carried out; the reputation of the contractor amongst
previous or current clients; the quality and content of the health and safety policy and the systems
in place for its implementation including the preparation of risk assessments, monitoring and
consultation with the workforce; the arrangements in place for the management of sub-contractors;
the level of training and qualifications of staff (including those with health and safety responsibilities);
the contractor's accident and enforcement history; membership of professional bodies; equipment
maintenance and statutory examination records; and the detailed proposals, for example method
statements, for the proposed work.

Q.22- Outline the key stages of a workplace risk assessment. (6)

A.22 The key stages involved in carrying out a risk assessment are identifying the hazards associated
with the activities and tasks performed at the workplace; identifying who might be harmed including
operators, maintenance staff, cleaners, visitors etc; evaluating the likelihood and probable severity of
the harm that might be caused; assessing the adequacy of existing control measures and deciding
whether additional measures were required; recording the significant findings of the assessment and
carrying out a review at a later date and revising the findings when necessary.

Q.23 Outline THREE reasons for reviewing a risk assessment. (6)

A. - Reasons for reviewing a risk assessment.

The reasons for reviewing the risk assessment include changes in the processes, work methods or
materials used; the introduction of new or the modification of existing plant; the availability of new
information on hazards and risks; the availability of new or improved control measures or
techniques; a change in legislation; changes in personnel, for example the employment of young or
disabled persons; when the results of monitoring of accidents, ill-health and the workplace
environment are not as expected and finally after the passage of time (periodic change).

Q.24- Define confined space giving example (2)

A.24- Any enclosed place like tank, vets, silos, pits etc having limited entry and exit by virtue of its
closed nature and it is not made for permanent occupancy and because of enclosed nature there is
specific risk involved is confined space.

Q,25 Outline why it is necessary to issue work permit before entering a confined space (4)

Work permit ensures isolation of source of hazardous energies; provide arrangement of safe
atmosphere inside. Keep vigil on entrant and ensures supervision. This is possible only if work is taken
under work permit system.

As confined space is most hazardous and riskier place due to it enclosed nature and specific
conditions, so working in confined space requires extra caution. The risk involve is specific such as
presence of poisonous atmosphere, oxygen deficiency, inflammable gas. One need to make the
atmosphere safe before entry. Similarly the confined space may contain machinery and equipment that
can accidently start during working period so lock out and tag out system is to be implemented to
control hazardous energies in the confined space. Even after risk assessment residual risks are so high
that it can lead to fatality.

Q.26 Identify risks involves in a confined space (4)

A.26 Risks involved in a confined space are:-

• Asphyxiation due to Oxygen deficiency

• Inhaling toxic gases [H2S, CO]
• Chances of fire or explosion
• Entrapment in the free flowing solid which prevents escape
• Drowning due to rising liquid
• Risks arising of improper illumination

Q.27 Identify control measures to work in a confined space. (4)

A.27 Control measures in confined space:

Performing risk assessment

Isolation of hazardous energies by LOTO scheme
Ventilation both natural and mechanical
Specific Training to workers
Competent supervision
Arrangements of suitable PPEs
Arrangements of emergency procedure
Issue of work permit
Appointing supervisor for continuous monitoring of the activities being done.

Q.28- Identify the steps in making safe system of work while working in confined space. (6)

• Level of supervision
• Competency requirements of the people doing the work
• Communication method to be used inside the c/s
• Atmospheric testing and monitoring before and during entry
• Ventilation that may be required before and during entry
• Removal of residues
• Isolation and lock off of in-feeds and out-feeds
• PPE requirements for workers inside the c/s which may include respiratory protective
• Safe and quick access and egress methods
• Fire prevention measures

• Lighting that is suitable and safe to use in the atmosphere inside the c/s
• Suitability of the individuals in terms of body size and psychology
• Emergency and rescue arrangements to cope with foreseeable emergencies

Q.29- Outline factors to be considered when formulating safe system of work. (6)

A safe system of work is a formal procedure based on a systematic examination of work in
order to identify the hazards. It defines safe methods of working which eliminate those hazards or
minimize the risks associated with them.
Factors to be considered: (MEEP)
• Materials: What materials will be used, what are the hazards of materials and how the wastes
will be disposed of
• Equipment: Safe installation, safe design of the machines or plant also the ergonomic factors.
Location of the machines and layout of the plant.
• Environment: In what type of environment will the work take place, e.g. light, space and
temperature. Might any of these factors increase risk or need to be controlled
• People: Safe behavior, competency, motivation, experience, skill of the person, etc.

Q.30- Identify limitations of PPEs (4)

 It does not remove he hazards
 May obstruct safe movement when used
 May fail when under use
 Training required for safe use
 Subject to abuse
 Needs maintenance
 May no fit to users
 Health and hygiene issues
 Quality issues
 Cost issues

Q. 31- Outline why PPE is the last control measure. (4)

There are other cost effective methods for controlling hazards and risk at work place such as
elimination, reduction, isolation and control of hazards and risks. Certain hazards and risk cannot be
controlled by applying first four methods for example noise hazards (of air craft) to which an signal man
on the air strip is exposed. Here in this case first four methods are impossible.
In such cases the last option remains is use of PPEs and hence it is last control method.

Q. 32- Identify the types of safety signs giving suitable example for each. (6)
Mandatory sign (compulsory sign)
Solid blue background with white pictogram (use of hard hat sign in construction site)
Warning Sign:
Triangular sign , Yellow back ground with black border, black pictogram (fire hazard in diesel storage
Prohibition sign:
Circular sign, black pictogram, white back ground (no smoking near diesel storage room)

Safe Condition sign:

Rectangle or square, green back ground, white pictogram (first aid box)
Fire fighting Equipment:
Rectangular or square, white pictogram on red back ground (fire extinguisher)

Q. 33- Identify control tools (methods) at work place. (4)

A. 33-

There are three types of control measures adopted at work place to reduce the hazards and risks of
accident such as:
1. Engineering controls:
PPEs, Barrication, Safety signs, machine guards, ELCB, RCD, trip devices, fuse, interlocks
LOTO etc.
2. Administrative controls:
Safety norms, Work permit, Safety Inspections, Audits, Training, instructions, supervision,
disciplinary action etc.
3. Behavioural control:
Positive safety culture Motivation, improved perception, positive attitude, training, etc.

Q. 34- Identify general principles of control. (4)

 Hazard identification
 Risk assessment
 Safe system of work
 Permit to work
 Inspection
 Audit
 Safety sampling, safety survey, health surveillance

Q. 35- identify Hierarchy of control at work place. (4)

Outline Hierarchy of control at work place. (8)

 Eliminate hazards and risk

 Reduce hazards and risk
 Isolate hazards and risk
 Control hazards and risk
 Use PPEs
 Maintain safety discipline

4. Assignment Questions

Q. Identify reasons why workers may fail to comply with safety procedures at work. (8)

Q. Identify the main health and safety issues that could be included in induction training programme for
new workers. (8)

Q. Outline the factors that the employer should take into account when selecting individuals to assist in
carrying out the required risk assessment. (6)

(b) Outline what the organisation needs to consider when deciding who should carry out risk
assessments for the new process. (6)

Q. Identify the reasons why a risk assessment should be recorded in writing. (4)

Q. Identify FOUR categories of workplace safety signs AND give an example of each. (8)

Q. Due to its limitations, personal protective equipment (PPE) should only be considered after other
control measures. Outline the limitations of using PPE.* (8)

Q. Identify 3 types of work that may require a permit to work (work permit), and give the reasons why in
each case. (6)

b. Identify the information that should be given to workers in a training session on a safe system of
work. (8)

Q. Identify EIGHT sources of information that might usefully be consulted when developing a safe
system of work. (8)

Things to Remember

Things to Remember


This lesson provides methods to keep an eye on your health and safety management system.
This is also called monitoring. This monitoring is carried out to see if your system is working as
designed and if not then corrective action is taken to keep it running as decided.
The second main topic covered is auditing of the health and safety management system which is
nothing but critical examination of your system.
as per the reports of auditing and mentoring whatever actions required to correct, modify or
change the system for good is taken care of. Another important topic in this lesson is stud of
causes of accidents, investigation accident and why investigation is must after and incident or

Content of the lesson:

1- Active monitoring
2- Proactive monitoring
3- Work place auditing both internal and external
4- Recording and reporting accident
5- Accident investigation procedure
6- Roles of top management to improve the health and safety management system after
review are done.

Q.1- Identify difference between active and proactive monitoring. (2)

A. 1- inspection and checks carried out to evaluate, identify, control hazards and risk before
any incident occurs is proactive monitoring whereas inspection and checks carried out to
evaluate, identify, control hazards and risk after any incident occurs is reactive monitoring

Q-2-Identify each four types of reactive and proactive (active) monitoring. (6)
A. 2-
Proactive Monitoring:
Safety Inspection
Safety sampling
Safety tour
Safety audit
Health surveillance
Reactive Monitoring:
Accident investigation
Inspection after enforcement action
Inspection after workers’ complaints
Investigation after Case of illness
Investigation after Near miss
Investigation after Dangerous occurrence

Q.3-Outline main features of health and safety inspection. (6)

Safety inspection carried out workplace is for the purpose of monitoring if the health and safety
practices prevailing are working effectively or not. There are two types of safety inspection: proactive
and reactive monitoring.
Active monitoring is carried out before any incident takes place at workplace for example
safety inspection, safety tour, safety sampling, safety survey etc. Whereas reactive monitoring consists
of accident investigation, other investigation after cases like enforcement, workers complaints, audits

result, near miss or dangerous occurrence etc. management mostly prefer proactive monitoring type in
which safety inspection is most common.
Safety inspection is systematic monitoring of plant and equipment using predetermined
document and done daily, weekly, monthly basis. Safety audit is another way to proactively monitor the
In audits critical examination of health and safety management system is done so as to
determine how effective the system is in controlling hazards and risk at workplace.
Safety inspection gives management the idea how far they have performed on question of
health and safety at workplace.

Q.4- Outline main features of safety audit (6)

Safety audit is critical examination of health and safety system at workplace actively, it helps to
identify weakness in the system so that it can be corrected before any accident can happen. It also
mentions the positive aspects of health and management system at workplace but finding weakness. is
main purpose.
For actual auditing purpose audit goals are set, organisation is contacted, audit team is made
ready, Preaudit meeting is arranged with the organistaion, audit is carried out by team, report is
submitted, the organisation takes action on audit recommendations.

Q.5-Deifine health and safety audit at workplace (2)

A.5- Systematic critical examination of health and safety, management system at workplace is safety
auditing. It is proactive type of monitoring.

Q.6-Identiy procedure involved when performing health and safety audit (4)
Procedure involved in health and safety audit at workplace are:
• Pre audit preparation- deciding scope, area, extent of the audit and who are the members of
audit team.
• Contacting the organisation to be audited
• Scheduling the audit with organisation
• Arranging Preaudit meeting
• Auditing in actual
• Post audit meeting
• Report submission in writing
• Action by organisation

Q.7-Identify purpose of health and safety monitoring at workplace. (4)

Outline purpose of health and safety monitoring at workplace. (6)
NOTE: student should cover the same points as mentioned in Identify type question but they should
write answer in descriptive mode using paragraph not bullet points as shown hereunder:
Identify type answer:

Purpose of health and safety monitoring at workplace are:

 To identify deficiency on health and safety practices
 Helps to know the potential hazards that would lead to accident
 To know gap between health and safety targets and actual performance
 Making health and safety practices more effective

 Set priorities
 Assess compliance
 Inform management about the H&S effectiveness

Outline type answer:

When active and proactive monitoring is carried out a workplace on scheduled basis,
management becomes aware of weakness and strength in health and safety practices. Unknown
hazards and risk are found to be corrected. Management identify gaps between actual and target so
that the gap is filled by appropriate corrective measure. What is to be done first , what is important is
realised. As compliance standard is known, management makes effective planning for further
improvement or decide necessary corrective action plan.

Q.9- Identify advantages and disadvantages of internal audit. (6)

Advantages of internal audit:
 Easy to arrange
 Less expensive
 Can see changes since last audit done
 Auditor know the process, work culture, and organisation

 Auditor may be biased on certain issues
 Auditor could be influenced by internal relationships
 Recommendation made may not be taken seriously
 Possibility of satisfaction
 May not satisfy legal requirement

Q.10 Identify advantages and disadvantages of external audit. (6)

(Note that examiner can ask only advantages or only disadvantages by allotting 4 marks in each case


 Fresh pair of eyes

 Auditors not biased
 Auditors not under influence
 Internal relationship can not affect findings
 Satisfies legal requirement
 Able to be critical to management


 More expensive
 Difficult to arrange
 Time consuming
 Auditor not aware of culture, system and practices

Q.11- Identify/Outline purpose of investigating accident at workplace. (4/6)

OR Why and employer must investigate an accident at workplace. (6)
Identify type answer
 To find cause of accident and take corrective action to avoid such accident in future
 Fulfill legal requirement
 Show management concern
 Satisfy workers that they are taken care
 Find weakness of the control measures
 Adopt so far as practically possible control measures against recurrence
 Record findings and use them in future risk assessment, control measures
 Document can be used in legal case.

Outline type answer: (three paragraphs)

The main idea behind investigating accident is to find out the cause of accident so that sufficient
control measures to avoid future recurrence. This activity satisfies workers that they are taken care of
and management is concerned on question of health and safety at workplace.
So far legal requirement is concerned law asks employer to investigate each incident, accident,
dangerous occurrence at workplace so that employees are protected against ill health and injuries. In
case of legal case the report serves as evidence.
By investigating accident cause is known and control measures are analysed to see their
effectiveness hence sufficient control measures are selected and adopted. The report helps in future
planning, risk assessment is improved and the weakness of control system is made strong.

Q.12- Identify / Outline procedure of accident investigation. (4/6)

Identify type answer: (4)
Gather relevant information with regard to victim, injury, loss, witnesses (G)
Analyse the gathered information to find the cause of accident using suitable methods (A)
Identify the risk, reason and suitable control measures (I)
Take action on findings of the investigation report (T)

Outline type answer: (6)

The first step is to gather as much as possible relevant information with regard to loss/injury,
nature of job being performed, statement of the witnesses, supervisors, victim etc. Collected information
is analysed for its use and accident event its sequence and result are analysed.
Using appropriate method of identifying cause of accidents actual reason of accident is found. It
is also observed that why the control measure failed to work, was it sufficient in place or not. When
reason is found additional and effective control measures are selected and implemented and checked
for its workability.

Q.13- An accident took place at workplace, identify various tools (materials) required to gather
information. (4)
A.13- To investigate accident certain tools are needed such as
Note pad to write information, take statement
Pen, pencils

Camera to photograph scene of accident

Map or layout of the accident site
Tape recorder to register statement of witness
Barricading tape to seal and identify place of mishap
Warning signs, notice
If needed watch person is appointed to take care that the site condition is protected.

Q.14- Identify precaution to be taken when conducting and interview after an accident. (4)
 Ask simple straight question
 Listen answer properly
 Don’t be judgmental
 Do not intimidate witness
 Record immediately the findings do not rely on memory
 Be cordial, simple and unbiased
 Do not miss any information; try to cover every aspect of the investigation.

Q.15- Identify team members of accident investigation with their purpose. (4)
 Manager of the plant and machineries who can take decision
 Supervisor who assigned the job to victim of accident
 Safety advisor who is aware of legal and other requirement
 Plant engineer who knows plant very well

Q.16- Identify source of information needed to investigate an accident at workplace.

Sources of information:
 Office Records of the victim showing qualification, experience, skill and level of training
 Plant maintenance records showing condition of plant and equipment
 Statements of witnesses describing condition at the time of accident
 Footage of CCTV
 Readings of monitoring equipment
 Plant layout drawing

Q.17- Identify both advantages and disadvantages of checklist in inspection workplace.

(Note that examiner can ask only advantages or only disadvantages by allotting 4 marks in each case)
Advantages of checklist:

 All points are covered mentioned in checklist

 There is consistency of approach (method does not change)
 It serves at written document for future use
 Easy to perform

Disadvantages of checklist:
 Inspector would only check points mentioned in the checklist avoiding other important issues.
 Possibility of tunnel view approach
 Creativity/innovation may be lost
 Becomes monotonous or boring job leading to incomplete inspection

Q,18- Outline the importance of monitoring as part of a health and safety management system. (6)

The importance of monitoring as part of a health and safety management system is it reinforces
management's commitment to health and safety objectives; helps in developing a positive health
and safety culture by rewarding good work; assures the compliance with the performance
standards; identifies the areas for improvement; enables in making decisions for remedial
measures for any identified deficiencies; assists in setting the targets for the future improvement of
performance; it motivates managers and employees for better performance and continual

Q.19-Outline why monitoring reports should be submitted to the chief executive or managing director of
the organization. (8)


There are number of reasons why monitoring reports should be submitted to the CEO or Managing
Director. These include CEO is the ultimate responsibility to review the process, he has authority
to take appropriate actions, he authorizes the resources necessary for implementation health and
safety system, takes the disciplinary actions against employees where necessary and motivate
staff with rewards. On receiving the report they are able to gauge performance of health and safety
management system thereby it becomes easy to carry on the policy or change or modify the policy
for the best.

Q.20-Outline how the findings of an audit may be used to improve health and safety performance.
The findings of a safety audit may be used in a number of ways to improve health and safety
performance, which include identifying strengths and weaknesses in the management system,
identifying the compliance and non-compliance with the standards, identifying the remedial actions,
enables the benchmarking with other organizations, assist in the continual improvement of the
organization by regular audit intervals, assists in allocation and prioritize the resources, communicate
these findings to the staff and the management, improve the health and safety performance etc.

Q. 21- Identify why safety campaign at work place can fail. (8)

(Following are the points mentioned in identifying answer style, students can convert these points to
form outline type answer)
 There was lack of management commitment / interest
 Full Resources was not made available

 There was no proper planning done

 No target was set
 All Employees were not communicated or consulted
 Employees and departments were not involved in activities of campaign
 Sub activities were not suitably organised
 Improper time was selected
 Presentation during campaign was poor
 Peoples expectation was not meted out
 No follow up plan was available

5-Assignment Questions

Q. 1 Outline the immediate and longer term actions that should be taken following a serious injury
accident at work? (8)

Q. 2 serious accident has occurred. During the investigation it is found that an inspection of the
workplace had taken place before the accident. Outline possible reasons why the inspection failed to
identify a problem. (8)

Q. 3. Identify information that should be included in an accident investigation report. (8)

Q. 4. Identify documentation that is likely to be inspected in a health and safety audit. (8)

Q. 5. Outline the actions that should be taken immediately after an accident has occurred. (4)

Q. 6. Identify factors that might discourage workers from reporting workplace accidents. (4)

Q. 7. Identify the reasons why an organisation should review its health and safety performance. (6)

Q. 8. Outline how accident data can be used to improve health and safety performance within an
organization. (4)

Q. 9. Identify factors to make safety campaign successful (6)

Q.10. outline purpose of safety monitoring (6)


Things to Remember

Things to Remember


(Hot work would mainly comprise - Welding, Gas-cutting, use of Open Flames or other sources of
fire in a fire-prone place containing inflammable substances, explosives & / or other such highly
combustible materials susceptible to spontaneous ignition & / or explosion.)

A) The person taking permit (permittee) to fill up:

1. Exact location where hot work is being planned. _____________________

2. Approximate duration of work. From : Date:___________ Time ______________
To : Date ___________ Time ______________

Points to be checked

Sl. Details Remarks

Yes No Not

1. Has the area immediately below the work spot, been

cleared / removed of oil, grease & waste cotton etc.?

2. Has Gas concentration been tested in case there is gas

valve/gas line nearby?

3. Have fire extinguishers been kept handy at site?

4. Has tin sheet/ wet gunny bag/ fire retardant cloth / sheet
been placed to prevent sparks from causing fire?

5. Has water hose connection been made for continuous

water spray?

6. Have all the drain inlets (if any) been closed?

7. Any other precautions taken


The above points have been complied with and conditions rendered safe / hazards innocuous to
undertake the hot work.

Name of ________________ Signature_______________ Designation________________

Permittee (Site engineer)


B) The person giving permit (issuing authority) to fill up:

After checking all the above precautions the hot work can be carried out in the above area.

Name & Signature: of _______________________ _______________

issuing authority Section In charge HSEO

C)Time ____________ Date____________________ at which the permit closed & filed.


Signature of HSEO

Hot work permit can be obtained for one shift only & it can be extended for the immediate next shift if
the work could not be completed with in one shift. In no case the permit is valid more than two shifts. If
required Fresh Permit has to be obtained again.



To identify safe work practices related to working inside a confined space or a vessel or a plant /

A. The person taking permit (permittee) to fill up.



PERMIT FROM : (Time) ___________ (DATE) ____________

TO : (Time) ___________ (DATE) ____________











A. OXYGEN LEVEL (19.5% - 23.5%)

I have checked the above points and found conditions suitable to undertake the work.

_____________________ __________________ ______________________


Name of the permittee Signature Designation

(Site Engineer)

B) The person giving permit (Issuing Authority) to fill up

The precautions and safe conditions mentioned above have been verified and the work can be started.

Name & Signature: of ________________________ _______________

Issuing authority Section In charge HSEO

C) Time ____________ Date____________________ at which the permit closed & filed.

______________________ ___________________________

Name of HSEO Signature of HSEO

Note: The scope of this permit is limited to entering into confined space. Relevant work permits shall be
obtained for carrying out the activities inside the confined space along with this permit.


PLACE OF WORK ______________
GROUP ______________

DATE ______________
Name of the person taking Shutdown / Power Block ____________________
Designation _____________
Why Shutdown / Power Block required _____________________________

Apparatus / equipment on which shutdown required ___________________

Approximate time of shutdown / power block from _______ hrs to ______ hrs

Signature ___________
Person taking shutdown

Action taken to make the apparatus safe to work ______________________

Earthing done ________________
Caution tag placed at ___________

I declare that apparatus / equipment mentioned above is safe to work and shutdown is given and the
same will not be made alive till the permit is cancelled in writing by the person taking shutdown.

Name of the person issuing shutdown _________________

Signature _________ Designation _________ Date ______ Time ___

I declare that the work has been completed and men and materials have been removed from the place
of work and apparatus / equipment is safe for starting

This shutdown is hereby cancelled

Name __________ Signature _________ Date ______ Time

Note: Form should be made available in three copies. Persons taking shutdown should have two
copies with him. One copy should be retained for documentation and another copy to be handed over to
person giving shutdown after job is completed.

Ref: IM-09-A3 Rev 00

Name of Site :

Job No. :
Inspected By :
Date :
Sl. No. Points Observation Measures
Hook and Hook Latch
2 Over-Hoist Limit Switch
3 Boom-Limit Switch
4 Boom Angle indicator
5 Boom-Limit cut-off switch
6 Over load limit switch
7 Condition of boom
8 Condition of Ropes
9 No. of load lines
10 Size and condition of the sling
11 Stability of crane
12 Soil Condition
13 Swing Brake & Lock
14 Propel Brake & Lock
15 Hoist Brake & Lock
16 Boom Brake & Lock
17 Main clutch
18 Leakage in hydraulic cylinders
19 Out riggers fully extendible
20 Tyre pressure
21 Tyre guard for pick & carry cranes
22 Sensing devices (Personnel) for pick & carry
23 Condition of Battery and Lamps
24 Guards of moving and rotating parts
25 Load chart provided
26 Numbers, position and size of pendant ropes
27 Reverse horn & Rear view mirror
28 Load test details
29 Operators Fitness
30 Fire Extinguisher in operators cabin
31 Cautionary Boards


Name of Site :
Job No. :

Inspected By :
Date :
Sl. Points Observation Measures

1 Whether the condition of Cable is checked?
2 Are Cables received from other site checked
for Insulation Resistance before putting them
into use?
3 Are all main Cables, taken either
underground / Overhead?
4 Are welding Cables routed properly above the
5 Are welding & Electrical Cables overlapping?
6 Is any improper jointing of Cables wires
prevailing at Site?

DBs / SDBs
1 Is earth conductor continued upto DB / SDB?
2 Whether DBs & extension boards are
protected from rain / water?
3 Is there any overloading of DBs / SDBs?
4 Are correct / proper fuses & CB’s provided at
main boards & sub- boards?
5 Is energised wiring in junction boxes, CB
panels & similar places covered all times?
6 Is periodical maintenance done and loose
connections are avoided?

Sl. Points Observation Measures


1 Whether the connections are routed through
2 Is RCBO/RCCB sensitivity maintained at 30
3 Are the RCBO/RCCB numbered & tested
periodically & test results recorded in a
logbook countersigned by competent person?

1 Is neutral earthing ensured at the source of
power (Main DB at Gen. or Transformer)?
2 Whether the continuity & tightness of earth
conductor are checked?
3 Mention the SWG of earth conductor used at
4 Mention the value of Earth Resistance and its


1 Whether the plug top provided everywhere?
2 Are all metal parts of electrical equipment’s &
light fittings / accessories grounded?
3 Is there any shed / cover for welding
4 Are light fittings fixed at proper places?
5 Are Portable power tools maintained as per
6 Any other Information


Name of Site:
Job No. :
Inspected By:
Points Observation Measures
Plant boundary are demarked to avoid hazards
arising out of unintended operations
Plant supports are as per the design drawing
Demarcation of working area, vehicular
All rotating parts are adequately guarded
Emergency stoppers for moving conveyers &
plant are provided at accessible areas.
Doors of the moving parts are interlocked to avoid
unauthorized operation during plant running.
Adequate accesses are provided to reach all
working locations.
Delay start mechanism is installed with hooters /
Safety of the Loading ramps
Protection against entrapping of peoples in the
loading hoppers.
Illumination is adequate
Earthing is provided
Environment Protection measures implemented
Lightening arrestors are provided
Daily check procedure is followed
Operator Fitness
LOTO system implemented
Effective functioning of pressure relief
arrangement in silos.
Maintenance permit system is followed regularly

Points Observation Measures
Fire Protection & Fire Fighting arrangement are

Note: This checklist shall be used for Batching Plant, Crushers, Hot Mix plants etc. Additional checklist
points shall be developed at site level on need based.







1 Scaffolding design drawing

2 Erected as per the design
3 Supervised by : BSL
4 Height- 55M
5 Bay length-14M
6 Width- 10M
7 SWL – 200KG/MSQ
8 Required signs posted
1 Scaffolding footings firm
2 Base plate in place
3 Sole board in place
4 Ground leveled and compacted
4 Approach free from obstacles
1 Tubes and pipes- not bent
2 Post plumbed
3 Ledger and transom leveled
4 Cups properly locked
5 Bracing fixed at required location
6 Tie and supports proper
1 Fully Decked as per the design
2 Peripheral platform decked as per
the design
3 Hand rails sufficiently fixed
4 Knee rails sufficiently fixed
5 Toe guards sufficiently fixed
6 No gap between two boards
7 Free from obstacles
8 Not overloaded
1 45degree slope ensured
2 Guard rails provided
3 Steps properly secured/clamped
4 Free from obstacles
5 Sharp turn avoided
6 Landing platform area sufficient
1 Sufficiently fixed
2 Anchorage sufficiently strong

3 Right type Couplers used

1 Crew provided with safety harness
1 Toe guards fixed
2 Loose material collected and
relocated safely
1 Entrance to scaffolding free from
2 Work platform free from obstacles
3 Work platform Free from repairs


Name of the Site:

Cocked By:

Last Next
Sl. Type & Size of Fire Last Refill
Location Inspection Inspection Remarks
No Extinguisher / Fire Bucket Date
Date Due







Name of Site : Make / Model:

Identification/Reg. No:
Date : Asset code (If applicable):
Inspected Team : Owned by :
Check Points Observation Remarks
Hook and Hook Latch
2 Over-Hoist Limit Switch
3 Boom-Limit Switch
4 Boom Angle indicator

Check Points Observation Remarks
5 Boom-Limit cut-off switch
6 Over load limit switch
7 Condition of boom
8 Condition of Ropes
9 No. of load lines
10 Swing Brake & Lock
11 Propel Brake & Lock
12 Hoist Brake & Lock
13 Boom Brake & Lock
14 Main clutch
15 Leakage in hydraulic cylinders
16 Out riggers fully extendible
17 Tyre pressure
18 Tyre guard for pick & carry cranes
19 Sensing devices (Personnel) for pick &
carry crane
20 Condition of Battery and Lamps
21 Guards of moving and rotating parts
22 Load chart provided
23 Numbers, position and size of pendant
24 Reverse horn & Rear view mirror
25 Load test details
26 Operators Fitness
27 Fire Extinguisher in operators cabin
28 Cautionary Boards


a- Define the terms 8 marks
1- Welfare
2- Hazard and risk
3- Near miss
4- Acute and chronic ill health effects
b- Outline benefits of good health and safety practices at work place. 4 marks
c- Outline successful health and safety management system. 8 marks
a- Identify purpose of safety policy . 4 marks

b- Outline three elements of a safety policy. 4

a- Identify precaution for the safety of a physically challenged employee at workplace 4
b- Identify the suitable criteria for selecting a contractor. 4 marks
Outline internal and external influences on safety culture 8 marks
a- Outline four elements creating a safety culture at work place. 4 marks
b- Identify factors to improve safety culture. 4 marks
a- Human failure
b- Motivation
c- Perception
d- Violence
Outline how do you reduce the likelihood of human error at work place? 8
Outline methods of communication at work place for safety issues 8 marks
a- Identify the content of safety induction training programme at work place. 4 marks
b- Identify the requirement of a safety training programme at work place 4 marks
a- Identify the elements to form safe working system at work place. 4 marks
b- Identify the factors to be considered when assessing risk for nightshift worker.4 marks
a- Identify the situations when a risk assessment is to be reviewed? 4 marks
b- Outline hierarchy of control at work place. 4 marks


Time allotted: Two Hours
a- Define the terms 8 marks
1- First Aid
2- Safety culture
3- Consultation
4- Bench marking
b- Outline reasons for having good health and safety practice. 4 marks
c- Outline accident costs incurred to the employer. 8 marks
a- Identify sources of internal and external information. 4 marks
b- Outline arrangement section of health and safety policy. 4 marks

a- Identify methods to communicate safety policy. 4 marks
b- Identify responsibilities of health and safety practitioner. 4 marks
Explain the role of safety committee at work place. 8 marks
a- Outline factor s that declines the safety culture at work place. 4 marks
b- Identify welfare arrangement at work place 4 marks

a- Outline practical measures to motivate the employees at work place . 4 marks

b- Identify aims of first aid to injured at work place 4 marks

a- Identify purpose of safety communication. 4 marks
b- Identify barriers to effective communication. 4 marks
a- Identify types of training. 4 marks
b- Identify precautions to be taken when employing young worker. 4 marks
a- Identify the limitations of PPEs 4 marks
b- Identify sources to collect details of hazards in an activity at work place. 4 marks
a- Identify control tools at work place. 4 marks
b- Outline the steps in risk assessment exercise. 4 marks
a- Identify elements in suitable and sufficient risk assessment. 4 marks
b- Outline why PPE is last control measure. 4


Time allotted: Two Hours
d- Define the terms 8 marks
5- Occupational injury
6- Commuting accident
7- Environment
8- Competence
e- Outline purpose of health and safety law. 4
f- Explain reason for good health and safety practice at work place. 8 marks
c- Identify reasons for accidents. 4 marks
d- Outline steps in accident investigation. 4 marks

c- Identify monitoring methods. 4 marks
d- Identify advantages and disadvantages of safety inspection. 4 marks
Explain why safety campaign at work place can fail. 8 marks
c- Outline factor s that improves safety culture at work place. 4 marks
d- Identify contents of a work permit. 4 marks
c- Outline advantages and disadvantages of use of posters for communication. 4 marks
d- Identify aims of first aid to injured at work place 4 marks
c- Identify reason why employer shall communicate hazard to employees. 4 marks
d- Identify factors to consider when designing a training programme 4 marks
c- Identify indicators of positive safety culture. 4 marks
d- Identify why a person fail to comply with safety procedures. 4 marks
c- Identify the types of safety signs giving suitable example for each. 4 marks
d- Identify the elements to assess the effectiveness of the training programme. 4 marks
c- Identify general principle of control. 4 marks
d- Identify the factors to be considered in risk assessment exercise of expectant mother.
4 marks
c- Identify hazards in confined space. 4 marks
d- Identify control measures to work in confined space. 4 marks

Sample Copies of Content of Training programme

Confined Space Safety

Target Audience:
People working in tanks, tunnels and such other places, fabricators, maintenance staff,
supervisors, member of safety team
Content of the Programme:

1- Meaning of Confined Space, examples of confined space: vat, pit, tank, silo, tunnel, trench,
2- Nature of activity in confined space: cleaning, inspection, repairing, maintenance etc.
3- Nature of physical and atmospheric hazard

4- Cause of accident in confined space

5- Untrained staff, failure to test atmosphere, non availability of rescue equipment and rescue
plan and rescue team
6- Nature of dangers in confined space: unconsciousness, fatality, slip trip fall, trap, drowning,
engulfment, heat stress,
7- Nature of atmospheric hazards: poisonous gas, H2S, CO, other explosive gases like
methane, vapour of combustible liquid, heat, cold, noise, vibration, darkness, etc.
8- Nature of physical hazards: electric shock, mechanical hazards, fall of person, drop object,
Hit by, trap under, contact with, entanglement, etc.
9- Hazard identification and risk assessment
10- Control method
11- Entry procedure
12- LOTO, draining and venting, zero energy state, entry permit,
13- Gas testing and ventilation
14- Confined Space work organization, appointing entrant, entry supervisor, authorized person,
availability of testing equipment,
15- CS equipment gas meter, special duty harness, tripod, blower, low voltage source, BA set,
ELSA,CABA, first aid kit, stretcher etc.
16- Emergency procedure, training requirement
17- SOP, standard operation procedure
18- Training to staff

Construction Site Safety

Target Audience:
Safety supervisor, site engineers, site supervisor, contractors’ supervisor, maintenance
engineers, project engineers,

Content of the Programme:

1- Nature of hazardous activities at construction site

2- Mechanical lifting, excavation, concreting, transportation, welding cutting, fabrication, use of
electrical equip, power tools
3- Heavy equipment hazards, cranes, batching plant, dozer, boom placer, excavator etc.
4- Hazards associated with the above activities
5- Nature of risk of accidents
6- Nature of personal injury and damage to property and environmental harm
7- Introduction to
8- Safety management system at construction site
9- Organization of safety
10- Planning and implementation
11- Assessing risk
12- Nature of safety inspection
13- Inspection of heavy equipment, hoist, lift, cranes, batching plant, electrical system, labour
14- Work permit system
15- Housekeeping issues
16- Fire management at construction site
17- Handling construction site emergency
18- Handling personal injury
19- First aid facility
20- PPEs management
21- Conclusion

Emergency Preparedness at Workplace


Target Audience:
Safety officer, safety supervisor, site engineers, site supervisors, contractors’ supervisor

Content of the Programme:

19- What is an emergency?
20- Various emergency situation at workplace
21- Fire emergency, personal injury, failure of machinery, collapse of structure, plant shut down,
leakage of hazardous material, spillage of oil, bursting of pressure vessel etc.
22- Communication, announcing emergency, communication device, page party, siren, etc.
23- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
24- Fire fighter, first aider, rescuer, volunteer etc.
25- Roles and responsibilities of ERT member
26- Emergency Response Planning (ERP)
27- Plant layout, escape routes, arrangement and location of first aid, stretcher and fire
extinguishers, Important phone numbers, orderly evacuation,
28- Plant shut down procedure, incident manager role
29- Emergency tools and tackles
30- Ropes, stretchers, full body harness, BA Set, emergency lights, first aid boxes, tripod, life jacket,
wheel chairs
31- Routine inspection of emergency equipment
32- Handling injured person, man on back, hand seat, rolling method etc.
33- Mock drill requirement
34- Audit and review of the ERP

Fire Safety

Target Audience:
Firefighters, safety supervisors, site engineers, Site supervisors, office staff

Content of the Programme:

35- Definition of fire

36- Fire triangle and fire tetrahedron
37- Types of combustible material
38- Concept of temperature, heat, measurement of heat
39- Flash point, fire point
40- Heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation, direct contact
41- Nature of combustible material at construction site, oil, diesel, gas cylinder, wood, shuttering
42- Fire load
43- Fire prevention, protection and precaution
44- Fire fighting method, cooling, smothering, starving
45- Fire extinguishing, common medium
46- Water,CO2, Dry Chemical Powder, Foam,
47- Clean agent,
48- PASS method of operation portable extinguisher
49- Portable fire extinguishers, cartridge type and stored pressure type
50- Fixed fire fighting system, hydrant, riser, sprinkler, HVWSS, Deluge system
51- Brief introduction to fixed fire fighting system
52- Pumps, Pump house, water storage tank, pipeline, valves, controls
53- Type of pumps

54- Starting of centrifugal pump

55- Handling of fire emergency at work place
56- Manual call point

Crane Safety
Target Audience:
Crane operators, their helpers and supervisors, safety supervisors, safety officer. Maintenance

Content of the Programme:

1- Types of cranes, crawler, tyre mounted, hydra, tower crane, EOT, gantry, luffing
2- Operation of crane, mechanism
3- Important parts of crane, engine, drum, boom, wire rope, hook
4- Hazard identification in crane operation
5- Common crane accidents: cause and remedy
6- Toppling, overloading, failure of mechanism
7- Other hazards: hit by, over travelling, release of load, breaking of rope
8- Safe lifting plan
9- Movement of crane
10- Crane signaling,
11- Basics of rigging
12- Competent man
13- Difference between mobile and stationary cranes
14- Specific hazards with tower crane, gantry crane
15- Importance of communication
16- Critical lifting operation
17- Risk assessment and control plan
18- Inspection checklist of crane
19- Third party inspection, legal requirement
20- Crane maintenance: hazards and control



Everyone may be exposed to a variety of hazards on and off the job. Hazards may be
categorized by four types: chemical, physical, biological, and ergonomic. These categories, and related
key points about each hazard type, are profiled in the at-a-glance chart below.

Chemical Hazards Physical Hazards

1 Inhalation 1 Electrical
2 Skin contact 2 Fire/explosion
3 Absorption 3 Noise
4 Injection 4 Radiation
5 Ingestion 5 Thermal stress
6 Caught in/on/between; pinch points
7 Slips/falls
8 Striking against
9 Struck by

Biological Hazards Ergonomic Hazards

1 Bloodbourne pathogens 1 Repetition

2 Brucellosis 2 Forceful exertions
3 Building-Related Illness (BRI) 3 Awkward postures
4 Legionnaires' Disease 4 Contact stress
5 Mold 5 Vibration
6 Plant and insect poisons 6 Work area design
7 Tuberculosis (TB) 7 Tool or equipment design
8 Water and wastewater

(Health & Safety (Promoting Safe Behavior) Competence

Management System- SMS)
P: Policy D: Discipline K: Knowledge
O: Organizing R: Reward A: Ability (also knowing their
PI: Planning &Implementing I: Informing T: Training
M: Monitoring F: Facilitate E: Experience
A: Audits T: Training
R: Reviews MEEP
IITS – Hierarchy of controls ERIC M: Materials
Prevents Death (Eric P D)

I: Information E: Elimination(IITS, SSOW, E: Environment

PTW & work method)
I: Instructions R: Reduction E: Equipments
T: Training I: Isolation P: People
S: Supervision C: Control (including
Reasons for reviewing a P: PPE (developing safe system of work /
Health & Safety Policy/Risk JSA “Job Safety Analysis”)
Change of Policy and RA Hazards identification
Premises change Safety Culture Indicators – R: Record each logical step
Enforcement notices Compliance with E: Evaluate the risks for each step
rules/procedures considering MEEP
Arrangements change Indicators (proactive/reactive) D: Develop safe working
procedures considering MEEP
Regular review Accidents S: Select the task to be studied
Risk assessment outcomes Complaints by staff I: Implement the system

Legislation changes Absenteeism M: Monitor its performance

Structure (people) change Turnover of staff


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