Arumentos Do Outro Grupo (E PERGUNTAS)

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1- Human rights excuse

Especially after the second war, in many situations, imperialists nations use the

issue of human rights as a pretext to intervene and colonize other country, in

order to ensure a greater consumer market and increase their hegemony. This

happened, for example, in the Congo (DRC), which was a Belgium colony in the

late XIX century, and now years after the exit of its colonizers, still suffers the

consequences of this dark period of its history, with conflicts, wars and misery.

The American invasion of Iraq in 2003, became known, not as a humanitarian

intervention, but as a genocide. According to George Bush, Saddam Hussein

had hidden weapons of worldwide destruction, but no weapon was ever found.

He was also maintaining relations with the Soviet Union, which did not please

the United States, which sought to expand its ideology.


But don’t you think that with or without the invasion the population is being

murdered, by the governor, who is harming the citizens, or by the country

which is invading?

The other question is: Knowing that the governor is providing a bad quality of

life for the population, and this won’t change, like Venezuela, is not that

enough reason to let other countries invade you?

2- Terrorism.

Humanitarian interventions may cause an increase in the terrorism rate of

invaded nations. Even when experiencing difficulties, people are proud of their

nation and want to see it get better. Seeing another nation having to intervene

in it, can cause terrorist revolt movements. This happened with the invasion of
NATO in Libya in 2011, which was responsible for the death of its leader,

millions of refugees, millions of deaths and more important, new terrorist

groups emerging. The same happened in the cases of Afghanistan and Iraq,

which today have one of the largest terrorist groups in the world, originated by

a humanitarian intervention.

3- UN principles

According to the UN, it is the only one that have the right to intervene for

humans rights. In addition the principle of non-interference affirms the self-

determination of people and that the state must have sovereignty and it

prohibits the use of force or threat against any nation. One of the basic

principles created by UN is the respect of a country’s sovereignty. Nations’

government have their own authority and this must be respected. Countries

like Brazil, USA, Canada and Argentina are among the twelve that still do not

recognize the Venezuelan government as legitimate, as it does with the Iranian.

But it is not possible to deny that this is a disrespect for their national



As Hannah Arendt said, “the essence of human rights is the right to have

them”. In the phrase of the philosopher we can observe that she puts the

human rights before every value. Knowing that the government is disrespecting

the human rights of its population, isn’t it fair to invade their country to give

the population’s human rights back, even disrespecting the country?

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