Lipoidal Nano

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Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 4, 1-9 1

Lipoidal-Nano Architecture for Parental Drug Delivery: Formulation De-

velopment and Regulatory Concerns
Vikas Jhawat1,*, Anil Kumar Sharma1, Vandana Garg2, Monika Gulia1 and Rohit Dutt1

School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University, Gurugram, Haryana, India; 2Department of Pharma-
ceutical Sciences, Mahrishi Dyananad University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Abstract: The nanoparticles as drug carriers have demonstrated enhanced targeting, and sustained/-
controlled drug release, as evident from numerous investigations that have shown promising out-
comes facilitating the wellbeing of humans in the desired manner. The lipid-based nanoparticles
are biodegradable and considered biocompatible by virtue of being composed of lipid moieties
mimicking physiological lipids of biological systems which is their prime advantage over the other
Received: April 10, 2020 polymeric systems. A variety of such lipid carriers have been reported to be delivered from the par-
Revised: June 09, 2020 enteral route. However, there are certain pitfalls which are associated with lipid nanoparticles such
Accepted: June 11, 2020
as toxicity, poor scale up potential, immunological reactions and absence of straight forward regula-
DOI: tory guidelines that address the issues of lipoidal nanocarriers such as their classification, approval
10.2174/2452271604999200706014809 and compliance of governmental policies. Therefore attention must be given to address the techno-
logical and regulatory challenges associated with lipoidal nano-formulations for parenteral adminis-
tration to smoothen the approval process throughout the world and bringing the same to the termi-
nal users on time.

Keywords: Lipids carriers, nanotechnology, parenteral route, regulatory challenges, lipid nanoparticulates, lipoidal nanocarri-

1. INTRODUCTION carriers are one among them which, when processed at the
The parenteral route has been considered as the most ef- nano scale can result in biocompatible drug carriers. In
fective and fastest route for drug delivery and action of a the present manuscript, we reviewed the applications of
drug inside the body because of many reasons such as no nanotechnology in the area of parenteral drug delivery using
need for drug absorption phase, hundred percent bioavailabil- lipoidal carriers for improved drug delivery.
ity, no first-pass effect and formulation advantages. But de-
spite many advantages, this route also has some limitations
related to the physicochemical properties of drugs such as Application of nanotechnology in the area of drug deliv-
the problem of solubility in blood components, drug release ery (nanocarrier drug delivery) could be considered promis-
from the formulation, non-target adherence of drug ing in circumventing above mentioned problems. Nanotech-
molecules, drug toxicity, burst effect and many more. The nology is the science which deals with the molecules at the
majority of the newly discovered drug molecules being hy- nano scale (1-100 nm) where molecules exhibit some specif-
drophobic in nature have low aqueous solubility, low bioa- ic size and shape-dependent magnetic, electrical and optical
vailability, and impaired pharmacokinetic behavior inside properties that are not generally observed in the bulk mate-
the body and tissue toxicity [1, 2]. During the drug develop- rial of the same compound [5, 6]. Nanotechnology allows us
ment phase, we cannot make a choice for the lead molecules to manipulate physicochemical properties in such a manner
to be hydrophilic or lipophilic and as per a study; there are that the molecule (nanoparticles) behaves as per the require-
more chances of the drug molecules being lipophilic which ments under different environmental conditions [7, 8]. Nano-
further may become the reason of rejection in later stages of
carrier drug delivery systems are of various types based on
the drug development due to poor water solubility [3, 4].
the polymeric systems utilized in the manufacturing and can
Therefore to avoid such problems, we need some modifica-
tions in the drug formulation to get the desired effect with be administered via different routes such as oral, nasal, ocu-
minimum adverse events. Nanotechnology can be of great lar, intraperitoneal, rectal, transdermal and parenteral route
importance in developing the desired formulation utilizing [9-12].
various synthetic and natural polymers carriers. Lipoidal
2.1. Parenteral Route
The focus of the current review is on drug delivery
* Address correspondence to this author at the School of Medical and Al-
lied Sciences, GD Goenka University, Gurugram, Haryana, India; through the parenteral route. This route offers several advan-
Tel: +91-9729216101; E-mail tages over other routes such as [13]:

2452-2716/20 $65.00+.00 © 2020 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 4, No. 0 Jhawat et al.

Dose accuracy with immediate onset of action poly (alkyl cyanoacrylates), poly (isobutyl cyanoacry-
Pain-free delivery of larger doses lates), poly (butylcyano acrylates), poly methyl
Easy to administer in unconscious and non-coopera- (methcyanoacrylates).
tive patients.
The unpleasant and bitter taste of the drug is no 2.2. Lipoidal Nanocarriers for Drugs
Lipoidal nanoparticulate delivery system can deliver the
Nanocarrier drug delivery systems play an important drug in such a manner that it may overcome the problems as-
role in improved parenteral administration of the drugs for sociated with the new drug candidates such as drug transpor-
the specific need. Nanoparticles delivered through parenteral tation problem, first pass metabolism, short residence time,
route have additional advantages such as [14]: poor absorption and permeation of the drug from blood ves-
sels to the tissues [17, 18]. When these lipid carriers are ad-
ministered through the parenteral route, it provides an excel-
Enhanced drug circulation time in the body which lent opportunity to inject the drug directly into the blood
prolongs the residence time of the drug for pro- stream for faster onset of action, site-specific delivery of the
longed therapeutic effect drug and encapsulation of both hydrophilic and lipophilic
Targeting and release of the drug at the desired site drugs [19, 20]. Lipoidal nanoparticles have demonstrated bet-
Improved physicochemical properties of drugs ter biocompatibility with the biological system than the or-
Bypassing the first-pass effect of drugs via oral ad- ganic nanoparticles because of the lipid nature of the biologi-
ministration. cal membranes [21]. Lipoidal nano-carrier drug delivery sys-
tem for parenteral administration can be formulated into dif-
Nanocarriers can be prepared using different biodegrad- ferent types of assemblies such as solid-lipid nanoparticles
able and biocompatible polymers such as [15, 16]: [16, 21, 22], nanoemulsions [23, 24], nanosuspensions [25],
niosomes [26], liposomes [27], lipid nanocapsule [28], lipid
[a] Natural lipids e.g. triglycerides, fatty acids, partial core micelles [29, 30], and nanostructured lipid carriers [31].
glycerides, steroids and waxes. The purpose of all the drug delivery systems is to maximize
[b] Hydrophilic polymers from natural origin e.g. ge- the efficacy of the drug at lower doses and to minimize the
latin, albumin, lecithin, legumin, alginate, dextran, side effects. Therefore, a suitable drug delivery system is de-
chitosan, agarose and pullulan. signed based on the physicochemical properties of the drug
[c] Synthetic hydrophobic polymer e.g. polyesters, poly molecules. Diverse lipid nanocarrier systems suitable for par-
(lactic acid), poly (lactide-co-glycolide), polystyrene, enteral administration are given below (Fig. 1):

Fig. (1). Lipoidal nanoarchitecture that can be used for a novel drug delivery system through parenteral route.
Lipoidal-Nano Architecture for Parental Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 4, No. 0 3

Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN): Solid lipid nanoparti- with the cell membranes and release its content where re-
cles are made up of a mixture of solid lipids and liquid quired [48, 49].
lipids, which is stabilized by the addition of emulsifying
Lipid nanocapsule: Lipid nanocapsules are the vesicu-
agents. SLNs have unique properties such as small size (10
lar structure made up of three components namely; oily
nm to 1000 nm), large surface area, biocompatible and
phase such as triglycerides, aqueous phase such as purified
biodegradable, high drug loading capacity, and can load
water containing sodium chloride salt and non-ionic surfac-
both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs [32, 33]. SLNs are pre-
tants for the stabilization of the nanocapsule [50-52]. The
pared from fatty acids, triglycerides, steroids and waxes us-
vesicles of lipid nanocapsule form an inner lipid core that en-
ing soybean lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, and sodium gluco-
traps the drug molecules and an open hydrophilic surfactant
nate as emulsifying agents [34].
tail outside. Nanocapsules can be used for sustained or con-
Nanoemulsion: Nanoemulsion is a fine to ultrafine ther- trolled delivery of the drug [53]. Lipid nanocapsules reduce
modynamically stable dispersed system which is made up of the drug degradation and increase the drug’s stability and wa-
water in oil (w/o) or oil in water (o/w) emulsion stabilized ter solubility [54, 55], and when administered through the
by emulsifying agents and have a size range of 50nm to parenteral route, lipid nanoparticles provide the direct access
1000nm [35]. Nanoemulsions, when seen through the naked of the drug into the blood which enables quick action and tar-
eye, appear transparent as fine globules in the emulsion, can- geting of the drug at the desired site [56].
not scatter the light rays [36]. Nanoemulsion is non-toxic
and non-irritant to the biological system and can be utilized Lipid core micelles: Along with the polymeric micelles,
as the drug carrier for a number of drugs [37]. Nanometric lipid core micelles formed by the phospholipids can also be
size of the dispersed phase in the nanoemulsion confers it utilized as the drug delivery carrier for poorly water-soluble
least chances of cracking, coalescence, flocculation, cream- drugs. The long-chain fatty acyl group present in the phos-
ing and sedimentation of the emulsion. pholipid can be formulated into a hydrophobic micelle core
capped by the hydrophilic polymer such as PEG, which
Nanosuspension: It is the biphasic dispersion system in forms the external hydrophilic part of the lipid micelle
which nano-sized particles (200nm-600nm) of the pure drug [57-59]. Phospholipids are a biocompatible and biodegrad-
are uniformly dispersed in the aqueous vehicle stabilized by able carrier and considered as safe drug delivery systems as
the surfactants. Reduction in the particle size of the drug to compared to polymeric systems. Therefore lipid-polymer
nanoscale increases the surface area and saturation solubility conjugate micelles prepared from phospholipids-PEG have a
of the drug particles and therefore, poorly water lipid-solu- size range of 7nm-35nm and at Critical Micelle Concentra-
ble drugs can be easily formulated with high bioavailability tion (CMC), the hydrophobic part forms the core of the mi-
profile [38-40]. celles that can uptake the poorly soluble drugs surrounded
Niosomes: Niosomes are unilamellar or multilamellar by the polymeric hydrophilic part. This type of micelles can
vesicles formed by the non-ionic surfactants with the combi- also be attached with the targeting moieties for a particular
nation of cholesterol or other lipids [41]. Cholesterol forms type of organ, tissue or cells to achieve the maximum con-
the hydrogen bond with the hydrophilic head of the non-ion- centration of the drug at that particular site [60].
ic surfactant, which impacts the physical properties of the Nanostructured lipid carrier: Nano-Structured Lipid
vesicles such as entrapment efficiency, stability, and drug re- Carriers (NLC) are similar in composition to the Solid Lipid
lease characters [42, 43]. These have the size range of 20 nm Nanoparticles (SLN) but NLCs have been designed to over-
to 200 nm and can encapsulate both hydrophilic and lipophil- come the limitations of SLN such as poor drug loading due
ic drugs for delivery to the human body. Niosomes are a sta- to crystalline nature of SLN, drug expulsion from the SLN,
ble, low cost, material easily available for preparation [44]. and up to 30% particle concentration in the aqueous environ-
These prolong the circulation time of the drug in the blood ment [61-63]. The NLCs are composed of surfactants, solid
and can easily penetrate the cells through different peptide lipidse.g., fats and liquid lipid e.g., oils complex at the room
channels, having a higher distribution rate [45]. temperature that has the size in the nanometer range. The
Liposomes: In contrast to the niosomes, liposomes are SLN contains up to 30% w/w of solid lipids content dis-
vesicular structure made up of phospholipids or sphin- persed in liquid aqueous part, but in NLC, solid lipid content
golipids, which contain an inner hydrophilic core protected may increase up to 95% w/w [64]. The NLC formulation
by an external hydrophobic lipid bilayer. Because of the contains liquid lipid (oil) in the core of the particles, which
presence of dual moieties, liposomes can be utilized for the increases the solubility and loading capacity of drugs. More-
delivery of both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs [46]. Based over, complex lipids of NLC have very slow polymorphic
on the arrangement of lipid bilayers, liposomes can be classi- transitions, therefore lower chances of crystallization [65,
fied into unilamellar (containing single bilayer) and multil- 66]. The lipid complexity of NLC improves the encapsula-
amellar (more one lipid bilayer separated by aqueous space) tion efficiency, drug loading capacity, bioavailability along
[47]. The structure and composition of the lipid bilayer of li- with the physical stability and chemical stability of the drugs
posomes are almost similar to that of the biological mem- [64, 67]. NLCs, when administered through the parenteral
branes, which makes liposomes more biocompatible and route, provide higher bioavailability and pharmacological ac-
safer as compared to niosomes and other vesicles. Because tivity as compared to plain drug and provide protection to
of the structural similarity, liposomal bilayer can easily fuse the encapsulated drugs [68].
4 Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 4, No. 0 Jhawat et al.

Table 1. Drug delivery through different kinds of lipoidal nano architect systems

Sr. No. Drug Polymer carrier Formulation Ref

1. Doxorubicin Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes 72
2. Zidovudine Phosphatidylcholine, Cholesterol Liposomes 73
3. Clobetasol propionate Monostearin SLN 74
4. Cortisone Trimyristin-phospholipid mixture SLN 75
5. Itraconazole Tristearin and triolein Lipid nanoparticles 76
6. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) or Cetyl palmitate and soybean oil NLC 77
7. Silybin Glycerol monostearate-triglyceride NLC 78
8. Docetaxel Stearic acid, glyceryl NLC 79
monostearate, soya lecithin and oleic acid
9. Paclitaxel - Nanoemulsion 80
10. Thalidomide Olive oil, soybean oil and soybean lecithin Nanoemulsion 81
11. Docetaxel Soya lecithin, Glycerol, ceramide Nanosuspension 82
12. Docetaxel Soya lecithin, DSPE-PEG-2000-amine and DSPE-PEG-2000-methoxy Nanosuspension 83
13. Zidovudine Cholesterol, Tweens, Spans, dicetylphosphate Niosome 84
14. Tamoxifen Caprylic-capric acid triglyceride and Soybean lecithin Lipid nanocapsule 85
15. Tretinoin Caprylic-capric acid triglyceride and Polycaprolactone Lipid nanocapsule 86
16. Docetaxel PEG 660 12-hydroxy stearate, Hydrogenated soybean phosphatidylcholine Lipid nanocapsule 87
17. Taxol Sodium glycocholate, phosphatidylcholine Lipid core micelle 88
18. Lipid core micelle Phosphatidylcholine and bile salt Lipid core micelle 89

2.3. Lipid Nano Carrier Delivery area, charge), pharmacokinetic (ADME) and pharmacologi-
Lipid nanocarriers, as discussed above, have the im- cal properties of the drug and polymers so that these can inte-
mense potential to deliver the variety of molecules for differ- grate into a complex system in a manner to target the drug at
ent purposes inside the body e.g., delivery of hydrophilic a specific site crossing the different biological barriers and
and hydrophobic drugs, gene, DNA, vitamins, hormones, deliver the drug at a specific rate [92, 93]. But along with
proteins, peptides and nutrients [69]. Lipoidal drug delivery many advantages, nanotechnology-based modified products
systems are preferred over the polymeric system because being at nano-size range have direct interaction with the hu-
lipid content of the delivery system resembles the lipid con- man biological system and living cells which may prove
tent of biological cell membranes, which provides easy ac- lethal because the body’s response to the nanoparticulate sys-
cess to the drug delivered through the different barriers [70, tems cannot be foreseen and it may also induce an immuno-
71]. However, lipoidal systems have their own limitations, logical and inflammatory reaction, toxicity and oxidative
which pose a hindrance in the way of the lipoidal drug deliv- stress [94, 95], accumulation of nanoparticles in the liver,
ery system to become the universal carrier. These limitations kidney or other organs [96], risk of dose dumping from the
can be overcome using an alternate lipoidal carrier or by in- nanoparticles, leakage of a drug at the undesired site, escape
corporating synthetic polymers in the lipoidal system. Differ- of the nanoparticulate system form the circulation, and im-
ent types of molecules delivered using the lipoidal carrier proper release of a drug from the nanoparticles [94]. Lipid
through the parenteral route are given in the below Table 1: content of the lipoidal nanocarrier system (cationic lipids)
can be toxic for the organ systems in which these accumu-
2.4. Challenges in the way of Lipodal Nano Architect Sys- late by interfering in the normal functioning of the cell mem-
tems brane. Nanoparticles administered via the intravenous route
get absorbed into the lymphatic system at the injection site
2.4.1. Toxicity and Side Effects and the situation worsens when cationic nano lipids adminis-
tered via parenteral route initiate inflammation-induced im-
Nanotechnology has wider applications in the area of
drug delivery, which offers many advantages over conventio-
munological reaction via activation of the phagocytic
nal drug delivery systems. It also has become successful to macrophages [97-99].
some extent and few nanotechnology-based products have
2.5. Technology Transfer Related Challenges
been introduced in the market [90, 91]. Scientists from all
over the world are working continuously on this novel sci- Technology transfer from the laboratory scale to the in-
ence with the hope of developing more efficient and safer dustrial scale for mass production of the nanoparticulate
drug delivery systems [91]. As nanoparticulate drug delivery products is also a big problem as it is very difficult to pro-
systems have been altered at the molecular level to alter the cess the materials at the nano scale without any variation
physico-chemical (particle size, shape, composition, surface [90]. Nanoparticles are refined entities that have some specif-
Lipoidal-Nano Architecture for Parental Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 4, No. 0 5

ic predefined features for which these are designed, such as mented evidence. But the approval of the novel nanoparticu-
the size, shape, surface area, integrity, toxicity, biodegrada- late drug delivery systems is a major concern which the regu-
bility, drug loading capacity, controlled drug release and in- latory agencies are facing due to lack of data regarding the
tegrity of the multicomponent system. There are higher classification of the new product, the chemistry of the prod-
chances of these features to be lost at large scale production uct, manufacturing process and control parameters of the
which makes the product unacceptable for physicians and pa- product [107]. For approval, a product must be categorized
tients. Therefore, the selection of polymers, solvents, meth- as either a medicine or a medical device. A medicine is an
ods of preparation and processing parameters needs to be re- entity that shows its intrinsic metabolic, pharmacological
addressed during scaling up operations, which is a challeng- and immunological activity while a medical device acts via
ing task [100, 101]. Other than technical challenges, there providing physical support or initiating chemical reaction
are many other challenges in technology transfer from labo- and may be a drug delivery carrier [108]. But the nanopartic-
ratory to the industry such as lack of funds, lack of adequate ulate drug delivery systems may have both types of activi-
laboratory setup, lack of marketing of the product, lack of ties as the drug contained in it performs pharmacological ac-
consumer for the product, lack of skilled manpower because tivity and the delivery system itself may act as a device
of nanotechnology being multidisciplinary, lack of analyti- which helps the drug to traverse across the body, providing
cal instruments, lack of knowledge on Intellectual Property
targeting potential and also acting as the diagnostic agent
Rights (IPR) to protect the product, lack of infrastructure re-
(Fig. 2).
quired and sustainability of the product in the market
[102-106]. Therefore, for the regulatory agencies, it would be very
difficult to categorize the nanoparticulate system. Likewise,
2.6. Regulatory Challenges the chemistry of the drug in the formulation determines its
To get the approval of any new product, its quality, safe- quality, safety and efficacy. So a novel nanoparticulate
ty and efficacy parameters must comply with the guidelines based product is expected to have a similar quality, safety
of the regulatory agency and must be supported with docu- and efficacy parameters to get approval from the regulatory

Fig. (2). Challenges for the approval of lipid nanoachitect drug delivery systems from the regulatory body.
6 Current Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 4, No. 0 Jhawat et al.

authority but the technical conditions of the nanoparticulate CONCLUSION

system with respect to chemistry, manufacturing method Nanotechnology has the potential to deliver drugs
and its controlling parameters are different from the conven- through different routes to serve the purpose of effective and
tional formulations which are difficult to comply as per cur- safe delivery. Different types of nanoformulations have been
rent regulatory conditions and therefore pose a problem in developed throughout the world to target the drugs at a spe-
getting approval [107]. Regulatory authorities also require cific site and to avoid problems encountered in conventional
data from toxicological studies, preclinical studies and clini- systems. Lipid-based nanoformulations are one of them
cal studies as proof of desired quality, safety and efficacy, which have been developed in recent years due to their bio-
but the assessment of novel nanoparticulate system is not compatibility with living system and biodegradable nature.
conducted in a manner as in conventional systems. Nanopar- Though nanotechnology offers several advantages over con-
ticles are reported to interfere with the normal physiological ventional drug carriers, yet it is not entirely devoid of nega-
system of the body, such as the administration of nanoparti- tive effects and poses many technical and regulatory chal-
cles induces immune-inflammatory and immune-modulatory lenges that need to be addressed. The technical complexity
responses, increases the cytokine release [94, 95] and even to manufacture and administer lipoidal nanoarchitecture
some nanoparticles may affect gene or gene expression and through the parenteral route requires special attention. Apart
induce cytotoxicity in the normal cells. So, the current regu- from the technical difficulties, the unique attributes of these
latory requirement for the conventional system cannot pro- dosage forms have resulted in non-uniformity of regulations
vide the approval to the nanoparticulate delivery systems. In as the regulatory bodies across the globe have found it diffi-
the same way, the limited knowledge about the clinical out- cult to categorize these lipoidal nanoarchitectures, formulate
comes of the nanoparticulate system restricts the regulatory user guidelines and comply governmental policies. There-
authority to approve these products. It is very difficult to de- fore, there is a need to address these challenges in the devel-
opment of lipoidal nano-formulations so as to facilitate drug
sign a clinical study and bioequivalence study for new prod-
delivery in a safe and effective manner and to bring these for-
ucts due to the lack of prior knowledge about the number of mulations in the market on time for the betterment of
patients required, study protocol, the initial dose required, mankind.
unavailability of biosimilars for comparison. Another most
important hurdle in the way of nanoparticulate drug delivery
systems is its size. The behavior of any chemical entity LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
varies from macromolecular state to nano molecular state
but as per the regulatory guidelines, if any substance has a SLN = Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
similar molecular and chemical features (i.e. number of CMC = Critical Micelle Concentration
atoms, atomic and molecular arrangement of bonds and pat-
tern of bonding), it will be considered as the existing NLC = Nano Structured Lipid Carriers
molecule irrespective of the difference in the physical and bi- ATRA = All-trans Retinoic Acid
ological activities which may place the nanomaterial at a
greater risk than its macromolecular form. Moreover, high IPR = Intellectual Property Rights
surface area to volume ratio of nanomaterialsrenders them
highly reactive as they can pass through living biological CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
membranes easily in high concentration and may cause sys- Not applicable.
temic toxicity in the doses similar to that of the macromolec-
ular form [109]. One such example is of iron oxide, which
has been used in the form of parenteral iron colloidal as a
conventional dosage form, but the competitors launched a None.
nanotechnology-based iron oxide parenteral product, which
is not therapeutically equivalent to the conventional form at CONFLICT OF INTEREST
same dose strength. But conventional regulatory guidelines
cannot deal with this kind of situation which compromises The authors have no conflicts of interest, financial or
the quality, safety and efficacy of the same drug in the same otherwise.
dose but at different size scales of the system [110, 111]. Dif-
ferences in the nature of material required for conventional ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dosage forms and novel nanotechnology-based dosage Declared none.
forms also create problems as the fate of new biodegradable
and non-biodegradable polymers inside the body is un- REFERENCES
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