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I Complete the chart with the past simple and past participle forms.

 leave _____________ left

 lend lent ____________
 _____ let let
 lose _____________ lost
 make made ____________
 ________ __________ met
 pay ______________ ____________
 ________ put put
 read _____________ ____________
 ride _____________ ridden
 ring rang ____________
 run ____________ run
 _______ said ____________
 see ____________ seen
 sell sold ____________
 ________ sent ____________
 shake ____________ shaken
 shoot shot ____________
 show showed ____________
 ______ _________ sung
 sit ____________ sat
 sleep ____________ ___________
 ________ spoke spoken
 spell spelled/t ____________
 _________ spent spent
 stand ___________ stood
 __________ ___________ stolen
 swim ___________ swum
 take ___________ taken
 ___________ taught ____________
 tell ____________ told
 think _____________ thought
 throw threw ____________
 __________ understood ____________
 wake __________ woken
 wear __________ ____________
 __________ won won
 write _________ ____________
II Fill in the blanks with the past simple form of the verb in parentheses.

1. She ..........................(send) him an email a day ago.

2. It ................................(take) him 10 min to complete it.
3. She ...............................(leave) home at 8 a.m.
4. She ...............................(say) his name sounds familiar.
5. I .................................(understand) everything she said.
6. They ..........................(lend) him $100 a month ago.
7. When I was a boy, I often ............................(swim) in that river.
8. He ..........................(teach) us French when we were in high school.
9. A week ago someone ...........................(steal) my purse.
10. You ............................(wear) the same dress a week ago!
11. Who ...........................(win) the competition?
12. The last time I .........................(write) a letter was 2 years ago.
13. She .........................(make) a wonderful cake for the last Christmas.
14. My sister .......................(sleep) in that bed when she was younger.
15. They played better, but they ........................(lose) the match.
16. We ...........................(spend) our last winter holiday in Greece.
17. I ...................(meet) my friend in the mall the other day.
18. In 2007, she ...........................(see) an amazing painting at that exhibition.
19. When he was young, he .............................(sing) in a choir.
20. Their grandmother always ........................(tell) them wonderful stories
before they went to bed.

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