Partido Pro Hustisia & Union Article of Associacion

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of the association
1. There is a Spiritual Principle behind all Creation and all universal values, such as Justice, Beauty and Love.
Without Truth there is no Justice and without Love there is no Unity. Justice, truth, love and unity are
ultimate ends for humanity.
2. This Spiritual Principle is inter-religious and is known by many names, such as God, Allah, Yehovah,
Brahman etc.
3. Nature is to Man, as Man is to God.
4. God is more than the sum of its parts (principle of holism).
5. The highest freedom is the spiritual will. This is an individual choice (freedom of conscience).


1. The party formulates its point of view with respect to social issues such as: marriage, abortion, euthanasia,
homosexuality, drugs-use and drugs-policy, as well as with respect to new technologies such as nuclear
technology, genetics, robotics, information technology and nano-technology and also with respect to
2. Man constantly acquires more knowledge. Responsibility for society increases commensurate with this
increase in knowledge. Societal norms and values evolve as knowledge and wisdom increase, so that the
relevant points of view have to be reformulated from time to time (principle of dynamism).


1. The party is inter-religious, inter-national en inter-racial.
2. The party recognizes and respects the principle of the separation between state and religion.
3. The state should be as small, as transparent and as accountable as possible.
4. The state should be guided by pragmatic idealism.
5. Only good methods can result in good ends. The ends do not justify the means.
6. Man is central. The environment and animals will be treated as humanely as possible.
7. All people are free, of equal worth and have equal rights. Everyone should consider and treat his fellow-
citizen as his brother or sister.
8. The private interest is dependent upon the general interest. People and countries are inter-dependent and
9. Work, dedication and paying one’s debts are the basis of a healthy community.
10. In a healthy democracy there are at least 3 parties active and represented in parliament (principle of
1. Economics is the fair distribution of abundance (not of scarcity). There is enough for everybody. Co-
operation and synergy are the keys.
2. The right synthesis between capitalism and socialism is a synergetic combination of the best elements of
both systems. This synthesis may be termed ‘solidarism’.
3. Corporate profit tax and income tax will be restructured.


1. Justice derogates from the law.
2. Each human right implies a human responsibility.


1. The party advocates the recognition by law of 4 official languages in Bonaire and the other Dutch
Caribbean islands: Dutch, Papiamento, English and Spanish.
2. The party chooses Papiamento as its ‘lingua franca’.
3. In case of divergent interpretation of the Dutch, Papiamento, English or Spanish texts of these
articles of association, the Dutch text shall prevail.


On the proposal of the Party Council, the General Meeting of Party-members may amend or supplement the
introductory provisions up to this point by an absolute majority of votes.


Article 1.

The association is called ‘PARTIDO PRO HUSTISIA & UNION’, abbreviated ‘PHU’, hereinafter
referred to as the ‘party’. The party’s corporate seat is established in Bonaire.


Article 2.

The party was incorporated on 9 July 2009 and will remain active for an indefinite period of time.

Article 3.

1. The party may form a federal alliance with other political parties operating within the Kingdom of
the Netherlands.
2. Aforementioned federal alliance means that all member-parties of this alliance operate
autonomously of each other, but their Boards maintain regular and close contacts with each other
trying to attune their respective party- or action programs as much as possible and also to support
each other in whatever way possible.


Article 4
1. With respect to relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands the party advocates the position that
the Kingdom’s present federal constitutional organization (particularly also art. 43 of the Charter of
the Kingdom of the Netherlands) should be turned into a practical reality. This entails:
a. supervision by the Kingdom of and realistic guarantees for the maintenance of good
governance in all federal states of the Kingdom of the Netherlands;
b. equalization and thereafter maintenance at an equal level of all human rights in all federal
states of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Article 5

1. With respect to inter-insular relations between the 6 Dutch Caribbean islands the party advocates a
new sui generis form of cooperation featuring one (unified) federal legislative power (alongside 6
autonomous insular legislative councils), one (unified) judicial power and 6 executive powers
operating strictly and fully autonomously, cooperating in an inter-insular cooperative council.
2. Each island maintains a direct link with the Netherlands.
3. Inter-insular cooperation will take place only on the basis of equality and only in those areas where
cooperation on a higher level has mutually added value (principle of subsidiarity).
4. The seats of the three powers, in so far as they function on a federal level, will be located on
different islands.
5. On the proposal of the Party Council, the General Meeting of Party-members may amend or
supplement the introductory provisions up to this point by an absolute majority of votes.

Article 6.

The financial year of the party runs from 1 January through 31 December of each year, except for
the first year which runs from the date of incorporation through 31 December of that year.

Article 7.

The general aims of the party are:

1. To promote the general interest (or ‘common good’).
2. To promote solidarity between people and to promote peace as the result of justice.
3. To promote effective, transparent and non-corrupt political and economic democracy.
4. To promote direct democracy as much as possible.
5. To promote individual responsibility of citizens for the legal order, the welfare and security of the
community as well as good governance.
6. To promote respect for and the realization of all civil, political, social and economic human rights.
7. To promote federalism.
8. To promote good work ethics, the indispensable basis for wealth creation and for the realization of
social and economic justice. To fight poverty.
9. To promote justice as the guiding principle for the legislative, executive and judicial powers, and to
promote the separation of and effective checks and balances between these three state powers.
10. To promote understanding of the holistic nature of creation and of harmony between man and nature.
The party will promote research into and the use of other sources of energy than fossil fuels.

The party promotes specific aims such as:

1. The introduction of a constitutional right of referendum.
2. The introduction of a constitutional right to impeach government officials who abuse their powers.
3. Constitutional renovation, including an elected (instead of appointed) Lt. Governor, as well as the
fragmentation and pragmatization of the executive power.
4. Granting the right to vote to yet to be defined off-island ‘Bonairean citizens’ (‘absentee voting
Article 8.

The party achieves its aims by peaceful and legal means, such as:
1. participating in elections in order to enable the party to realize its aims directly and indirectly by
means of legislative and administrative measures;
2. promoting the party’s aims by running political campaigns, holding conferences, organizing
symposia, public meetings, lectures, demonstrations, as well as by mobilizing public opinion in other

Article 9.

1. The party embraces the philosophy of sustainable development, driven by free enterprise.
Sustainable development takes into account the rights of the poor as well as the rights of the earth. In
addition, the party observes the following basic guiding principles:
a. community values and norms need to be concrete and must be observed in actual practice;
b. corruption undermines the legitimacy of public institutions and destroys the moral foundation
supporting the legal order, wherefore the party will reinforce all state mechanisms and create new
ones as required in order to prevent, detect, punish and combat corruption, so that society may
function as corruption-free as possible;
c. bureaucracy is inversely proportional to progress, wherefore the party – despite the inevitability of
certain procedures required to curb problems such as corruption – will limit bureaucracy and
government meddling in civil society to the necessary minimum level (‘small government’).
2. At the written and reasoned request of the Party Council or the General Meeting of Party-members
(‘GMP’) the Board may add other special characteristics to the list mentioned in section 1. Such a
Board-decision must be publicized in such a way that all party-members can take note thereof.
3. A. The party cooperates with efforts to adopt a kind of universal declaration of human
responsibilities. Globalization requires global rules. Such rules are universal norms and values which
form the basis of the religious and philosophical traditions of all mankind. The following are
examples of such rules:
a. The obligation to create a culture of peace and respect for life;
b. The obligation to create a culture of solidarity and a just economic order;
c. The obligation to create a culture of tolerance and truth;
d. The obligation to create a culture of equal rights and good relationships between men and women;
e. The obligation to create a culture of respect for the rights of the earth and a harmonious relationship
between Man and Nature.
B. At the written and reasoned request of the Party Council or the GMP the Board may expand the list
mentioned sub A. Such a Board-decision must be publicized in such a way that all party-members
can take note thereof.
4. Globalization has both financial-economic, as well as social and legal aspects. In cases of serious
government corruption, crimes against humanity committed or allowed by national governments, or
when national governments threaten the international legal order or security, national sovereignty is
not an inviolable principle.
5. Any person who pursuant to these articles of association, or because of a serious criminal record, or
for any other serious reason, or who because of proven serious shortcomings in the exercise of

executive or legislative state functions, is deemed by the party not to be qualified to exercise the
highest state functions or is no longer deemed to be qualified to do so (noting that this refers also to
legislative state functions), cannot be nominated (any longer) by the party to exercise such state
functions. The party will encourage other political parties to also refrain from nominating such
persons to exercise such state functions.
6. Elected public representatives of the party may only exercise legislative and supervisory state
functions, not executive or judicial ones. Persons exercising executive state functions on behalf of
the party will be nominated by the Party Council based on their expertise. They need not be party-

Article 10.

A. The association is formed by the following categories of members:

1. ordinary members : residents of Bonaire of all nationalities, or persons of Dutch nationa-
lity wherever in the world they may reside, who have registered in
writing as a party-member;
2. active members : ordinary members who have undertaken to carry out an organiza-
tional task or any other task assigned to them by the Board;
3. Party Council members : active members who, at the recommendation of the Board or the
GMP, have been nominated by the Party Council as a member of the
Party Council;
4. honorary members : non-members, ex-members or ordinary members who, at the recom-
mendation of the Party Council or the GMP, have been nominated as
such by the Board; if they are not ordinary members, they do not
have the right to vote and are not obligated to pay contribution; they
may attend the GMP as an observer, but may only take the floor with
the president’s explicit permission;
5. sympathizers : persons who are positively inclined towards the party and have indi-
cated in writing to consider becoming a member; they do not have the
right to vote and are not obligated to pay contribution; they may
attend the GMP as an observer, but may only take the floor with the
president’s explicit permission;
B. The party will install the required technical equipment to make it possible for members residing
abroad to attend and vote at the GMP via internet. As soon as possible members will also be enabled
to take the floor via internet during the GMP.
C. The categories of members mentioned sub 1 thr. 3 do have the right to vote and are obligated to pay

Article 11.

1. Membership takes effect as of the moment the Board has received and approved the application.
2. All members will receive a membership-card signed by the secretary and the president.

3. Membership ends:
a. at death;
b. by notice of termination addressed to the Board, with due observance of a term of notice of one
c. by expulsion;
d. by release from membership obligations.
4. The Party Council may expel any member who is not a Board-member or an active member, if
he/she grossly neglects his/her obligations to the party or causes damage to the party. An expelled
member has the right to appeal to the GMP within one month of having been expelled. The appeal
must be served on the Board by bailiff’s writ. Upon receipt of the appeal the Board is obligated to
immediately call an extraordinary GMP in accordance with regular convocation rules to enable the
expelled member to explain his appeal, following which the GMP will decide on the appeal by
absolute majority of votes cast by the members present at the meeting (no quorum required).
5. The Board has the right to nominate active members, to assign tasks to them, as well as to deprive
them of their active member status.
6. If the unequivocal conclusion can be drawn from clear facts that a member is no longer interested in
his/her membership, the Board may release that member from his/her membership obligations. Such
an ex-member can always regain his/her membership without any problem upon written request.

Article 12.

Members owe loyalty to the party. However, such loyalty leaves each person’s freedom of
conscience intact. The members are obligated to abide by the provisions set out in these articles of
association, as well as the provisions set out in the party’s bylaws (hereinafter: the ‘bylaws’).

Article 13.

The party structure consists of three layers, namely (i) at the top the Board, (ii) assisted by the Party
Council and (iii) at its base the General Meeting of Party-Members (hereinafter: the ‘GMP’)

Article 14.

1. The party’s sources of income consist of:

a. contributions;
b. donations;
c. subsidies;
d. bequests;
e. fundraising activities and sale of goods;
f. other legally obtained income.
2. None of the sources of income mentioned in section 1 will be accepted by the party, if any condition
or obligation is linked thereto.
3. The amount of the contribution is set out in the bylaws.

Article 15.

1. The Board is responsible for administering the party, which means: representing the party in non-
political (legal) matters, determining and executing internal and organizational party policies, as well
as administering the party’s funds and capital.
2. A public representative of the party cannot exercise a Board function. Any person exercising a Board
function at the moment he/she is elected as a public representative, must resign immediately. The
Party Council will nominate - from their number or not - a temporary substitute to remain in function
until the next GMP is held, at which meeting the GMP will nominate a definitive replacement.
3. The Board in consultation with the Party Council is responsible for preparing the party’s political
programs and policies, which will be presented annually to the GMP in writing – in the form of an
action program. The action program will be deposited for inspection at a place accessible to all
members at least one month before the GMP is held. Members may receive a copy of the action
program at cost. Each member has the right to submit amendments to the action program to the
Board not later than one week before the GMP is held, which amendments will be put to the vote
individually (i.e. one by one) during the GMP. The member who has submitted an amendment will
be given the opportunity to explain his/her amendment during the GMP. An amendment may not
contain any provisions which violate the law or these articles of association.
4. The Board consists of at least 3 persons. The Board may increase this number to a higher uneven
number. The Board functions are:
a. president;
b. secretary;
c. treasurer;
d. additional members, who may be nominated to act as substitutes for the president, the secretary or
the treasurer.
5. The Board members are nominated, suspended and dismissed by the GMP. Each (ordinary) member
can propose himself or another (ordinary) member as a candidate for any Board function.
6. The party as a legal entity is represented in and out of court – in a non-political sense – by the
president and the secretary acting jointly. The president and the treasurer acting jointly dispose of the
party’s funds and capital.
7. The treasurer is responsible for managing and administering the party’s funds and capital. The
treasurer submits an oral report monthly and a written report tri-monthly to the Board. The Board
decides tri-monthly whether or not to grant the treasurer provisional discharge for his managerial and
administrative work. The treasurer submits a written report annually to the GMP. The GMP decides
annually whether or not to grant the treasurer definitive discharge for his managerial and
administrative work. Without an unqualified audit opinion issued by a registered accountant the
treasurer cannot be granted definitive discharge. All Party Council members have the right to inspect
the party’s books and financial documents at all times.
8. a. The Board decides by absolute majority of votes. Each Board member casts one vote.
b. To hold Board meetings there is a quorum requirement of more than half of the Board members,
whereas without the voluntary absence (pre-announced in writing) of the president, the secretary or
the treasurer, Board meetings cannot be held.
c. If the votes are equally divided, the president casts a decisive vote.
d. Voting on persons is done in writing by means of secret ballot. Voting on issues is done orally.
9. a. The secretary and the president acting jointly carry on the party’s correspondence.

b. The secretary keeps the minutes of all Board meetings, Party Council meetings and GMP meetings.
c. The Board and Party Council determine the way in which the minutes are kept (either a simple list of
decisions or a more extensive report). However, each Board and Party Council member has the right
to instruct the secretary to include in the minutes a text dictated by him/her either orally or in
d. The minutes of GMP’s are always in the form of a simple list of decisions.
10. The secretary maintains an up-to-date list of all members, active members, Party Council members,
honorary members and registered sympathizers.
11. Whenever a Board function should fall vacant, a GMP must be called as soon as possible to
nominate a replacement.
12. The Board meets once a week at a fixed time and place communicated to the Board members in
writing, or as often as the president or two Board members deem necessary. Extra Board meetings
are called by sending out written convocation-notices, noting all agenda items to be discussed, but
resolutions during such extra meetings can only be adopted unanimously by the Board members
present at the meeting and only on the pre-announced agenda items, with due observance of the
provisions in section 8 sub b. Board resolutions can also be adopted without holding a meeting, but
such resolutions are only valid, if all Board members holding office adopt the resolution
unanimously and in writing.
13. All resolutions are recorded in writing, noting the outcome of the voting.
14. Board members who do not attend 3 consecutive fixed weekly Board meetings without giving
reasoned notice of absence or who are deemed by an absolute majority of the Board members to
grossly neglect their obligations to the party or to cause damage to the party, may be referred by the
other Board-members to the GMP to consider their suspension or dismissal.

Article 16.

1. The Party Council consists of members qualitate qua and of nominated members.
2. The Party Council members qualitate qua are:
a. all Board members;
b. all public representatives of the party holding office;
c. all former public representatives of the party (as long as they remain party-members).
3. The nominated members are the active members proposed by the Board or by the GMP and
nominated by the Party Council.
4. By an absolute majority of votes the Party Council may suspend or dismiss a Party Council member
belonging to one of the categories referred to in section 2, sub c, or in section 3, if he/she is deemed
by the Party Council to grossly neglect his/her obligations to the party or to cause damage to the
5. The Party Council in consultation with the Board is responsible for preparing the party’s political
programs and policies. The Party Council is also responsible for monitoring the political policies
pursued by the party’s public representatives, which must be – as much as possible – in accordance
with the current action program approved by the GMP.
6. The Party Council is also responsible for maintaining harmonious relations between the members,
Board members and public representatives of the party.
7. a. The Party Council draws up the party’s lists of candidates. A candidate must be an active
member, a Board member or a Party Council member.

b. The Party Council submits the list of candidates for approval to a specially called GMP.
This GMP is called only once in the way set out in article 21, section 13 of these articles of
association. There is no quorum requirement for this extraordinary GMP. The GMP has the right
to either approve or reject the list of candidates. The list of candidates can only be rejected by the
GMP, if the GMP approves an alternative list by an absolute majority of votes cast by the
members present at the same meeting.
8. a. The Party Council decides by absolute majority of votes. However, the party’s public represen-
tatives holding office are not bound by the decisions of the Party Council in so far as such
decisions entail a political recommendation to them in their capacity of public representative on
how to vote. However, failing to heed such a recommendation may lead to the consequences
referred to in article 17.
b. Each Party Council member casts one vote.
c. To hold Party Council meetings there is a quorum requirement of more than half of the Party
Council members, whereas without the voluntary absence (pre-announced in writing) of the
president, the secretary or the treasurer, Party Council meetings cannot be held.
d. If the votes are equally divided, the president casts a decisive vote.
e. Voting on persons is done in writing by means of secret ballot. Voting on issues is done
f. The president and secretary of the Board also act as the president and secretary of the Party
9. The Party Council meets once a month at a fixed place and time communicated to the Party Council
members in writing, or as often as the president or three Party Council members deem necessary.
Written convocation-notices for extra meetings must be sent to all Party Council members at least 5
days in advance, noting all agenda items to be discussed, but resolutions during such extra meetings
can only be adopted by a 2/3 majority of the votes cast by the Party Council members present at the
meeting and only on the pre-announced agenda items, with due observance of the provisions in
section 8 sub c.
10. The Party Council maintains the right at all times to present a motion of no-confidence against a
public representative of the party to the GMP. Such a resolution requires a 2/3 majority of the votes
cast by the Party Council members present at the meeting.
11. All resolutions are recorded in writing, noting the outcome of the voting.

Article 17

1. Everywhere in these articles of association the term ‘public representatives’ shall be taken to mean
the persons listed on the party’s list of candidates or their substitutes who have been elected by the
voters, as well as the persons nominated by the Party Council to exercise executive state functions
on behalf of the party.
2. A public representative of the party works and votes in accordance with his/her own conscience,
without accepting any voting instructions from or obligation to consult with those who have voted
for him/her. However, they are obligated to report monthly to the Party Council and render
account of their actions and the votes they have cast, unless the general interest should decidedly
dictate otherwise.
3. Public Representatives of the party are obligated to resign immediately and/or surrender their seat, if
the GMP should adopt a motion of no-confidence against them with a 2/3 majority of the votes cast

during a meeting especially called for that purpose. To hold such a GMP there is a quorum
requirement of at least half of all members. The procedure set out in article 21, section 8 with respect
to the calling of a second and a third GMP applies equally in the situation set out in this section.

Article 18.

1. The Board and the Party Council may nominate committees, from their number or not, to assist them
in the execution of their respective duties. These common committees consist of (ordinary)
members. The Board and the Party Council may also nominate advisory committees. Non-members
may be nominated to form part of advisory committees. Each committee will be given clear terms of
2. The Board nominates a standing financial verification committee, consisting of 2 active members not
being public representatives of the party. This committee nominates, suspends and dismisses the
registered accountant referred to in article 15 section 7. The committee makes sure the treasurer
strictly adheres to the instructions given by the registered accountant and also checks independently
that the funds and capital of the party are spent, managed and administered in a legally correct and
efficient way. The verification-committee reports in writing to the Party Council every three months
and to the GMP once a year.

Article 19.

Board members, Party Council members and (active) members always have the right to abstain from
voting. However, abstentions do not influence the outcome of the voting in any way.

Article 20.

Members should be at least 16 years of age. Board members and Party Council members should be
at least thirty years of age.


Article 21.

1. Annually, not later than the month of May, a regular GMP is held.
2. An extraordinary GMP is held as often as:
a. the president;
b. two Board members;
c. the verification-committee;
d. at least 10 ordinary members;
e. at least 5 Party Council members
consider(s) this necessary. In the cases referred to in this section sub b., c., d., and e., as well as in
the case referred to in article 16, section 10, the president is obligated to call an extraordinary GMP
3. The president and the secretary (or the vice-secretary) of the Board also act as president and
secretary of the GMP.

4. a. The GMP decides by absolute majority of votes, unless indicated otherwise.
b. There is no quorum requirement to hold a GMP, unless indicated otherwise in these articles
of association.
c. All (ordinary) members cast one vote. Sympathizers do not have the right to vote.
d. If the votes are equally divided, the president casts the decisive vote.
e. Voting on persons is done in writing. Voting on issues is done orally.
5. The Board decides whether to admit invited members to the GMP.
6. During the regular annual GMP at least the following items have to be discussed and voted on:
a. review of and voting on the annual financial statements submitted by the treasurer;
b. voting on whether to discharge the treasurer;
c. review of and voting on the Board’s annual report on the party’s internal policies;
d. review of and voting on the action program referred to in article 15 section 3;
e. any other agenda-items.
7. During the regular or any extraordinary GMP resolutions are adopted with respect to the appoint-
ment, re-election, suspension or dismissal of any Board members. A prospective Board-member
either proposes himself as a candidate or is proposed by another (ordinary) member. Board-members
are appointed for a period of 5 years. They are eligible for re-election without limit, each time for a
period of 5 years. The quorum requirement, as well as the calling of a second and third GMP as set
out in section 8, applies equally for the appointment and/or re-election of Board-members, on the
understanding, however, that for the appointment and/or re-election of Board-members an absolute
majority of the votes suffices.
8. Board-members can only be suspended or dismissed by a 2/3 majority of votes. There is a quorum
requirement of half of all members for the suspension or dismissal of a Board-member. If there is no
quorum present, a second GMP shall be called. For this second GMP the same qualified majority
and the same quorum requirement applies with respect to the adoption of a resolution to suspend or
dismiss Board-members. If during this second GMP there is again no quorum present, the meeting is
closed and immediately thereafter a third GMP is called orally, to be held 30 minutes after this oral
convocation. For this third GMP there is no quorum requirement, so that a legally binding resolution
to suspend or dismiss Board-members can be adopted by a 2/3 majority of votes cast by the
members then present at the meeting.
9. During a timely called extraordinary GMP, convened especially for this purpose, the Party Council
presents the list of candidates to the GMP. This GMP is called only once in the way set out in
section 13. For this extraordinary GMP there is no quorum requirement. The GMP has the right to
approve or reject the list of candidates. The list of candidates can only be rejected by the GMP, if the
GMP approves an alternative list by an absolute majority of votes cast by the members present at
this same meeting.
10. The GMP adopts motions and/or resolutions with respect to internal and/or political policies by
absolute majority of votes, unless indicated otherwise. Every member has the right to take the floor
during a GMP. Motions or resolutions must be submitted to the secretary in writing before or during
the meeting.
11. At least 10 members have the right to submit to the secretary a motion of no-confidence against the
entire Board or against one or more Board-members. The qualified majority and the quorum
requirement, as well as the calling of a second and third GMP as set out in section 8, apply equally in
the situation referred to in this section. If a motion of no-confidence is adopted, the Board-member
in question or the entire Board resigns immediately, unless the GMP fails to nominate (a)
replacement(s), in which case the Board-member or the entire Board remains in function until
replacement(s) will have been appointed.
12. During an extraordinary GMP called especially for this purpose, at least 30 members have the right
to submit to the secretary a motion of no-confidence against a public representative of the party. The
qualified majority and the quorum requirement, as well as the calling of a second and third GMP as
set out in section 8, apply equally in the situation referred to in this section.
13. The president calls a GMP by sending out convocation notices listing the agenda-items to be
discussed to all (ordinary) members, honorary members and registered sympathizers. The term of
notice is at least 10 days, not counting the day of mailing the convocation notices nor the day the
meeting is held. If in the cases referred to in section 2, sub b., c., d., or e. of this article the president
fails to call a meeting within 10 days, the persons or committee referred to in section 2, sub b., c., d.,
or e. of this article have the right to call a GMP themselves, with due observance of the provisions
set out in the first two sentences of this section.

Article 22.

The bylaws set out additional and executive provisions, which may not be contrary to these articles
of association and/or the law. The bylaws are enacted by the Board.


Article 23

A resolution to amend these articles of association can only be adopted by a GMP called especially
for this purpose, attended by at least 2/3 of the members and requiring a majority of at least 2/3 of
the legally cast votes. If during this meeting there is no quorum, a second GMP is called within a
month, but not earlier than two weeks following the first GMP. During the second GMP a resolution
to amend the articles of association may be adopted by a 3/4 majority of the legally cast votes,
irrespective of the number of members present. Amendments to the articles of association do not
enter into force, until the notarial deed of amendment of the articles of association has been


Article 24

1. A resolution to dissolve the association can only be adopted by a GMP called especially for this
purpose, attended by at least 2/3 of the members and requiring a majority of at least 2/3 of the legally
cast votes. If during this meeting there is no quorum, a second GMP is called within a month, but not
earlier than two weeks following the first GMP. During the second GMP a resolution to dissolve the
association may be adopted by a 3/4 majority of the legally cast votes, irrespective of the number of
members attending.
2. If a resolution to dissolve the association has been adopted, the same GMP must decide what to do
with any remaining positive balance of the party’s capital after liquidation, all in accordance with the
legal requirements.
3. If the association has been dissolved, the last Board in office will be entrusted with the liquidation
process, unless the GMP should decide otherwise. During this process the provisions of these articles
of association and the bylaws will remain in force as much as possible.

Article 25.

The Board decides in all cases not regulated in these articles of association or in the bylaws, or
where there is doubt about their application or interpretation.


Article 26.

These articles of association enter into force immediately after the notarial deed has been executed.
Before that date all persons who have registered as members or who are exercising provisional party
functions are obligated to voluntarily adhere to the then still draft articles of association.


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