Managing Presales - Div C - Group 9 - RFP - Cloud Tech

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By CloudTech

Submitted By:
Division C, Group 9, AIKA
Aindreesha Barman 19030241102
Alisha Arya 19030241105
Saumya 19030241138
Shiladitya Narania 19030241140
Subham Mukerjee 19030241145
Trupti Borhade 19030241113
Table of Content

1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………..2
2. About CloudTech………………………………………………………………..2
3. Why Choose CloudTech for your testing service……………………………....2
4. KPY’S Priorities and the solution……………………………………………….3
5. KPY Idea to the problem…………………………………………………………3
6. Our Technical Solutions………………………………………………………….4
7. Engagement Plan…………………………………………………………………13
8. Service Level Agreement…………………………………………………………18
9. Staffing…………………………………………………………………………….18
10. Resource Planning……………………………………………………………….21
12. Expectations of KPY from CloudTech…………………………………………26


CloudTech is pleased to submit its response to KPY’s Request for Proposal (RFP) for the SAP Testing
Services and Requirements of a provision of a non-destructive Vendor Testing service. Based on the
analysis of the RFP we understand that KPY needs a test strategy to ensure service to KPY Solution
Integration IT department to support the internal Test department of KPY with Testing that currently
cannot be undertaken to meet Project and Program non-functional test requirements. This test strategy
should include the testing of the global template processes, to ensure that each of the rollouts do not cause
any disruption to existing functionality globally. We are committed to meeting KPY’s expectations and
have matched the most appropriate and cost-effective solution to their requirements.

CloudTech is an information technology company. It is an IT development and outsourcing company
specialised in providing development services in Social Networks, E-Commerce, Collaboration
Platforms, CRM, cloud hosting. CloudTech areas of expertise in terms of technologies are PHP
Frameworks (Symfony, Zend), Linux, RDBMS and NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, Neo4j,
Cassandra, AWS, Google Cloud Platform. The CloudTech Company was founded in the year
2014. CloudTech is based in Manakpur, Haryana. CloudTech is founded by Avi Avisror.
The innovative force behind CloudTech is its ability to build, test, monitor, and deliver great software.
Top Test Automation Tools which addresses the challenges of automation are:
● Supporting API & Services Testing
● Offering some AI/ML & Analytics Capabilities
● Popularity & Maturity


● Experience combined with Expertise
➢ Automated testing services have been done by CloudTech for 5 years. We are having
automated test engineers with 3-5 years’ experience.
● Delivering Expectations
➢ Serious functional defects are detected by our engineers in a very short time. We deliver
what is expected as we are aware about potential problems and expected weakness of
software products.
● Automation
➢ We prefer automated testing and our specialists are good to go with automated repeatable
tests for regression testing
● We are already in Cloud
➢ We have mastered the skill of testing in the cloud and thus have been able to serve clients
successfully across the globe without any location or time constraint.
● Flexibility
➢ Specializing in a particular service gives us the edge to focus on the client requirements
and help them deliver feasible solutions across all domains. We are specialized in clouds,

however, we give the best solutions suitable for our clients’ need and requirement, so that
they can choose the best option from the buffet of offerings.


Below are what we have interpreted KPY’s priorities to be and have catered our responses to focus on the
below priorities:
1. Definition of testing Processes, Methodology, Infrastructure (initial and ongoing)
2. Delivery of recurring functional testing services (release related)
3. Testing tool functional support (initial and ongoing)
4. Performance Testing (on demand)
5. Delivery of project-based testing services (on demand)
6. Data Fulfilment (data needed for each phase of testing)


CloudTech proposes a plan for the successful testing of KPY’s SAP as a response to the received Request
to Proposal.

KPY’s needs CloudTech’s Solutions Benefits to KPY

Need a testing partner to establish Using SAP Solution Manager • successful transition of
and implement a test strategy and HP QC ALM tools
reduction in operational risks
Need establishment, enhancement, Continuous Improvement and • Test reliability
and continuous improvement of Continuous testing by using SAP
the AE testing processes Solution Manager • Faster release date

• Smaller backlog
Performance measurement Using KPI and reporting metrics • Performance Visibility

• Better decision making

• Provides complete overview of the


Risk based approach to testing Change Impact analysis of • Would help in identifying the appropriate
functional and non-functional and accurate level of testing
changes in the environment by
using SAP Solution Manager • Scalability

• Flexibility
Recurring testing activities Automation of test cases • Reduction of the degree of manual

intervention, length of testing cycles

• Testing accuracy and flexibility

Day to day functional maintenance CloudTech will provide • Secure tools
and configuration of the Test recommendations on all
Tools upgrades, patches, and hardware • Improves productivity
refreshes for the tools using HP • Updated with new feature providing
QC ALM. better services

On demand performance testing Using SAP Solution Manager • Cost Optimization

solution and HP QC ALM for providing
performance testing solutions for • Additional On demand testing
Web services, GUI and non-GUI
based SAP applications within
Customized on demand test Inclusion of ITIL best practices • Provides flexibility and scalability of
services based on project such as Change management and changing business needs and structures
requirement release test
• Cost Optimization
Capabilities to determine master Using SAP Solution Manager for • Standardized and Streamline process
data and ensure its privacy loading data in sufficient amount
and complying with SOX and • Helps in conducting stress and
other industry standards performance testing properly

6.Our Technical Solution:



● Requirement Analysis
● Work Statements
● Project Documents


● Requirement Traceability Matrix
● Risks Definition

● Test Plan Development

ENVIRONMENT SETUP & TEST DECISION ● Software/Hardware configuration

● Environmental Impact Assessment
● Test Scenarios/User Stories
● Test Data Preparation


● Capture Results
● Reviews & Analysis
● Share Insights


● Recommendations Report
● Client Acceptance
● Project Closure

6.2 Plan:
● To determine application Speed, Scalability, and Stability.
● To analyse results and determine where the application’s performance can be improved.
● To check the system’s behaviour under defined load and the peak load conditions.
● Early detection and correction of system/software anomalies
● To achieve maximum efficiency and test coverage
● To reduce cycle time and lower costs
● To measure the end user response time for each transaction and user load level
● To discover the performance boundaries and failure behaviour of each component
● To check the time, it takes for your server to respond to clients and understand if your website
loads in a decent amount of time

Create a dedicated Test Environment for load ● Client operating system.
● Operating system type: 64bit
● RAM: 8GB
● Test data from client
● Database server: All databases are
● Front end running environment.
Load Test Scenarios ● Configure the test case to simulate
multiple user identities (for any system
with a login)
● Customize the test case to supply
different inputs (search keywords, for
● Replay the test case to verify correct
Determine load testing transactions for an ● Prepare Data for each transaction
● Number of Users accessing the system
need to be predicted – depends on time

● the day and need an analytics report to
know how many users visit at what
time of the day.
● Determine connection speeds. Some
users may be connected via leased
lines while others may use dial-up
● Determine different browsers and
operating systems used by the users
● Configuration of all the servers like
web, application and DB Servers
Test Scenario execution and monitoring. ● After setting up the test execution
Collecting various metrics scenario, it is time to actually perform
the load test for the collected user data.
Analyse the results. Make recommendations ● On the basis of testing, the load on the
website is tested on the basis of Low,
Medium and High category of users.
Fine-tune the System ● This involves tweaking the server to
improve performance. For example,
improving the database efficiency,
having multiple CPUs, destroying the
session after completing the
transaction/service, limiting the size of
Re-test ● Retesting the whole system after fine-
tuning the system

6.3 Proposed Solution:

This solution doesn’t require procurement of expensive performance test tools. The following provides an
overview of a typical performance testing engagement:
● Allow us access to your system via our secure server so we can get started with the scripting we
can also come to your place of business.
● We develop test scripts that simulate users executing the primary business processes
● supported by your application.
● Monitoring of system servers is established to check how your system servers respond
● during testing load.
● We build load profiles using scripts to simulate real user loads on your system from over our
global cloud load generators.
● We generate transaction response time application and server analysis reports after
● applying load.
● We identify points of tuning and work with your development team to rectify performance issues.

Phases Activity Deliverables
Requirement ● Analyse business functionality to know the business ● RTM
Analysis modules and module specific functionalities. ● Automation
● Identify all the user profiles. feasibility report
● Gather user interface/ authentication, geographic spread
● Identify types of tests to be performed.   
● Gather details about testing priorities and focus.
● Prepare Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM).
● Identify test environment details where testing is
supposed to be carried out.
● Automation feasibility analysis
Test Planning ● Analyse various testing approaches available ● Test
● Finalize on the best-suited approach plan/strategy
● Preparation of test plan/strategy document for various document.
types of testing ● Effort estimation
● Test tool selection document.  
● Test effort estimation
● Resource planning and determining roles and
Test case ● Create test cases, test design, automation scripts (where ● Test
development applicable) cases/scripts
● Review and baseline test cases and scripts ● Test data  
● Create test data
Test ● Understand the required architecture, environment set-up ● Environment
Environment ● Prepare hardware and software development requirement ready with test
setup list data set up
● Finalize connectivity requirements ● Smoke Test
● Prepare environment setup checklist Results.  
● Setup test Environment and test data
● Perform smoke test on the build
● Accept/reject the build depending on smoke test result
Test Execution ● Execute tests as per plan ● Completed RTM
● Document test results, and log defects for failed cases with execution
● Update test plans/test cases, if necessary status
● Map defects to test cases in RTM ● Test cases
● Retest the defect fixes updated with
● Regression Testing of application results
● Track the defects to closure   ● Defect reports
Test Cycle ● Evaluate cycle completion criteria based on – Time, Test ● KPI metrics
closure coverage, Cost, Software Quality, Critical Business report
Objectives ● Knowledge
● Prepare test metrics based on the above parameters. management
● Document the learning out of the project documents
● Prepare Test closure report
● Qualitative and quantitative reporting of quality of the
work product to the customer.

● Test result analysis to find out the defect distribution by
type and severity

6.4 Solution Overview:

1.Testing-as-a-Service- We have chosen the Testing as a Service (TaaS) outsourcing model. The testing
activities associated with your organization’s business activities or software applications could be
performed by us rather than your own employees. TaaS is most suitable for specialized testing efforts that
don’t require a lot of in-depth knowledge of the design or the system. Services that are well-suited for the
TaaS model include automated regression testing, testing of major customer relationship management
software, and monitoring/testing of cloud-based applications. In conventional testing model the initial
cost of establishing the scope is quite high. But the model what we would be adopting has no upfront
investment or recurring/maintenance fees. Our company can build the tests, automate and execute them or
help you execute them and then deploy the codes directly into production for the client.

Flexibility of TaaS
2. E2E Test – Test Management and Test Execution with HP ALM and SAP Solution Manager

The HP ALM platform provides the foundation for new versions of HP Quality Center and HP
Performance Center, enabling application teams to manage the testing activities across the lifecycle,
including monitoring the project status life cycle.
End-to-End testing technique would help you to establish the entire flow of the application whether it is
behaving as expected from start to finish. End-to-end testing not only validates the software system but
also check its integration with external interfaces. This would be conducted after the traditional system &
functional testing activities. Validates the entire software system as well as interconnected sub-systems.
This process will consume a substantial chunk of the entire project time but this process can be expedited
by training few testers.
Our Company will follow the practice of Test management and for organizing and controlling the process
and artifacts that are required for software testing. The test execution phases involve running the tests by
assembling sequences of test scripts into a suite of tests. The actual testing is conducted in this phase.

3.Cloud based Testing

Number of visitors ● Low: 0-50 concurrent transactions per

● Medium: 51-200 transactions per second
● High: 200+ (current peak volumes can
reach 2000 transactions per second
Engines Required ● Low: 5 engines/load generator with
10virtual users
● Medium: 10 engines//load generator with
20 virtual users
● High: 10 engines//load generator with 20+
virtual users.
● Up to 1000 virtual users can be initiated
to run on 1 engine.
Hits per engine Up to 600 hits per second per Engine
Speed Up to 300Mbps per Engine
Google Chrome Extension Records all of the HTTP/S requests and actual
user interactions that your browser sends, creates
a synced script.
Metrics and scripts i. Reporting: Gathers data to calculate statistical
ii. Editing the test scripts
Plan to test the load Run the test and monitor your test's engine via the
Monitoring Report.

If your engine didn't reach either a 75% CPU
utilization or 85% memory usage (one-time peaks
can be ignored):
● Change the number of threads to 700 and
run the test again
● Raise the number of threads until you get
to 1,000 threads or 60% CPU

If your engine passed the 75% CPU utilization or

85% Memory
usage (one-time peaks can be ignored):

● Look at when your test first got to 75% -

and see how many users you had at this
● Run the test again. This time, enter the
number of users you got from the
previous test.
● Set the ramp-up time you want for the
real test (5-15 minutes is a great start) and
set the duration to 50 minutes.
●  Make sure you don't go over 75% CPU
or 85% memory usage throughout the test

The major approach which our company is following is based on Cloud Testing Techniques. Cloud
testing has a substantial leverage over the conventional testing methods. Below is the list of some key
indicators of why cloud testing approach has the upper hand over the conventional testing method:
● Flexible Test Execution and Test Assets
● Some users claim 40-60% savings in the cloud testing vs. the traditional testing model
● Achieve a fast return of investments by eliminating the investment made after hardware
procurement, management, and maintenance, software licensing, etc.
● Deliver product in quicker time through rapid procurement, project set-up, and execution
● Reduce operational costs, maintenance costs and investments
● Pay as you use
● Ensure data integrity and anytime anywhere accessibility
● For a better clarity, we have listed the differences between our offering in cloud testing and the
usual way of testing.

6.5 Levels of Testing:

a. Functional Testing - Functional testing is testing any new functionality being added to
SAP that may or may not cut across multiple modules. As the client already has SAP and
non-SAP systems in place, functional testing will be performed only in case of new
functionalities added to the system.
b. Automating Test Cases using HPQC and SAP solution manager for increasing the
operational effectiveness shall follow these steps.

Analyse new functionality
and its expected output
Prepare the test case
automation tool
Create Test Data

Execute Test Case

Compare actual and
expected output

Tool: SAP Solution Manager – It intends to reduce and centralize the management of these systems as
well as end-to-end business processes by automating test cases and scripts. If an existing solution is to be
updated, the impact of the change on existing business processes is analysed. A change impact analysis
indicates the areas on which to focus testing, and thus allows the specification of a risk-based test scope.
This enables you to decide whether the overall test is finished, and whether the change can be applied to
the productive system.

c. Regression Testing:

● Tool: HPQC/HPQTP to automate the existing regression test suite.
● The automation will be of 2 regression cycles as required by the client.
✔ QA1 environment
✔ FQA environment
● Automated regression test suite for legacy applications such as MFG/Pro.
● Coordinating with the legacy application support system.

6.6 Testing Tools

1. HP Quick Test Professional (QTP)
● It supports popular automation frameworks- keyword driven testing approach, modular testing
approach, data-driven testing approach, etc.
● It comes with an inbuilt IDE
● It can be integrated with Test management tools like Quality Center, Test Director, and Win
● Different types of suites like Smoke, Regression, Sanity can be easily maintained
● It supports XML
● Test reporting is possible through QTP for analysis purpose
● Easy to maintain
2. HP ALM – Project Management Tool
● Capture movies of your run
● Record and run macros on your test application
● Automatically enter data into fields in your application
● Automatically include the list of your steps or user actions in any defect you submit
● Replicate your user actions on multiple machines with different configurations

● Streamline Test Management
● Minimize Business Risk
● Reusable Library Components
4. SAP Security- It is an endpoint compliance and security platform that prevents risky devices from
accessing local networks, cloud applications and SAP ECC 6


7.1 Project Timeline

The Framework Agreement will have a term of three years commencing from 10 th Feb 2021 to 10th Feb
2024 out of which the following plan is for 1 year. KPY, Inc. has the right to modify the timeline of the
2nd and the 3rd year according to the performance of CloudTech as defined in the SLAs, the Terms and
Conditions, and the needs of KPY, Inc. as the scope increases or decreases.

S. No Task Time required Person responsible

1. Complete Requirements 1 month QA Lead


2. Test Planning 2 months Test Lead

3. Test Case Development 2 months Usability Test Engineers,

Automated Test
Engineers, and Manual
Test Engineers.

4. Test Environment Setup 2 months Test Library and

Configuration Specialist,
Network Test Engineer

5. Test Execution 4 months Tester

6. Test Cycle Closure 1 month Test Lead

7.2 Implementation Timeline Estimate

Project Stage Associated Estimated Estimated Time

Days to Completion

Complete Requirements Analysis 28

Research Research of the Project and its requirements. 7 17th February


Prepare an RTM Requirement Traceability Matrix 4 21st February 2021

Identify Test Identify Test Environment details where testing 5 26th February
Environment is supposed to be carried out. 2021

Create Automation Feasibility Analysis 5 2nd March 2021


Working out test Types of testing to be performed; specialists 7 9th March 2021
strategies required for this

Test Planning 60

Analyze various Different testing approaches 14 24th March 2021


Finalize best Choose one or many approaches according to 4 28th March 2021
suitable feasibility

Create Test Strategy document for various types of testing 10 7th April 2021

Test Tool Select the best feasible Testing tool 7 14th April 2021

Test Effort Effort estimation document 5 19th April 2021


Resource Determining roles and responsibilities. 20 9th May 2021

Planning Allocating resources to the accountable

Test Case Development 60

Create test cases Create the Test design and automation scripts 30 10th June 2021

Review test Review and baseline test cases and scripts 5 15th June 2021

Create Test Data Create Test Data 25 9th July 2021

Test Environment setup 60

Environment Setup Understand the 10 20th July 2021

required architecture
and setup the

Create a Hardware Software requirement Prepare hardware and 6 26th July 2021
list software development
requirement list

Prepare environment setup checklist Environment setup 14 9th August 2021

Setup test environment and test data Setup test environment 15 26th August 2021
and test data

Perform a smoke test on the build Accept/reject the build 15 10th September
depending on a smoke 2021
test result

Test Execution 118

Execute Tests Execute tests as per 28 9th October 2021


Document Results Document test results 10 19th October 2021

and log defects for
failed cases

Update Test cases Update test plans/test 17 6th November

cases, if necessary 2021

Map defects to test cases in RTM Map defects to test 14 20th November
cases in RTM 2021

Retest the defect fixes Retest the defect fixes 20 10th December
which failed earlier 2021

Regression Testing Regression Testing of 16 26th December

application 2021

Trace defects Track the defects to 13 8th January 2022


Test Cycle closure 32

Prepare test metrics Prepare test metrics 6 15th January 2022

based on the above

Create a learnings document Document the learning 6 21st January 2022
out of the project

Prepare Test closure report Test Closure Report 15 5th February 2022

Test analysis to find a defect Test result analysis to 5 10th February

find out the defect 2022
distribution by type
and severity

Support Services and modifications in the Testing Project 730 10th February
Timeline according to the customer’s needs. 2024

8. Service Level Agreement:

8.1 Point of contact

The customer is not required to assign a specific person as a point of contact. Support requests may be
initiated by any customer employee currently in charge of product use.

8.2 Responsibilities

1. CloudTech responsibilities: CloudTech is responsible for assigning a proper contact person for the
communication with the customer regarding each received test-case support request. In case any
additional technical information is required to provide the service, this information is requested by the
contact person. CloudTech guarantees that this information will be used only inside the company by a
limited number of technical specialists and strictly for the purpose of providing the support service for the
customer. CloudTech is responsible for providing all the resources required to fulfill the support requests
in the shortest possible time.
2. Customer responsibilities: The customer is responsible for providing a full and complete description
of the problem(s) or question(s) related to the test-case support requests, as well as for providing
additional information on the test-cases as requested by CloudTech. If the customer does not receive an
answer within 1 business day after sending an initial support request, the customer should repeat the
request with help of the online form, as it provides higher delivery reliability .


Being experts in the problem domain make it easier for them to create such test scripts that make it easier
to identify the problem in the product. The capabilities of the testing team can greatly affect the success,
or failure, of the testing effort. An effective testing team includes a mixture of technical and domain
expertise relevant to the software problem at hand. It is not enough for a testing team to be technically
proficient with the testing techniques and tools necessary to perform the actual tests. Depending on the
complexity of the domain, a test team should also include members who have a detailed understanding of
the problem domain. This knowledge enables them to create effective test artifacts and data and to
effectively implement test scripts and other test mechanisms. It is important to ensure that this software
testing team includes a perfect mix of talented as well as capable professionals who are also domain

9.1 Team Structure

1. Quality Assurance Leader: QA Leader is the most important member of the testing team. While it is
extremely crucial for him/her to have a clear understanding of the testing process or methodology. It is
also essential for him/her to be familiar with the varied test-program concerns such as test environment
and data management, trouble reporting and resolution, etc.

The Main Roles and Responsibilities handled by the QA leader are:

 Acts as a point of contact for inter and intra departmental interaction

 Represents the software testing team as well as enables customer relationship
 Deciding the test budget and schedule
 Identifying the testing activities for other team members like testers or test engineers
 Planning the entire testing process
 Checking the availability of the resources to execute testing activities
 Identifying if the process of testing is going in sync with the software development
 Preparing the status report of testing activities
 Sharing updates on testing with the project manager
 Planning pre and post-test meetings

2. Test Lead: With a clear understanding of the application’s business area and its requirements, a test
lead is a person who is also familiar with the varied test-program issues such as test data management,
test design, and test development. His/her expertise in numerous technical skills such as programming
languages, database technologies, and computer operating systems also enable him/her to deliver the best
at his/her job.

The Major Role and Responsibilities of a Test Lead include the following:

 Technical expertise related to the test program and approach.

 Provides support for customer interface, staff planning, and supervision, as well as
progress status reporting.
 Validating the quality of the testing requirements such as testability, test design, and
script, test automation, etc.
 Staying updated about the latest test approaches and tools

 Assisting the software testing team to be aware of the latest trends in the world of
software testing.
 Arranging walk-through for test design and procedure.
 Implementing the test process.
 Ensuring that test-product documentation is complete.

3. Test Engineer: The role of a test engineer is to determine the best way to create a process that can
enable one to test a particular product in the best possible manner. Test engineers can have different
expertise based on which they are assigned a role in a company.

Some of the common test engineers working in an organization are as mentioned below:

a) Usability Test Engineer: These engineers are highly proficient in designing test suites as well as have a
clear understanding of the usability issues. With excellent interpersonal skills, they are also skilled in test
facilitation. Some of their common job roles include:
 Designing the usability testing scenarios
 Administering the process of usability testing
 Developing test-product documentation
 Participating in test-procedure walk-through

b) Manual Test Engineer

With a clear understanding of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) design and its standards, manual test
engineers are highly proficient in designing test suites and various testing techniques. Some of the major
responsibilities of these engineers include:
 Using associated test data to design and develop test procedures and cases
 Manually executing the test procedures
 Attending test-procedure walk-through
 Following the required set standards

c) Automated Test Engineer: Also known as Automator/developer, these engineers also have a good
understanding of the GUI design and software testing. They can also be relied upon for designing
effective test suites as well as efficiently working with test tools. Some of the common roles handled by
them are:
 Designing and developing test procedures on the basis of requirements
 Following rest-design standards
 Attending test procedure walk-throughs
 Executing the tests and preparing reports for the same.

4. Network Test Engineer With a high level of proficiency and expertise in a variety of technical skills
such as programming languages, database technologies, and computer operating systems, network test
engineers are good at product evaluation and integration skills.
Their Major Roles at an Organization include:
 Performing network, database, and middleware testing
 Developing load and stress test designs, cases and procedures
 Implementing the performance monitoring tools on an ongoing basis
 Conducting load and stress test procedures

5. Test Library and Configuration Specialist: This job role requires one to have network, database, and
system administration skills along with expertise in technical skills including programming languages,
database technologies, and computer operating systems. Their major job roles include the following:

 Managing the test-script change

 Maintaining test-script version control
 Upholding test-script reuse library
 Creating test builds, wherever required
6. Tester: Having a sound knowledge about various concepts involved in test designing and execution
methodologies, a software tester is the one who is able to interact efficiently with the development team.
His/her major roles as a part of a software testing team include:

 Designing the testing scenarios for usability testing

 Analysing the testing results and submitting the report to the development team
 Creating test designs, processes, cases, and test-product documentation
 Conducting testing as per the set standards and procedures
 Ensure that the testing is carried out as per the defined standards and procedure

10.Resource Planning

Roles Total resources

QA Leader 1

Test Lead 3

Usability Test Engineer 7

Manual Test Engineer 8

Automated Test Engineer


Network Test Engineer 6

Test Library and Configuration

Specialist 1

Tester 12

Total Resources 40


We offer two types of pricing

 Bundle option
 Customize your own


Particular Amount

Installation and configuration cost $7,500

License cost $0

Per Employee Training Cost

Basic Training $25

Standard Training $40

Advanced Training $50

Maintenance Support

Support Services PER TICKET

P1 Ticket resolution $50

P2 Ticket resolution $35

P3 Ticket resolution $25

P4 Ticket resolution $15

Patch/Release $10

Total Cost $7,500 + Variable

Pay scale Onsite

Yearly Monthly Daily Hourly

Roles (In $) (In $) (In $) (In $)

QA Leader 50,000 4,167 139 17

Test Lead 73,000 6,083 203 25

Usability Test Engineer 71,000 5,917 197 25

Manual Test Engineer 71,000 5,917 197 25

Automated Test Engineer 71,000 5,917 197 25

Network Test Engineer 56,000 4,667 156 19

Test Library and Configuration Specialist 42,000 3,500 117 15

Tester 39,000 3,250 108 14

Total Amount 473,000 39,417 1,314 164

Average 59,125 4,927 164


Pay scale Offshore

Yearly Monthly Daily Hourly

Roles (In $) (In $) (In $) (In $)

QA Leader 9,310 776 26 3

Test Lead 7,756 646 22 3

Usability Test Engineer 4,012 334 11 1

Manual Test Engineer 4,012 334 11 1

Automated Test Engineer 4,012 334 11 1

Network Test Engineer 6,739 562 19 2

Test Library and Configuration Specialist 2,825 235 8 1

Tester 2,599 217 7 1

Total Amount 41,265 3,439 115 14

Average 5,158 430 2

12. Expectation of KPY from CloudTech

KPY is in dire need of a quality solution with a stringent time period. It is looking for a partner who can
deliver their promise to someone else with dignity and grace. Though the whole thing sounds
philosophical, it is a need. Therefore, KPY has expectations and the below given are those expectations of
KPY which are basically commitment for CLOUDTECH.

 Respect the timeline and deliver on time.

 Quality cannot be compromised due to stringent timeline issue.
 KPY shall not be treated as a scapegoat for some pilot project or some experimental project of
 Requirements shall be made very clear within a certain period of time right after signing the deal.
 Resource attrition shall not be tolerated as that will hamper the deliverables.
 Escalations shall be done as and when required as there is no scope of delay and mistakes.
 All the deliverables shall be delivered for all the testing applications irrespective of the size or
test cases or defects.
 If the payment towards CLOUDTECH is delayed due to some reason, including the buffer period,
all deliveries shall be stopped with immediate effect. We take things very professionally


Client Challenges Solution

Client Bank As the application deals Solution is a complete end to

end package of test cases along
with complex business with pre-defined test data,
workflows, large scale configurable scenario
The client is a leading integration with numerous management techniques that
external systems through feed can be executed automatically
International Bank having process, it became mandatory in a scheduled timeline.
active global presence. The to test the System Integrity,  Domain Knowledge has
Bank provides a full range of User assisted QA and
products and services to
millions of individual and Experience, Regression such
 Team in creating
SME’s and meets the financial as aftermath changes/re-
exhaustive list of
needs of corporate emersion of fixed faults and to
ensure the stability of the
And institutional clients.  Perform Post & Pre-
Validation testing of
 Mismatch of Resource screens.
Skill and Associated Cost  Package being flexible
 Need for extensive scope scenarios were reused to
coverage perform Smoke / Sanity /
Build Verification Testing.
 Decreased Time to Market
 Detailed regression can be
 · Lack of Skilled
conducted in short period
of time.
 Traceability of defects
against requirements and
test cases can be easily
 Automated Defect Posting.
 Audit Logging.

Adobe Systems Inc. After release of Flash MX They brought 3 licenses for the
2004 and FLASH 8, the same to provide –
reality hit home pretty hard
once customer feedback  Application start up
For more than two decades, started pouring in. There were  Test movie
Adobe Systems, Inc. award- several areas that were  Publish movie
winning technologies and imperative to address.
software have redefined Because there were other
business, entertainment, and areas in the program that
personal communications by needed attention, they decided
setting new standards for to do a "dot" release of the
producing and delivering product. The development
content that engages people cycle was about 9 months and
anywhere at any time. not the usual 18 that we do for
a major release. Management
assigned one Dev and one QA
engineer to work on
performance. While they
decided on what areas to focus
on, they also began research
on what tools could facilitate
the testing

Oklahoma State University Testing of basic program Automation helps to Finish

functionality was repetitive, testing the basic functionality
boring and time consuming in hours versus days. It also
and because so many tests saves time and money as one
were required to accomplish person can now do more
just the basic functionality, testing in the same time which
testing was incomplete. A saves us a lot of money
program that automated the
testing process would be a
great asset to releasing a
quality program

CLOUD TECH has been running ServiceNow consulting and implementation services since 2009. As a
ServiceNow Partner we deliver efficient ITSM solutions that bring visibility into our clients’ IT processes

and infrastructure, allow timely reaction to incidents, problems and events, minimize negative impact of
infrastructural changes, and help to optimize IT support costs.

Partners at the Silver level can resell and develop products available through the Oracle 1-Click Ordering
program, as well as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and certain hardware
products such as Oracle Database Appliance. By providing a cost-effective yet scalable way for partners
to join OPN, Silver level membership helps partners quickly become more competitive and enables them
to grow their businesses with Oracle.

HP QC Enterprise helps bring in consistency in QA procedures across the application lifecycle, HP

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) does that and more by providing the visibility and
collaboration you need to bring agility. It reduces Risks and Delivery Cycle Time, minimize downtime
and improves Efficiency Provide an Enterprise View and Enhance Team Satisfaction Improve Resource
Utilization and Increases Responsiveness Reduce Development Cost and Maximizes Stakeholder

Accelerance helps your company reduce risk with software development outsourcing through a
continuum of consultative services and the most curated network of certified software development teams
ever assembled. Accelerance provides professional guidance for planning, sourcing and managing global
teams so companies can achieve valuable benefits without risks and challenges.


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