Fluid Mechanics Course Description Form: 2020-2021 Fall

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2020-2021 Fall


Name Fluid Mechanics

Code AKM-204E Type Mandatory
Credit 3 Hours 3+0

CRN Time Faculty Office E-Mail

Friday Assoc. Prof. Oral Yağcı Hid. Lab. 228 yagciora@itu.edu.tr
14520 10.30-13.30
Res. Asst. Elif Kartal Hid. Lab. 227 kartalel@itu.edu.tr
English D.F. Young, B. R. Munson, T. H. Okiishi, W. W. Huebsch, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, SI
Version, 5th Edition, November 2011, Wiley
Turkish Hidrolik, B. Mutlu Sümer, İstemi Ünsal, Mehmetçik Beyazıt, Birsen Yayınevi
1. Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald, Philip J. Pritchard, Fluid Mechanics,
Recommended Books International Student Version, 8th Edition, October 2011, Wiley.
2. Clayton T. Crowe, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, International Student Version,
9th Edition, Wiley.

In-term Evaluation Criteria Final Evaluation Criteria

Faaliyet / Item Number Contribution to interm Interm Grade Final Grade
Quizzes 6-8 % 42
%60 %40
Homework 2 % 18
Visa Reqirement: The in-term grade should not be less than
27 point (of 60 point interm grade.This correspond to 40%
of interm grade activities. Also, student should attent to
4 quiz of 6 pop-quiz exams. Any copy attempt in the exams
and homeworks will be subjected to serious penalty.
Week Topics to be Covered
1 Unit Systems, Dimensional Homogeneity, Physical Properties of Fluids
2 Behaviour of Fluids under Stresses
3 Hydrostatics, Pressure Concept
4 Calculation of Pressure Forces
5 Basic Equations of Fluid Statics
6 Relative Equilibrium
7 Kinematics of Fluids
8 Basic Equations of One-Dimensional Flow
9 One-Dimensional Flow of Ideal Fluids
10 One-Dimensional Flow of Ideal Fluids: Applications
11 One-Dimensional Flow of Real Fluids
12 Laminar and Turbulent Flow
13 Two-Dimensional Flow of Ideal Fluids
14 Velocity Potential Flows and Boundary Layer and Separation Concepts

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