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Sequence two

Me and my Shopping

By Mrs : Djeghdali

Sequence Plan
Communicative objectives Language forms pronunciation

Lesson - Describing shopping Many / much / some / Pronunciation

1/2/3 items any /l/ , /†/
- Expressing How many………. ?
quantities How much……….. ?

Lesson - Asking for What size are you ? Pronunciation

4/5/6 information about What is your size ? Of « r »
size/colour and What is the size of ?

Lesson - Location and How bi gis… ?

7/8/9 showing the way to What shape is… ? Silent letter
ameneties using a The imperative « r »
street map
10/11 - I learn to integrate

- I think and write

By Mrs : Djeghdali.M.

Guided sheet

Learning objectives : In this lesson I will reach the following aspects of language

Grammar  - WH questions

How many…….. ?/ How much……….. ?

Vocabulary : shopping items / fruits / vegetables/ cereals……prices

Pronunciation : the sounds / l/ and /†/

Visual aids : Flash cards/ video/ school book

Cross curricular competencies :

Intellectual- comp : :Pps can interact through verbal and non verbal messages

Methodological : Pps can work in pairs and groups

Communicative : Pps can communicate through dialogues properly

Personal and social : They can be socialized through oral or written exchanges

Values :

*Learners will be be able to destinguish between healthy food and unhealthy one

*The learners will be able to value food.


time object Procedure inte comp vak

Describing shopping items
Warm up : T greets , welcomes her learners T /l Interr
Introd and tries to make them feel at ease and Vis
Uce the ready to learn F.C
New T introduces the following flash crds and
sequence asks learners to guess what is sequence two
about ?
T/l Inter

The new Learners give their expectations to find
Lexis finally the name of the new sequence « ME, T/l
Where can we go shopping ? ls react Vis
Now my pp, could you tell me what can we buy D.S
from a supermarket or a shop ? Inter
Ls give their answers L p
Good let’s we start by food. What kind of
food do you know ?
Ls : fruits/ vegeatables
Present Here teacher invites learners to watch the T/l
The situ following video to know more about some kind
of food and take notes on their note book. Interr
pre- listening
Now teacher presents the following Vis
situation through which she presents the Boar
topics of the new sequence d

It is the birthday of Lynda’s

Prepare Interr
mother, Lynda and her brothers Tom
Ls fpr T/l
and Max will make a party of birthday
for their mother, Lynda and her
brothers will buy the neccessaries
for the party we will help them to buy
the different ingredients and we will
show them the way to the market
t asks learners some questions to present the
topic and motivate the learners.
Lynda and her brothers will surprise their Interr
mother, and make a birthday party. What do
they need for the party ? ls suggest T/l
They need for the cake
Eggs / butter / flour/ baking powder
/vanilla/oil /milk/sugar
To make dinner, they need some vegetables
And fruits Audi
Where will they find these materials ? at Inter L.S
hospital ? ls : No at the supermarket/ the p
Good so let’s go with them to the shop and

buy the necessary things for the party L
T invites learners to listen to the
conversation then answer the following Inter
questions : p
Develop 1- What does Lynda and her brothers
The buy from the shop ? L
learnings - They buy six tomatoes, four green
’ peppers and three cucumbers
listening 2- How much do the items cost ?
skills - They cost 2 pounds
Learners listen then do, correct on the Audi
board L.S
Now Lynda has forgotten many things, so she
comes back to the shop and buy the other
Listen, then tell me what does she buy ? L Produ
Re- She buys ce
inforce ½ kg of cheese- 4 and a 1/2 kg of rice – 3
the new litres of oil -1 litres of milk.
lexis Learners listen and do, then correct on the visu
items board boar
seen Poste listening d
through Now let’s write the list of the shopping items
contexts lynda buy from the shop

List of shopping items

Vegetables L
-……………………………. Produ
-……………………………. ce
Learners complete the list on the board.
Now teacher asks learners to classify the
following items into the chart below :
Countable Uncountable
Tomatoes Milk
Cucumbers Oil
peppers Cheesr

T sets a time limits, walks around and checks

Learners correct on the board then on their

Now Lynda is ready for the preparation of
the surprise.isn’t she ?

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