Unit 7: Planning Treatment and Closing The Interview

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Unit 7

Planning treatment and

closing the interview
Learning outcomes

At the end of this unit you will be able to:

 Explain treatments to a patient.

 Describe benefits and side effects of
 Close the interview.
Negotiating a plan of action

These are seven stages when negotiating a

plan of treatment with a patient.
Phrasal verbs

1. Cleared up = made better

2. Washed out = tired/drained
3. Drag on= go on for a long time
4. Getting through = surviving / lasting
5. Getting rid of = no longer having
6. Sort out = find a solution
Use the correct form of the phrasal
Explaining benefits and side effects of
Patient speak
Here are number of phrases the patient use
to express the likelihood of keeping the
doctor’s advice/prescribed drugs.
Closing the interview
The following points should be observed
when closing the interview:

 End summary: summarising what has taken place in

the session and clarifying the plan of care.
 Contracting: agreeing next steps for patient and
 Safety-netting: what to do if the plan is working, and
when and how to seek help.
 Final checking: checking that the patient agrees and is
comfortable with the plan, and there are no other
issues to be discussed.

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