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ESSAY November 23,2020

Effective writing skills are one of the most crucial aspects to level up in life, be it in
academic accomplishment or career performance. The main elements of writing are
analysing objectives and notion in a clear, concise and structured way. Writing
should be logical and persuasive so as reader can easily understand the message
from the author, which when happens in unorderly way, the readers get confused
and lost, and this result the readers to quit. Furthermore, your writing should depict
that you have deep knowledge and wisdom about the subject to convey to the
audience as this shows reflection of the author’s personality, creativity and

Writing should be done in an orderly way, firstly and foremost, is to choose an

appropriate subject and a good research about the topic. Analysis and arguments to
prove your point as well as a planned and organised way to present the thoughts
and ideas for a smooth transition for readers. More important will be to write about
a topic that will be interesting for readers not the author. It happens sometimes that
some scholar writes about topics that are out of the understanding of the reader
and the latter don’t get anything beneficial from the article or book. The main goal is
to know your audience and familiarize with different readership.

Knowing your audience is an essential stage of writing. Addressing to multiple

audiences mean more time to think better about particularities of readers. This lead
us to understand better about what to include and not. For an example, writing for a
journal and a campus newsletter will be for different readers; Journals are more
formal, theoretical and are about discipline, in contrast newsletters consist of
informal tones and emotive language. Therefore, knowing your crowd is beneficial
so your message does not go waste.

Another function of effective writing is to help readers to understand something so

they better able to portray that idea in their mind. Academic writing is way apart
from writing about politics and law, they need to be in clear and simple manner for
a common man to grasp the details and facts.

Additionally, to write is not an act of self-indulgence rather of continence. Some

writers write for their personal agenda and this could be done through inspiring
tales of struggle or emphasizing on emotional weaknesses. Contrastingly, with the
power of ink, when a good writer devotes time to write about a subject, this can
have a huge impact on societies, mostly on certain individuals as they may change
their attitude towards a particular topic about which they previously didn’t know or
care about. As we all know every distinct human being have unalike point of views,
opinion or varied field of interest.

Diverse readers will have different perception of various topics. The right way to
explain this would be that every single human being has a separate way of analysing
an issue. We all have a contrasting point of view or reasoning. The way that a highly
educated individual would perceive information would not be same as less educated
individual. This create the discrete difference in readership. The whole assumption
of “well understood” actually comes out varied for every single persona.

To be the master of writing, there should be value in your message so people are
interested in making the most of it. The writing should be Valuable, Persuasive,
Organised and Comprehensible.
An organised and comprehensible way of writing will keep the readers focus and
they won’t be distracted from the main ideas. It is vital for readers not to lose
interest as well. Writing should be accurate and unambiguous.

Secondly is persuasion, persuasive arguments are a necessity as it will keep the

readers engaged and focused. An easier way of doing this to trigger the 3 method of
Aristotle; Ethos, Logos and Pathos. The ethos has a deep in influence on behaviours
and morals. This element is simply achieved by building a sense of trust and
convincing your audience about of your credibility. Secondly, the logos is acquired
by making reasonable and logical statements such as focusing on data and facts.
This helps in presenting arguments clearer. And finally, the ace of spades; Pathos.
This is done through triggering the emotional side of the story, by making the
audience feel connected through a relatable point or by finding a common ground.
By building an emotional relation with the reader, it better helps to convince them
and this form of rhetoric is commonly used in literatures and narrative arts.

More important is to write about something that is valuable. Adding value to a

content is of utmost importance so as it depicts its originality. Readers are more
motivated to read when there is value in an article that is rich in content and
substance. This makes the reading process enjoyable and readers just don’t only
look through it for the sake of only reading. They interpret it because they enjoy the
Another reason to make a text valuable is to make the subject or topic interesting as
people read it at any cost. People love interesting topics to read such as travelling,
music or food. Moreover, according to some individuals, the way they perceive
value in an article is when it responds to ongoing problems among communities.
Reader appreciate when article addresses to the issue they care about.
The way of the structure of the essay is essential to achieve a good writing basis. The
basic structure would consist of:
 A good choice of the subject
 Research
 Critical analysis
 Planning
 Writing
 Proofread
The main point is to make a good choice over the subject. This needs to show that
you have adequate amount of relevant information about the topics and also have a
deep understanding of it. This would create a stable base to the readers to
understand the situation and can agree with it. A good choice of the subject is
important so this keeps the reader’s engagement such as the ongoing conflicts in
the world.

A profound research on the topics so as to cover relevant point, and this allows to
get enough examples to justify your point of view and to build on a powerful
argument. This gives detailed information and facts. Critical analysis is crucial
because this will enable the writer to express own evaluation and opinion. An
upstanding critical analysis evaluates ideas or work in a balanced way that highlights
both its positive and negative qualities.

Planning to write is to make sure you don’t miss out on any idea. A plan gives a
structure for ideas to flow from one paragraph to another. This helps in organising
your thoughts and also in prioritising which ideas to present in which way. After a
thoughtful planning, you will end up with coherent arguments to better present it in
The writing process is adding up all the ideas and argument in a structure way, in
paragraph, highlighting the most important point to the least one. The essay is often
constructed in:
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

The introductory part is to present the topic and pick up steam of the readers. This
should be a sentence or phrase that catches the attention of the readers.
The body is to give detailed explanation and facts about the topic, with examples to
support the arguments whilst the conclusion is to briefly summarise the essay and
the writer giving his ending statements, a powerful one. Never introduce a new
argument in the conclusion, this mistake often happens with beginners.

The proofread is extremely substantial so as not to leave mistakes, which if not done
would show a feeling of carelessness to readers. Going through the essay once or
more would make sure not leaving any inaccuracy.

In conclusion, effective writing skills are hard to acquire as it requires a lot of

practice, a flawless grammar and vocabulary to perfection. A way to be good in
grammar and vocabulary often need lots of reading, practice and writing. This is a
long process that actually takes up a lot of time for endless research and facts. And
also knowing the main elements of good writing is to address your audience and
writing about relevant topics as well as keeping in mind how to structure the essay.
A better writer comes with a good analytical skill and a broad amount of knowledge
and research. This is hard to achieve, however, slowly but surely with a good
amount of practice and discipline.

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