Breaking Bad News: Unit 9

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Breaking bad news

Unit 9
Learning outcome

At the end of this unit you will be able to:

 Deliver bad news.

 Reassure a patient or relative.
 Show empathy.
What is “bad news”?

Is any information that changes a person’s

view of the future in a negative way.

Mueller (2002)
Rate the order of difficulty in
delivering the bad news to a patient
Preparing the patient for bad

 Show empathy.
 Speak to the patient in a quite place.
 check what the patient understands and believes
about his illness.
 Find out what the patient wants to know.
Patient’s understanding of
his/her condition
Dealing with patient’s emotions
after bad news
Patient speak
Here are patient responding after hearing bad
Patient speak
Here are some questions the patient asks about
their chances of surviving:
Patient’s response to doctor’s
Thank You

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