Variety of Carbon Atoms - Docx Outline

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Variety of Carbon Atoms/Hydrocarbons (p.


1) Types of bonds
a. Forms non-polar covalent bonds with other carbon atoms
b. Forms polar covalent bonds with nonmetals/metalloids, e.g. CaCl2
c. Tetravalent - (17min:07s)
2) Allotropes (Different forms of an element)
a. Allotropes of carbon
Video 1: (4min:05s)
Video 2: (17min:07s) *Allotropes of Carbon
and Properties of Carbon are explored in this video! Carbon has crystalline and amorphous allotropes.
The 3 crystalline allotropes are diamond, graphite and fullerenes such as buckminsterfullerene. Structure
and properties of diamond, graphite and buckminsterfullerene are discussed in detail.
i. Amorphous iv. Graphene
ii. Diamond v. Fullerene
iii. Graphite
3) Classification of organic compounds- Saturated and Unsaturated Carbon Compounds - (10min:30s)

A) Hydrocarbons
a. Alkanes (pp.750-758)
b. Alkenes (pp.759-762)
c. Alkynes (pp.763-764)
B) Structure of hydrocarbons (pp.765-775)


1) Hydrocarbon Power: (11MIN:32S)

In which Hank introduces us to the world of Organic Chemistry and, more specifically, the power of
hydrocarbon. He talks about the classifications of organic compounds, the structures & properties of alkanes,
isomers, and naming an alkane all by observing its structure.

2) Hydrocarbon Derivatives:
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Functional groups? Functional groups within functional groups? Hank takes today's Crash Course video to
discuss some confusing ideas about Hydrocarbon Derivatives, but then makes it all make more sense.

3) Alkenes & Alkynes: (9MIN:35S)

Today Hank talks about the deliciousness of alkenes & alkynes, their structures, and how to remember which
is which by simply knowing the alphabet. Also, he breaks down hydrogenation, halogenation, polymerization,
and triglycerides all while helping us figure out the meaning of different names for fats.

4) Aromatics & Cyclic Compounds:

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What's that smell? Smell's like Organic Chemistry! This week Hank talks about Aromatics and Cyclic
Compounds and naming their substituents, resonance as well as common reactions & uses.

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