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HNSC 3270 Professional Development in Nutrition and Dietetics

Ethics Assignment Questions

1. A private practice dietitian was contacted by a pharmaceutical company, and was

offered a gift in order to endorse a particular brand of vitamins and other supplements
and promote their products to her patients. What is the issue of concern?
C. Conflict of Interest

2. Which AND ethical principle could be violated in this case?

B. Integrity in personal and organizational behaviors and practices (Autonomy)

3. Explain your answer for question 2

Receiving any gifts from third party companies creates an environment where the
dietician is bias towards that companies’ products. Instead of doing/helping their
clients with unbiased truths, they are pressured to push the third party products onto
their clients automatically rendering their integrity compromised. They no longer are
under their own influence but instead must answer to the chain of commands because
their loyalty to their clients has been bought by said company.

4. A registered dietitian started a page on Facebook to provide nutrition information about

weight management, and started promoting the ketogenic diet. Few people voiced their
concern that the ketogenic diet does not work well for them, and that they experienced
some side effects. The dietitians continued to push for following the diet stating that
this is the best diet for weight loss, ignoring the concerns of some members. What
ethical issue is of concern in this case?
D. Justice

5. Explain your answer for question 4.

I choose JUSTICE as my answer based solely on my interpretation of its definition; to

promote fairness and objectivity with fair and equitable fairness. Stating that one diet
plan is more superior than any others, with a lack of empathy of his/her clients, shows
that they will not adjust their “prescribed” diet plan regardless of a client’s individual
biology. The inability to be flexible with their clients will spread by word of mouth and
affect their success.

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