Molarity Solution

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a CHAPTER | By SOLUTIONS 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab 9.0.0 CONCEPT OF A SOLUTION Every sample of matter with uniform properties and a fixed composition is called a phase For example, water at room temperature and normal pressure exists as a singe liquid phase, that is allthe properties of water are uniform throughout this liquid phase. If small amount of sugat is added to this sample of water, te sugar dissolves but the sample remains asa single liquid pha, se. However, the properties and composition ofthis new liquid phase, now the sugar solution, are different from those of pure water. As this solution of sugar in water fs containing two substances (binary solution), so itis a mixture and sincelts properties are uniform, therefore, tis homogeneous in character. ‘solution, on average, isa homogeneous mixture of wo or more kinds of afferent molecular or lonic substances. The substance which is present in large quant is called a solvent and the other component in small quantity is called a solute 54 sci EST — wae Pure water oforeWaCladded For a given solution, the amount of solute dissolved in a unit volume of solution (or @ un ‘amount of solvent) is termed as the concentration ofthe solution Solutions containing relative lower concentrations of solute recalled dilute solutions, whereas those containing relatively highs concentrations of solutes are called concentrated solutions, . 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab 9.1.0 CONCENTRATION UNITS OF SOLUTIONS ‘There are various types of concentration units of solutions. They are discussed as follows. 9,11 Percentage composition ‘The amounts of solute and solvent can be expressed in percentage composition by four different ways. b. 4 Percentage weighthweight Percentage weight/volume Percentage volumerweight Percentage volumelvalume 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Cu(OH), =—T”’ (a) Percentage weight / weight Itis the weight ofa solute dissolved per 100 parts by weight of solution. St w/w sugar solution will contain 5 of sugar dissolved in 100 g of solution in water. This solution contains 95 of water, Example (1): Calculate the percentage by weight of NaCI if2.0g of NaClis dissolved in 20 g of water. 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Solution: (b) Percentage Weight/Volume Its the weight of a solute dissolved per 100 parts by volume of solution. 10 g of glucose dissolved in 100 cr of solution is 10% wy solution of glucose. The quantly ofthe solvent is not exactly known, In such solutions, the total volume of the solution is under consideration, (©) Percentage Volume /Weight Itis the number of em' ofa solute dissolved per 100 g ofthe solution. fwe dissolve 10 cm* of alcohol in water and the total weight of the solution is 100g, then itis 10% viw solution of alcoho! inwater.n such type of solutions, we don’t know the total volume of the solution (@) Percentage Volume / Volume Itis the volume of a solute dissolved per 100 cr of the solution. This unt of concentration is best applicable to the solutions of liquids in liquids. A 12% alcohol beverage is 12 cr of alcohol peer 100 cm? of solution. In such solutions, the total volume ofthe solution may not be necessarily equal to the sum of volumes of solute and the solvent. 9.12 Molarity (M) Molarity is the number of moles of solute dissolved per dm®of the solution. Ta prepare one ‘molar solution of glucase in water, we take 180 g of glucase and add sufficient water to make the total volume 1 di litre) in a measuring flask ® Sella ae ue Rr Ue Screenshot 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab In case of one molar solution af sucrose, 342 g of sucrose are dissolved in water to make Mw |p mat x [9 we 181 i? Since the volume of 32 gof sucrose greater than 180 g of glucose so the volume of ‘ater in 1 molar sucrose solution is less than that « [7 4 (OT ght of 1 molar glucose solution. Anyhow, to calculate the volume of the solvent we need to know the “ura ae “ruced Cet bata density ofthe solute Following formula is used to prepare the solution of any molarity. Examples (2): Calculate the molarity ofa solution containing 20.7 g of K,CO, dlssolved in 500 cin? of the given solution. Solution: Formula Matai = Mose, —_t_ Moasy= 3a ta [pat Ane 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab 9:13 Molality (m) Molalty isthe number of moles of solute in 1000 g (1 kg) ofthe solvent. In order to prepare ‘molal solutions, we dortthave to take ary flask 180 g of glucose when dissolved in 1000 g of water gives one moll solution of glucose. The total mass of the solution is 1180 g. We don’t knaw the Volume of the solution. n order to know the volume we need the density ofthe solution. For one mola sucrose solution, 342 of sucrose are dissolved in 1000 g of H.O. So,one molal solution of different solutes in water have their own masses and volumes In order to get the molality of any solution, we use the fllowing equation Example (3): What is the molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 5g of toluene (C,H) in 250g of benzene, Solution: Formula used Sella ae ue Rr Ue Screenshot 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab ‘The molality ofa solution is indirect expression of the ratio of the moles of the solute to the moles of the solvent. The molal aqueous solution of a solute say glucase or NaOH is dilute in comparison tos molar solution. The reason is that in molal solution the quantity of the solvent is comparatively greater. ‘The value of concentration given inthe units of molality does not change with temperature but that of molarity does, The reason is that the volume of liquids are affected by the variation in temperature, 9.1.4. Mole Fraction (x) This unit of concentration may be for any type, of solution ie. gas in gas, liquid in liquid oF Solid in liquid, etc. This unit is also applicable toa solution having more than two components. The mole fraction of any component in a mixture is the ratio ofthe number of moles of itte the total number of moles of all the components present. Let there be three components A, 8, C making a solution. The number of moles are n, ny 1, respectively. ifthe mole fraction of A Band C are denoted by x, %, x, respectively, Then, ‘The sum of the mole fractions ofall the components of asolution must be equalto one, There ‘are no formal units of mole fraction, Anyhow, we sometimes multiply mole fraction by 100 to get © 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Example (4): Calculate the mole fraction and mole percent of each component ina solution having 92 go! ‘ethyl alcohol 96 g of methyl alcohol and 90 g of wate. Solution: First ofall get the number of moles of each component. amber of eso metal "Now, multiply the mole fractions with 100, to get mole percent. @ 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Mee th al =025100 = Awe 4100 = Answer Maes of 0: Inthe case of mixture of gases, one can determine the mole fraction from the pa data of the mixture, Hence al pressure Where p, Py. are the partial pressures of various gases in the mixure. Generally, we can say that 9.15. Parts Per Million (ppm) Its defined as the number of parts (by weight or volume) of a solute per million parts (oy weight or volume) ofthe solution ‘This unit is used for very low concentrations of solutions, eg. to express the impurities of substances in water Example (5) Seawater has 5.65 x 10° g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in sea water in parts per milion 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Example (7): Hydrochloric acid available inthe laboratory is 369% (w/w). The density of HCI solution is 1.18 {gcm?, Determine the molarity of HCI solution Solution: 36% (w/w) HC solution means that 36g of HCI dissolved in 100g of solution. Incase of molarity, the final vlume of solution Is 1000 cmt Conwert this volume into mass, by using density of 1.19 gam? Since, (Mass=volume x density) tear So, 1000 cm solution of HCI has 11.73 moles of HCI 1.73mel din? Answer Hence, molarity of HCl Example (8): 9.2 molar HCIO, is available in the market, The density of this solutions 1.54gcm What isthe percentage by weight of HCIO, 9.s0LUTIONS: eLearn Punjab Solution: Molarty of HCIO, = 9.2g moles dm? Density of solution =1.54 gem? Letus calculate the mass of solution which is tdi? in volume and has 8.2moles of HCIO, in it Since, Mass = volume x density Mass of 1000cm? solution ew Sg Sh Molar mass of HCIO, =100.59m mot 9.2 moles of HCIO, , can be converted tots mass Mass of HCIO, 1005 et" x9.2ml = Mass of H,0= mass of solution - mass of HCIO, = 1540-9246 = 615.4, % of HCIO, by weight ER Anener 9% oF H,O by weight = 100-mass of HCIO, 9.2 TYPES OF SOLUTIONS Most commonly, we come across solutions, where solute is a solid and the solventis aliquid Asa matier of fact all the three states of matter Le. sold, liquid or gas can actas solute or solvent Examples for nine possible types of solution are given in Table (9.2)

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