Glutathione Peroxidase Family - An Evolutionary Overview

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Glutathione peroxidase family – an evolutionary overview

Rogerio Margis1, Christophe Dunand2, Felipe K. Teixeira3,* and Marcia Margis-Pinheiro1,4

1 Centro de Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2 Laboratory of Plant Physiology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
3 Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4 Departmento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Keywords Glutathione peroxidases (EC and EC catalyze the reduc-
evolution; glutathione peroxidase; tion of H2O2 or organic hydroperoxides to water or corresponding alcohols
peroxiredoxins; subcellular location;
using reduced glutathione. Some glutathione peroxidase isozymes have a
selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity and present a selenocy-
Correspondence steine encoded by the opal TGA codon. In the present study, insights into
M. Margis-Pinheiro, Departamento de the evolution of the whole glutathione peroxidase gene family were
Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio obtained after a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using the improved
Grande do Sul, Sala 207, Prédio 43312, number of glutathione peroxidase sequences recorded in the PeroxiBase
91501-970 Porto Alegre, Brazil database ( The identification of a
Fax: +55 51 3308 7311
common ancestral origin for the diverse glutathione peroxidase clusters
Tel: +55 51 3308 9814
was not possible. The complex relationships and evolutionary rates of this
gene family suggest that basal glutathione peroxidase classes, present in all
*Present address kingdoms, have originated from independent evolutionary events such as
Unité de Recherche en Génomique gene duplication, gene losses, lateral gene transfer among invertebrates and
Végétale, INRA-CNRS-UEVE, Evry Cedex, vertebrates or plants. In addition, the present study also emphasizes the
France possibility of some members being submitted to strong selective forces that
probably dictated functional convergences of taxonomically distant groups.
(Received 4 March 2008, revised 20 May
2008, accepted 6 June 2008)


Aerobic reactions lead to the accumulation of reactive alcohols using reduced glutathione (GSH) as an elec-
oxygen species, which can be toxic to the cells. Biotic tron donor (H2O2 + 2GSH fi GS-SG + 2H2O). In
and abiotic stresses can trigger a dramatic increase in Metazoa, some GPxs have a selenium-dependent gluta-
the generation of reactive oxygen species such as super- thione peroxidase activity, with selenocysteine being
oxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide encoded by an opal TGA codon [2,3]. In mammalian
in the intracellular environment. In this context, aerobic tissues, there are four major selenium dependent GPx
organisms have developed several non-enzymatic and isozymes: (a) classical GPx (GPx1), which is found in
enzymatic systems to neutralize these compounds. The red cells, liver, lung and kidney; (b) gastrointestinal
enzymatic systems include a set of gene products such as GPx (GPx2); (c) plasma GPx (GPx3), which is present
superoxide dismutases, catalases, ascorbate peroxidases in different organs such as kidney, lung, epididymus,
and glutathione peroxidases (GPx) [1]. vas deferens, placenta, seminal vesicle, heart and
Glutathione peroxidase (EC and EC muscle, and (d) phospholipid GPx (PHGPx4 or GPx4), is the general name for a family of multiple which is also broadly distributed in different tissues.
isozymes that catalyze the reduction of H2O2 or GPx1, 2 and 3 act as homotetramers, whereas GPx4 is
organic hydroperoxides to water or corresponding functional as a monomer [2]. GPxs also have distinct

ER, endoplasmic reticulum; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GSH, glutathione; PHGPx, phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase; Trx,

FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3959–3970 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 3959
Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases R. Margis et al.

subcellular locations: GPx1 was identified in the cyto- The extensive available data related to the structure
sol, nucleus and mitochondria; GPx2 accumulates in and function of animal, plant and fungal GPx repre-
the cytosol and nucleus; GPx3 is a secreted protein sent an important achievement toward understanding
also found in the cytosol, whereas GPx4 is present in the function of this class of proteins. However, a phy-
the nucleus, cytosol, mitochondria and bound to logenetic study of the whole family of GPx proteins is
membranes [3]. Two other isozymes, GPx5 and GPx6, still lacking. To date, few studies have been published
identified in mammals, are both closely related to describing independent phylogenetic studies of some
GPx3. However, GPx5 lacks the selenocysteine at the GPx classes [3,18]. The present study aimed to examine
active site and is secreted in epididymus [4]. GPx-6 was the phylogenetic relationships among GPx of various
identified in humans and pigs and is a selenium-depen- organisms and to contribute to the understanding of the
dent GPx found in the olfactory epithelium [5]. possible modes of evolution of this family. The results
More recently, a new phospholipid hydroperoxide obtained suggest that the evolutionary history of GPx
glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) was described in genes is highly complex and is the result of a number
mammals, which incorporates cysteine instead of selen- of independent evolutionary events that might be in
ocysteine in the conserved catalytic motif. This nonse- association with processes of functional convergence.
lenocysteine PHGPx, also named NPGPx, corresponds
to the seventh group of GPx found in mammals. This
GPx has a molecular mass of approximately 22 kDa
with a low glutathione peroxidase activity in vitro. The
Phylogenetic relationships
expression of NPGPx encoding gene has been con-
firmed in many tissues, including developing mammary Phylogenetic analyses were carried out with GPx
glands. NPGPx plays an essential role in breast cancer amino acid sequences from species of different phyla
cells in alleviating oxidative stress generated from poly- representative of Viridiplantae, fungi and metazoan
unsaturated fatty acid metabolism [6]. kingdoms, protists and prokaryotes. The GPx gene
Genes encoding PHGPx enzymes have been identi- family has an uncertain origin and does not follow a
fied in many organisms [7–10]. PHGPx is unique in its linear evolutionary history. It is apparent that different
substrate specificity because it can interact with lipo- and independent evolutionary pathways have operated
philic substrates such as peroxidized phospholipids and in their members, making it difficult to establish an
cholesterol, reducing them to hydroxide compounds ancestral origin for many classes of GPx. However, it
[11,12]. Animal PHGPxs, originally synthesized as a is possible to visualize three main GPx clusters with
precursor protein [13], have their N-terminal amino possible polyphyletic origins (Fig. 1). Group I corre-
acids processed and are subsequently targeted to mito- sponds to a large cluster of all metazoan GPx, includ-
chondrial and nuclear membranes. ing the seven classes originally described in mammals,
Plant GPxs have been classified as the fifth group of also extending to other groups of vertebrate (v1 to v7)
peroxiredoxins because they can reduce peroxide with plus invertebrate GPxs sequences. In this group,
higher efficiency (sometimes exclusively) by the thiore- sequences from parasitic invertebrates (worms) clus-
doxin (Trx) system rather than by using GSH as a tered with vertebrate GPxs from classes 1, 2, 3, 5 and
reducing agent [14]. The same situation was verified 6, whereas arthropod sequences grouped closer to class
for the protozoa Plasmodium falciparum, where a GPx- 4 GPx. Group II encompasses GPx sequences from
like protein was also specific for Trx [15]. The thiore- fungi, bacteria, cyanobacteria and two algae sequences
doxin specificity of Drosophila melanogaster GPx was (CreGPx03, SobGPx01), whereas group III comprises
also recently demonstrated [16]. At the molecular level, all plant GPxs. The major part of algae GPxs clustered
plant GPx genes are closely related to animal PHGPx as an independent and disperse group, more closely
and their corresponding proteins present three widely related to the Kinetoplastida GPx sequences than to
conserved cysteine residues, which are assumed to be the plant or bacterial sequences. Taken together, the
essential for the enzymatic catalysis. In poplar, site- results suggest that all these proteins originated very
directed mutagenesis indicates that only two Cys early in the evolutionary history of GPx genes. It is
(Cys107 and Cys155) among the three conserved resi- possible that these proteins possess a common origin;
dues, which form a disulfide bridge, participate in the however, this is hard to determine because their
catalytic cycle and in Trx-mediated regeneration. evolution is complex and ancient. One strategy for
Moreover, the plant GPx gene family may comprise obtaining a better understanding about GPx
up to six members that are distributed in different evolutionary history consists of the analysis of each
subcellular compartments [17]. main group separately.

3960 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3959–3970 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
R. Margis et al. Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases

Fig. 1. Global phylogenetic tree of 204 GPx amino acid sequences present in the PeroxiBase database. The three main encircled clusters
correspond to vertebrates (v1 to v7) and invertebrates (group I), bacteria and fungi (group II) and plants (group III). The SPLITSTREE was built
after a CLUSTALX multi-alignment and a Neighboir-joining analysis using p-distance and complete deletion parameters with 2000 bootstraps to
assured reliability of all nodes (not indicated).

trees suggest that the sequence of Xenopus (XlGPx01)

Phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate GPxs
is in the base of this group. However, this position
A closer view of the phylogenetic relationships is ambiguous because maximum likelihood placed
among vertebrate GPx genes reveals the presence of XlGPx01 inside the GPx2 cluster (see supplementary
four main structured groups supported by high val- Fig. S1). The GPx1 cluster consists of 11 representa-
ues of bootstrap (Fig. 2). The same tree topology tives of mammalian GPx1 and the bird sequence
was obtained for the main GPx groups by using GgaGPx01, whereas the GPx2 contains eight mam-
parsimony and maximum likelihood (Fig. 2A) or malian GPx2, the bird GgaGPx02 and three
Neighbour-joining (Fig. 2B). The first vertebrate zebrafish sequences (DrGPx02a, DrGPx2b and
group (GPx1 ⁄ 2) is split into two other clusters, char- DrGPx02c). This suggests that the duplication of
acterized by the presence of the mammalian, bird GPx1 and GPx2 genes occurred before the diver-
and fish genes encoding the intracellular proteins gence of birds and mammals, but probably after the
GPx1 and GPx2. Parsimony and Neighbour-joining emergence of amphibians and fishes.

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Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases R. Margis et al.


Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction

from a CLUSTALX multi-alignment of 85 amino
acid sequences from animal GPxs. (A) Coa-
lescent tree from parsimony and maximum
likelihood analyses from 200 informative, 96
constant and 12 non-informative out of the
308 animal GPxs characters. Bootstrap val-
ues for parsimony (upper values) and maxi-
mum likelihood (lower values) are indicated
in branches sharing strict topology. (B) The
tree was built using Neighbour-joining, p-dis-
tance, pairwise deletion and 2000 boot-
straps to estimate interior branch
confidence probability. Branch values with
more than 70% confidence are indicated.
White, two gray and black circles indicate
the conservative clusters encompassing
GPx1 ⁄ 2, GPx3 ⁄ 5 ⁄ 6, GPx7 and GPx4,

The second vertebrate group encompasses the mam- and the GPx7, respectively. Both contain close related
mals GPx3, GPx5 and GPx6. In this group, fish sequences from mammals, birds (GgaGPx04 ⁄ 07),
DrGPx03 and amphibian XlGPx03 sequences group amphibians (XlGPx04 ⁄ 07) and fishes (DrGPx04 ⁄ 07).
together but outside of the mammalian ⁄ bird cluster. Two sequences were also identified in mollusks (Mcal-
This position is well supported by a strong bootstrap, GPx04 and AcaGPx04) and one in Cnidaria
suggesting that the two successive duplications leading (HmetGPx). These sequences, together with arthropod
to the appearance of GPx3, GPx5 and GPx6 occurred GPx sequences (Fig. 2A,B), are much more divergent
only in mammals (Figs 1 and 2). In birds, a single gene and appeared outside of the vertebrate cluster.
encoding GPx3 was identified (GgaGPx03). Note that
parsimony and maximum likelihood revealed that
Phylogenetic analysis of fungi, bacteria and
GPx5 and GPx6 members are much more related to
algae GPxs
each other than to their GPx3 relatives (Fig. 2A).
The third and the fourth groups correspond to more All available sequences from fungi and bacteria clus-
distant and strongly supported branches: the GPx4 tered in the main GPx group II, apart from meta-

3962 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3959–3970 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS
R. Margis et al. Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases

zoan group I and plant group III (Fig. 1). The clustered in five main groups. The previously predicted
detailed phylogenetic relationships among bacteria, subcellular localizations of Arabidopsis, rice and poplar
fungi and algae GPx sequences, inferred from the GPxs [17] are in agreement with the clustering topol-
alignment of 95 amino acid sequences (Fig. 3), reveal ogy obtained for these sequences. The genes classified
that these GPxs split into three main clusters. The as cytosolic are more divergent and were placed out-
first one encompasses eukaryotic unicellular organ-
isms such as Lobosea (HveGPx01), Glaucocysto-
phycea (CyGPx01 and GnoGPx01 and 02) and
Apicomplexa (PfaGPx01 and TgGPx01). In addition,
some Diatoms (TpsGPx01 and 02) and green algae
(CreGPx02 and 04, GsuGPx01) clustered in this
group. The second group contains mostly bacteria
GPx, with representatives of Alphaproteobacteria,
Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria form-
ing three clear distinct subgroups. An exception to
this rule is the cluster of Kinetoplastida. Blue–green
algae (cyanobacteria SYspGPx01) and various mem-
bers of Firmicutes have a scattered distribution
inside the proteobacteria group. The third group
clusters together all the sequences detected in fungi
(Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina from Asc-
omycota) with the exception of a sequence from
algae, which appears at the base of the cluster. The
presence of a sequence in Basidiomycota is marginal
and has been only detected in Ustilago maydis (Um-
GPx). The analysis clearly shows that members from
Ascomycota are distributed in three clusters: one
corresponding to the subphylum Pezizomycotina and
two others containing members from the subphylum
Saccharomycotina, probably as the result of a gene
duplication event.

Phylogenetic analysis of plant GPxs

A meticulous phylogenetic analysis was also carried
out including 166 GPx from plants (Fig. 4). The clado-
gram obtained by parsimony or maximum likelihood
methods exhibited similar topology to the Neighbour-
joining phylogenetic tree and revealed that plant GPxs

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic relationships among bacteria, fungi and algae

GPxs inferred from a CLUSTALX multi-alignment of 95 amino acid
sequences. Clusters encompassing groups of organisms sharing
common evolutionary origin are indicated by brackets: fungi from
subphylum Pezizomycotina and Saccharomycotina; members from
alpha-, beta- and gammaproteobacteria; and members from kine-
toplastida, apicomplexa and glaucocystophyces. Classes of organ-
isms with a single representative were also indicated. The tree was
built using the Neighbour-joining method. The tree is drawn in scale
proportional to the evolutionary distances calculated by the Poisson
correction method. Confidence probability of interior branch lengths
was estimated after 2000 replicates using the bootstrap test. All
positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated, with
114 positions remaining in the final dataset.

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Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases R. Margis et al.

side of the main group that encompasses four other divergence leading to the emergence of these groups
clusters (Fig. 4). Each cluster is represented by GPx occurred only in angiosperms (Fig. 4).
proteins localized or predicted to be localized at differ- Detailed phylogenetic analysis of thiol peroxidases,
ent subcellular compartments: mitochondria, chloro- including peroxiredoxins and plant, fungi and animal
plast, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ⁄ cytosol or secreted. GPxs, revealed that plant GPx are more closely related
Except for the group of secreted GPxs, at least one to human GPx4 than to fungal GPxs (Fig. 5). The
representative of monocots and dicots is found within analysis showed that GPxs and peroxiredoxins form
each branch. The plant phylogenetic tree (Fig. 4) two well supported clusters in spite of their great simi-
clearly shows that mitochondrial GPxs from grasses larity, in relation to their preferential substrate for
clustered in two separated groups. In the other catalytic reaction.
branches (ER ⁄ cytosolic, chloroplastic and cytosolic),
GPx from monocots clustered in single groups of
grasses, indicating that the evolution of these proteins
within these groups was independent (Fig. 4, circles). It has been postulated that, in mammals, the GPX gene
The analysis of the position of GPx sequences from family would have evolved from a common gene ances-
gymnosperm and cryptogams in the plant phylogenetic tor by duplication events, followed by random mobili-
tree (Fig. 4) reveals that the paralogs from cytoplasm, zation in the genome. In this scenario, the ancestor was
chloroplast and mitochondria were already present in proposed to be represented by the GPx4 ⁄ PHGPx
these organisms. The presence of gymnosperm and sequence [3]. In addition, it is known that mammalian
cryptogam sequences in the base of these branches PHGPx appears to be more closely related to GPxs from
indicates the existence of initial duplication at least various organisms than to all mammalian GPx types.
before the emergence of gymnosperm. In addition, the Hence, the PHGPx group must be considered as a phy-
absence of gymnosperm and cryptogam sequences in logenetically ancient achievement of the GPx family. In
ER ⁄ cytosolic and the secreted groups suggests that the the present study, we carried out a phylogenetic analysis

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree inferred from a

CLUSTALX multi-alignment of 166 amino acid
sequences from plant GPxs using the
Neighbour-joining method. Five sequences
from green algae (Chlorophyta) were added
to the analyses and used as the out-group.
Branches corresponding to different subcel-
lular compartments are indicated according
to previous experimental data from the liter-
ature. Positions corresponding to four puta-
tive ancestral GPx duplication events are
indicated with numbers from 1 to 4. Circles
correspond to a cluster only containing
monocot representatives. Squares indicate
the basal position of members from Gymno-
sperms or cryptogams in the main
branches. The bootstrap consensus tree and
evolutionary distances were obtained using
Neighbour-joining, Poisson correction, pair-
wise deletion and 2000 bootstraps. A total
of 323 positions were present in the final

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R. Margis et al. Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases

(group II; Fig. 1). The clocklike model associated with

the maximum likelihood analysis was rejected at a sig-
nificance level of 5% irrespective of the outgroup used
to root the tree. The log-likelihood of the more complex
(no clock) tree was significantly increased, indicating
that GPx genes have evolved at different rates.
The vertebrate cluster of GPxs (Fig. 2) is in agreement
and corroborates previous phylogenetic studies [3].
However, previous phylogenetic evaluations did not
include GPx7 sequences, which represent another set of
vertebrate PHGPxs. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction
produced ambiguous results. Although parsimony and
maximum likelihood analyses grouped members from
GPx7 together with GPx1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (Fig. 2A), the
Neighbour-joining tree revealed GPx7 proteins to be
more related to GPx4 (Fig. 2B). Our result suggests that
all vertebrate GPx gene families evolved by duplication
from a common ancestral gene probably related to the
PHGPx sequence because sequences related to this
group are also present in plants, arthropods and fungi.
After the first duplication event in vertebrates, this
ancestor diverged to form two groups: the first evolved
Fig. 5. Thiol peroxidases phylogenetic tree inferred from a CLUSTALX into GPx4 sequences, and the second group diverged
multi-alignment. A total of 126 sequences were used, encompass- subsequently to produce the GPx7, GPx1 ⁄ GPx2 group
ing animal (15), plant (22) and fungi (23) with their respective HGPx and the GPx3 ⁄ GPx5 ⁄ GPx6 cluster (Figs 1 and 2).
orthologs, all members of human GPxs and representatives of per-
The clustering of GPx4 animal sequences together
oxiredoxins. Animal, plant and fungus HGPx clusters were plotted
with plant and fungi instead of other animal sequences
as compressed subtrees (triangles) to facilitate visualization. Tree
was built using Neighbour-joining, p-distance, pairwise deletion and (Fig. 5) would suggest the existence of an evolutionary
2000 bootstraps. Branch values with more than 70% confidence convergence orchestred by functional pressures [19–23].
are indicated. As previously demonstrated [3], our analysis confirmed
that mammalian PHGPx is more closely related to
involving more than 200 GPx sequences from very GPx from various organisms than to all mammalian
diverse groups of organisms (Fig. 1). With this strategy, GPx types (Figs 1 and 5). This result indicates that
we analyzed the evolutionary relationships existing PHGPx proteins have fundamental and conserved
between different GPx encoding genes, especially aiming functions in organism from different lineages, which
to understand why GPx4 proteins are conserved from could strength the model of convergent evolution of
fungi to mammals and to determine whether all GPx4s GPx genes. However, the conservation also suggests
have the same origin. Our analyses provide evidence for that the precursor of this clad was already present in
recent evolutionary events that resulted in the molecular the ancestral cells before the divergence between inver-
radiation of this gene family but were unable to depict tebrates and vertebrates. Altogether, this global phylo-
more ancient ones. The analysis reveals that vertebrate genetic analysis could indicate that two different
GPx1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 may have had a common phyloge- ancestral GPx genes were present in the ancestral
netic origin, probably distinct from GPx4. Arthropod organism. One sequence evolved only in the animal
GPxs formed a well supported distinct group, but are lineage originated in the genes encoding GPx1 to
closely related to the GPx4 cluster. The basal position of Gpx7. The second ancestral sequence originated in the
these genes in the different trees makes it difficult to modern GPx4, currently present in different organisms
identify the existence of a GPx4 precursor that was such as animals, plants and fungi. Alternatively, the
already present before irradiation between vertebrates absence of GPx1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 in plants and fungi
and invertebrates (Fig. 2B) or their polyphyletic origin may have resulted from the loss of these genes during
(Fig. 2A). Another ancestral GPx should have lead to evolution. In some nematodes and Ciona intestinalis,
the origin of the group encompassing plants (group III; the relationship with GPx4 could be explained by hori-
Fig. 1) that form an independent cluster. Fungal and zontal gene transfer from vertebrates to these organ-
bacterial GPxs form a group distinct from the others isms during parasitism or symbiosis [3,24].

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Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases R. Margis et al.

branch isoforms located at different subcellular local-

Plant GPx and other thiol peroxidases
izations. Thus, isoforms belonging to the same subcel-
The global phylogenetic analysis showed that plant lular compartment are more related to each other than
GPxs form an independent cluster, suggesting that an to isoforms from the same organism but with a differ-
ancestral gene lead to the origin of all plant GPx ent localization, demonstrating that proteins located at
genes. The analysis of the phylogenetic relationships the same subcellular compartment have a common
between plants, yeasts and animals GPx4 (Fig. 5) origin. Our results indicate that all plant GPx genes
revealed that plant GPxs are more closely related to were generated by four major duplication events from
animal GPx4s than to yeast GPxs. Recent studies a single ancestral gene and that these original duplica-
revealed that, similar to the yeast GPxs, the GPx fam- tions have occurred before the divergence of monocots
ily of poplar can reduce peroxides by using Trx as a and dicots. The presence of paralogs in some branches
reductant [17]. Hydroperoxide reduction by thioredoxin suggests that more recent duplications have occurred
was also demonstrated for Arabidopsis thaliana. independently in monocots and dicots (Fig. 4). Our
Recently, the crystal structure of reduced and oxidized results also demonstrate that none of the monocot-
forms of poplar PtGPx05 was determined [25] and specific GPx clustered with any group of dicots,
revealed that this enzyme exhibits an overall structure suggesting that, after the radiation of monocots, GPx
similar to the animal GPxs. The PtGPx05 possesses an evolved independently in both monocots and dicots.
active site cleft architecture (consisting of Cys, Glu Concerning the subcellular localization of plant
and Trp) that is very similar to the mammal SeCys- GPxs, it is likely that specific signatures for each sub-
GPx structures, and distinguishes PtGPx05 from PRxs. group target them to different subcellular compart-
The authors suggest that PtGPx05 is a thioredoxin ments. In spite of this very well defined clustering of
peroxidase, being structurally related to glutathione plant GPx proteins, according to their predicted
peroxidases but exhibiting catalytic and Trx-dependent location, only a few proteins were experimentally
recycling mechanisms of peroxiredoxin. It is possible demonstrated to be targeted to a specific subcellular
that plant GPx could utilize a particular Trx or other localization. A pea (Pisum sativum) GPx homologue to
alternative reductant [18]. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the PtGPx01 was demonstrated to be imported to the
nonselenium-GPx reduces H2O2 using the transcription chloroplast [27]; tomato GPxle-1 and PtGPx05
factor YAP1 as reducing substrate [3,26]. Recently, it (PtrGPx3.1) were found in the cytosol [3,17].
was demonstrated that the Drosophila melanogaster PtGPx06-1 (or PtrGPx3.2) is closely related to the
GPx exhibits a clear preference for Trx with a catalytic PtGPx06-2 (Fig. 4) clustering with other mitochondrial
mechanism involving the formation of internal disul- proteins; however, this protein was experimentally
fide that is pivotal to the interaction with Trx [16]. In demonstrated to be targeted to both mitochondria
addition, molecular modeling and homology analysis and chloroplasts [28]. It remains unknown whether
based on 450 GPx suggests that, in functional terms, the GPx proteins, clustering in a same subcellular
most of the nonmammalian NSGPxs are thioredoxin compartment group, are effectively targeted to the
peroxidases. predicted location.
A reclassification of nonselenium-GPx away from
the GPx family has been proposed [3,16,27] based on
Comparative GPx gene organization
biochemical criteria because these enzymes use sub-
strates other than glutathione, especially thioredoxin. To investigate the relationships among the distinct
The biochemical similarity among these enzymes was plant GPx and animal isoforms, the structural orga-
not supported by our phylogenetic analyses because nization of GPx genes was performed by comparing
these sequences clustered together with vertebrate gene and cDNA sequences encoding the same iso-
GPxs rather than with other thiol peroxidases. The form. All human, arabidopsis and rice GPx genes
result demonstrated the complex evolutionary history were included in the analysis (Fig. 6). A detailed
of GPx sequences, pointing to independent evolution- comparison of GPx genes across plant species
ary pathways with the convergence of some lineages. revealed a high degree of conservation in gene struc-
ture. This suggests that the different GPx genes, cor-
responding to a protein with a distinct subcellular
Sequence diversity and subcellular localization of
location, were generated by duplication events from
plant GPx
a single nuclear ancestral gene. The organelle located
The phylogenetic tree of plant GPxs (Fig. 4) exhibits a GPx may have originated later due to the gain of a
strong dichotomous structure clustering in separated specific signature that targets these proteins to differ-

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R. Margis et al. Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases

ent locations. This contrasts with the results UniProt database ( To
observed for ascorbate peroxidase genes, which pres- identify GPx sequences in a large variety of organisms,
ent a high degree of conservation in gene structure GPx sequences from Arabidopsis were used as query
only for APx isoforms localized in the same subcel- sequences in tBLASTn searches within different databases,
lular compartment. Moreover, the structure of such as the NCBI website (
the APx genes encoding cytosolic and peroxisome BLAST) and TIGR (, and
membrane-bound isoforms is very similar, differing in more specialized databases such as the Plant GDB
markedly from that of the chloroplastic and mito- database ( and the DOE Joint
Genome Institute (JGI) website (
chondrial APx genes, and suggesting that an initial
The non-annotated sequences were analyzed for the
duplication event generated the ancestral genes
presence of a putative gene with two programs: fgenesh
encoding the chloroplastic and the nonchloroplastic
( and genscan
isoforms [29,30].
( The corresponding
Human GPx genes revealed a high degree of conser-
coding sequences were translated with the ‘translate’ tool
vation in gene structure but only for GPxs from the available on the ExPASy proteomics server (http://us.
same cluster (Fig. 2). HsGPx01 and 02 present two and further confirmed for the
exons separated by a long intron, whereas HsGPx03, 05 existence of GPx motifs. All protein sequences described
and 06 contain five exons of almost the same size. and analyzed in the present study were manually annotated,
HsGPx05 can lead to the origin of two distinct tran- formatted and can be found in PeroxiBase, a public data-
scripts resulting from alternative splicing of the third base available at: [31,32]. The
exon (Fig. 6). HsGPx04 and HsGPx07 present very dif- numbering of new sequences was based on the existing
ferent gene organizations, with seven and three exons, numbering of humans for Metazoan GPx, and rice and
respectively. Comparisons of the structural organiza- Arabidopsis for monocot and dicot GPx, respectively.
tion of mammalian GPx genes further corroborate the
phylogenetic tree topology and reinforce the concept of
Sequence and phylogenetic analyses
a common origin, with each isoform arising from a
common ancestor for mammalian GPx genes. Among the available GPx sequences found in the different
Plant GPx and human GPx4 gene organization is databases, only complete protein sequences (or those cover-
very divergent, reinforcing the hypothesis of an ing more than 70% of their closer orthologs) representative
independent evolutionary history with functional con- of each phylum were used to build a global phylogenetic
vergence. The analysis carried out in the present study tree. Introduction of incomplete sequences could increase
is important for understanding GPx evolution and the number of taxa represented in the analyses but would
directing further functional studies. The mechanism of also strongly deteriorate the phylogenetic analyses.
GPx duplication is not clearly known. Their conserved Sequence multiple-alignments were carried out using
protein sequences, and known function, point to sub- clustalx (version 1.83) [33], with further visual inspection,
adjustment and realignments with clustalx.
functionalization. Subfunctionalization is believed to
Phylogenetic analyses using the Neighbour-joining
occur more frequently than neofunctionalization
distance based method were performed with splitstree,
because it exploits common degenerative mutations
version 4.8 [34] or mega, version 4 [35], whereas charac-
rather than relying on rare beneficial mutations. How-
ter-based methods were made with paup*, version 4.0
ever, neofunctionalization corresponding to the gain of
[36] and tree-puzzle, version 5.2 [37]. Both parsimony
new functions cannot be discarded because the depen- and maximum likelihood analyses were used for tree
dence on thioredoxin as an electron donor instead of reconstruction of animal GPx amino acid sequences.
glutathione in some GPx family members indicates Maximum parsimony trees using paup* were obtained by
specialization towards a new function, as recently 1000 random addition heuristic search replicates and with
demonstrated for PtGPx05 acting as a heavy metal the tree bisection–reconnection branch-swapping option.
sink [25]. Maximum likelihood tree reconstruction was made with
tree-puzzle using quartet sampling. Quartet puzzling
was used to choose the possible tree topologies and to
Experimental procedures
simultaneously infer support values for internal branches.
A total of 50 000 puzzling steps were run and 93% of the
Searching for GPx sequences
2 024 785 analyzed quartets were fully resolved. Quartet
Multiple database searches were performed to identify all trees were based on approximate maximum likelihood val-
members of the GPx family in different organisms. The ues using the WAG model of amino acid substitution,
majority of the protein sequences were obtained from the selected as the best lnL model out of five other models

FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3959–3970 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 3967
Evolutionary overview of glutathione peroxidases R. Margis et al.

Fig. 6. Organization of human, arabidopsis and rice GPx genes. Chromosomal localization of human (Hs), arabidopsis (At) and rice (Os) GPxs
are also indicated. The position and size of the intron ⁄ exons was predicted using FGENESH and GENSCAN. White boxes and lines correspond to
exons and introns, respectively. Numbers above each box ⁄ line indicate the intron ⁄ exon size. An asterisk indicates an exon absent in alterna-
tive splicing.

(Dayhoff, JTT, mtREV24, BLOSUM62, VT) and the Cientı́fico e Tecnológico, CNPq, Brasil (308708 ⁄ 2006-7
gamma distribution rate heterogeneity with an alpha equal and 302684 ⁄ 2005-0). The authors also thank the ano-
to 1.02, estimated from data set. A molecular clock nymous referees for their critical comments that con-
maximum likelihood ratio test, present in tree-puzzle, was tributed toward improving this manuscript.
used to test whether GPx genes evolved according to the
molecular clock model. Phylogenetic trees and cladograms
were edited using treeview [38]. References
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Acknowledgements and structure-function relationships of the superoxide
dismutase gene families in angiosperms and their
We thank Patricia Lariguet for her critical reading of relationship to other eukaryotic and prokaryotic
the article. M. M.-P. and R. M. were supported by superoxide dismutases. Arch Biochem Biophys 399,
grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento 19–36.

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Supplementary material
31 Bakalovic N, Passardi F, Ioannidis V, Cosio C, Penel C, The following supplementary material is available
Falquet L & Dunand C (2006) PeroxiBase: a class III online:
plant peroxidase database. Phytochemistry 67, 534–539. Fig. S1. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of ani-
32 Passardi F, Theiler G, Zamocky M, Cosio C, Rouhier mal GPxs.
N, Teixera F, Margis-Pinheiro M, Ioannidis V, Penel C, This material is available as part of the online article
Falquet L et al. (2007) PeroxiBase: the peroxidase data-
base. Phytochemistry 68, 1605–1611.
Please note: Blackwell Publishing is not responsible
33 Thompson JD, Gibson TJ, Plewniak F, Jeanmougin F
for the content or functionality of any supplementary
& Higgins DG (1997) The CLUSTAL_X windows
materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other
interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence align-
than missing material) should be directed to the corre-
ment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Res
25, 4876–4882.
sponding author for the article.

3970 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 3959–3970 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS

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