Lesson 05 Deixis and Distance

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Kasdi Merbah University - Ouargla

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Department of Letters and English Language
Course: Linguistics Instructor: Mr. BENCHEIKH. Y
Time Allotted: 90 minutes Level: 3rd Year LMD Academic Year: 2019/2020

Sixth Semester

Lesson 05 : Deixis and Distance

Note : This is JUST an outline. Please refer to the powerpoint presentation

(S6:Discourse Analysis for Third Year Students 2020 ) for further explanation.

1. Deixis and Distance
1.1 Proximal Terms
1.2 Distal Terms
1.3 Deictic Center
2. Types of Deictic Expressions
2.1 Person Deixis
2.1.1 Proximal Person Deixis
2.1.2 Distal Person Deixis
2.1.3 Social Deixis (Honorifics)
2.2 Spatial Deixis
2.2.1 Proximal Spatial Deixis
2.2.2 Distal Spatial Deixis
2.2.3 Deictic Projection
2.2.4 Psychological Distance
2.3 Temporal Deixis
2.3.1 Proximal Temporal Deixis
2.3.2 Distal Temporal Deixis
3. Deixis and Grammar
3.1 Deictic Expressions and Direct Speech
3.2 Deictic Expressions and Indirect Speech

Required Readings :
1. Chapter 02 : Deixis and Distance (pp09-16) in Yule, G (1996) Pragmatics . Oxford :
Oxford University Press

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