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Ryen Williams

My definition of accountability is having goals set that I will be responsible for

achieving. It can be hard to hold myself accountable because of things that come up or losing

motivation while trying to meet my goals. To keep myself accountable for my personal exercise

and fitness goals, I share goals with the people around me, friends, family, etc. By sharing my

personal exercise and fitness goals with others they can check on me to see how I am doing with

achieving the goal, but also let me know when I am slacking. Although I only work out once a

week for this class, I do want to tone my body, which requires me to work out more. Sometimes

I only find myself working out once a week, which is not helping me achieve my goals, but my

friends always talk to me about how I need to go to the gym more. By my friends keeping me

responsible for the goals I set, has helped me a lot because not only do they check on me, but I

am consistently reminded of the things that I need to do. Also, the front desk people at the gym

keep me accountable because they will mention that they have not seen me in a while, so I try

my best to go more because if they notice that I have been slacking then I am not doing my part

to reach my goal.

Another way I plan on holding myself accountable is to make a schedule of actives and

exercises that can help me reach my goal. A big reason for me to lack accountability in the goals

that I want to achieve is because I get bored or unmotivated. Making a schedule with different

fitness classes or exercise will allow me to be more engaged because I will be doing different

things throughout the week. The more I am engaged in what I am trying to achieve by having a

plan that is not so consistent, I can do better with holding myself more accountable. Along with

making a schedule that has a variety of finesses, I will write down my goal somewhere I can see

it every day. Having my goal written somewhere I can see all the time, reminds me of the
reasons for wanting to start the goal in the first place. Therefore, when I am feeling unmotivated,

I can look at my goal and remember what I need to do. Writing down my goals will be a constant

motivation for me.

Overall, holding myself accountable for achieving my personal exercise and fitness goals

is very important to me. By doing this paper, I have realized things I do currently that is helping

me, but also things I can do in the future. Achieving goals can be hard but having

implementations that can help you is essential to making sure you achieve your goal.

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