Questionnaire: Please Select The Appropriate Answers To The Questions Below

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Please select the appropriate answers to the questions below.

1. Years employed in Andall & Associates?

Under a Year 1 Year – 2 Years 2 Years – 3 Years
Five Years to 10 Years 10 Years and over

2. Have you been promoted since commencement of Employment?

Yes No

3. Are there a high level of promotion within the company?

Yes No

4. Are you satisfied with your role in the work place? Eg. Being a Manager, cashier, supervisor,
clerk (shelf packer)
Yes No

5. Are employees selected to attended training or workshop?

Yes No

6. Are employees encouraged to meet with managers with an aim to addressing job satisfaction?
Yes No

7. What changes would employees like to see in in the work place?

Higher Salaries More Training Promotion Job evaluation

8. When employees accept another job with a different company are adequate notice given to
management to get a replacement worker?
Yes No Sometimes

9. Is there a high turnover of staff? Yes No

10. What are the ages of the workers that experience higher staff turnover?
Under 20 20-30 30-40 50-60

11. Which department experience higher staff turnover and the approximate percentage of
turnover for all positions?
Clerks (Shelf Packers) Cashiers Supervisors Managers

12. Are your profits affected by staff turnover? Yes No

13. What factors affects greatly affect the profits of the Company
Staff Turnover Sickness of Employees Sale of Goods
14. How does staff turnover affect the profitability of the company?
Reduced levels of Sales Lower profits Layoff of employees
Lower budgets for incentives (Profit sharing, bonuses) Decreased Salaries

15. How does management intent to ensure labour turnover rate are minimized?
Higher Salaries More training Job Promotion
Job evaluation Reward systems for achievements

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