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Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Health Student: _Caitlyn Weaner NURS 222: Geriatrics/Mental Health Instructor: __Trudie Johnson SEMESTER: 2020 Spring The student must receive a minimum of a 3.0 average for an overall evaluation of Satisfactory in the clinical rotation. This means out of the 7 objectives with 43 items, the student must eam 129 points out of a possible 172 points, Starred items “* indicate that the student must receive at least a minimum of Satisfactory 3.0 by final faculty evaluation in order to pass clinical and progress to the next course Any item receiving a 1 in the faculty final evaluation is an automatic clinical failure. Any item that is Not Applicable will be scored as “n/a” CLINICAL OBJECTIVES (Course Outcomes): 1. Examine a teaching and learning plan for a geriatric or mental health client ing the nursing process. and utilize appropriate nursing interventions in provi geriatric and mental health client. 3. Differentiate modifications and application of QSEN competencies in the delivery of nursing care for geriatric and mental health clients using best current evidence. 4, Establish and maintain a therapeutic nurse-client relationship utilizing effective communication techniques. 5. Appraise the importance of the role of the professional nurse as an advocate for geriatric and mental health, 6. Examine how stereotyping may affect personal bias and professional development. 7. Select and utilize appropriate information sources to inform ethical decision- making and improve patient outcomes for geriatric and mental health clients. 9 care to the The six roles of the Associate Degree nurse (Advocate, Member of Discipline, Provider of Care, Researcher, Manager of Care, and Teacher) Nursing Program Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Employ critical thinking and reasoning to utilize the nursing process as a framework to deliver comprehensive, safe, and culturally sensitive care across the lifespan, Demonstrate clinical competence in the performance of nursing skills utilizing quality measures to provide safe effective nursing care, Apply best current evidence and appropriate nursing judgment in,collaboration with the patient to guide clinical decision making in the delivery of nursing care, Collaborate and communicate effectively with patients, families and their social support system, and the members of the health care team to achieve mutually agreed upon patient outcomes. '5, Practice within the ethical, legal and regulatory frameworks of professional standards for nursing, including employing agencies’ standards of eare, assuming students had no past conduct or convictions, which prevent ‘such practice. Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Heath 6. Construct a framework of personal accountability for lifelong learning with an entry-level set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors to provide safe, effective nursing care. 7, Employ information literacy skills through the effective use of informaties to ‘communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate errors, and support decision-making. Guide for Interpretation of Evaluation Scale = Student consistently functions at expected level independent Proficient, coordinated, confident, without direction 3 = Student consistently functions at expected level with minimal guidance’ “Safe, accurate, efficient, coordinated, confident, with occasional direction 2 = Student requires reminders and guidance to function at adequate level. Safe and accurate, inefficient or inconsistently efficient 7 = Student performs unsatisfactorily, is unable to meet clinical objectives without needing constant guidance, or the student is unsafe in the clinical setting. Unable to demonstrate procedures. Needs continuous verbal and/or physical direction. Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student and Faculty 7]2]3]4] 1. Examine a teaching and learning plan fora geriatric or [4/23] 4 mental health client utilizing the nursing process. (teacher, researcher, manager of care; SLO 1, 2, 3, 4,7) 7 Assesses pertinent data (physical, developmenial, x psychosocial, environmental) and impact on teaching/learning* 2. Assesses anxiety level of client” x 3. Identifies nursing diagnosis of aclual and potential problems x telated to : learning needs and teaching * 4, Establishes priorities of client problems * x 5. Uses available opportunities for client teaching.* x 6. incorporates rehab and discharge planning into nursing care x Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student & Facul 4121]3)|4|2. Select and utilize appropriate nursing 1 2i3/4 interventions in providing care to the geriatric and mental health client. (provider of care, manager of care; SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, D 7, Recognizes changes in client's physical or emotional x condition * 8. Correlates theory with clinical * x Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus Nursing 222 Geriatries and Mental Health 9. Organizes time and work = 10. Adapts to new and stressful situations * 71. Applies skills using good judgment * 742. Meets client's obvious physical needs* 413. Meets client's obvious psycho-social needs * 14, Maintains a safe client environment * 45. Evaluates nursing care based on client goals * >[><|_[><[><[><)><; 46. Records pertinent data using correct English and medical terminology * NA- no charting this semester T7. Reports off unit to team leader or representative” Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Facull Final Eval. Stu ident & 112|3] 4 | 3. Differentiate mo: ications and applicat and mental health clients using best current SLO1, 2, 3,4, 5,6) in of QSEN 7 competencies in the delivery of nursing care for geriatric ‘evidence.(member of discipline, provider of care, advocate; treatments * 78. Explains scientific rationale for care, medication and manner * 19. Approaches client, health team and work in a positive 20. Encourages client self-disclosure and expression of feelings condition 21. Uses probiem solving skills to address changes in client thorough assessment data collection 23, Creates a plan of care for the geriatric client based upon >| x] x! x glient 23. Creates plan of care to meet unique needs of mental health client's physical or emotional condition * 724. Responds effectively and appropriately to changes in 25, Revises nursing care based on client responses ‘on nursing care * "26. Assesses developmental level of client and explains impact team members 27. Communicates effectively with the RN and other health care’ 28. Recognizes resources to assist the mental health olient x Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Faculty Final Eval, Student & utilizing effective communication techniques. 412 [3 ]4 | 4. Establish and maintain a therapeutic nurse-client relationship | 4 (member of discipline, advocate, manager of care; SLO, 2, 4) ‘29. Maintains confidentiality of relationship and client information. and expression of feelings. 30. Responds appropriately and therapeutically to client self-disclosure 31. Uses problem solving skills to help client find alternatives * 32. Communicates client needs to health care team. Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Health Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student & Faculty 4]2]3]4]5. Appraise the importance of the role of the professional [1] 2]3/4 nurse as an advocate for geriatric and mental health. i (advocate, researcher, member of discipline; SLO 4, 5, 6,7) 33, Respond fo the client need for autonomy in making decisions x regarding treatment 34, Seeks resources for continuing care and patient assistance x 35, Educates clients on rights, provides information for informed x ‘consent, educates patients for prevention of violence, 36. Protects confidential affairs of facility and client. * x 37. Practices professional standards of attendance and punctuality; x artives on time and stays for full duration of clinical. * 38, Demonstrates accountability for care given by self and/or x delegated to others." Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student & Facul 11213]4] 6, Examine how stereotyping may affect personal bias and | 1) 2/3] 4 professional development. {member of discipline, advocate; SLO 4, 6, 6, 7) 9, Provides culturally relevant care in psychiatric mental health x settings. 40, Explains how stigma and stereotyping affect decision K making within the nursing process (patient presentation, patient behaviors, patient ability to participate in care) Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student & Faculty 41213 ]4|7. Select and utilize appropriate information sources to [1 [2/3] 4 | inform ethical decision-making and improve patient outcomes | for geriatric and mental health clients. {advecate, member of discipline, manager of care, researcher, provider of care; SLO 6) 41. Creates a nursing plan of care utilizing evidence-based x resources 42. Applies ethical principles to provide safe and effective care x 43. Anticipates adverse events and suggests nursing care to x, ‘optimize client outcomes ADDITIONAL ENTS TO EARN A SATISFACTORY GRADE IN THIS CO! LAB & SKILLS: Passed Medication Dosage Cateulation Exam —] Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus ‘Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Health Mental Status Lab- Date: ‘Substanee Abuse Lab- Date: (Medication Administration Lab - Date: ‘Simulation Date: Contfliet Resolution/Crises Prevention Lab- Date: Geriatric delirium-dementia) -Lab Date: Geri Physical Care Lab Date: ee Puwd & settinhleam 20/80 ‘Teaching Project Grade_ 62/50 Overall Mid-Term Evaluation (number score) See comments (attached). Overall Final Evaluation (number score) See comments (attached). Bryant & Stratton College Mi |-Term Suident Self-Rvaluation Summary AVERAGE >: / 27 3,89) AVERAGE, Name: Caitlyn Wegner Semester: Spring 2020 Course: _ Mental Health Clinical Site: __ Ascension St. Francis Identification of Strengths ant & Stratton College ourse Syllabus ‘Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Health Bryant & Stratton College Nursing Clinical Evaluation Too! Student Ca Ww. NURS 222: Geriatrics/Mental Health Instructor: 7th) SEMESTER: 2019 The student must receive a minimum of a 3.0 average for an overall evaluation of Satisfactory in the clinical rotation. This means out of the 7 objectives with 43 items, the student must earn 129 Points out of a possible 172 points. Starred items "*" indicate that the student must receive at least a minimum of Satisfactory 3.0 by final faculty evaluation in order to pass clinical and progress to the next course. ‘Any item receiving a 1 in the faculty final evaluation is an automatic clinical failure, Any item that is Not Applicable will be scored as “n/a” CLINICAL OBJECTIVES (Course Outcomes): 4. Examine a teaching and learning plan for a geriatric or mental health client utilizing the nursing process. 2, Select and utilize appropriate nursing interventions in providing care to the geriatric and mental health client. 3. Differentiate modifications and application of QSEN competencies in the delivery of nursing care for geriatric and mental health clients using best current evidence. 4, Establish and maintain a therapeutic nurse-client relationship utilizing effective communication techniques. 5. Appraise the importance of the role of the professional nurse as an advocate for geriatric and mental health. 6, Examine how stereotyping may affect personal bias and professional development. 7. Select and utilize appropriate information sources to inform ethical decision- making and improve patient outcomes for geriatric and mental health clients. The six roles of the Assoclate Degree nurse (Advocate, Member of Discipline, Provider of Care, Researcher, Manager of Care, and Teacher) Nursing Program Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Employ critical thinking and reasoning to utilize the nursing process as a framework to deliver comprehensive, safe, and culturally sensitive care across the lifespan, 2. Demonstrate clinical competence in the performance of nursing skills utilizing quality measures to provide safe effective nursing care, 3. Apply best current evidence and appropriate nursing judgment in collaboration with the patient to guide clinical decision making in the delivery of nursing care, Bryant & Stratton College Course Syllabus ‘Nursing 222 Geriatrics and Mental Health 1]2]3]4|2. Select and utilize appropriate nursing interventions in| 1]2]3][4 providing care to the geriatric and mental health client. (provider of care, manager of care; SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) PX] 7. Recognizes changes in cients physical or emotional 4 condition * 8. Correlates theory with ch ‘9. Organizes time and work * 10. Adapts to new and stressful situations * |X |_| 11. Applies skills using good judgment * [X| 12. Meets client's obvious physical needs* zx 13. Meals client's obvious psycho-social needs * 74. Maintains a safe client environment * . Evaluates nursing care based on client goals * L Z| "6: Records pertinent data using correct English and medical xX terminology * 77. Reports off unit to team leader or representative.” ¥ Mid-Term Eval Student and Faculty Final Eval. Student & Faculty _ 1[2|3|4] 3. Differentiate modifications and application of QSEN 7]2]3]4 ‘competencies in the delivery of nursing care for geriatric and mental health clients using best current evidence.(member of discipline, provider of care, advocate; SLO1, 2,3, 4, 5,6) ce 18. Explains scientific rationale for care, medication and {treatments * [}<| #2, Approaches cen, health feem and workin postive manner * {| | 20: Encourages cient sel disclosure and expression of fecings x 27. Uses problem solving skills to address changes in client ‘condition a 722. Creates a plan of care for the geriatric client based upon thorough assessment data collection 23. Creates plan of care to mee! unique needs of mental health x client_ _ 24. Responds effectively and appropriately to changes in clients 1 | physical cor emotional condition * 25, Revises nursing care based on client responses _ 26. Assesses developmental level of client and explai Bios ps | 3 impact XJ | on Xx nursing care * 27. Communicates effectively with the RN and other health care | team L members, X_| 28. Recognizes resources to assist the mental health client x Bryant & Stratton College ‘Course Syllabus Nursing 222 Ger jes and Mental Health ethical decision-making and improve patient outcomes _ for geriatric and mental health clients. {advocate, member of discipline, manager of care, researcher, provider of care; SLO 5) ‘41, Creates a nursing plan of care utilizing evidence-based resources ‘42. Applies ethical principles to provide safe and effective care x | | 42, Antcpates adverse events and suggests nursing caro to optimize client outcomes: tr ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO EARN A SATISFACTORY GRADE IN THIS COURS! LAB & SKILLS: Passed Medication Dosage Cateulation Bxam Y} £3 (yes) Mental Status Lab- Date: Substance Abuse Lab- Date:___ Medication Administration Lab - Date: ___ Simulation Date: Confitet Resotution/Crises Prevention Lab- Date: Geriatric delisium-dementi) -Lab Date: ____ Geri Physical Care Lab Date:__ Conn Rind Research Project Grade ‘Teaching Project Grade 135; d ‘Overall Mid-Term Evaluation (number score) [2 AVERAGH See comments (attached). Overall Final Evaluation (number score) AVERAGE. ‘See comments (attached). Bryant & Stration College Course Syllabus ‘Nursing 222 Geriatries and Mental Health Bryant & Stratton College : Final Student Self-Rvaluation Summary Name: Semester: Course: Clinica Site: Frans Identification of Strengths | |. Las familiar with epic because of my eurrent job which helped tremendously with the paperwork and navigating the system, 2, Thave a great background in patient care which helped a lot with patient interactions this semester, I did hhave a hard time conversations regarding mental health situations. It was very casy for me to build rapport with my patients and read them to know what bothered them and what didn’ 3. [have some confidence within my patient care techniques which I use as a strength and shows me as confident. Areas for Development 1. Linced more practice communicating with those suffering fom mental health disorders, I fee like I don't always kaow tho right thing t say. 2. [feel I need more practice with my head to toe assessment to help me prepare forthe next semester. 3. need to develop a better sense of time to assist with my time management skills. [have a hard time getting things done on time, or saying no to things that will take up a fot of my time and not leave me enough time to do my own things. Plan for Improvement 1. plan to assess my time better atthe beginning of the semester to make a better schedule of my time to manage my time beter. 2. plan to practice my assessments at hone with my Fundamentals textbook and lab book prior to next semester starting 3. [plan to read more on therapeutic communication to leam more of what fo say especially with suicidal patients or those who have had suicide atlempts, | Faculty Comments at Final : pee ermeedy aEinnt) Remini te unenprete hattey time mung Cant

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